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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef V8_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_
      6 #define V8_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_
      8 #include <memory>
     10 #include "src/allocation.h"
     11 #include "src/base/platform/time.h"
     12 #include "src/elements-kind.h"
     13 #include "src/globals.h"
     14 #include "src/unicode.h"
     15 #include "src/zone/zone.h"
     17 namespace v8 {
     18 namespace internal {
     20 // * Each intrinsic is consistently exposed in JavaScript via 2 names:
     21 //    * %#name, which is always a runtime call.
     22 //    * %_#name, which can be inlined or just a runtime call, the compiler in
     23 //      question decides.
     24 //
     25 // * IntrinsicTypes are Runtime::RUNTIME and Runtime::INLINE, respectively.
     26 //
     27 // * IDs are Runtime::k##name and Runtime::kInline##name, respectively.
     28 //
     29 // * All intrinsics have a C++ implementation Runtime_##name.
     30 //
     31 // * Each compiler has an explicit list of intrisics it supports, falling back
     32 //   to a simple runtime call if necessary.
     35 // Entries have the form F(name, number of arguments, number of values):
     36 // A variable number of arguments is specified by a -1, additional restrictions
     37 // are specified by inline comments
     39 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ARRAY(F)  \
     40   F(FinishArrayPrototypeSetup, 1, 1) \
     41   F(SpecialArrayFunctions, 0, 1)     \
     42   F(TransitionElementsKind, 2, 1)    \
     43   F(RemoveArrayHoles, 2, 1)          \
     44   F(MoveArrayContents, 2, 1)         \
     45   F(EstimateNumberOfElements, 1, 1)  \
     46   F(GetArrayKeys, 2, 1)              \
     47   F(NewArray, -1 /* >= 3 */, 1)      \
     48   F(FunctionBind, -1, 1)             \
     49   F(NormalizeElements, 1, 1)         \
     50   F(GrowArrayElements, 2, 1)         \
     51   F(HasComplexElements, 1, 1)        \
     52   F(IsArray, 1, 1)                   \
     53   F(ArrayIsArray, 1, 1)              \
     54   F(FixedArrayGet, 2, 1)             \
     55   F(FixedArraySet, 3, 1)             \
     56   F(ArraySpeciesConstructor, 1, 1)   \
     57   F(ArrayIncludes_Slow, 3, 1)        \
     58   F(ArrayIndexOf, 3, 1)              \
     59   F(SpreadIterablePrepare, 1, 1)     \
     60   F(SpreadIterableFixed, 1, 1)
     62 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ATOMICS(F)           \
     63   F(ThrowNotIntegerSharedTypedArrayError, 1, 1) \
     64   F(ThrowNotInt32SharedTypedArrayError, 1, 1)   \
     65   F(ThrowInvalidAtomicAccessIndexError, 0, 1)   \
     66   F(AtomicsCompareExchange, 4, 1)               \
     67   F(AtomicsAdd, 3, 1)                           \
     68   F(AtomicsSub, 3, 1)                           \
     69   F(AtomicsAnd, 3, 1)                           \
     70   F(AtomicsOr, 3, 1)                            \
     71   F(AtomicsXor, 3, 1)                           \
     72   F(AtomicsExchange, 3, 1)                      \
     73   F(AtomicsIsLockFree, 1, 1)                    \
     74   F(AtomicsWait, 4, 1)                          \
     75   F(AtomicsWake, 3, 1)                          \
     76   F(AtomicsNumWaitersForTesting, 2, 1)          \
     77   F(SetAllowAtomicsWait, 1, 1)
     79 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_CLASSES(F)        \
     80   F(ThrowUnsupportedSuperError, 0, 1)        \
     81   F(ThrowConstructorNonCallableError, 1, 1)  \
     82   F(ThrowStaticPrototypeError, 0, 1)         \
     83   F(ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledError, 0, 1)      \
     84   F(ThrowNotSuperConstructor, 2, 1)          \
     85   F(HomeObjectSymbol, 0, 1)                  \
     86   F(DefineClass, 4, 1)                       \
     87   F(InstallClassNameAccessor, 1, 1)          \
     88   F(InstallClassNameAccessorWithCheck, 1, 1) \
     89   F(LoadFromSuper, 3, 1)                     \
     90   F(LoadKeyedFromSuper, 3, 1)                \
     91   F(StoreToSuper_Strict, 4, 1)               \
     92   F(StoreToSuper_Sloppy, 4, 1)               \
     93   F(StoreKeyedToSuper_Strict, 4, 1)          \
     94   F(StoreKeyedToSuper_Sloppy, 4, 1)          \
     95   F(GetSuperConstructor, 1, 1)
     98   F(StringGetRawHashField, 1, 1)          \
     99   F(TheHole, 0, 1)                        \
    100   F(JSCollectionGetTable, 1, 1)           \
    101   F(GenericHash, 1, 1)                    \
    102   F(SetInitialize, 1, 1)                  \
    103   F(SetGrow, 1, 1)                        \
    104   F(SetShrink, 1, 1)                      \
    105   F(SetClear, 1, 1)                       \
    106   F(SetIteratorInitialize, 3, 1)          \
    107   F(SetIteratorClone, 1, 1)               \
    108   F(SetIteratorNext, 2, 1)                \
    109   F(SetIteratorDetails, 1, 1)             \
    110   F(MapInitialize, 1, 1)                  \
    111   F(MapShrink, 1, 1)                      \
    112   F(MapClear, 1, 1)                       \
    113   F(MapGrow, 1, 1)                        \
    114   F(MapIteratorInitialize, 3, 1)          \
    115   F(MapIteratorClone, 1, 1)               \
    116   F(MapIteratorDetails, 1, 1)             \
    117   F(GetWeakMapEntries, 2, 1)              \
