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Lines Matching defs:POSTAL

70      * Signifies a postal address row that is stored in the ContactMethods table
1138 * postal address, etc.
1230 * The column with latitude data for postal locations
1238 * The column with longitude data for postal locations
1435 * Add a longitude and latitude location to a postal address.
1454 // Update the postal address
1498 public static final String CONTENT_POSTAL_TYPE = "vnd.android.cursor.dir/postal-address";
1515 = "vnd.android.cursor.item/postal-address";
2380 * The extra field for the contact postal address.
2385 public static final String POSTAL = ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.POSTAL;
2388 * The extra field for the contact postal address type.
2397 * The extra field for the postal isprimary flag.