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Lines Matching defs:syntax_error

101 		p.syntax_error("expecting " + tokstring(tok))
187 func (p *parser) syntax_error(msg string) { p.syntax_error_at(p.pos(), msg) }
282 p.syntax_error("package statement must be first")
323 p.syntax_error("unexpected semicolon or newline before {")
325 p.syntax_error("non-declaration statement outside function body")
336 p.syntax_error("after top level declaration")
374 p.syntax_error(fmt.Sprintf("expecting %s or %s", tokstring(sep), tokstring(close)))
430 p.syntax_error("missing import path")
474 p.syntax_error("in type declaration")
533 p.syntax_error("expecting name or (")
656 p.syntax_error("unexpected <-, expecting chan")
665 p.syntax_error(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected %s, expecting chan", String(t)))
791 p.syntax_error("expecting expression")
857 p.syntax_error("expecting name or (")
935 p.syntax_error("cannot parenthesize type in composite literal")
1006 p.syntax_error("expecting type")
1143 p.syntax_error("missing channel element type")
1283 p.syntax_error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
1291 p.syntax_error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
1302 p.syntax_error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
1312 p.syntax_error("expecting field name or embedded type")
1348 p.syntax_error("name list not allowed in interface type")
1365 p.syntax_error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
1374 p.syntax_error("expecting method or interface name")
1417 p.syntax_error("expecting )")
1438 p.syntax_error("final argument in variadic function missing type")
1620 p.syntax_error("expecting := or = or comma")
1695 p.syntax_error("expecting { after " + context)
1743 p.syntax_error("missing condition in if statement")
1755 p.syntax_error(fmt.Sprintf("var declaration not allowed in %s initializer", keyword.String()))
1781 p.syntax_error("expecting for loop condition")
1815 p.syntax_error(fmt.Sprintf("%s used as value", String(s)))
1840 p.syntax_error("else must be followed by if or statement block")
1859 p.syntax_error("missing { after switch clause")
1881 p.syntax_error("missing { after select clause")
1910 p.syntax_error("expecting case or default or }")
1950 p.syntax_error("expecting case or default or }")
2077 p.syntax_error("at end of statement")
2122 p.syntax_error("expecting name")
2159 p.syntax_error("expecting name")