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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/video/vie_receiver.h"
     13 #include <vector>
     15 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/remote_bitrate_estimator.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/fec_receiver.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/receive_statistics.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/remote_ntp_time_estimator.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_cvo.h"
     21 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_header_parser.h"
     22 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_payload_registry.h"
     23 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_receiver.h"
     24 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp.h"
     25 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_coding.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
     27 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
     28 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
     29 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/timestamp_extrapolator.h"
     30 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/trace.h"
     32 namespace webrtc {
     34 static const int kPacketLogIntervalMs = 10000;
     36 ViEReceiver::ViEReceiver(VideoCodingModule* module_vcm,
     37                          RemoteBitrateEstimator* remote_bitrate_estimator,
     38                          RtpFeedback* rtp_feedback)
     39     : receive_cs_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
     40       clock_(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()),
     41       rtp_header_parser_(RtpHeaderParser::Create()),
     42       rtp_payload_registry_(
     43           new RTPPayloadRegistry(RTPPayloadStrategy::CreateStrategy(false))),
     44       rtp_receiver_(
     45           RtpReceiver::CreateVideoReceiver(clock_,
     46                                            this,
     47                                            rtp_feedback,
     48                                            rtp_payload_registry_.get())),
     49       rtp_receive_statistics_(ReceiveStatistics::Create(clock_)),
     50       fec_receiver_(FecReceiver::Create(this)),
     51       rtp_rtcp_(NULL),
     52       vcm_(module_vcm),
     53       remote_bitrate_estimator_(remote_bitrate_estimator),
     54       ntp_estimator_(new RemoteNtpTimeEstimator(clock_)),
     55       receiving_(false),
     56       restored_packet_in_use_(false),
     57       receiving_ast_enabled_(false),
     58       receiving_cvo_enabled_(false),
     59       receiving_tsn_enabled_(false),
     60       last_packet_log_ms_(-1) {
     61   assert(remote_bitrate_estimator);
     62 }
     64 ViEReceiver::~ViEReceiver() {
     65   UpdateHistograms();
     66 }
     68 void ViEReceiver::UpdateHistograms() {
     69   FecPacketCounter counter = fec_receiver_->GetPacketCounter();
     70   if (counter.num_packets > 0) {
     72         "WebRTC.Video.ReceivedFecPacketsInPercent",
     73         static_cast<int>(counter.num_fec_packets * 100 / counter.num_packets));
     74   }
     75   if (counter.num_fec_packets > 0) {
     77         "WebRTC.Video.RecoveredMediaPacketsInPercentOfFec",
     78         static_cast<int>(counter.num_recovered_packets * 100 /
     79                          counter.num_fec_packets));
     80   }
     81 }
     83 bool ViEReceiver::SetReceiveCodec(const VideoCodec& video_codec) {
     84   int8_t old_pltype = -1;
     85   if (rtp_payload_registry_->ReceivePayloadType(video_codec.plName,
     86                                                 kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency,
     87                                                 0,
     88                                                 video_codec.maxBitrate,
     89                                                 &old_pltype) != -1) {
     90     rtp_payload_registry_->DeRegisterReceivePayload(old_pltype);
     91   }
     93   return RegisterPayload(video_codec);
     94 }
     96 bool ViEReceiver::RegisterPayload(const VideoCodec& video_codec) {
     97   return rtp_receiver_->RegisterReceivePayload(video_codec.plName,
     98                                                video_codec.plType,
     99                                                kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency,
    100                                                0,
    101                                                video_codec.maxBitrate) == 0;
    102 }
    104 void ViEReceiver::SetNackStatus(bool enable,
    105                                 int max_nack_reordering_threshold) {
    106   if (!enable) {
    107     // Reset the threshold back to the lower default threshold when NACK is
    108     // disabled since we no longer will be receiving retransmissions.
