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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /** \file
     18   This file consists of implementation of rotines that are exported
     19   from this DLL.
     20 */
     22 #include "stdafx.h"
     23 #include "adb_api.h"
     24 #include "adb_object_handle.h"
     25 #include "adb_interface_enum.h"
     26 #include "adb_interface.h"
     27 #include "adb_legacy_interface.h"
     28 #include "adb_endpoint_object.h"
     29 #include "adb_io_completion.h"
     30 #include "adb_helper_routines.h"
     31 #include "adb_winusb_api.h"
     33 /** \brief Points to InstantiateWinUsbInterface exported from AdbWinUsbApi.dll.
     35   This variable is initialized with the actual address in DllMain routine for
     36   this DLL on DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH event.
     37   @see PFN_INSTWINUSBINTERFACE for more information.
     38 */
     39 PFN_INSTWINUSBINTERFACE InstantiateWinUsbInterface = NULL;
     41 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbEnumInterfaces(GUID class_id,
     42                                bool exclude_not_present,
     43                                bool exclude_removed,
     44                                bool active_only) {
     45   AdbInterfaceEnumObject* enum_obj = NULL;
     46   ADBAPIHANDLE ret = NULL;
     48   try {
     49     // Instantiate and initialize enum object
     50     enum_obj = new AdbInterfaceEnumObject();
     52     if (enum_obj->InitializeEnum(class_id,
     53                                  exclude_not_present,
     54                                  exclude_removed,
     55                                  active_only)) {
     56       // After successful initialization we can create handle.
     57       ret = enum_obj->CreateHandle();
     58     }
     59   } catch (...) {
     60     SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
     61   }
     63   if (NULL != enum_obj)
     64     enum_obj->Release();
     66   return ret;
     67 }
     69 bool __cdecl AdbNextInterface(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_handle,
     70                       AdbInterfaceInfo* info,
     71                       unsigned long* size) {
     72   if (NULL == size) {
     73     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
     74     return false;
     75   }
     77   // Lookup AdbInterfaceEnumObject object for the handle
     78   AdbInterfaceEnumObject* adb_ienum_object =
     79     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceEnumObject>(adb_handle);
     80   if (NULL == adb_ienum_object)
     81     return false;
     83   // Everything is verified. Pass it down to the object
     84   bool ret = adb_ienum_object->Next(info, size);
     86   adb_ienum_object->Release();
     88   return ret;
     89 }
     91 bool __cdecl AdbResetInterfaceEnum(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_handle) {
     92   // Lookup AdbInterfaceEnumObject object for the handle
     93   AdbInterfaceEnumObject* adb_ienum_object =
     94     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceEnumObject>(adb_handle);
     95   if (NULL == adb_ienum_object)
     96     return false;
     98   // Everything is verified. Pass it down to the object
     99   bool ret = adb_ienum_object->Reset();
    101   adb_ienum_object->Release();
    103   return ret;
    104 }
    106 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbCreateInterfaceByName(
    107     const wchar_t* interface_name) {
    108   AdbInterfaceObject* obj = NULL;
    109   ADBAPIHANDLE ret = NULL;
    111   try {
    112     // Instantiate interface object, depending on the USB driver type.
    113     if (IsLegacyInterface(interface_name)) {
    114       // We have legacy USB driver underneath us.
    115       obj = new AdbLegacyInterfaceObject(interface_name);
    116     } else {
    117       // We have WinUsb driver underneath us. Make sure that AdbWinUsbApi.dll
    118       // is loaded and its InstantiateWinUsbInterface routine address has
    119       // been cached.
    120       if (NULL != InstantiateWinUsbInterface) {
    121         obj = InstantiateWinUsbInterface(interface_name);
    122         if (NULL == obj) {
    123           return NULL;
    124         }
    125       } else {
    126         return NULL;
    127       }
    128     }
    130     // Create handle for it
    131     ret = obj->CreateHandle();
    132   } catch (...) {
    133     SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
    134   }
    136   if (NULL != obj)
    137     obj->Release();
    139   return ret;
    140 }
    142 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbCreateInterface(GUID class_id,
    143                                 unsigned short vendor_id,
    144                                 unsigned short product_id,
    145                                 unsigned char interface_id) {
    146   // Enumerate all active interfaces for the given class
    147   AdbEnumInterfaceArray interfaces;
    149   if (!EnumerateDeviceInterfaces(class_id,
    150                                  DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE | DIGCF_PRESENT,
    151                                  true,
    152                                  true,
    153                                  &interfaces)) {
    154     return NULL;
    155   }
    157   if (interfaces.empty()) {
    158     SetLastError(ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE);
    159     return NULL;
    160   }
    162   // Now iterate over active interfaces looking for the name match.