    118   F(MapIteratorNext, 2, 1)                \
    119   F(WeakCollectionInitialize, 1, 1)       \
    120   F(WeakCollectionGet, 3, 1)              \
    121   F(WeakCollectionHas, 3, 1)              \
    122   F(WeakCollectionDelete, 3, 1)           \
    123   F(WeakCollectionSet, 4, 1)              \
    124   F(GetWeakSetValues, 2, 1)
    126 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_COMPILER(F)    \
    127   F(CompileLazy, 1, 1)                    \
    128   F(CompileBaseline, 1, 1)                \
    129   F(CompileOptimized_Concurrent, 1, 1)    \
    130   F(CompileOptimized_NotConcurrent, 1, 1) \
    131   F(NotifyStubFailure, 0, 1)              \
    132   F(NotifyDeoptimized, 1, 1)              \
    133   F(CompileForOnStackReplacement, 1, 1)   \
    134   F(TryInstallOptimizedCode, 1, 1)        \
    135   F(ResolvePossiblyDirectEval, 6, 1)      \
    136   F(InstantiateAsmJs, 4, 1)
    138 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DATE(F) \
    139   F(IsDate, 1, 1)                  \
    140   F(DateCurrentTime, 0, 1)         \
    141   F(ThrowNotDateError, 0, 1)
    143 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DEBUG(F)             \
    144   F(HandleDebuggerStatement, 0, 1)              \
    145   F(DebugBreak, 1, 1)                           \
    146   F(DebugBreakOnBytecode, 1, 1)                 \
    147   F(SetDebugEventListener, 2, 1)                \
    148   F(ScheduleBreak, 0, 1)                        \
    149   F(DebugGetInternalProperties, 1, 1)           \
    150   F(DebugGetPropertyDetails, 2, 1)              \
    151   F(DebugGetProperty, 2, 1)                     \
    152   F(DebugPropertyKindFromDetails, 1, 1)         \
    153   F(DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails, 1, 1)   \
    154   F(CheckExecutionState, 1, 1)                  \
    155   F(GetFrameCount, 1, 1)                        \
    156   F(GetFrameDetails, 2, 1)                      \
    157   F(GetScopeCount, 2, 1)                        \
    158   F(GetScopeDetails, 4, 1)                      \
    159   F(GetAllScopesDetails, 4, 1)                  \
    160   F(GetFunctionScopeCount, 1, 1)                \
    161   F(GetFunctionScopeDetails, 2, 1)              \
    162   F(GetGeneratorScopeCount, 1, 1)               \
    163   F(GetGeneratorScopeDetails, 2, 1)             \
    164   F(SetScopeVariableValue, 6, 1)                \
    165   F(DebugPrintScopes, 0, 1)                     \
    166   F(SetBreakPointsActive, 1, 1)                 \
    167   F(GetBreakLocations, 2, 1)                    \
    168   F(SetFunctionBreakPoint, 3, 1)                \
    169   F(SetScriptBreakPoint, 4, 1)                  \
    170   F(ClearBreakPoint, 1, 1)                      \
    171   F(ChangeBreakOnException, 2, 1)               \
    172   F(IsBreakOnException, 1, 1)                   \
    173   F(PrepareStep, 2, 1)                          \
    174   F(ClearStepping, 0, 1)                        \
    175   F(DebugEvaluate, 5, 1)                        \
    176   F(DebugEvaluateGlobal, 2, 1)                  \
    177   F(DebugGetLoadedScripts, 0, 1)                \
    178   F(DebugReferencedBy, 3, 1)                    \
    179   F(DebugConstructedBy, 2, 1)                   \
    180   F(DebugGetPrototype, 1, 1)                    \
    181   F(DebugSetScriptSource, 2, 1)                 \
    182   F(FunctionGetInferredName, 1, 1)              \
    183   F(FunctionGetDebugName, 1, 1)                 \
    184   F(GetDebugContext, 0, 1)                      \
    185   F(CollectGarbage, 1, 1)                       \
    186   F(GetHeapUsage, 0, 1)                         \
    187   F(GetScript, 1, 1)                            \
    188   F(ScriptLineCount, 1, 1)                      \
    189   F(ScriptLineStartPosition, 2, 1)              \
    190   F(ScriptLineEndPosition, 2, 1)                \
    191   F(ScriptLocationFromLine, 4, 1)               \
    192   F(ScriptLocationFromLine2, 4, 1)              \
    193   F(ScriptPositionInfo, 3, 1)                   \
    194   F(ScriptPositionInfo2, 3, 1)                  \
    195   F(ScriptSourceLine, 2, 1)                     \
    196   F(DebugOnFunctionCall, 1, 1)                  \
    197   F(DebugPrepareStepInSuspendedGenerator, 0, 1) \
    198   F(DebugRecordGenerator, 1, 1)                 \
    199   F(DebugPushPromise, 1, 1)                     \
    200   F(DebugPopPromise, 0, 1)                      \
    201   F(DebugPromiseReject, 2, 1)                   \
    202   F(DebugAsyncEventEnqueueRecurring, 2, 1)      \
    203   F(DebugAsyncFunctionPromiseCreated, 1, 1)     \
    204   F(DebugIsActive, 0, 1)                        \
    205   F(DebugBreakInOptimizedCode, 0, 1)            \
    206   F(DebugCollectCoverage, 0, 1)                 \
    207   F(DebugTogglePreciseCoverage, 1, 1)
    209 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ERROR(F) F(ErrorToString, 1, 1)
    211 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FORIN(F) \
    212   F(ForInEnumerate, 1, 1)           \
    213   F(ForInFilter, 2, 1)              \
    214   F(ForInHasProperty, 2, 1)
    217   F(InterpreterNewClosure, 4, 1)          \
    218   F(InterpreterTraceBytecodeEntry, 3, 1)  \
    219   F(InterpreterTraceBytecodeExit, 3, 1)   \
    220   F(InterpreterAdvanceBytecodeOffset, 2, 1)
