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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 2012 Dsir Nuentsa-Wakam <desire.nuentsa_wakam (at) inria.fr>
      5 // Copyright (C) 2015 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud (at) inria.fr>
      6 //
      7 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      8 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
      9 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     14 #include <vector>
     15 #include <list>
     17 namespace Eigen {
     18 /**
     19   * \brief Modified Incomplete Cholesky with dual threshold
     20   *
     21   * References : C-J. Lin and J. J. Mor, Incomplete Cholesky Factorizations with
     22   *              Limited memory, SIAM J. Sci. Comput.  21(1), pp. 24-45, 1999
     23   *
     24   * \tparam Scalar the scalar type of the input matrices
     25   * \tparam _UpLo The triangular part that will be used for the computations. It can be Lower
     26     *               or Upper. Default is Lower.
     27   * \tparam _OrderingType The ordering method to use, either AMDOrdering<> or NaturalOrdering<>. Default is AMDOrdering<int>,
     28   *                       unless EIGEN_MPL2_ONLY is defined, in which case the default is NaturalOrdering<int>.
     29   *
     30   * \implsparsesolverconcept
     31   *
     32   * It performs the following incomplete factorization: \f$ S P A P' S \approx L L' \f$
     33   * where L is a lower triangular factor, S is a diagonal scaling matrix, and P is a
     34   * fill-in reducing permutation as computed by the ordering method.
     35   *
     36   * \b Shifting \b strategy: Let \f$ B = S P A P' S \f$  be the scaled matrix on which the factorization is carried out,
     37   * and \f$ \beta \f$ be the minimum value of the diagonal. If \f$ \beta > 0 \f$ then, the factorization is directly performed
     38   * on the matrix B. Otherwise, the factorization is performed on the shifted matrix \f$ B + (\sigma+|\beta| I \f$ where
     39   * \f$ \sigma \f$ is the initial shift value as returned and set by setInitialShift() method. The default value is \f$ \sigma = 10^{-3} \f$.
     40   * If the factorization fails, then the shift in doubled until it succeed or a maximum of ten attempts. If it still fails, as returned by
     41   * the info() method, then you can either increase the initial shift, or better use another preconditioning technique.
     42   *
     43   */
     44 template <typename Scalar, int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType =
     45 #ifndef EIGEN_MPL2_ONLY
     46 AMDOrdering<int>
     47 #else
     48 NaturalOrdering<int>
     49 #endif
     50 >
     51 class IncompleteCholesky : public SparseSolverBase<IncompleteCholesky<Scalar,_UpLo,_OrderingType> >
     52 {
     53   protected:
     54     typedef SparseSolverBase<IncompleteCholesky<Scalar,_UpLo,_OrderingType> > Base;
     55     using Base::m_isInitialized;
     56   public:
     57     typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
     58     typedef _OrderingType OrderingType;
     59     typedef typename OrderingType::PermutationType PermutationType;
     60     typedef typename PermutationType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
     61     typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor,StorageIndex> FactorType;
     62     typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> VectorSx;
     63     typedef Matrix<RealScalar,Dynamic,1> VectorRx;
     64     typedef Matrix<StorageIndex,Dynamic, 1> VectorIx;
     65     typedef std::vector<std::list<StorageIndex> > VectorList;
     66     enum { UpLo = _UpLo };
     67     enum {
     68       ColsAtCompileTime = Dynamic,
     69       MaxColsAtCompileTime = Dynamic
     70     };
     71   public:
     73     /** Default constructor leaving the object in a partly non-initialized stage.
     74       *
     75       * You must call compute() or the pair analyzePattern()/factorize() to make it valid.
     76       *
     77       * \sa IncompleteCholesky(const MatrixType&)
     78       */
     79     IncompleteCholesky() : m_initialShift(1e-3),m_factorizationIsOk(false) {}
     81     /** Constructor computing the incomplete factorization for the given matrix \a matrix.
     82       */
     83     template<typename MatrixType>
     84     IncompleteCholesky(const MatrixType& matrix) : m_initialShift(1e-3),m_factorizationIsOk(false)
     85     {
     86       compute(matrix);
     87     }
     89     /** \returns number of rows of the factored matrix */
     90     Index rows() const { return m_L.rows(); }
     92     /** \returns number of columns of the factored matrix */
     93     Index cols() const { return m_L.cols(); }
     96     /** \brief Reports whether previous computation was successful.