    163   // The name is formatted as such:
    164   // "\\\\?\\usb#vid_xxxx&pid_xxxx&mi_xx#123456789abcdef#{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}"
    165   // where
    166   //    vid_xxxx is for the vendor id (xxxx are hex for the given vendor id),
    167   //    pid_xxxx is for the product id (xxxx are hex for the given product id)
    168   //    mi_xx is for the interface id  (xx are hex for the given interface id)
    169   // EnumerateDeviceInterfaces will guarantee that returned interface names
    170   // will have our class id at the end of the name (those last XXXes in the
    171   // format). So, we only need to match the beginning of the name
    172   wchar_t match_name[64];
    173   if (0xFF == interface_id) {
    174     // No interface id for the name.
    175     swprintf(match_name, L"\\\\?\\usb#vid_%04x&pid_%04x#",
    176              vendor_id, product_id);
    177   } else {
    178     // With interface id for the name.
    179     swprintf(match_name, L"\\\\?\\usb#vid_%04x&pid_%04x&mi_%02x#",
    180              vendor_id, product_id, interface_id);
    181   }
    182   size_t match_len = wcslen(match_name);
    184   for (AdbEnumInterfaceArray::iterator it = interfaces.begin();
    185        it != interfaces.end(); it++) {
    186     const AdbInstanceEnumEntry& next_interface = *it;
    187     if (0 == _wcsnicmp(match_name,
    188                       next_interface.device_name().c_str(),
    189                       match_len)) {
    190       // Found requested interface among active interfaces.
    191       return AdbCreateInterfaceByName(next_interface.device_name().c_str());
    192     }
    193   }
    196   return NULL;
    197 }
    199 bool __cdecl AdbGetInterfaceName(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    200                          void* buffer,
    201                          unsigned long* buffer_char_size,
    202                          bool ansi) {
    203   // Lookup interface object for the handle
    204   AdbInterfaceObject* adb_object =
    205     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceObject>(adb_interface);
    207   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    208     // Dispatch call to the found object
    209     bool ret = adb_object->GetInterfaceName(buffer, buffer_char_size, ansi);
    210     adb_object->Release();
    211     return ret;
    212   } else {
    213     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    214     return false;
    215   }
    216 }
    218 bool __cdecl AdbGetSerialNumber(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    219                         void* buffer,
    220                         unsigned long* buffer_char_size,
    221                         bool ansi) {
    222   // Lookup interface object for the handle
    223   AdbInterfaceObject* adb_object =
    224     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceObject>(adb_interface);
    226   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    227     // Dispatch call to the found object
    228     bool ret = adb_object->GetSerialNumber(buffer, buffer_char_size, ansi);
    229     adb_object->Release();
    230     return ret;
    231   } else {
    232     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    233     return false;
    234   }
    235 }
    237 bool __cdecl AdbGetUsbDeviceDescriptor(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    238                                USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR* desc) {
    239   // Lookup interface object for the handle
    240   AdbInterfaceObject* adb_object =
    241     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceObject>(adb_interface);
    243   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    244     // Dispatch close to the found object
    245     bool ret = adb_object->GetUsbDeviceDescriptor(desc);
    246     adb_object->Release();
    247     return ret;
    248   } else {
    249     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    250     return false;
    251   }
    252 }
    254 bool __cdecl AdbGetUsbConfigurationDescriptor(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    255                                       USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR* desc) {
    256   // Lookup interface object for the handle
    257   AdbInterfaceObject* adb_object =
    258     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceObject>(adb_interface);
    260   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    261     // Dispatch close to the found object
    262     bool ret = adb_object->GetUsbConfigurationDescriptor(desc);
    263     adb_object->Release();
    264     return ret;
    265   } else {
    266     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    267     return false;
    268   }
    269 }
    271 bool __cdecl AdbGetUsbInterfaceDescriptor(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    272                                   USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR* desc) {
    273   // Lookup interface object for the handle
    274   AdbInterfaceObject* adb_object =
    275     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceObject>(adb_interface);
    277   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    278     // Dispatch close to the found object
    279     bool ret = adb_object->GetUsbInterfaceDescriptor(desc);
    280     adb_object->Release();
    281     return ret;
    282   } else {
    283     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    284     return false;
    285   }
    286 }