    222 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION(F)     \
    223   F(FunctionGetName, 1, 1)                 \
    224   F(FunctionSetName, 2, 1)                 \
    225   F(FunctionRemovePrototype, 1, 1)         \
    226   F(FunctionGetScript, 1, 1)               \
    227   F(FunctionGetScriptId, 1, 1)             \
    228   F(FunctionGetSourceCode, 1, 1)           \
    229   F(FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition, 1, 1) \
    230   F(FunctionGetContextData, 1, 1)          \
    231   F(FunctionSetInstanceClassName, 2, 1)    \
    232   F(FunctionSetLength, 2, 1)               \
    233   F(FunctionSetPrototype, 2, 1)            \
    234   F(FunctionIsAPIFunction, 1, 1)           \
    235   F(SetCode, 2, 1)                         \
    236   F(SetNativeFlag, 1, 1)                   \
    237   F(IsConstructor, 1, 1)                   \
    238   F(SetForceInlineFlag, 1, 1)              \
    239   F(Call, -1 /* >= 2 */, 1)                \
    240   F(ConvertReceiver, 1, 1)                 \
    241   F(IsFunction, 1, 1)                      \
    242   F(FunctionToString, 1, 1)
    245   F(CreateJSGeneratorObject, 2, 1)      \
    246   F(GeneratorClose, 1, 1)               \
    247   F(GeneratorGetFunction, 1, 1)         \
    248   F(GeneratorGetReceiver, 1, 1)         \
    249   F(GeneratorGetContext, 1, 1)          \
    250   F(GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPos, 1, 1)  \
    251   F(GeneratorGetContinuation, 1, 1)     \
    252   F(GeneratorGetSourcePosition, 1, 1)   \
    253   F(GeneratorGetResumeMode, 1, 1)
    255 #ifdef V8_I18N_SUPPORT
    256 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_I18N(F)           \
    257   F(CanonicalizeLanguageTag, 1, 1)           \
    258   F(AvailableLocalesOf, 1, 1)                \
    259   F(GetDefaultICULocale, 0, 1)               \
    260   F(GetLanguageTagVariants, 1, 1)            \
    261   F(IsInitializedIntlObject, 1, 1)           \
    262   F(IsInitializedIntlObjectOfType, 2, 1)     \
    263   F(MarkAsInitializedIntlObjectOfType, 2, 1) \
    264   F(CreateDateTimeFormat, 3, 1)              \
    265   F(InternalDateFormat, 2, 1)                \
    266   F(InternalDateFormatToParts, 2, 1)         \
    267   F(CreateNumberFormat, 3, 1)                \
    268   F(InternalNumberFormat, 2, 1)              \
    269   F(CreateCollator, 3, 1)                    \
    270   F(InternalCompare, 3, 1)                   \
    271   F(StringNormalize, 2, 1)                   \
    272   F(CreateBreakIterator, 3, 1)               \
    273   F(BreakIteratorAdoptText, 2, 1)            \
    274   F(BreakIteratorFirst, 1, 1)                \
    275   F(BreakIteratorNext, 1, 1)                 \
    276   F(BreakIteratorCurrent, 1, 1)              \
    277   F(BreakIteratorBreakType, 1, 1)            \
    278   F(StringToLowerCaseI18N, 1, 1)             \
    279   F(StringToUpperCaseI18N, 1, 1)             \
    280   F(StringLocaleConvertCase, 3, 1)           \
    281   F(DateCacheVersion, 0, 1)
    282 #else
    283 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_I18N(F)
    284 #endif
    286 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERNAL(F)              \
    287   F(AllocateInNewSpace, 1, 1)                       \
    288   F(AllocateInTargetSpace, 2, 1)                    \
    289   F(AllocateSeqOneByteString, 1, 1)                 \
    290   F(AllocateSeqTwoByteString, 1, 1)                 \
    291   F(CheckIsBootstrapping, 0, 1)                     \
    292   F(CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator, 1, 1)              \
    293   F(CreateListFromArrayLike, 1, 1)                  \
    294   F(GetAndResetRuntimeCallStats, -1 /* <= 2 */, 1)  \
    295   F(ExportFromRuntime, 1, 1)                        \
    296   F(IncrementUseCounter, 1, 1)                      \
    297   F(InstallToContext, 1, 1)                         \
    298   F(Interrupt, 0, 1)                                \
    299   F(IS_VAR, 1, 1)                                   \
    300   F(NewReferenceError, 2, 1)                        \
    301   F(NewSyntaxError, 2, 1)                           \
    302   F(NewTypeError, 2, 1)                             \
    303   F(OrdinaryHasInstance, 2, 1)                      \
    304   F(PromoteScheduledException, 0, 1)                \
    305   F(ReThrow, 1, 1)                                  \
    306   F(RunMicrotasks, 0, 1)                            \
    307   F(StackGuard, 0, 1)                               \
    308   F(Throw, 1, 1)                                    \
    309   F(ThrowApplyNonFunction, 1, 1)                    \
    310   F(ThrowCannotConvertToPrimitive, 0, 1)            \
    311   F(ThrowCalledNonCallable, 1, 1)                   \
    312   F(ThrowCalledOnNullOrUndefined, 1, 1)             \
    313   F(ThrowConstructedNonConstructable, 1, 1)         \
    314   F(ThrowDerivedConstructorReturnedNonObject, 0, 1) \
    315   F(ThrowGeneratorRunning, 0, 1)                    \
    316   F(ThrowIllegalInvocation, 0, 1)                   \
    317   F(ThrowIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 2, 1)          \
    318   F(ThrowInvalidHint, 1, 1)                         \
    319   F(ThrowInvalidStringLength, 0, 1)                 \
    320   F(ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject, 1, 1)           \