    109     max_nack_reordering_threshold = kDefaultMaxReorderingThreshold;
    110   }
    111   rtp_receive_statistics_->SetMaxReorderingThreshold(
    112       max_nack_reordering_threshold);
    113   rtp_receiver_->SetNACKStatus(enable ? kNackRtcp : kNackOff);
    114 }
    116 void ViEReceiver::SetRtxPayloadType(int payload_type,
    117                                     int associated_payload_type) {
    118   rtp_payload_registry_->SetRtxPayloadType(payload_type,
    119                                            associated_payload_type);
    120 }
    122 void ViEReceiver::SetUseRtxPayloadMappingOnRestore(bool val) {
    123   rtp_payload_registry_->set_use_rtx_payload_mapping_on_restore(val);
    124 }
    126 void ViEReceiver::SetRtxSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
    127   rtp_payload_registry_->SetRtxSsrc(ssrc);
    128 }
    130 bool ViEReceiver::GetRtxSsrc(uint32_t* ssrc) const {
    131   return rtp_payload_registry_->GetRtxSsrc(ssrc);
    132 }
    134 bool ViEReceiver::IsFecEnabled() const {
    135   return rtp_payload_registry_->ulpfec_payload_type() > -1;
    136 }
    138 uint32_t ViEReceiver::GetRemoteSsrc() const {
    139   return rtp_receiver_->SSRC();
    140 }
    142 int ViEReceiver::GetCsrcs(uint32_t* csrcs) const {
    143   return rtp_receiver_->CSRCs(csrcs);
    144 }
    146 void ViEReceiver::SetRtpRtcpModule(RtpRtcp* module) {
    147   rtp_rtcp_ = module;
    148 }
    150 RtpReceiver* ViEReceiver::GetRtpReceiver() const {
    151   return rtp_receiver_.get();
    152 }
    154 void ViEReceiver::RegisterRtpRtcpModules(
    155     const std::vector<RtpRtcp*>& rtp_modules) {
    156   CriticalSectionScoped cs(receive_cs_.get());
    157   // Only change the "simulcast" modules, the base module can be accessed
    158   // without a lock whereas the simulcast modules require locking as they can be
    159   // changed in runtime.
    160   rtp_rtcp_simulcast_ =
    161       std::vector<RtpRtcp*>(rtp_modules.begin() + 1, rtp_modules.end());
    162 }
    164 bool ViEReceiver::SetReceiveTimestampOffsetStatus(bool enable, int id) {
    165   if (enable) {
    166     return rtp_header_parser_->RegisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    167         kRtpExtensionTransmissionTimeOffset, id);
    168   } else {
    169     return rtp_header_parser_->DeregisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    170         kRtpExtensionTransmissionTimeOffset);
    171   }
    172 }
    174 bool ViEReceiver::SetReceiveAbsoluteSendTimeStatus(bool enable, int id) {
    175   if (enable) {
    176     if (rtp_header_parser_->RegisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    177         kRtpExtensionAbsoluteSendTime, id)) {
    178       receiving_ast_enabled_ = true;
    179       return true;
    180     } else {
    181       return false;
    182     }
    183   } else {
    184     receiving_ast_enabled_ = false;
    185     return rtp_header_parser_->DeregisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    186         kRtpExtensionAbsoluteSendTime);
    187   }
    188 }
    190 bool ViEReceiver::SetReceiveVideoRotationStatus(bool enable, int id) {
    191   if (enable) {
    192     if (rtp_header_parser_->RegisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    193             kRtpExtensionVideoRotation, id)) {
    194       receiving_cvo_enabled_ = true;
    195       return true;
    196     } else {
    197       return false;
    198     }
    199   } else {
    200     receiving_cvo_enabled_ = false;
    201     return rtp_header_parser_->DeregisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    202         kRtpExtensionVideoRotation);
    203   }
    204 }
    206 bool ViEReceiver::SetReceiveTransportSequenceNumber(bool enable, int id) {
    207   if (enable) {
    208     if (rtp_header_parser_->RegisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    209             kRtpExtensionTransportSequenceNumber, id)) {
    210       receiving_tsn_enabled_ = true;
    211       return true;
    212     } else {
    213       return false;
    214     }
    215   } else {
    216     receiving_tsn_enabled_ = false;
    217     return rtp_header_parser_->DeregisterRtpHeaderExtension(
    218         kRtpExtensionTransportSequenceNumber);
    219   }
    220 }