     97       *
     98       * It triggers an assertion if \c *this has not been initialized through the respective constructor,
     99       * or a call to compute() or analyzePattern().
    100       *
    101       * \returns \c Success if computation was successful,
    102       *          \c NumericalIssue if the matrix appears to be negative.
    103       */
    104     ComputationInfo info() const
    105     {
    106       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "IncompleteCholesky is not initialized.");
    107       return m_info;
    108     }
    110     /** \brief Set the initial shift parameter \f$ \sigma \f$.
    111       */
    112     void setInitialShift(RealScalar shift) { m_initialShift = shift; }
    114     /** \brief Computes the fill reducing permutation vector using the sparsity pattern of \a mat
    115       */
    116     template<typename MatrixType>
    117     void analyzePattern(const MatrixType& mat)
    118     {
    119       OrderingType ord;
    120       PermutationType pinv;
    121       ord(mat.template selfadjointView<UpLo>(), pinv);
    122       if(pinv.size()>0) m_perm = pinv.inverse();
    123       else              m_perm.resize(0);
    124       m_L.resize(mat.rows(), mat.cols());
    125       m_analysisIsOk = true;
    126       m_isInitialized = true;
    127       m_info = Success;
    128     }
    130     /** \brief Performs the numerical factorization of the input matrix \a mat
    131       *
    132       * The method analyzePattern() or compute() must have been called beforehand
    133       * with a matrix having the same pattern.
    134       *
    135       * \sa compute(), analyzePattern()
    136       */
    137     template<typename MatrixType>
    138     void factorize(const MatrixType& mat);
    140     /** Computes or re-computes the incomplete Cholesky factorization of the input matrix \a mat
    141       *
    142       * It is a shortcut for a sequential call to the analyzePattern() and factorize() methods.
    143       *
    144       * \sa analyzePattern(), factorize()
    145       */
    146     template<typename MatrixType>
    147     void compute(const MatrixType& mat)
    148     {
    149       analyzePattern(mat);
    150       factorize(mat);
    151     }
    153     // internal
    154     template<typename Rhs, typename Dest>
    155     void _solve_impl(const Rhs& b, Dest& x) const
    156     {
    157       eigen_assert(m_factorizationIsOk && "factorize() should be called first");
    158       if (m_perm.rows() == b.rows())  x = m_perm * b;
    159       else                            x = b;
    160       x = m_scale.asDiagonal() * x;
    161       x = m_L.template triangularView<Lower>().solve(x);
    162       x = m_L.adjoint().template triangularView<Upper>().solve(x);
    163       x = m_scale.asDiagonal() * x;
    164       if (m_perm.rows() == b.rows())
    165         x = m_perm.inverse() * x;
    166     }
    168     /** \returns the sparse lower triangular factor L */
    169     const FactorType& matrixL() const { eigen_assert("m_factorizationIsOk"); return m_L; }
    171     /** \returns a vector representing the scaling factor S */
    172     const VectorRx& scalingS() const { eigen_assert("m_factorizationIsOk"); return m_scale; }
    174     /** \returns the fill-in reducing permutation P (can be empty for a natural ordering) */
    175     const PermutationType& permutationP() const { eigen_assert("m_analysisIsOk"); return m_perm; }
    177   protected:
    178     FactorType m_L;              // The lower part stored in CSC
    179     VectorRx m_scale;            // The vector for scaling the matrix
    180     RealScalar m_initialShift;   // The initial shift parameter
    181     bool m_analysisIsOk;
    182     bool m_factorizationIsOk;
    183     ComputationInfo m_info;
    184     PermutationType m_perm;
    186   private:
    187     inline void updateList(Ref<const VectorIx> colPtr, Ref<VectorIx> rowIdx, Ref<VectorSx> vals, const Index& col, const Index& jk, VectorIx& firstElt, VectorList& listCol);
