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25  * <h3>Protocol vs Scheme</h3>
28 * the protocol (http/1.1, spdy/3.1, etc.). OkHttp uses the word <i>protocol</i>
31 public enum Protocol {
48 * Chromium's binary-framed protocol that includes header compression,
53 * href="http://dev.chromium.org/spdy/spdy-protocol/spdy-protocol-draft3-1">draft
60 * The IETF's binary-framed protocol that includes header compression,
71 private final String protocol;
73 Protocol(String protocol) {
74 this.protocol = protocol;
78 * Returns the protocol identified by {@code protocol}.
79 * @throws IOException if {@code protocol} is unknown.
81 public static Protocol get(String protocol) throws IOException {
83 if (protocol.equals(HTTP_1_0.protocol)) return HTTP_1_0;
84 if (protocol.equals(HTTP_1_1.protocol)) return HTTP_1_1;
85 if (protocol.equals(HTTP_2.protocol)) return HTTP_2;
86 if (protocol.equals(SPDY_3.protocol)) return SPDY_3;
87 throw new IOException("Unexpected protocol: " + protocol);
91 * Returns the string used to identify this protocol for ALPN, like
95 return protocol;