Lines Matching full:logd
1676 LOGD("Stillwidth: %d, height: %d", stillWidth, stillHeight);
1677 LOGD("Max width: %d, height: %d", maxWidth, maxHeight);
1678 LOGD("still aspect: %f, Max Pic Aspect: %f",
1687 LOGD("horizCropFactor %f, vertCropFactor %f",
1905 LOGD("Cannot find matching aspect ratio, choose max of preview or video size");
2052 LOGD("requested jpeg thumbnail size %d x %d", width, height);
2462 LOGD("Requested Fixed Frame Rate %s", str);
2555 LOGD("current focus mode: %s", focus_str);
2601 LOGD("new brightness value : %d ", brightness);
2611 LOGD("No brightness value changed.");
2657 LOGD("new sharpness value : %d ", shaprness);
2667 LOGD("No value change in shaprness");
2696 LOGD("new Skintone Enhancement value : %d ", sceFactor);
2706 LOGD("No value change in skintone enhancement factor");
2735 LOGD("new saturation value : %d ", saturation);
2745 LOGD("No value change in saturation factor");
2774 LOGD("new contrast value : %d ", contrast);
2785 LOGD("No value change in contrast");
2814 LOGD("new Exposure Compensation value : %d ", expComp);
2824 LOGD("No value change in Exposure Compensation");
2871 LOGD("current wb mode: %s", wb_str);
2875 LOGD("dont set cct to back-end.");
3119 LOGD("No value change in zoom %d %d", prevZoomLevel, zoomLevel);
3776 LOGD("AF Bracketing is not supported");
3872 LOGD("True Portrait is not supported");
4025 LOGD("Quadra CFA mode not supported");
4043 LOGD("No change in Quadra CFA mode");
4079 LOGD("See more is not supported");
4109 LOGD("SW TNR is not supported");
4140 LOGD("Stillmore is not supported");
4442 LOGD("str_val: %s, prev_str: %s", str_val, prev_str);
4713 LOGD("TNR enabled for SNAPSHOT stream");
4739 LOGD("CDS is set to = %s when TNR is enabled",
4754 LOGD("TNR enabled = %d, plates = %d",
4809 LOGD("Setting selection value %s", str);
4888 LOGD("RDI mode set to %s", str);
4891 LOGD("RDI mode set to prop: %s", prop);
4919 LOGD("Secure mode set to KEY: %s", str);
4923 LOGD("Secure mode set to prop: %s", prop);
4934 LOGD("Secure steam type is CAM_STREAM_TYPE_RAW");
4937 LOGD("Secure steam type is CAM_STREAM_TYPE_PREVIEW");
5507 LOGD("supported live snapshot sizes: %s", liveSnpashotSizeValues.string());
5546 LOGD("KEY_QC_RAW_PICUTRE_SIZE: w: %d, h: %d ",
5890 LOGD("HFR values = %s HFR Sizes = %s", hfrValues.string(), hfrSizeValues.string());
6281 LOGD("max pic size = %d %d", pic_dim.width,
6677 LOGD("E minFps = %d, maxFps = %d , vid minFps = %d, vid maxFps = %d",
6918 LOGD("update exposure time: old: %s, new: %s", prevExpTime, newExpTime);
6925 LOGD("update iso: old:%d, new:%d", prevISO, newISO);
6945 LOGD("update focus scale: old:%d, new:%d", prevScalePos, newScalePos);
6952 LOGD("update focus diopter: old:%f, new:%f", prevDiopterPos, newDiopterPos);
7316 LOGD("iso manual mode - use continuous iso");
7361 LOGD("current iso mode: %s", iso);
7365 LOGD("dont set iso to back-end.");
7621 LOGD("Flash frame batch cnt = %d",frame_config.num_batch);
7665 LOGD("exp values %d",
7723 LOGD("exp values %d", (int)m_AEBracketingClient.values[i]);
7771 LOGD("E");
7794 LOGD("X: batch cnt = %d", frame_config.num_batch);
8147 LOGD("Set CDS in video mode = %d", cds_mode);
8168 LOGD("Set CDS in video mode from setprop = %d", cds_mode);
8187 LOGD("Set CDS in capture mode = %d", cds_mode);
8208 LOGD("Set CDS in snapshot mode from setprop = %d", cds_mode);
8242 LOGD("Set initial exposure index value from param = %d", value);
8254 LOGD("Set initial exposure index value from setprop = %d", value);
8268 LOGD("Invalid value for initial exposure index value %d", value);
8299 LOGD("Set instant Capture from param = %d", value);
8314 LOGD("Set instant capture from setprop = %d", value);
8387 LOGD("Set instant AEC from param = %d", value);
8402 LOGD("Set instant AEC from setprop = %d", value);
8708 LOGD("update current cct value. old:%d, now:%d",
8721 LOGD("update currernt RGB gains: old %s new %s", prev_gains, gainStr);
8889 LOGD("Parameter string is null");
8978 LOGD("Parameter string is null");
9087 LOGD("%s: Found match for %d x %d", __func__, req_w, req_h);
9115 LOGD("Setting SceneMode %s", sceneModeStr);
9154 LOGD("Setting Selectable Zone AF value %s", selZoneAFStr);
9202 LOGD("setAEBracket with NULL value");
9220 LOGD("setting Exposure Bracketing value of %s",
9225 LOGD("capture-burst-exposures not set, back to HDR OFF mode");
9283 LOGD("focus mode %s", focus);
9837 LOGD("Setting video buffer %s",
9927 LOGD("Setting Flash value %d", value);
9966 LOGD("Setting RedEye Reduce value %s", redeyeStr);
10057 LOGD("Denoise enable=%d, plates=%d",
10083 LOGD("RDI_DEBUG rdi mode value: %s", str);
10116 LOGD("Secure mode value: %s", str);
10409 LOGD("Stream type = %d Stream Format = %d", streamType, format);
10446 LOGD("No flip mode for stream type %d", type);
10582 LOGD("Stream type = %d Stream Dimension = %d X %d",
12522 LOGD("CALIB version %d ", calib->calibration_format_version);
12523 LOGD("CALIB normalized_focal_length %f ",
12525 LOGD("CALIB native_sensor_resolution_width %d ",
12527 LOGD("CALIB native_sensor_resolution_height %d ",
12529 LOGD("CALIB sensor_resolution_width %d ",
12531 LOGD("CALIB sensor_resolution_height %d ",
12533 LOGD("CALIB focal_length_ratio %f ",
14384 LOGD("width=%d, height=%d, enable=%d", dim.width, dim.height, enable);
14784 LOGD("Additional post processing enabled for manual capture");
14795 LOGD("2 Pass postprocessing enabled");
14982 LOGD("mVideoBatchSize = %d", mVideoBatchSize);
15350 LOGD("FD mode in Video : %d", fdvideo);
15371 LOGD("isOEMFeatFrameSkipEnabled %d", oemfeatframeskipenabled);
15515 LOGD("Setting led calibration mode %d", value);
15570 LOGD(" Instant AEC value set to backend %d", value);
15589 LOGD("updating advanced capture mode value to %d",value);
15759 LOGD("Link preview for thumbnail %d", enable);
15775 LOGD("value = %d", value);
15891 LOGD("LPM for %s camera: %d", cam == CAM_TYPE_MAIN ? "main" : "aux", lpm);
15958 LOGD("Dual camera: Low Power Mode disabled");