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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License
     15  */
     17 package com.android.dialer.database;
     19 import android.net.Uri;
     20 import android.provider.BaseColumns;
     21 import com.android.dialer.constants.Constants;
     23 /**
     24  * The contract between the filtered number provider and applications. Contains definitions for the
     25  * supported URIs and columns. Currently only accessible within Dialer.
     26  */
     27 public final class FilteredNumberContract {
     29   public static final String AUTHORITY = Constants.get().getFilteredNumberProviderAuthority();
     31   public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY);
     33   /** The type of filtering to be applied, e.g. block the number or whitelist the number. */
     34   public interface FilteredNumberTypes {
     36     int UNDEFINED = 0;
     37     /** Dialer will disconnect the call without sending the caller to voicemail. */
     38     int BLOCKED_NUMBER = 1;
     39   }
     41   /** The original source of the filtered number, e.g. the user manually added it. */
     42   public interface FilteredNumberSources {
     44     int UNDEFINED = 0;
     45     /** The user manually added this number through Dialer (e.g. from the call log or InCallUI). */
     46     int USER = 1;
     47   }
     49   public interface FilteredNumberColumns {
     51     // TYPE: INTEGER
     52     String _ID = "_id";
     53     /**
     54      * Represents the number to be filtered, normalized to compare phone numbers for equality.
     55      *
     56      * <p>TYPE: TEXT
     57      */
     58     String NORMALIZED_NUMBER = "normalized_number";
     59     /**
     60      * Represents the number to be filtered, for formatting and used with country iso for contact
     61      * lookups.
     62      *
     63      * <p>TYPE: TEXT
     64      */
     65     String NUMBER = "number";
     66     /**
     67      * The country code representing the country detected when the phone number was added to the
     68      * database. Most numbers don't have the country code, so a best guess is provided by the
     69      * country detector system. The country iso is also needed in order to format phone numbers
     70      * correctly.
     71      *
     72      * <p>TYPE: TEXT
     73      */
     74     String COUNTRY_ISO = "country_iso";
     75     /**
     76      * The number of times the number has been filtered by Dialer. When this number is incremented,
     77      * LAST_TIME_FILTERED should also be updated to the current time.
     78      *
     79      * <p>TYPE: INTEGER
     80      */
     81     String TIMES_FILTERED = "times_filtered";
     82     /**
     83      * Set to the current time when the phone number is filtered. When this is updated,
     84      * TIMES_FILTERED should also be incremented.
     85      *
     86      * <p>TYPE: LONG
     87      */
     88     String LAST_TIME_FILTERED = "last_time_filtered";
     89     // TYPE: LONG
     90     String CREATION_TIME = "creation_time";
     91     /**
     92      * Indicates the type of filtering to be applied.
     93      *
     94      * <p>TYPE: INTEGER See {@link FilteredNumberTypes}
     95      */
     96     String TYPE = "type";
     97     /**
     98      * Integer representing the original source of the filtered number.
     99      *
    100      * <p>TYPE: INTEGER See {@link FilteredNumberSources}
    101      */
    102     String SOURCE = "source";
    103   }
    105   /**
    106    * Constants for the table of filtered numbers.
    107    *
    108    * <h3>Operations</h3>
    109    *
    110    * <dl>
    111    * <dt><b>Insert</b>
    112    * <dd>Required fields: NUMBER, NORMALIZED_NUMBER, TYPE, SOURCE. A default value will be used for
    113    *     the other fields if left null.
    114    * <dt><b>Update</b>
    115    * <dt><b>Delete</b>
    116    * <dt><b>Query</b>
    117    * <dd>{@link #CONTENT_URI} can be used for any query, append an ID to retrieve a specific
    118    *     filtered number entry.
    119    * </dl>
    120    */
    121   public static class FilteredNumber implements BaseColumns {
    123     public static final String FILTERED_NUMBERS_TABLE = "filtered_numbers_table";
    125     /**
    126      * The MIME type of a {@link android.content.ContentProvider#getType(Uri)} single filtered
    127      * number.
    128      */
    129     public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "vnd.android.cursor.item/filtered_numbers_table";
    131     public static final Uri CONTENT_URI =
    132         Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, FILTERED_NUMBERS_TABLE);
    134     /** This utility class cannot be instantiated. */
    135     private FilteredNumber() {}
    136   }
    137 }