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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_sender_audio.h"
     13 #include <string.h>
     15 #include "webrtc/base/trace_event.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
     20 namespace webrtc {
     22 static const int kDtmfFrequencyHz = 8000;
     24 RTPSenderAudio::RTPSenderAudio(Clock* clock,
     25                                RTPSender* rtpSender,
     26                                RtpAudioFeedback* audio_feedback)
     27     : _clock(clock),
     28       _rtpSender(rtpSender),
     29       _audioFeedback(audio_feedback),
     30       _sendAudioCritsect(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
     31       _packetSizeSamples(160),
     32       _dtmfEventIsOn(false),
     33       _dtmfEventFirstPacketSent(false),
     34       _dtmfPayloadType(-1),
     35       _dtmfTimestamp(0),
     36       _dtmfKey(0),
     37       _dtmfLengthSamples(0),
     38       _dtmfLevel(0),
     39       _dtmfTimeLastSent(0),
     40       _dtmfTimestampLastSent(0),
     41       _REDPayloadType(-1),
     42       _inbandVADactive(false),
     43       _cngNBPayloadType(-1),
     44       _cngWBPayloadType(-1),
     45       _cngSWBPayloadType(-1),
     46       _cngFBPayloadType(-1),
     47       _lastPayloadType(-1),
     48       _audioLevel_dBov(0) {}
     50 RTPSenderAudio::~RTPSenderAudio() {}
     52 int RTPSenderAudio::AudioFrequency() const {
     53   return kDtmfFrequencyHz;
     54 }
     56 // set audio packet size, used to determine when it's time to send a DTMF packet
     57 // in silence (CNG)
     58 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::SetAudioPacketSize(uint16_t packetSizeSamples) {
     59   CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
     61   _packetSizeSamples = packetSizeSamples;
     62   return 0;
     63 }
     65 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::RegisterAudioPayload(
     66     const char payloadName[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
     67     const int8_t payloadType,
     68     const uint32_t frequency,
     69     const size_t channels,
     70     const uint32_t rate,
     71     RtpUtility::Payload** payload) {
     72   if (RtpUtility::StringCompare(payloadName, "cn", 2)) {
     73     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
     74     //  we can have multiple CNG payload types
     75     switch (frequency) {
     76       case 8000:
     77         _cngNBPayloadType = payloadType;
     78         break;
     79       case 16000:
     80         _cngWBPayloadType = payloadType;
     81         break;
     82       case 32000:
     83         _cngSWBPayloadType = payloadType;
     84         break;
     85       case 48000:
     86         _cngFBPayloadType = payloadType;
     87         break;
     88       default:
     89         return -1;
     90     }
     91   } else if (RtpUtility::StringCompare(payloadName, "telephone-event", 15)) {
     92     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
     93     // Don't add it to the list
     94     // we dont want to allow send with a DTMF payloadtype
     95     _dtmfPayloadType = payloadType;
     96     return 0;
     97     // The default timestamp rate is 8000 Hz, but other rates may be defined.
     98   }
     99   *payload = new RtpUtility::Payload;
    100   (*payload)->typeSpecific.Audio.frequency = frequency;
    101   (*payload)->typeSpecific.Audio.channels = channels;
    102   (*payload)->typeSpecific.Audio.rate = rate;
    103   (*payload)->audio = true;
    104   (*payload)->name[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
    105   strncpy((*payload)->name, payloadName, RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE - 1);
    106   return 0;
    107 }
    109 bool RTPSenderAudio::MarkerBit(FrameType frameType, int8_t payload_type) {
    110   CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
    111   // for audio true for first packet in a speech burst
    112   bool markerBit = false;
    113   if (_lastPayloadType != payload_type) {
    114     if (payload_type != -1 && (_cngNBPayloadType == payload_type ||
    115                                _cngWBPayloadType == payload_type ||
    116                                _cngSWBPayloadType == payload_type ||
    117                                _cngFBPayloadType == payload_type)) {
    118       // Only set a marker bit when we change payload type to a non CNG
    119       return false;
    120     }
    122     // payload_type differ
    123     if (_lastPayloadType == -1) {
    124       if (frameType != kAudioFrameCN) {
    125         // first packet and NOT CNG
    126         return true;
    127       } else {
    128         // first packet and CNG
    129         _inbandVADactive = true;
    130         return false;
    131       }
    132     }
    134     // not first packet AND
    135     // not CNG AND
    136     // payload_type changed
    138     // set a marker bit when we change payload type
    139     markerBit = true;
    140   }
    142   // For G.723 G.729, AMR etc we can have inband VAD
    143   if (frameType == kAudioFrameCN) {
    144     _inbandVADactive = true;
    145   } else if (_inbandVADactive) {
    146     _inbandVADactive = false;
    147     markerBit = true;
    148   }
    149   return markerBit;
    150 }
    152 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::SendAudio(FrameType frameType,
    153                                   int8_t payloadType,
    154                                   uint32_t captureTimeStamp,
    155                                   const uint8_t* payloadData,
    156                                   size_t dataSize,
    157                                   const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) {
    158   // TODO(pwestin) Breakup function in smaller functions.
