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      1 /* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 // Suite of types that represent device memory allocations. These are
     17 // allocated by the StreamExecutor interface, which produces values appropriate
     18 // for the underlying platform (whether it be CUDA or OpenCL).
     19 //
     20 // The untyped base class (like a device void*) is DeviceMemoryBase, which can
     21 // be specialized for a given allocation type (like a device T*) using
     22 // DeviceMemory<T>.
     27 #include <stddef.h>
     29 #include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/casts.h"
     30 #include "tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/port.h"
     32 namespace perftools {
     33 namespace gputools {
     35 class StreamExecutor;
     37 // void*-analogous device memory allocation. For the typed variation, see
     38 // DeviceMemory<T>.
     39 //
     40 // This is effectively a two-tuple of a pointer and size; however, note that the
     41 // pointer may not be to the virtual address itself -- in OpenCL the pointer is
     42 // to a cl_mem handle that describes the device allocation. Therefore,
     43 // DeviceMemoryBase::opaque does not necessarily produce a pointer that can be
     44 // referenced directly, so use it with caution.
     45 //
     46 // Thread-compatible.
     47 class DeviceMemoryBase {
     48  public:
     49   // Default constructor instantiates a null-pointed, zero-sized device memory
     50   // region. An opaque pointer may be provided -- see header for details on the
     51   // opacity of that pointer.
     52   explicit DeviceMemoryBase(void *opaque = nullptr, uint64 size = 0,
     53                             bool is_sub_buffer = false)
     54       : opaque_(opaque), size_(size), is_sub_buffer_(is_sub_buffer) {}
     56   // Returns whether the backing memory is the null pointer.
     57   // A `== nullptr` convenience method is also provided.
     58   bool is_null() const { return opaque_ == nullptr; }
     59   bool operator==(std::nullptr_t other) const { return is_null(); }
     60   bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t other) const { return !is_null(); }
     62   // Provides a partial order between device memory values.
     63   //
     64   // This operator is provided so that this object can be used as a key in an
     65   // ordered map.
     66   bool operator<(const DeviceMemoryBase &other) const {
     67     return opaque() < other.opaque();
     68   }
     70   // Returns the size, in bytes, for the backing memory.
     71   uint64 size() const { return size_; }
     73   // Warning: note that the pointer returned is not necessarily directly to
     74   // device virtual address space, but is platform-dependent.
     75   void *opaque() { return opaque_; }
     76   const void *opaque() const { return opaque_; }
     78   // Returns true if this is an offset into another primary allocation.
     79   bool is_sub_buffer() const { return is_sub_buffer_; }
     81   // Returns whether the two DeviceMemoryBase segments are identical (both in
     82   // their opaque pointer and size).
     83   bool IsSameAs(const DeviceMemoryBase &other) const {
     84     return opaque() == other.opaque() && size() == other.size();
     85   }
     87  protected:
     88   friend class StreamExecutor;
     90   // Resets the internal values of the opaque pointer and number of bytes in the
     91   // memory region, just as in the constructor.
     92   void Reset(void *opaque, uint64 bytes) {
     93     opaque_ = opaque;
     94     size_ = bytes;
     95   }
     97  private:
     98   void *opaque_;  // Platform-dependent value representing allocated memory.
     99   uint64 size_;   // Size in bytes of this allocation.
    100   bool is_sub_buffer_;  // Is this a primary allocation or a sub-buffer?
    101 };
    103 // Typed wrapper around "void *"-like DeviceMemoryBase.
    104 //
    105 // For example, DeviceMemory<int> is a simple wrapper around DeviceMemoryBase
    106 // that represents one or more integers in Device memory.
    107 //
    108 // Thread-compatible.
    109 template <typename ElemT>
    110 class DeviceMemory final : public DeviceMemoryBase {
    111  public:
    112   // Default constructor instantiates a null-pointed, zero-sized memory region.
    113   DeviceMemory() : DeviceMemoryBase(nullptr, 0) {}
    114   DeviceMemory(std::nullptr_t) : DeviceMemory() {}
    116   // Typed device memory regions may be constructed from untyped device memory
    117   // regions, this effectively amounts to a cast from a void*.
    118   explicit DeviceMemory(const DeviceMemoryBase &other)
    119       : DeviceMemoryBase(const_cast<DeviceMemoryBase &>(other).opaque(),
    120                          other.size(), other.is_sub_buffer()) {}
    122   // Returns the number of elements of type ElemT that constitute this
    123   // allocation.
    124   uint64 ElementCount() const { return size() / sizeof(ElemT); }
    126   // Returns whether this is a single-element allocation.
    127   bool IsScalar() const { return ElementCount() == 1; }
    129   // Create a typed area of DeviceMemory with a given opaque pointer and the
    130   // quantity of bytes in the allocation. This function is broken out to
    131   // distinguish bytes from an element count.
    132   static DeviceMemory<ElemT> MakeFromByteSize(void *opaque, uint64 bytes) {
    133     return DeviceMemory<ElemT>(opaque, bytes);
    134   }
    136   // Resets the DeviceMemory data, in MakeFromByteSize fashion.
    137   // This simply clobbers the prior values.
    138   void ResetFromByteSize(void *opaque, uint64 bytes) {
    139     // TODO(leary) when NVCC is eliminated we can add this check (and the
    140     // logging include it requires).
    141     // CHECK_EQ(0, bytes % sizeof(ElemT));
    142     DeviceMemoryBase::Reset(opaque, bytes);
    143   }
    145   // ------------------------------------------------------------
    147  protected:
    148   // This constructor is solely used from derived classes; it is made protected
    149   // because it accepts a byte-size instead of an element count, which could
    150   // potentially be misused given the ElementCount() nature of this interface.
