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Lines Matching defs:LOG

56 #undef LOG
57 #define LOG(Expr) log([&](Ostream & out) { Expr; })
269 LOG(out << "Buffer(" << Count << ")\n");
275 LOG(out << "Start(" << Params << ") = ");
278 LOG(out << Node(Entry) << "\n");
292 LOG(out << "Param(" << Index << ") = ");
297 LOG(out << Node(Arg) << "\n");
302 LOG(out << "Loop(" << Entry << ") = " << Loop << "\n");
308 LOG(out << "Terminate(" << Effect << ", " << Control << ")"
312 LOG(out << "Merge(" << Count);
314 LOG(out << ", " << Controls[i]);
316 LOG(out << ") = ");
324 LOG(out << (OperandNode)MergedNode << "\n");
328 LOG(out << "Phi(" << Count << ", " << Control);
330 LOG(out << ", " << Vals[i]);
332 LOG(out << ") = ");
353 LOG(out << Node(Dest) << "\n");
358 LOG(out << "EffectPhi(" << Count << ", " << Control << "):\n");
360 LOG(out << " " << Effects[i] << "\n");
365 LOG(out << "Int32Constant(" << Value << ") = ");
369 LOG(out << Node(Const) << "\n");
373 LOG(out << "Int64Constant(" << Value << ") = ");
376 LOG(out << Node(Const) << "\n");
380 LOG(out << "Float32Constant(" << Value << ") = ");
383 LOG(out << Node(Const) << "\n");
387 LOG(out << "Float64Constant(" << Value << ") = ");
390 LOG(out << Node(Const) << "\n");
394 LOG(out << "Binop(" << WasmOpcodes::OpcodeName(Opcode) << ", " << Left
703 LOG(out << "Unknown binop: " << WasmOpcodes::OpcodeName(Opcode) << "\n");
707 LOG(out << Dest << "\n");
711 LOG(out << "Unop(" << WasmOpcodes::OpcodeName(Opcode) << ", " << Input
926 LOG(out << "Unknown unop: " << WasmOpcodes::OpcodeName(Opcode) << "\n");
930 LOG(out << Dest << "\n");
935 LOG(out << "IsPhiWithMerge(" << Phi << ", " << Merge << ")"
938 LOG(out << " ...is operand"
941 LOG(out << " ...has defining instruction"
943 LOG(out << getDefNode(Phi) << "\n");
944 LOG(out << " ..." << (getDefNode(Phi) == Merge) << "\n");
954 LOG(out << "AppendToPhi(" << Merge << ", " << Phi << ", " << From << ")"
966 LOG(out << "Branch(" << Cond << ", ");
974 LOG(out << *TrueNode << ", " << *FalseNode << ")"
991 LOG(out << "Switch(" << Count << ", " << Key << ")\n");
1006 LOG(out << "IfValue(" << Value << ") [Index = " << SwitchIndex << "]\n");
1013 LOG(out << "IfDefault(...) [Index = " << SwitchIndex << "]\n");
1026 LOG(out << "Return(");
1028 LOG(out << Vals[0]);
1029 LOG(out << ")"
1035 LOG(out << Node(nullptr) << "\n");
1039 LOG(out << "ReturnVoid() = ");
1043 LOG(out << Node(nullptr) << "\n");
1047 LOG(out << "Unreachable() = ");
1050 LOG(out << Node(nullptr) << "\n");
1055 LOG(out << "CallDirect(" << Index << ")"
1064 LOG(out << " number of args: " << NumArgs << "\n");
1067 LOG(out << " target name: " << TargetName << "\n");
1081 LOG(out << " args[" << i << "] = " << Args[i + 1] << "\n");
1086 LOG(out << "Call Result = " << Node(Dest) << "\n");
1090 LOG(out << "CallImport(" << Index << ")"
1097 LOG(out << " number of args: " << NumArgs << "\n");
1106 LOG(out << " target name: " << TargetName << "\n");
1120 LOG(out << " args[" << i << "] = " << Args[i + 1] << "\n");
1126 LOG(out << "Call Result = " << Node(Dest) << "\n");
1130 LOG(out << "CallIndirect(" << SigIndex << ")\n");
1206 LOG(out << "LoadMem." << toIceType(MemType) << "(" << Index << "[" << Offset
1238 LOG(out << Result << "\n");
1242 LOG(out << "StoreMem." << toIceType(Type) << "(" << Index << "[" << Offset
1306 LOG(out << "\n== setDefiningInst(" << Op << ", " << Phi << ") ==\n");
1425 template <typename F = std::function<void(Ostream &)>> void log(F Fn) const {
1447 LOG(out << getFlags().getDefaultGlobalPrefix() << "\n");
1469 LOG(out << "Initializing v8/wasm stuff..."
1478 LOG(out << "Read " << BytesRead << " bytes"
1485 LOG(out << "Decoding module " << IRFilename << "\n");
1493 LOG(out << "Module info:"
1495 LOG(out << " min_mem_pages: " << Module->min_mem_pages << "\n");
1496 LOG(out << " max_mem_pages: " << Module->max_mem_pages << "\n");
1497 LOG(out << " number of globals: " << Module->globals.size() << "\n");
1498 LOG(out << " number of signatures: " << Module->signatures.size()
1500 LOG(out << " number of functions: " << Module->functions.size() << "\n");
1501 LOG(out << " number of data_segments: " << Module->data_segments.size()
1503 LOG(out << " function table size: " << Module->function_table.size()
1505 LOG(out << " import table size: " << Module->import_table.size()
1507 LOG(out << " export table size: " << Module->export_table.size()
1510 LOG(out << "\n"
1515 LOG(out << Id << ": (" << Seg.source_offset << ", " << Seg.source_size
1518 LOG(out << " init\n");
1520 LOG(out << "\n");
1525 LOG(out << "\n"
1533 LOG(out << " " << Import.sig_index << ": " << ModuleName << "::" << FnName
1537 LOG(out << "\n"
1541 LOG(out << " " << Export.func_index << ": "
1545 LOG(out << "\n");
1548 LOG(out << "\n"
1552 LOG(out << " " << F.func_index << ": "
1556 LOG(out << " export");
1558 LOG(out << " extern");
1559 LOG(out << "\n");
1562 LOG(out << "\n"
1566 LOG(out << " " << F << ": " << getFunctionName(Module, F) << "\n");
1575 LOG(out << "Translating " << IRFilename << "\n");
1630 LOG(out << " " << Fn.func_index << ": " << FnName << "...");
1644 LOG(out << "done.\n");