    288 bool __cdecl AdbGetEndpointInformation(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    289                                UCHAR endpoint_index,
    290                                AdbEndpointInformation* info) {
    291   // Lookup interface object for the handle
    292   AdbInterfaceObject* adb_object =
    293     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceObject>(adb_interface);
    295   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    296     // Dispatch close to the found object
    297     bool ret = adb_object->GetEndpointInformation(endpoint_index, info);
    298     adb_object->Release();
    299     return ret;
    300   } else {
    301     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    302     return false;
    303   }
    304 }
    306 bool __cdecl AdbGetDefaultBulkReadEndpointInformation(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    307                                               AdbEndpointInformation* info) {
    308   return AdbGetEndpointInformation(adb_interface,
    309                                    ADB_QUERY_BULK_READ_ENDPOINT_INDEX,
    310                                    info);
    311 }
    313 bool __cdecl AdbGetDefaultBulkWriteEndpointInformation(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    314                                                AdbEndpointInformation* info) {
    315   return AdbGetEndpointInformation(adb_interface,
    316                                    ADB_QUERY_BULK_WRITE_ENDPOINT_INDEX,
    317                                    info);
    318 }
    320 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbOpenEndpoint(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    321                              unsigned char endpoint_index,
    322                              AdbOpenAccessType access_type,
    323                              AdbOpenSharingMode sharing_mode) {
    324   // Lookup interface object for the handle
    325   AdbInterfaceObject* adb_object =
    326     LookupObject<AdbInterfaceObject>(adb_interface);
    328   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    329     // Dispatch close to the found object
    330     ADBAPIHANDLE ret =
    331       adb_object->OpenEndpoint(endpoint_index, access_type, sharing_mode);
    332     adb_object->Release();
    333     return ret;
    334   } else {
    335     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    336     return NULL;
    337   }
    338 }
    340 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbOpenDefaultBulkReadEndpoint(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    341                                             AdbOpenAccessType access_type,
    342                                             AdbOpenSharingMode sharing_mode) {
    343   return AdbOpenEndpoint(adb_interface,
    344                          ADB_QUERY_BULK_READ_ENDPOINT_INDEX,
    345                          access_type,
    346                          sharing_mode);
    347 }
    349 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbOpenDefaultBulkWriteEndpoint(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_interface,
    350                                              AdbOpenAccessType access_type,
    351                                              AdbOpenSharingMode sharing_mode) {
    352   return AdbOpenEndpoint(adb_interface,
    353                          ADB_QUERY_BULK_WRITE_ENDPOINT_INDEX,
    354                          access_type,
    355                          sharing_mode);
    356 }
    358 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbGetEndpointInterface(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_endpoint) {
    359   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    360   AdbEndpointObject* adb_object =
    361     LookupObject<AdbEndpointObject>(adb_endpoint);
    363   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    364     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    365     ADBAPIHANDLE ret = adb_object->GetParentInterfaceHandle();
    366     adb_object->Release();
    367     return ret;
    368   } else {
    369     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    370     return NULL;
    371   }
    372 }
    374 bool __cdecl AdbQueryInformationEndpoint(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_endpoint,
    375                                  AdbEndpointInformation* info) {
    376   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    377   AdbEndpointObject* adb_object =
    378     LookupObject<AdbEndpointObject>(adb_endpoint);
    380   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    381     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    382     bool ret = adb_object->GetEndpointInformation(info);
    383     adb_object->Release();
    384     return ret;
    385   } else {
    386     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    387     return false;
    388   }
    389 }
    391 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbReadEndpointAsync(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_endpoint,
    392                                   void* buffer,
    393                                   unsigned long bytes_to_read,
    394                                   unsigned long* bytes_read,
    395                                   unsigned long time_out,
    396                                   HANDLE event_handle) {
    397   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    398   AdbEndpointObject* adb_object =
    399     LookupObject<AdbEndpointObject>(adb_endpoint);