    151   //
    152   // In order to specify the desire to use byte size instead of element count
    153   // explicitly, use MakeFromByteSize.
    154   DeviceMemory(void *opaque, uint64 size) : DeviceMemoryBase(opaque, size) {}
    155 };
    157 // A class to encapsulate the type and size of a dynamic shared memory
    158 // buffer. Because the buffer exists solely on the device and is not copyable
    159 // to the host, memory objects of this type do not maintain buffer pointers
    160 // on the host.
    161 template <typename ElemT>
    162 class SharedDeviceMemory final : public DeviceMemoryBase {
    163  public:
    164   explicit SharedDeviceMemory(uint64 elem_count)
    165       : DeviceMemoryBase(nullptr, elem_count * kElemSize) {}
    167   static constexpr size_t kElemSize = sizeof(ElemT);
    169   // Returns the number of elements of type ElemT that constitute this
    170   // allocation.
    171   uint64 ElementCount() const { return size() / kElemSize; }
    173   // Returns whether this is a single-element allocation.
    174   bool IsScalar() const { return ElementCount() == 1; }
    175 };
    177 // Similar to the typed DeviceMemory, but is the unique owner of its
    178 // memory, if any. ScopedDeviceMemory is thread-compatible. It is also
    179 // movable and uncopyable to represent unique ownership.
    180 template <typename ElemT>
    181 class ScopedDeviceMemory {
    182  public:
    183   // Default construction initializes the internal state to nullptr.  This
    184   // mirrors the std::unique_ptr<> functionality, where default construction
    185   // produces a nullptr unique_ptr, which can be assigned later.
    186   ScopedDeviceMemory();
    188   // Parameters:
    189   //  parent: Executor used to deallocate memory when this instance goes
    190   //          out of scope.
    191   //  value: Already-allocated device memory value for this scoped mechanism to
    192   //         deallocate. This memory must have been allocated by parent.
    193   ScopedDeviceMemory(StreamExecutor *parent, DeviceMemoryBase value);
    195   // Constructor overload that places a literal array into device memory
    196   ScopedDeviceMemory(StreamExecutor *parent,
    197                      std::initializer_list<ElemT> values);
    199   // Moves ownership of the memory from other to the constructed
    200   // object.
    201   //
    202   // Postcondition: other == nullptr.
    203   ScopedDeviceMemory(ScopedDeviceMemory &&other) noexcept:
    204       ScopedDeviceMemory(other.parent_, other.Release()) {}
    206   // Releases the memory that was provided in the constructor, through the
    207   // "parent" StreamExecutor.
    208   ~ScopedDeviceMemory();
    210   // Moves ownership of the memory from other to this object.
    211   //
    212   // Postcondition: other == nullptr.
    213   ScopedDeviceMemory& operator=(ScopedDeviceMemory &&other) {
    214     Reset(other.Release());
    215     parent_ = other.parent_;
    216     return *this;
    217   }
    219   // Returns the memory that backs this scoped allocation converted to
    220   // DeviceMemory<T> apparent type. This is useful for cases where the
    221   // DeviceMemory must be passed by const-ref, as the ScopedDeviceMemory doesn't
    222   // allow copying, for scoped-object-lifetime reasons.
    223   const DeviceMemory<ElemT> &cref() const { return wrapped_; }
    225   // Returns a pointer to the DeviceMemory<T> apparent type for use in mutable
    226   // operations. The value returned should not be used outside the scope of this
    227   // ScopedDeviceMemory object's lifetime.
    228   DeviceMemory<ElemT> *ptr() { return &wrapped_; }
    229   const DeviceMemory<ElemT> *ptr() const { return &wrapped_; }
    231   // Smart-pointer-like operators for the wrapped DeviceMemory.
    232   // This reference must not be used outside the lifetime of this
    233   // ScopedDeviceMemory.
    234   const DeviceMemory<ElemT> &operator*() const { return cref(); }
    235   DeviceMemory<ElemT> *operator->() { return ptr(); }
    236   const DeviceMemory<ElemT> *operator->() const { return ptr(); }
    237   bool operator==(std::nullptr_t other) const { return wrapped_.is_null(); }
    238   bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t other) const { return !wrapped_.is_null(); }
    240   // Analogous to std::unique_ptr::reset, frees the existing memory held in
    241   // this scoped memory container and replaces it with updated. Ownership
    242   // of updated is transferred to this object.
    243   void Reset(DeviceMemory<ElemT> updated);
    244   void Reset(std::nullptr_t);
    246   // Analogous to std::unique_ptr::release, releases ownership of the held
    247   // memory and transfers it to the caller.
    248   //
    249   // Postcondition: *this == nullptr
    250   DeviceMemory<ElemT> Release() {
    251     auto tmp = wrapped_;
    252     wrapped_.ResetFromByteSize(nullptr, 0);
    253     return tmp;
    254   }
    256  private:
    257   DeviceMemory<ElemT> wrapped_;  // Value we wrap with scoped-release.
    258   StreamExecutor *parent_;       // See constructor.
    260   SE_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedDeviceMemory);
    261 };
    263 // Host-side representation of packed-and-aligned vector datatypes on the device
    264 // side. Since these can appear in device kernel signatures, we support
    265 // launching them with these datatypes in launch signatures.
    267 struct Float2 {
    268   float x, y;
    269 };
    271 struct Float4 {
    272   Float2 xz, yw;
    273 };
    275 struct Double2 {
    276   double x, y;
    277 };
    279 static_assert(sizeof(Float2) == 2 * sizeof(float), "Float2 must be packed");
    280 static_assert(sizeof(Float4) == 4 * sizeof(float), "Float4 must be packed");
    281 static_assert(sizeof(Double2) == 2 * sizeof(double), "Double2 must be packed");
    283 }  // namespace gputools
    284 }  // namespace perftools