    321   F(ThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid, 0, 1)               \
    322   F(ThrowNonCallableInInstanceOfCheck, 0, 1)        \
    323   F(ThrowNonObjectInInstanceOfCheck, 0, 1)          \
    324   F(ThrowNotConstructor, 1, 1)                      \
    325   F(ThrowNotGeneric, 1, 1)                          \
    326   F(ThrowReferenceError, 1, 1)                      \
    327   F(ThrowStackOverflow, 0, 1)                       \
    328   F(ThrowSymbolAsyncIteratorInvalid, 0, 1)          \
    329   F(ThrowTypeError, -1 /* >= 1 */, 1)               \
    330   F(ThrowUndefinedOrNullToObject, 1, 1)             \
    331   F(Typeof, 1, 1)                                   \
    332   F(UnwindAndFindExceptionHandler, 0, 1)            \
    333   F(AllowDynamicFunction, 1, 1)
    336   F(CreateRegExpLiteral, 4, 1)         \
    337   F(CreateObjectLiteral, 4, 1)         \
    338   F(CreateArrayLiteral, 4, 1)          \
    339   F(CreateArrayLiteralStubBailout, 3, 1)
    341 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_LIVEEDIT(F)              \
    342   F(LiveEditFindSharedFunctionInfosForScript, 1, 1) \
    343   F(LiveEditGatherCompileInfo, 2, 1)                \
    344   F(LiveEditReplaceScript, 3, 1)                    \
    345   F(LiveEditFunctionSourceUpdated, 2, 1)            \
    346   F(LiveEditReplaceFunctionCode, 2, 1)              \
    347   F(LiveEditFixupScript, 2, 1)                      \
    348   F(LiveEditFunctionSetScript, 2, 1)                \
    349   F(LiveEditReplaceRefToNestedFunction, 3, 1)       \
    350   F(LiveEditPatchFunctionPositions, 2, 1)           \
    351   F(LiveEditCheckAndDropActivations, 3, 1)          \
    352   F(LiveEditCompareStrings, 2, 1)                   \
    353   F(LiveEditRestartFrame, 2, 1)
    355 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_MATHS(F) F(GenerateRandomNumbers, 0, 1)
    357 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_MODULE(F) \
    358   F(DynamicImportCall, 1, 1)         \
    359   F(GetModuleNamespace, 1, 1)        \
    360   F(LoadModuleVariable, 1, 1)        \
    361   F(StoreModuleVariable, 2, 1)
    363 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_NUMBERS(F)  \
    364   F(IsValidSmi, 1, 1)                  \
    365   F(StringToNumber, 1, 1)              \
    366   F(StringParseInt, 2, 1)              \
    367   F(StringParseFloat, 1, 1)            \
    368   F(NumberToString, 1, 1)              \
    369   F(NumberToStringSkipCache, 1, 1)     \
    370   F(NumberToSmi, 1, 1)                 \
    371   F(SmiLexicographicCompare, 2, 1)     \
    372   F(MaxSmi, 0, 1)                      \
    373   F(IsSmi, 1, 1)                       \
    374   F(GetRootNaN, 0, 1)                  \
    375   F(GetHoleNaNUpper, 0, 1)             \
    376   F(GetHoleNaNLower, 0, 1)
    378 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OBJECT(F)                            \
    379   F(GetPrototype, 1, 1)                                         \
    380   F(ObjectHasOwnProperty, 2, 1)                                 \
    381   F(ObjectCreate, 2, 1)                                         \
    382   F(InternalSetPrototype, 2, 1)                                 \
    383   F(OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties, 2, 1)            \
    384   F(GetProperty, 2, 1)                                          \
    385   F(KeyedGetProperty, 2, 1)                                     \
    386   F(AddNamedProperty, 4, 1)                                     \
    387   F(SetProperty, 4, 1)                                          \
    388   F(AddElement, 3, 1)                                           \
    389   F(AppendElement, 2, 1)                                        \
    390   F(DeleteProperty_Sloppy, 2, 1)                                \
    391   F(DeleteProperty_Strict, 2, 1)                                \
    392   F(HasProperty, 2, 1)                                          \
    393   F(GetOwnPropertyKeys, 2, 1)                                   \
    394   F(GetInterceptorInfo, 1, 1)                                   \
    395   F(ToFastProperties, 1, 1)                                     \
    396   F(AllocateHeapNumber, 0, 1)                                   \
    397   F(NewObject, 2, 1)                                            \
    398   F(FinalizeInstanceSize, 1, 1)                                 \
    399   F(LoadMutableDouble, 2, 1)                                    \
    400   F(TryMigrateInstance, 1, 1)                                   \
    401   F(IsJSGlobalProxy, 1, 1)                                      \
    402   F(DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked, 5, 1)                      \
    403   F(DefineDataPropertyInLiteral, 6, 1)                          \
    404   F(GetDataProperty, 2, 1)                                      \
    405   F(GetConstructorName, 1, 1)                                   \
    406   F(HasFastPackedElements, 1, 1)                                \
    407   F(ValueOf, 1, 1)                                              \
    408   F(IsJSReceiver, 1, 1)                                         \
    409   F(ClassOf, 1, 1)                                              \
    410   F(CopyDataProperties, 2, 1)                                   \
