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48  * CA. The reverse certificate of the CertificatePair contains a certificate
49 * issued by this CA to another CA. When both the forward and the reverse
61 * reverse [1] Certificate OPTIONAL
79 private X509Certificate reverse;
96 * @param reverse The reverse component of the certificate pair
100 public X509CertificatePair(X509Certificate forward, X509Certificate reverse)
102 if (forward == null && reverse == null) {
108 this.reverse = reverse;
161 * Sets the reverse component of the certificate pair.
165 reverse = cert;
178 * Returns the reverse component of the certificate pair.
180 * @return The reverse certificate, or null if not set.
183 return reverse;
216 if (reverse != null)
217 sb.append(" Reverse: ").append(reverse).append("\n");
248 if (reverse != null) {
249 throw new IOException("Duplicate reverse "
253 reverse = X509Factory.intern
262 if (forward == null && reverse == null) {
281 if (reverse != null) {
283 tmp.putDerValue(new DerValue(reverse.getEncoded()));
297 if (forward == null || reverse == null) {
306 X500Principal rvSubject = reverse.getSubjectX500Principal();
307 X500Principal rvIssuer = reverse.getIssuerX500Principal();
310 + "forward and reverse certificates do not match");
315 PublicKey pk = reverse.getPublicKey();
323 reverse.verify(pk);