    222 int ViEReceiver::ReceivedRTPPacket(const void* rtp_packet,
    223                                    size_t rtp_packet_length,
    224                                    const PacketTime& packet_time) {
    225   return InsertRTPPacket(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(rtp_packet),
    226                          rtp_packet_length, packet_time);
    227 }
    229 int ViEReceiver::ReceivedRTCPPacket(const void* rtcp_packet,
    230                                     size_t rtcp_packet_length) {
    231   return InsertRTCPPacket(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(rtcp_packet),
    232                           rtcp_packet_length);
    233 }
    235 int32_t ViEReceiver::OnReceivedPayloadData(const uint8_t* payload_data,
    236                                            const size_t payload_size,
    237                                            const WebRtcRTPHeader* rtp_header) {
    238   WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header_with_ntp = *rtp_header;
    239   rtp_header_with_ntp.ntp_time_ms =
    240       ntp_estimator_->Estimate(rtp_header->header.timestamp);
    241   if (vcm_->IncomingPacket(payload_data,
    242                            payload_size,
    243                            rtp_header_with_ntp) != 0) {
    244     // Check this...
    245     return -1;
    246   }
    247   return 0;
    248 }
    250 bool ViEReceiver::OnRecoveredPacket(const uint8_t* rtp_packet,
    251                                     size_t rtp_packet_length) {
    252   RTPHeader header;
    253   if (!rtp_header_parser_->Parse(rtp_packet, rtp_packet_length, &header)) {
    254     return false;
    255   }
    256   header.payload_type_frequency = kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency;
    257   bool in_order = IsPacketInOrder(header);
    258   return ReceivePacket(rtp_packet, rtp_packet_length, header, in_order);
    259 }
    261 int ViEReceiver::InsertRTPPacket(const uint8_t* rtp_packet,
    262                                  size_t rtp_packet_length,
    263                                  const PacketTime& packet_time) {
    264   {
    265     CriticalSectionScoped cs(receive_cs_.get());
    266     if (!receiving_) {
    267       return -1;
    268     }
    269   }
    271   RTPHeader header;
    272   if (!rtp_header_parser_->Parse(rtp_packet, rtp_packet_length,
    273                                  &header)) {
    274     return -1;
    275   }
    276   size_t payload_length = rtp_packet_length - header.headerLength;
    277   int64_t arrival_time_ms;
    278   int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    279   if (packet_time.timestamp != -1)
    280     arrival_time_ms = (packet_time.timestamp + 500) / 1000;
    281   else
    282     arrival_time_ms = now_ms;
    284   {
    285     // Periodically log the RTP header of incoming packets.
    286     CriticalSectionScoped cs(receive_cs_.get());
    287     if (now_ms - last_packet_log_ms_ > kPacketLogIntervalMs) {
    288       std::stringstream ss;
    289       ss << "Packet received on SSRC: " << header.ssrc << " with payload type: "
    290          << static_cast<int>(header.payloadType) << ", timestamp: "
    291          << header.timestamp << ", sequence number: " << header.sequenceNumber
    292          << ", arrival time: " << arrival_time_ms;
    293       if (header.extension.hasTransmissionTimeOffset)
    294         ss << ", toffset: " << header.extension.transmissionTimeOffset;
    295       if (header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime)
    296         ss << ", abs send time: " << header.extension.absoluteSendTime;
    297       LOG(LS_INFO) << ss.str();
    298       last_packet_log_ms_ = now_ms;
    299     }
    300   }
    302   remote_bitrate_estimator_->IncomingPacket(arrival_time_ms, payload_length,
    303                                             header, true);
    304   header.payload_type_frequency = kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency;
    306   bool in_order = IsPacketInOrder(header);
    307   rtp_payload_registry_->SetIncomingPayloadType(header);
    308   int ret = ReceivePacket(rtp_packet, rtp_packet_length, header, in_order)
    309       ? 0
    310       : -1;
    311   // Update receive statistics after ReceivePacket.
