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Lines Matching defs:Read

533 		// Ensure that we can read back the original Header as written with
650 _, err = io.CopyBuffer(h, tr, rdbuf) // Effectively an incremental read
690 cnt int // Number of bytes to read
691 output string // Expected value of string read
751 _, err = tr.Read([]byte{})
788 cnt int // Expected number of headers read
884 // TestReadHeaderOnly tests that Reader does not attempt to read special
906 // If a special flag, we should read nothing.
1340 // Read is never called with an empty buffer.
1343 func (r testNonEmptyReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
1345 return 0, errors.New("unexpected empty Read call")
1347 return r.Reader.Read(b)
1352 testRead struct { // Read(cnt) == (wantStr, wantErr)
1583 n, err := fr.Read(b)
1585 t.Errorf("test %d.%d, Read(%d):\ngot (%q, %v)\nwant (%q, %v)", i, j, tf.cnt, got, err, tf.wantStr, tf.wantErr)