    401   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    402     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    403     ADBAPIHANDLE ret = adb_object->AsyncRead(buffer,
    404                                              bytes_to_read,
    405                                              bytes_read,
    406                                              event_handle,
    407                                              time_out);
    408     adb_object->Release();
    409     return ret;
    410   } else {
    411     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    412     return NULL;
    413   }
    414 }
    416 ADBAPIHANDLE __cdecl AdbWriteEndpointAsync(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_endpoint,
    417                                    void* buffer,
    418                                    unsigned long bytes_to_write,
    419                                    unsigned long* bytes_written,
    420                                    unsigned long time_out,
    421                                    HANDLE event_handle) {
    422   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    423   AdbEndpointObject* adb_object =
    424     LookupObject<AdbEndpointObject>(adb_endpoint);
    426   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    427     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    428     ADBAPIHANDLE ret = adb_object->AsyncWrite(buffer,
    429                                               bytes_to_write,
    430                                               bytes_written,
    431                                               event_handle,
    432                                               time_out);
    433     adb_object->Release();
    434     return ret;
    435   } else {
    436     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    437     return false;
    438   }
    439 }
    441 bool __cdecl AdbReadEndpointSync(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_endpoint,
    442                          void* buffer,
    443                          unsigned long bytes_to_read,
    444                          unsigned long* bytes_read,
    445                          unsigned long time_out) {
    446   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    447   AdbEndpointObject* adb_object =
    448     LookupObject<AdbEndpointObject>(adb_endpoint);
    450   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    451     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    452     bool ret =
    453       adb_object->SyncRead(buffer, bytes_to_read, bytes_read, time_out);
    454     adb_object->Release();
    455     return ret;
    456   } else {
    457     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    458     return NULL;
    459   }
    460 }
    462 bool __cdecl AdbWriteEndpointSync(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_endpoint,
    463                           void* buffer,
    464                           unsigned long bytes_to_write,
    465                           unsigned long* bytes_written,
    466                           unsigned long time_out) {
    467   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    468   AdbEndpointObject* adb_object =
    469     LookupObject<AdbEndpointObject>(adb_endpoint);
    471   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    472     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    473     bool ret =
    474       adb_object->SyncWrite(buffer, bytes_to_write, bytes_written, time_out);
    475     adb_object->Release();
    476     return ret;
    477   } else {
    478     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    479     return false;
    480   }
    481 }
    483 bool __cdecl AdbGetOvelappedIoResult(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_io_completion,
    484                              LPOVERLAPPED overlapped,
    485                              unsigned long* bytes_transferred,
    486                              bool wait) {
    487   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    488   AdbIOCompletion* adb_object =
    489     LookupObject<AdbIOCompletion>(adb_io_completion);
    491   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    492     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    493     bool ret =
    494       adb_object->GetOvelappedIoResult(overlapped, bytes_transferred, wait);
    495     adb_object->Release();
    496     return ret;
    497   } else {
    498     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    499     return false;
    500   }
    501 }
    503 bool __cdecl AdbHasOvelappedIoComplated(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_io_completion) {
    504   // Lookup endpoint object for the handle
    505   AdbIOCompletion* adb_object =
    506     LookupObject<AdbIOCompletion>(adb_io_completion);
    508   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    509     // Dispatch the call to the found object
    510     bool ret =
    511       adb_object->IsCompleted();
    512     adb_object->Release();
    513     return ret;
    514   } else {
    515     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    516     return true;
    517   }
    518 }
    520 bool __cdecl AdbCloseHandle(ADBAPIHANDLE adb_handle) {
    521   // Lookup object for the handle
    522   AdbObjectHandle* adb_object = AdbObjectHandle::Lookup(adb_handle);
    524   if (NULL != adb_object) {
    525     // Dispatch close to the found object
    526     bool ret = adb_object->CloseHandle();
    527     adb_object->Release();
    528     return ret;
    529   } else {
    530     SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    531     return false;
    532   }
    533 }