    159   size_t payloadSize = dataSize;
    160   size_t maxPayloadLength = _rtpSender->MaxPayloadLength();
    161   bool dtmfToneStarted = false;
    162   uint16_t dtmfLengthMS = 0;
    163   uint8_t key = 0;
    164   int red_payload_type;
    165   uint8_t audio_level_dbov;
    166   int8_t dtmf_payload_type;
    167   uint16_t packet_size_samples;
    168   {
    169     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
    170     red_payload_type = _REDPayloadType;
    171     audio_level_dbov = _audioLevel_dBov;
    172     dtmf_payload_type = _dtmfPayloadType;
    173     packet_size_samples = _packetSizeSamples;
    174   }
    176   // Check if we have pending DTMFs to send
    177   if (!_dtmfEventIsOn && PendingDTMF()) {
    178     int64_t delaySinceLastDTMF =
    179         _clock->TimeInMilliseconds() - _dtmfTimeLastSent;
    181     if (delaySinceLastDTMF > 100) {
    182       // New tone to play
    183       _dtmfTimestamp = captureTimeStamp;
    184       if (NextDTMF(&key, &dtmfLengthMS, &_dtmfLevel) >= 0) {
    185         _dtmfEventFirstPacketSent = false;
    186         _dtmfKey = key;
    187         _dtmfLengthSamples = (kDtmfFrequencyHz / 1000) * dtmfLengthMS;
    188         dtmfToneStarted = true;
    189         _dtmfEventIsOn = true;
    190       }
    191     }
    192   }
    193   if (dtmfToneStarted) {
    194     if (_audioFeedback)
    195       _audioFeedback->OnPlayTelephoneEvent(key, dtmfLengthMS, _dtmfLevel);
    196   }
    198   // A source MAY send events and coded audio packets for the same time
    199   // but we don't support it
    200   if (_dtmfEventIsOn) {
    201     if (frameType == kEmptyFrame) {
    202       // kEmptyFrame is used to drive the DTMF when in CN mode
    203       // it can be triggered more frequently than we want to send the
    204       // DTMF packets.
    205       if (packet_size_samples > (captureTimeStamp - _dtmfTimestampLastSent)) {
    206         // not time to send yet
    207         return 0;
    208       }
    209     }
    210     _dtmfTimestampLastSent = captureTimeStamp;
    211     uint32_t dtmfDurationSamples = captureTimeStamp - _dtmfTimestamp;
    212     bool ended = false;
    213     bool send = true;
    215     if (_dtmfLengthSamples > dtmfDurationSamples) {
    216       if (dtmfDurationSamples <= 0) {
    217         // Skip send packet at start, since we shouldn't use duration 0
    218         send = false;
    219       }
    220     } else {
    221       ended = true;
    222       _dtmfEventIsOn = false;
    223       _dtmfTimeLastSent = _clock->TimeInMilliseconds();
    224     }
    225     if (send) {
    226       if (dtmfDurationSamples > 0xffff) {
    227         // RFC 4733 Long-Duration Events
    228         SendTelephoneEventPacket(ended, dtmf_payload_type, _dtmfTimestamp,
    229                                  static_cast<uint16_t>(0xffff), false);
    231         // set new timestap for this segment
    232         _dtmfTimestamp = captureTimeStamp;
    233         dtmfDurationSamples -= 0xffff;
    234         _dtmfLengthSamples -= 0xffff;
    236         return SendTelephoneEventPacket(
    237             ended, dtmf_payload_type, _dtmfTimestamp,
    238             static_cast<uint16_t>(dtmfDurationSamples), false);
    239       } else {
    240         if (SendTelephoneEventPacket(ended, dtmf_payload_type, _dtmfTimestamp,
    241                                      static_cast<uint16_t>(dtmfDurationSamples),
    242                                      !_dtmfEventFirstPacketSent) != 0) {
    243           return -1;
    244         }
    245         _dtmfEventFirstPacketSent = true;
    246         return 0;
    247       }
    248     }
    249     return 0;
    250   }
    251   if (payloadSize == 0 || payloadData == NULL) {
    252     if (frameType == kEmptyFrame) {
    253       // we don't send empty audio RTP packets
    254       // no error since we use it to drive DTMF when we use VAD
    255       return 0;
    256     }
    257     return -1;
    258   }
    259   uint8_t dataBuffer[IP_PACKET_SIZE];
    260   bool markerBit = MarkerBit(frameType, payloadType);
    262   int32_t rtpHeaderLength = 0;
    263   uint16_t timestampOffset = 0;