    411   F(CopyDataPropertiesWithExcludedProperties, -1 /* >= 1 */, 1) \
    412   F(DefineGetterPropertyUnchecked, 4, 1)                        \
    413   F(DefineSetterPropertyUnchecked, 4, 1)                        \
    414   F(ToObject, 1, 1)                                             \
    415   F(ToPrimitive, 1, 1)                                          \
    416   F(ToPrimitive_Number, 1, 1)                                   \
    417   F(ToNumber, 1, 1)                                             \
    418   F(ToInteger, 1, 1)                                            \
    419   F(ToLength, 1, 1)                                             \
    420   F(ToString, 1, 1)                                             \
    421   F(ToName, 1, 1)                                               \
    422   F(SameValue, 2, 1)                                            \
    423   F(SameValueZero, 2, 1)                                        \
    424   F(Compare, 3, 1)                                              \
    425   F(HasInPrototypeChain, 2, 1)                                  \
    426   F(CreateIterResultObject, 2, 1)                               \
    427   F(CreateKeyValueArray, 2, 1)                                  \
    428   F(IsAccessCheckNeeded, 1, 1)                                  \
    429   F(CreateDataProperty, 3, 1)
    432   F(Multiply, 2, 1)                     \
    433   F(Divide, 2, 1)                       \
    434   F(Modulus, 2, 1)                      \
    435   F(Add, 2, 1)                          \
    436   F(Subtract, 2, 1)                     \
    437   F(ShiftLeft, 2, 1)                    \
    438   F(ShiftRight, 2, 1)                   \
    439   F(ShiftRightLogical, 2, 1)            \
    440   F(BitwiseAnd, 2, 1)                   \
    441   F(BitwiseOr, 2, 1)                    \
    442   F(BitwiseXor, 2, 1)                   \
    443   F(Equal, 2, 1)                        \
    444   F(NotEqual, 2, 1)                     \
    445   F(StrictEqual, 2, 1)                  \
    446   F(StrictNotEqual, 2, 1)               \
    447   F(LessThan, 2, 1)                     \
    448   F(GreaterThan, 2, 1)                  \
    449   F(LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)              \
    450   F(GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)           \
    451   F(InstanceOf, 2, 1)
    453 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROMISE(F)       \
    454   F(EnqueueMicrotask, 1, 1)                 \
    455   F(EnqueuePromiseReactionJob, 1, 1)        \
    456   F(EnqueuePromiseResolveThenableJob, 1, 1) \
    457   F(PromiseHookInit, 2, 1)                  \
    458   F(PromiseHookResolve, 1, 1)               \
    459   F(PromiseHookBefore, 1, 1)                \
    460   F(PromiseHookAfter, 1, 1)                 \
    461   F(PromiseMarkAsHandled, 1, 1)             \
    462   F(PromiseRejectEventFromStack, 2, 1)      \
    463   F(PromiseRevokeReject, 1, 1)              \
    464   F(PromiseResult, 1, 1)                    \
    465   F(PromiseStatus, 1, 1)                    \
    466   F(ReportPromiseReject, 2, 1)
    468 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROXY(F)     \
    469   F(IsJSProxy, 1, 1)                    \
    470   F(JSProxyCall, -1 /* >= 2 */, 1)      \
    471   F(JSProxyConstruct, -1 /* >= 3 */, 1) \
    472   F(JSProxyGetTarget, 1, 1)             \
    473   F(JSProxyGetHandler, 1, 1)            \
    474   F(JSProxyRevoke, 1, 1)
    476 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_REGEXP(F)                \
    477   F(IsRegExp, 1, 1)                                 \
    478   F(RegExpCreate, 1, 1)                             \
    479   F(RegExpExec, 4, 1)                               \
    480   F(RegExpExecMultiple, 4, 1)                       \
    481   F(RegExpExecReThrow, 4, 1)                        \
    482   F(RegExpInitializeAndCompile, 3, 1)               \
    483   F(RegExpInternalReplace, 3, 1)                    \
    484   F(RegExpReplace, 3, 1)                            \
    485   F(RegExpSplit, 3, 1)                              \
    486   F(StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithString, 4, 1)      \
    487   F(StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction, 3, 1) \
    488   F(StringSplit, 3, 1)
    490 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SCOPES(F)    \
    491   F(ThrowConstAssignError, 0, 1)        \
    492   F(DeclareGlobals, 3, 1)               \
    493   F(DeclareGlobalsForInterpreter, 3, 1) \
    494   F(InitializeVarGlobal, 3, 1)          \
    495   F(DeclareEvalFunction, 2, 1)          \
    496   F(DeclareEvalVar, 1, 1)               \
    497   F(NewSloppyArguments_Generic, 1, 1)   \
    498   F(NewStrictArguments, 1, 1)           \
    499   F(NewRestParameter, 1, 1)             \
    500   F(NewSloppyArguments, 3, 1)           \
    501   F(NewArgumentsElements, 2, 1)         \
    502   F(NewClosure, 3, 1)                   \
    503   F(NewClosure_Tenured, 3, 1)           \
    504   F(NewScriptContext, 2, 1)             \
    505   F(NewFunctionContext, 2, 1)           \
    506   F(PushModuleContext, 3, 1)            \
    507   F(PushWithContext, 3, 1)              \
    508   F(PushCatchContext, 4, 1)             \
    509   F(PushBlockContext, 2, 1)             \
    510   F(DeleteLookupSlot, 1, 1)             \
