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Lines Matching refs:total_size

14   UINT16 total_size = 0;
20 total_size += TPM_HANDLE_Marshal(&source->objectHandle, buffer, size);
25 // Don't add to total_size, but increment *buffer and decrement *size.
29 total_size += TPM2B_PUBLIC_Marshal(&source->outPublic, buffer, size);
30 total_size +=
32 total_size += TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(&source->creationHash, buffer, size);
33 total_size += TPMT_TK_CREATION_Marshal(&source->creationTicket, buffer, size);
34 total_size += TPM2B_NAME_Marshal(&source->name, buffer, size);
35 // Compute actual parameter_size. Don't add result to total_size.
37 parameter_size = total_size - num_response_handles * sizeof(TPM_HANDLE);
41 return total_size;