    265   if (red_payload_type >= 0 && fragmentation && !markerBit &&
    266       fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize > 1) {
    267     // have we configured RED? use its payload type
    268     // we need to get the current timestamp to calc the diff
    269     uint32_t oldTimeStamp = _rtpSender->Timestamp();
    270     rtpHeaderLength = _rtpSender->BuildRTPheader(dataBuffer, red_payload_type,
    271                                                  markerBit, captureTimeStamp,
    272                                                  _clock->TimeInMilliseconds());
    274     timestampOffset = uint16_t(_rtpSender->Timestamp() - oldTimeStamp);
    275   } else {
    276     rtpHeaderLength = _rtpSender->BuildRTPheader(dataBuffer, payloadType,
    277                                                  markerBit, captureTimeStamp,
    278                                                  _clock->TimeInMilliseconds());
    279   }
    280   if (rtpHeaderLength <= 0) {
    281     return -1;
    282   }
    283   if (maxPayloadLength < (rtpHeaderLength + payloadSize)) {
    284     // Too large payload buffer.
    285     return -1;
    286   }
    287   if (red_payload_type >= 0 &&  // Have we configured RED?
    288       fragmentation && fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize > 1 &&
    289       !markerBit) {
    290     if (timestampOffset <= 0x3fff) {
    291       if (fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize != 2) {
    292         // we only support 2 codecs when using RED
    293         return -1;
    294       }
    295       // only 0x80 if we have multiple blocks
    296       dataBuffer[rtpHeaderLength++] =
    297           0x80 + fragmentation->fragmentationPlType[1];
    298       size_t blockLength = fragmentation->fragmentationLength[1];
    300       // sanity blockLength
    301       if (blockLength > 0x3ff) {  // block length 10 bits 1023 bytes
    302         return -1;
    303       }
    304       uint32_t REDheader = (timestampOffset << 10) + blockLength;
    305       ByteWriter<uint32_t>::WriteBigEndian(dataBuffer + rtpHeaderLength,
    306                                            REDheader);
    307       rtpHeaderLength += 3;
    309       dataBuffer[rtpHeaderLength++] = fragmentation->fragmentationPlType[0];
    310       // copy the RED data
    311       memcpy(dataBuffer + rtpHeaderLength,
    312              payloadData + fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[1],
    313              fragmentation->fragmentationLength[1]);
    315       // copy the normal data
    316       memcpy(
    317           dataBuffer + rtpHeaderLength + fragmentation->fragmentationLength[1],
    318           payloadData + fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[0],
    319           fragmentation->fragmentationLength[0]);
    321       payloadSize = fragmentation->fragmentationLength[0] +
    322                     fragmentation->fragmentationLength[1];
    323     } else {
    324       // silence for too long send only new data
    325       dataBuffer[rtpHeaderLength++] = fragmentation->fragmentationPlType[0];
    326       memcpy(dataBuffer + rtpHeaderLength,
    327              payloadData + fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[0],
    328              fragmentation->fragmentationLength[0]);
    330       payloadSize = fragmentation->fragmentationLength[0];
    331     }
    332   } else {
    333     if (fragmentation && fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize > 0) {
    334       // use the fragment info if we have one
    335       dataBuffer[rtpHeaderLength++] = fragmentation->fragmentationPlType[0];
    336       memcpy(dataBuffer + rtpHeaderLength,
    337              payloadData + fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[0],
    338              fragmentation->fragmentationLength[0]);
    340       payloadSize = fragmentation->fragmentationLength[0];
    341     } else {
    342       memcpy(dataBuffer + rtpHeaderLength, payloadData, payloadSize);
    343     }
    344   }
    345   {
    346     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
    347     _lastPayloadType = payloadType;
    348   }
    349   // Update audio level extension, if included.