    511   F(LoadLookupSlot, 1, 1)               \
    512   F(LoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof, 1, 1)   \
    513   F(StoreLookupSlot_Sloppy, 2, 1)       \
    514   F(StoreLookupSlot_Strict, 2, 1)
    516 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_STRINGS(F)     \
    517   F(GetSubstitution, 4, 1)                \
    518   F(StringReplaceOneCharWithString, 3, 1) \
    519   F(StringIndexOf, 3, 1)                  \
    520   F(StringIndexOfUnchecked, 3, 1)         \
    521   F(StringLastIndexOf, 2, 1)              \
    522   F(SubString, 3, 1)                      \
    523   F(StringAdd, 2, 1)                      \
    524   F(InternalizeString, 1, 1)              \
    525   F(StringCharCodeAtRT, 2, 1)             \
    526   F(StringCompare, 2, 1)                  \
    527   F(StringBuilderConcat, 3, 1)            \
    528   F(StringBuilderJoin, 3, 1)              \
    529   F(SparseJoinWithSeparator, 3, 1)        \
    530   F(StringToArray, 2, 1)                  \
    531   F(StringLessThan, 2, 1)                 \
    532   F(StringLessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)          \
    533   F(StringGreaterThan, 2, 1)              \
    534   F(StringGreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)       \
    535   F(StringEqual, 2, 1)                    \
    536   F(StringNotEqual, 2, 1)                 \
    537   F(FlattenString, 1, 1)                  \
    538   F(StringCharFromCode, 1, 1)             \
    539   F(ExternalStringGetChar, 2, 1)          \
    540   F(StringCharCodeAt, 2, 1)
    542 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SYMBOL(F) \
    543   F(CreateSymbol, 1, 1)              \
    544   F(CreatePrivateSymbol, 1, 1)       \
    545   F(SymbolDescription, 1, 1)         \
    546   F(SymbolDescriptiveString, 1, 1)   \
    547   F(SymbolIsPrivate, 1, 1)
    549 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TEST(F)            \
    550   F(ConstructDouble, 2, 1)                    \
    551   F(DeoptimizeFunction, 1, 1)                 \
    552   F(DeoptimizeNow, 0, 1)                      \
    553   F(RunningInSimulator, 0, 1)                 \
    554   F(IsConcurrentRecompilationSupported, 0, 1) \
    555   F(OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall, -1, 1)        \
    556   F(InterpretFunctionOnNextCall, 1, 1)        \
    557   F(BaselineFunctionOnNextCall, 1, 1)         \
    558   F(OptimizeOsr, -1, 1)                       \
    559   F(NeverOptimizeFunction, 1, 1)              \
    560   F(GetOptimizationStatus, -1, 1)             \
    561   F(UnblockConcurrentRecompilation, 0, 1)     \
    562   F(GetOptimizationCount, 1, 1)               \
    563   F(GetUndetectable, 0, 1)                    \
    564   F(GetCallable, 0, 1)                        \
    565   F(ClearFunctionFeedback, 1, 1)              \
    566   F(CheckWasmWrapperElision, 2, 1)            \
    567   F(NotifyContextDisposed, 0, 1)              \
    568   F(SetAllocationTimeout, -1 /* 2 || 3 */, 1) \
    569   F(DebugPrint, 1, 1)                         \
    570   F(DebugTrace, 0, 1)                         \
    571   F(GetExceptionDetails, 1, 1)                \
    572   F(GlobalPrint, 1, 1)                        \
    573   F(SystemBreak, 0, 1)                        \
    574   F(SetFlags, 1, 1)                           \
    575   F(Abort, 1, 1)                              \
    576   F(AbortJS, 1, 1)                            \
    577   F(NativeScriptsCount, 0, 1)                 \
    578   F(GetV8Version, 0, 1)                       \
    579   F(DisassembleFunction, 1, 1)                \
    580   F(TraceEnter, 0, 1)                         \
    581   F(TraceExit, 1, 1)                          \
    582   F(TraceTailCall, 0, 1)                      \
    583   F(HaveSameMap, 2, 1)                        \
    584   F(InNewSpace, 1, 1)                         \
    585   F(HasFastSmiElements, 1, 1)                 \
    586   F(HasFastObjectElements, 1, 1)              \
    587   F(HasFastSmiOrObjectElements, 1, 1)         \
    588   F(HasFastDoubleElements, 1, 1)              \
    589   F(HasFastHoleyElements, 1, 1)               \
    590   F(HasDictionaryElements, 1, 1)              \
    591   F(HasSloppyArgumentsElements, 1, 1)         \
    592   F(HasFixedTypedArrayElements, 1, 1)         \
    593   F(HasFastProperties, 1, 1)                  \
    594   F(HasFixedUint8Elements, 1, 1)              \
    595   F(HasFixedInt8Elements, 1, 1)               \
    596   F(HasFixedUint16Elements, 1, 1)             \
    597   F(HasFixedInt16Elements, 1, 1)              \
    598   F(HasFixedUint32Elements, 1, 1)             \
    599   F(HasFixedInt32Elements, 1, 1)              \
    600   F(HasFixedFloat32Elements, 1, 1)            \
    601   F(HasFixedFloat64Elements, 1, 1)            \
    602   F(HasFixedUint8ClampedElements, 1, 1)       \
    603   F(SpeciesProtector, 0, 1)                   \
    604   F(SerializeWasmModule, 1, 1)                \
    605   F(DeserializeWasmModule, 2, 1)              \
    606   F(IsAsmWasmCode, 1, 1)                      \
    607   F(IsWasmCode, 1, 1)                         \
    608   F(DisallowCodegenFromStrings, 0, 1)         \
    609   F(ValidateWasmInstancesChain, 2, 1)         \
    610   F(ValidateWasmModuleState, 1, 1)            \
