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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.mail.ui;
     19 import android.app.LoaderManager;
     20 import android.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks;
     21 import android.content.Context;
     22 import android.content.Loader;
     23 import android.content.res.Resources;
     24 import android.os.Bundle;
     25 import android.text.SpannableString;
     26 import android.text.Spanned;
     27 import android.text.style.TextAppearanceSpan;
     28 import android.view.View;
     30 import com.android.mail.R;
     31 import com.android.mail.browse.ConversationCursor;
     32 import com.android.mail.content.ObjectCursor;
     33 import com.android.mail.content.ObjectCursorLoader;
     34 import com.android.mail.preferences.AccountPreferences;
     35 import com.android.mail.providers.Account;
     36 import com.android.mail.providers.Folder;
     37 import com.android.mail.providers.UIProvider;
     39 /**
     40  * Tip that is displayed in conversation list of 'Sent' folder whenever there are
     41  * one or more messages in the Outbox.
     42  */
     43 public class ConversationsInOutboxTipView extends ConversationTipView {
     44     private Account mAccount = null;
     45     private AccountPreferences mAccountPreferences;
     46     private LoaderManager mLoaderManager;
     47     private FolderSelector mFolderSelector;
     48     private Folder mOutbox;
     49     private int mOutboxCount = -1;
     51     private static final int LOADER_FOLDER_LIST =
     52             AbstractActivityController.LAST_FRAGMENT_LOADER_ID + 100;
     54     public ConversationsInOutboxTipView(Context context) {
     55         super(context);
     56     }
     58     public void bind(final Account account, final FolderSelector folderSelector) {
     59         mAccount = account;
     60         mAccountPreferences = AccountPreferences.get(getContext(), account);
     61         mFolderSelector = folderSelector;
     62     }
     64     @Override
     65     protected OnClickListener getTextAreaOnClickListener() {
     66         return new OnClickListener() {
     67             @Override
     68             public void onClick(View view) {
     69                 if (mOutbox != null) {
     70                     mFolderSelector.onFolderSelected(mOutbox);
     71                 }
     72             }
     73         };
     74     }
     76     @Override
     77     public void onUpdate(Folder folder, ConversationCursor cursor) {
     78         if (mLoaderManager != null && folder != null) {
     79             if ((folder.type & UIProvider.FolderType.SENT) > 0) {
     80                 // Only display this tip if user is viewing the Sent folder
     81                 mLoaderManager.initLoader(LOADER_FOLDER_LIST, null, mFolderListLoaderCallbacks);
     82             }
     83         }
     84     }
     86     private final LoaderCallbacks<ObjectCursor<Folder>> mFolderListLoaderCallbacks =
     87             new LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<ObjectCursor<Folder>>() {
     88         @Override
     89         public void onLoaderReset(final Loader<ObjectCursor<Folder>> loader) {
     90             // Do nothing
     91         }
     93         @Override
     94         public void onLoadFinished(final Loader<ObjectCursor<Folder>> loader,
     95                 final ObjectCursor<Folder> data) {
     96             if (data != null && data.moveToFirst()) {
     97                 do {
     98                     final Folder folder = data.getModel();
     99                     if ((folder.type & UIProvider.FolderType.OUTBOX) > 0) {
    100                         mOutbox = folder;
    101                         onOutboxTotalCount(folder.totalCount);
    102                     }
    103                 } while (data.moveToNext());
    104             }
    105         }
    107         @Override
    108         public Loader<ObjectCursor<Folder>> onCreateLoader(final int id, final Bundle args) {
    109             // This loads all folders in order to find 'Outbox'.  We could consider adding a new
    110             // query to load folders of a given type to make this more efficient, but should be
    111             // okay for now since this is triggered infrequently (only when user visits the
    112             // 'Sent' folder).
    113             return new ObjectCursorLoader<Folder>(getContext(),
    114                     mAccount.folderListUri, UIProvider.FOLDERS_PROJECTION, Folder.FACTORY);
    115         }
    116     };
    118     private void onOutboxTotalCount(int outboxCount) {
    119         if (mOutboxCount != outboxCount) {
    120             mOutboxCount = outboxCount;
    121             if (outboxCount > 0) {
    122                 updateText();
    123             }
    124         }
    125         if (outboxCount == 0) {
    126             // Clear the last seen count, so that new messages in Outbox will always cause this
    127             // tip to appear again.
    128             mAccountPreferences.setLastSeenOutboxCount(0);
    129         }
    130     }
    132     private void updateText() {
    133         // Update the display text to reflect current mOutboxCount
    134         final Resources resources = getContext().getResources();
    135         final String subString = mOutbox.name;
    136         final String entireString = resources.getString(R.string.unsent_messages_in_outbox,
    137                 String.valueOf(mOutboxCount), subString);
    138         final SpannableString text = new SpannableString(entireString);
    139         final int index = entireString.indexOf(subString);
    140         text.setSpan(new TextAppearanceSpan(getContext(), R.style.LinksInTipTextAppearance), index,
    141                 index + subString.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    142         setText(text);
    143     }
    145     @Override
    146     public boolean getShouldDisplayInList() {
    147         return (mOutboxCount > 0 && mOutboxCount != mAccountPreferences.getLastSeenOutboxCount());
    148     }
    150     @Override
    151     public void bindFragment(final LoaderManager loaderManager, final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    152         mLoaderManager = loaderManager;
    153     }
    155     @Override
    156     public void dismiss() {
    157         // Do not show this tip again until we have a new count.  Note this is not quite
    158         // ideal behavior since after a user dismisses an "1 unsent in outbox" tip,
    159         // the message stuck in Outbox could get sent, and a new one gets stuck.
    160         // If the user checks back on on Sent folder then, we don't reshow the message since count
    161         // itself hasn't changed, but ideally we should since it's a different message than before.
    162         // However if user checks the Sent folder in between (when there were 0 messages
    163         // in Outbox), the preference is cleared (see {@link onOutboxTotalCount}).
    164         mAccountPreferences.setLastSeenOutboxCount(mOutboxCount);
    165         super.dismiss();
    166     }
    167 }