    350   size_t packetSize = payloadSize + rtpHeaderLength;
    351   RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser rtp_parser(dataBuffer, packetSize);
    352   RTPHeader rtp_header;
    353   rtp_parser.Parse(&rtp_header);
    354   _rtpSender->UpdateAudioLevel(dataBuffer, packetSize, rtp_header,
    355                                (frameType == kAudioFrameSpeech),
    356                                audio_level_dbov);
    357   TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END2("webrtc", "Audio", captureTimeStamp, "timestamp",
    358                          _rtpSender->Timestamp(), "seqnum",
    359                          _rtpSender->SequenceNumber());
    360   return _rtpSender->SendToNetwork(dataBuffer, payloadSize, rtpHeaderLength,
    361                                    TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp(),
    362                                    kAllowRetransmission,
    363                                    RtpPacketSender::kHighPriority);
    364 }
    366 // Audio level magnitude and voice activity flag are set for each RTP packet
    367 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::SetAudioLevel(uint8_t level_dBov) {
    368   if (level_dBov > 127) {
    369     return -1;
    370   }
    371   CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
    372   _audioLevel_dBov = level_dBov;
    373   return 0;
    374 }
    376 // Set payload type for Redundant Audio Data RFC 2198
    377 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::SetRED(int8_t payloadType) {
    378   if (payloadType < -1) {
    379     return -1;
    380   }
    381   CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
    382   _REDPayloadType = payloadType;
    383   return 0;
    384 }
    386 // Get payload type for Redundant Audio Data RFC 2198
    387 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::RED(int8_t* payloadType) const {
    388   CriticalSectionScoped cs(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
    389   if (_REDPayloadType == -1) {
    390     // not configured
    391     return -1;
    392   }
    393   *payloadType = _REDPayloadType;
    394   return 0;
    395 }
    397 // Send a TelephoneEvent tone using RFC 2833 (4733)
    398 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::SendTelephoneEvent(uint8_t key,
    399                                            uint16_t time_ms,
    400                                            uint8_t level) {
    401   {
    402     CriticalSectionScoped lock(_sendAudioCritsect.get());
    403     if (_dtmfPayloadType < 0) {
    404       // TelephoneEvent payloadtype not configured
    405       return -1;
    406     }
    407   }
    408   return AddDTMF(key, time_ms, level);
    409 }
    411 int32_t RTPSenderAudio::SendTelephoneEventPacket(bool ended,
    412                                                  int8_t dtmf_payload_type,
    413                                                  uint32_t dtmfTimeStamp,
    414                                                  uint16_t duration,
    415                                                  bool markerBit) {
    416   uint8_t dtmfbuffer[IP_PACKET_SIZE];
    417   uint8_t sendCount = 1;
    418   int32_t retVal = 0;
    420   if (ended) {
    421     // resend last packet in an event 3 times
    422     sendCount = 3;
    423   }
    424   do {
    425     // Send DTMF data
    426     _rtpSender->BuildRTPheader(dtmfbuffer, dtmf_payload_type, markerBit,
    427                                dtmfTimeStamp, _clock->TimeInMilliseconds());
    429     // reset CSRC and X bit
    430     dtmfbuffer[0] &= 0xe0;
    432     // Create DTMF data
    433     /*    From RFC 2833:
    435      0                   1                   2                   3
    436      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    437     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    438     |     event     |E|R| volume    |          duration             |
    439     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    440     */
    441     // R bit always cleared
    442     uint8_t R = 0x00;
    443     uint8_t volume = _dtmfLevel;
    445     // First packet un-ended
    446     uint8_t E = ended ? 0x80 : 0x00;
    448     // First byte is Event number, equals key number
    449     dtmfbuffer[12] = _dtmfKey;
    450     dtmfbuffer[13] = E | R | volume;
    451     ByteWriter<uint16_t>::WriteBigEndian(dtmfbuffer + 14, duration);
    454                          "Audio::SendTelephoneEvent", "timestamp",
    455                          dtmfTimeStamp, "seqnum", _rtpSender->SequenceNumber());
    456     retVal = _rtpSender->SendToNetwork(
    457         dtmfbuffer, 4, 12, TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp(),
    458         kAllowRetransmission, RtpPacketSender::kHighPriority);
    459     sendCount--;
    460   } while (sendCount > 0 && retVal == 0);
    462   return retVal;
    463 }
    464 }  // namespace webrtc