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Lines Matching defs:DISPLAY

90 #define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
91 #define PROGRESS(...) g_noPrompt ? 0 : DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__)
109 DISPLAY("-Using Block Size of %i KB-\n", g_chunkSize>>10);
115 DISPLAY("- %i iterations -\n", g_nbIterations);
310 if (result!=0) { DISPLAY("Error decompressing frame : unfinished frame\n"); exit(8); }
311 if (srcSize != (size_t)inSize) { DISPLAY("Error decompressing frame : read size incorrect\n"); exit(9); }
324 if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) { DISPLAY("dctx allocation issue \n"); return 10; } }
343 if (inFile==NULL) { DISPLAY( "Pb opening %s\n", inFileName); return 11; }
347 if (inFileSize==0) { DISPLAY( "file is empty\n"); fclose(inFile); return 11; }
349 if (benchedSize==0) { DISPLAY( "not enough memory\n"); fclose(inFile); return 11; }
352 DISPLAY("Not enough memory for '%s' full size; testing %i MB only...\n", inFileName, (int)(benchedSize>>20));
362 DISPLAY("\nError: not enough memory!\n");
371 DISPLAY("Loading %s... \r", inFileName);
376 DISPLAY("\nError: problem reading file '%s' !! \n", inFileName);
392 DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", "");
393 DISPLAY(" %s : \n", inFileName);
422 case 0 : DISPLAY("Compression functions : \n"); continue;
442 if (chunkP[0].origSize < 8) { DISPLAY(" cannot bench %s with less then 8 bytes \n", compressorName); continue; }
446 if (chunkP[0].origSize < 8) { DISPLAY(" cannot bench %s with less then 8 bytes \n", compressorName); continue; }
468 if (chunkP[chunkNb].compressedSize==0) DISPLAY("ERROR ! %s() = 0 !! \n", compressorName), exit(1);
483 DISPLAY("%2i-%-28.28s :%9i ->%9i (%5.2f%%),%7.1f MB/s\n", cAlgNb, compressorName, (int)benchedSize, (int)cSize, ratio, (double)benchedSize / bestTime / 1000000);
485 DISPLAY("%2i-%-28.28s :%9i ->%9i (%5.1f%%),%7.1f MB/s\n", cAlgNb, compressorName, (int)benchedSize, (int)cSize, ratio, (double)benchedSize / bestTime / 100000);
506 if (chunkP[chunkNb].compressedSize==0) DISPLAY("ERROR ! %s() = 0 !! \n", "LZ4_compress"), exit(1);
519 case 0: DISPLAY("Decompression functions : \n"); continue;
531 DISPLAY("Error while preparing compressed frame\n");
561 if (chunkP[chunkNb].origSize != decodedSize) DISPLAY("ERROR ! %s() == %i != %i !! \n", dName, decodedSize, chunkP[chunkNb].origSize), exit(1);
575 if (crcOriginal!=crcDecoded) { DISPLAY("\n!!! WARNING !!! %14s : Invalid Checksum : %x != %x\n", inFileName, (unsigned)crcOriginal, (unsigned)crcDecoded); exit(1); }
578 DISPLAY("%2i-%-29.29s :%10i -> %7.1f MB/s\n", dAlgNb, dName, (int)benchedSize, (double)benchedSize / bestTime / 1000000);
595 DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
596 DISPLAY( " %s [arg] file1 file2 ... fileX\n", exename);
597 DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
598 DISPLAY( " -c : compression tests only\n");
599 DISPLAY( " -d : decompression tests only\n");
600 DISPLAY( " -H/-h : Help (this text + advanced options)\n");
606 DISPLAY( "\nAdvanced options :\n");
607 DISPLAY( " -c# : test only compression function # [1-%i]\n", NB_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS);
608 DISPLAY( " -d# : test only decompression function # [1-%i]\n", NB_DECOMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS);
609 DISPLAY( " -i# : iteration loops [1-9](default : %i)\n", NBLOOPS);
610 DISPLAY( " -B# : Block size [4-7](default : 7)\n");
616 DISPLAY("Wrong parameters\n");
669 // Display help on usage