Lines Matching full:alert
37 app.alert('Applying to util itself - should succeed');
39 app.alert(util.byteToChar.apply(util, [65]));
42 app.alert('Caught: ' + e);
45 app.alert('Applying to array - should throw');
47 app.alert(util.byteToChar.apply([], [65]));
50 app.alert('Caught: ' + e);
53 app.alert('Applying to number - should throw');
55 app.alert(util.byteToChar.apply(7, [65]));
58 app.alert('Caught: ' + e);
61 app.alert('Applying to wrong native obj - should throw');
63 app.alert(util.byteToChar.apply(app, [65]));
66 app.alert('Caught: ' + e);