    312   // Receive statistics will be reset if the payload type changes (make sure
    313   // that the first packet is included in the stats).
    314   rtp_receive_statistics_->IncomingPacket(
    315       header, rtp_packet_length, IsPacketRetransmitted(header, in_order));
    316   return ret;
    317 }
    319 bool ViEReceiver::ReceivePacket(const uint8_t* packet,
    320                                 size_t packet_length,
    321                                 const RTPHeader& header,
    322                                 bool in_order) {
    323   if (rtp_payload_registry_->IsEncapsulated(header)) {
    324     return ParseAndHandleEncapsulatingHeader(packet, packet_length, header);
    325   }
    326   const uint8_t* payload = packet + header.headerLength;
    327   assert(packet_length >= header.headerLength);
    328   size_t payload_length = packet_length - header.headerLength;
    329   PayloadUnion payload_specific;
    330   if (!rtp_payload_registry_->GetPayloadSpecifics(header.payloadType,
    331                                                   &payload_specific)) {
    332     return false;
    333   }
    334   return rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(header, payload, payload_length,
    335                                           payload_specific, in_order);
    336 }
    338 bool ViEReceiver::ParseAndHandleEncapsulatingHeader(const uint8_t* packet,
    339                                                     size_t packet_length,
    340                                                     const RTPHeader& header) {
    341   if (rtp_payload_registry_->IsRed(header)) {
    342     int8_t ulpfec_pt = rtp_payload_registry_->ulpfec_payload_type();
    343     if (packet[header.headerLength] == ulpfec_pt) {
    344       rtp_receive_statistics_->FecPacketReceived(header, packet_length);
    345       // Notify vcm about received FEC packets to avoid NACKing these packets.
    346       NotifyReceiverOfFecPacket(header);
    347     }
    348     if (fec_receiver_->AddReceivedRedPacket(
    349             header, packet, packet_length, ulpfec_pt) != 0) {
    350       return false;
    351     }
    352     return fec_receiver_->ProcessReceivedFec() == 0;
    353   } else if (rtp_payload_registry_->IsRtx(header)) {
    354     if (header.headerLength + header.paddingLength == packet_length) {
    355       // This is an empty packet and should be silently dropped before trying to
    356       // parse the RTX header.
    357       return true;
    358     }
    359     // Remove the RTX header and parse the original RTP header.
    360     if (packet_length < header.headerLength)
    361       return false;
    362     if (packet_length > sizeof(restored_packet_))
    363       return false;
    364     CriticalSectionScoped cs(receive_cs_.get());
    365     if (restored_packet_in_use_) {
    366       LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Multiple RTX headers detected, dropping packet.";
    367       return false;
    368     }
    369     if (!rtp_payload_registry_->RestoreOriginalPacket(
    370             restored_packet_, packet, &packet_length, rtp_receiver_->SSRC(),
    371             header)) {
    372       LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Incoming RTX packet: Invalid RTP header";
    373       return false;
    374     }
    375     restored_packet_in_use_ = true;
    376     bool ret = OnRecoveredPacket(restored_packet_, packet_length);
    377     restored_packet_in_use_ = false;
    378     return ret;
    379   }
    380   return false;
    381 }
    383 void ViEReceiver::NotifyReceiverOfFecPacket(const RTPHeader& header) {
    384   int8_t last_media_payload_type =
    385       rtp_payload_registry_->last_received_media_payload_type();
    386   if (last_media_payload_type < 0) {
    387     LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to get last media payload type.";
    388     return;
    389   }
    390   // Fake an empty media packet.