    611   F(ValidateWasmOrphanedInstance, 1, 1)       \
    612   F(SetWasmCompileControls, 2, 1)             \
    613   F(SetWasmInstantiateControls, 0, 1)         \
    614   F(Verify, 1, 1)
    616 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TYPEDARRAY(F)     \
    617   F(ArrayBufferGetByteLength, 1, 1)          \
    618   F(ArrayBufferSliceImpl, 4, 1)              \
    619   F(ArrayBufferNeuter, 1, 1)                 \
    620   F(TypedArrayInitialize, 6, 1)              \
    621   F(TypedArrayInitializeFromArrayLike, 4, 1) \
    622   F(ArrayBufferViewGetByteLength, 1, 1)      \
    623   F(ArrayBufferViewGetByteOffset, 1, 1)      \
    624   F(TypedArrayGetLength, 1, 1)               \
    625   F(TypedArrayGetBuffer, 1, 1)               \
    626   F(TypedArraySetFastCases, 3, 1)            \
    627   F(TypedArraySortFast, 1, 1)                \
    628   F(TypedArrayMaxSizeInHeap, 0, 1)           \
    629   F(IsTypedArray, 1, 1)                      \
    630   F(IsSharedTypedArray, 1, 1)                \
    631   F(IsSharedIntegerTypedArray, 1, 1)         \
    632   F(IsSharedInteger32TypedArray, 1, 1)
    634 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_WASM(F)     \
    635   F(WasmGrowMemory, 1, 1)              \
    636   F(WasmMemorySize, 0, 1)              \
    637   F(ThrowWasmError, 2, 1)              \
    638   F(ThrowWasmErrorFromTrapIf, 1, 1)    \
    639   F(WasmThrowTypeError, 0, 1)          \
    640   F(WasmThrow, 2, 1)                   \
    641   F(WasmGetCaughtExceptionValue, 1, 1) \
    642   F(WasmRunInterpreter, 3, 1)          \
    643   F(WasmStackGuard, 0, 1)
    646   F(LoadLookupSlotForCall, 1, 2)
    649   F(ForInPrepare, 1, 3)
    651 // Most intrinsics are implemented in the runtime/ directory, but ICs are
    652 // implemented in ic.cc for now.
    653 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_IC(F)             \
    654   F(BinaryOpIC_Miss, 2, 1)                   \
    655   F(BinaryOpIC_MissWithAllocationSite, 3, 1) \
    656   F(CompareIC_Miss, 3, 1)                    \
    657   F(ElementsTransitionAndStoreIC_Miss, 6, 1) \
    658   F(KeyedLoadIC_Miss, 4, 1)                  \
    659   F(KeyedStoreIC_Miss, 5, 1)                 \
    660   F(KeyedStoreIC_Slow, 5, 1)                 \
    661   F(LoadElementWithInterceptor, 2, 1)        \
    662   F(LoadGlobalIC_Miss, 3, 1)                 \
    663   F(LoadGlobalIC_Slow, 3, 1)                 \
    664   F(LoadIC_Miss, 4, 1)                       \
    665   F(LoadPropertyWithInterceptor, 5, 1)       \
    666   F(LoadPropertyWithInterceptorOnly, 3, 1)   \
    667   F(StoreCallbackProperty, 6, 1)             \
    668   F(StoreIC_Miss, 5, 1)                      \
    669   F(StorePropertyWithInterceptor, 5, 1)      \
    670   F(ToBooleanIC_Miss, 1, 1)                  \
    671   F(Unreachable, 0, 1)
    674   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_IC(F)                  \
    675   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ARRAY(F)               \
    676   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ATOMICS(F)             \
    677   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_CLASSES(F)             \
    679   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_COMPILER(F)            \
    680   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DATE(F)                \
    681   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DEBUG(F)               \
    682   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ERROR(F)               \
    683   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FORIN(F)               \
    685   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION(F)            \
    686   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_GENERATOR(F)           \
    687   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_I18N(F)                \
    688   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERNAL(F)            \
    689   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_LITERALS(F)            \
    690   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_LIVEEDIT(F)            \
    691   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_MATHS(F)               \
    692   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_MODULE(F)              \
    693   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_NUMBERS(F)             \
    694   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OBJECT(F)              \
    695   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OPERATORS(F)           \
    696   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROMISE(F)             \
    697   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROXY(F)               \
    698   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_REGEXP(F)              \
    699   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SCOPES(F)              \
    700   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_STRINGS(F)             \
    701   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SYMBOL(F)              \
    702   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TEST(F)                \
    706 // FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC defines the list of all intrinsics, coming in 2 flavors,
    707 // either returning an object or a pair.