    391   WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header = {};
    392   rtp_header.header = header;
    393   rtp_header.header.payloadType = last_media_payload_type;
    394   rtp_header.header.paddingLength = 0;
    395   PayloadUnion payload_specific;
    396   if (!rtp_payload_registry_->GetPayloadSpecifics(last_media_payload_type,
    397                                                   &payload_specific)) {
    398     LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to get payload specifics.";
    399     return;
    400   }
    401   rtp_header.type.Video.codec = payload_specific.Video.videoCodecType;
    402   rtp_header.type.Video.rotation = kVideoRotation_0;
    403   if (header.extension.hasVideoRotation) {
    404     rtp_header.type.Video.rotation =
    405         ConvertCVOByteToVideoRotation(header.extension.videoRotation);
    406   }
    407   OnReceivedPayloadData(NULL, 0, &rtp_header);
    408 }
    410 int ViEReceiver::InsertRTCPPacket(const uint8_t* rtcp_packet,
    411                                   size_t rtcp_packet_length) {
    412   {
    413     CriticalSectionScoped cs(receive_cs_.get());
    414     if (!receiving_) {
    415       return -1;
    416     }
    418     for (RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp : rtp_rtcp_simulcast_)
    419       rtp_rtcp->IncomingRtcpPacket(rtcp_packet, rtcp_packet_length);
    420   }
    421   assert(rtp_rtcp_);  // Should be set by owner at construction time.
    422   int ret = rtp_rtcp_->IncomingRtcpPacket(rtcp_packet, rtcp_packet_length);
    423   if (ret != 0) {
    424     return ret;
    425   }
    427   int64_t rtt = 0;
    428   rtp_rtcp_->RTT(rtp_receiver_->SSRC(), &rtt, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    429   if (rtt == 0) {
    430     // Waiting for valid rtt.
    431     return 0;
    432   }
    433   uint32_t ntp_secs = 0;
    434   uint32_t ntp_frac = 0;
    435   uint32_t rtp_timestamp = 0;
    436   if (0 != rtp_rtcp_->RemoteNTP(&ntp_secs, &ntp_frac, NULL, NULL,
    437                                 &rtp_timestamp)) {
    438     // Waiting for RTCP.
    439     return 0;
    440   }
    441   ntp_estimator_->UpdateRtcpTimestamp(rtt, ntp_secs, ntp_frac, rtp_timestamp);
    443   return 0;
    444 }
    446 void ViEReceiver::StartReceive() {
    447   CriticalSectionScoped cs(receive_cs_.get());
    448   receiving_ = true;
    449 }
    451 void ViEReceiver::StopReceive() {
    452   CriticalSectionScoped cs(receive_cs_.get());
    453   receiving_ = false;
    454 }
    456 ReceiveStatistics* ViEReceiver::GetReceiveStatistics() const {
    457   return rtp_receive_statistics_.get();
    458 }
    460 bool ViEReceiver::IsPacketInOrder(const RTPHeader& header) const {
    461   StreamStatistician* statistician =
    462       rtp_receive_statistics_->GetStatistician(header.ssrc);
    463   if (!statistician)
    464     return false;
    465   return statistician->IsPacketInOrder(header.sequenceNumber);
    466 }
    468 bool ViEReceiver::IsPacketRetransmitted(const RTPHeader& header,
    469                                         bool in_order) const {
    470   // Retransmissions are handled separately if RTX is enabled.
    471   if (rtp_payload_registry_->RtxEnabled())
    472     return false;
    473   StreamStatistician* statistician =
    474       rtp_receive_statistics_->GetStatistician(header.ssrc);
    475   if (!statistician)
    476     return false;
    477   // Check if this is a retransmission.
    478   int64_t min_rtt = 0;
    479   rtp_rtcp_->RTT(rtp_receiver_->SSRC(), NULL, NULL, &min_rtt, NULL);
    480   return !in_order &&
    481       statistician->IsRetransmitOfOldPacket(header, min_rtt);
    482 }
    483 }  // namespace webrtc