    708 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(F)         \
    714 #define F(name, nargs, ressize)                                 \
    715   Object* Runtime_##name(int args_length, Object** args_object, \
    716                          Isolate* isolate);
    718 #undef F
    720 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    721 // Runtime provides access to all C++ runtime functions.
    723 class Runtime : public AllStatic {
    724  public:
    725   enum FunctionId : int32_t {
    726 #define F(name, nargs, ressize) k##name,
    727 #define I(name, nargs, ressize) kInline##name,
    729 #undef I
    730 #undef F
    731         kNumFunctions,
    732   };
    734   enum IntrinsicType { RUNTIME, INLINE };
    736   // Intrinsic function descriptor.
    737   struct Function {
    738     FunctionId function_id;
    739     IntrinsicType intrinsic_type;
    740     // The JS name of the function.
    741     const char* name;
    743     // For RUNTIME functions, this is the C++ entry point.
    744     // For INLINE functions this is the C++ entry point of the fall back.
    745     Address entry;
    747     // The number of arguments expected. nargs is -1 if the function takes
    748     // a variable number of arguments.
    749     int8_t nargs;
    750     // Size of result.  Most functions return a single pointer, size 1.
    751     int8_t result_size;
    752   };
    754   static const int kNotFound = -1;
    756   // Get the intrinsic function with the given name.
    757   static const Function* FunctionForName(const unsigned char* name, int length);
    759   // Get the intrinsic function with the given FunctionId.
    760   V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static const Function* FunctionForId(FunctionId id);
    762   // Get the intrinsic function with the given function entry address.
    763   static const Function* FunctionForEntry(Address ref);
    765   // Get the runtime intrinsic function table.
    766   static const Function* RuntimeFunctionTable(Isolate* isolate);
    768   MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeleteObjectProperty(
    769       Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, Handle<Object> key,
    770       LanguageMode language_mode);
    772   MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> SetObjectProperty(
    773       Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> key,
    774       Handle<Object> value, LanguageMode language_mode);
    776   MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetObjectProperty(
    777       Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> key,
    778       bool* is_found_out = nullptr);
    780   enum TypedArrayId {
    781     // arrayIds below should be synchronized with typedarray.js natives.
    782     ARRAY_ID_UINT8 = 1,
    783     ARRAY_ID_INT8 = 2,
    784     ARRAY_ID_UINT16 = 3,
    785     ARRAY_ID_INT16 = 4,
    786     ARRAY_ID_UINT32 = 5,
    787     ARRAY_ID_INT32 = 6,
    788     ARRAY_ID_FLOAT32 = 7,
    789     ARRAY_ID_FLOAT64 = 8,
    790     ARRAY_ID_UINT8_CLAMPED = 9,
    793   };
    795   static void ArrayIdToTypeAndSize(int array_id, ExternalArrayType* type,
    796                                    ElementsKind* fixed_elements_kind,
    797                                    size_t* element_size);
    799   static MaybeHandle<JSArray> GetInternalProperties(Isolate* isolate,
    800                                                     Handle<Object>);
    801 };
    804 class RuntimeState {
    805  public:
    806   unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToUppercase, 128>* to_upper_mapping() {
    807     return &to_upper_mapping_;
    808   }
    809   unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToLowercase, 128>* to_lower_mapping() {
    810     return &to_lower_mapping_;
    811   }
    813   Runtime::Function* redirected_intrinsic_functions() {
    814     return redirected_intrinsic_functions_.get();
    815   }
    817   void set_redirected_intrinsic_functions(
    818       Runtime::Function* redirected_intrinsic_functions) {
    819     redirected_intrinsic_functions_.reset(redirected_intrinsic_functions);
    820   }
    822  private:
    823   RuntimeState() {}
    824   unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToUppercase, 128> to_upper_mapping_;
    825   unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToLowercase, 128> to_lower_mapping_;
    827   std::unique_ptr<Runtime::Function[]> redirected_intrinsic_functions_;
    829   friend class Isolate;
    830   friend class Runtime;
    832   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RuntimeState);
    833 };
    835 V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, Runtime::FunctionId);
    837 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    838 // Constants used by interface to runtime functions.
    840 class AllocateDoubleAlignFlag : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
    841 class AllocateTargetSpace : public BitField<AllocationSpace, 1, 3> {};
    843 class DeclareGlobalsEvalFlag : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
    844 class DeclareGlobalsNativeFlag : public BitField<bool, 1, 1> {};
    846 class DeclareGlobalsLanguageMode : public BitField<LanguageMode, 2, 1> {};
    848 // A set of bits returned by Runtime_GetOptimizationStatus.
    849 // These bits must be in sync with bits defined in test/mjsunit/mjsunit.js
    850 enum class OptimizationStatus {
    851   kIsFunction = 1 << 0,
    852   kNeverOptimize = 1 << 1,
    853   kAlwaysOptimize = 1 << 2,
    854   kMaybeDeopted = 1 << 3,
    855   kOptimized = 1 << 4,
    856   kTurboFanned = 1 << 5,
    857   kInterpreted = 1 << 6,
    858 };
    860 }  // namespace internal
    861 }  // namespace v8
    863 #endif  // V8_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_