    188 };
    190 // Based on the following paper:
    191 //   C-J. Lin and J. J. Mor, Incomplete Cholesky Factorizations with
    192 //   Limited memory, SIAM J. Sci. Comput.  21(1), pp. 24-45, 1999
    193 //   http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/tech_reports/reports/P682.pdf
    194 template<typename Scalar, int _UpLo, typename OrderingType>
    195 template<typename _MatrixType>
    196 void IncompleteCholesky<Scalar,_UpLo, OrderingType>::factorize(const _MatrixType& mat)
    197 {
    198   using std::sqrt;
    199   eigen_assert(m_analysisIsOk && "analyzePattern() should be called first");
    201   // Dropping strategy : Keep only the p largest elements per column, where p is the number of elements in the column of the original matrix. Other strategies will be added
    203   // Apply the fill-reducing permutation computed in analyzePattern()
    204   if (m_perm.rows() == mat.rows() ) // To detect the null permutation
    205   {
    206     // The temporary is needed to make sure that the diagonal entry is properly sorted
    207     FactorType tmp(mat.rows(), mat.cols());
    208     tmp = mat.template selfadjointView<_UpLo>().twistedBy(m_perm);
    209     m_L.template selfadjointView<Lower>() = tmp.template selfadjointView<Lower>();
    210   }
    211   else
    212   {
    213     m_L.template selfadjointView<Lower>() = mat.template selfadjointView<_UpLo>();
    214   }
    216   Index n = m_L.cols();
    217   Index nnz = m_L.nonZeros();
    218   Map<VectorSx> vals(m_L.valuePtr(), nnz);         //values
    219   Map<VectorIx> rowIdx(m_L.innerIndexPtr(), nnz);  //Row indices
    220   Map<VectorIx> colPtr( m_L.outerIndexPtr(), n+1); // Pointer to the beginning of each row
    221   VectorIx firstElt(n-1); // for each j, points to the next entry in vals that will be used in the factorization
    222   VectorList listCol(n);  // listCol(j) is a linked list of columns to update column j
    223   VectorSx col_vals(n);   // Store a  nonzero values in each column
    224   VectorIx col_irow(n);   // Row indices of nonzero elements in each column
    225   VectorIx col_pattern(n);
    226   col_pattern.fill(-1);
    227   StorageIndex col_nnz;
    230   // Computes the scaling factors
    231   m_scale.resize(n);
    232   m_scale.setZero();
    233   for (Index j = 0; j < n; j++)
    234     for (Index k = colPtr[j]; k < colPtr[j+1]; k++)
    235     {
    236       m_scale(j) += numext::abs2(vals(k));
    237       if(rowIdx[k]!=j)
    238         m_scale(rowIdx[k]) += numext::abs2(vals(k));
    239     }
    241   m_scale = m_scale.cwiseSqrt().cwiseSqrt();
    243   for (Index j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    244     if(m_scale(j)>(std::numeric_limits<RealScalar>::min)())
    245       m_scale(j) = RealScalar(1)/m_scale(j);
    246     else
    247       m_scale(j) = 1;
    249   // TODO disable scaling if not needed, i.e., if it is roughly uniform? (this will make solve() faster)
    251   // Scale and compute the shift for the matrix
    252   RealScalar mindiag = NumTraits<RealScalar>::highest();
    253   for (Index j = 0; j < n; j++)
    254   {
    255     for (Index k = colPtr[j]; k < colPtr[j+1]; k++)
    256       vals[k] *= (m_scale(j)*m_scale(rowIdx[k]));
    257     eigen_internal_assert(rowIdx[colPtr[j]]==j && "IncompleteCholesky: only the lower triangular part must be stored");
    258     mindiag = numext::mini(numext::real(vals[colPtr[j]]), mindiag);
    259   }
    261   FactorType L_save = m_L;
    263   RealScalar shift = 0;
    264   if(mindiag <= RealScalar(0.))
    265     shift = m_initialShift - mindiag;
    267   m_info = NumericalIssue;
    269   // Try to perform the incomplete factorization using the current shift
    270   int iter = 0;
    271   do
    272   {
    273     // Apply the shift to the diagonal elements of the matrix
    274     for (Index j = 0; j < n; j++)
    275       vals[colPtr[j]] += shift;
    277     // jki version of the Cholesky factorization
    278     Index j=0;
    279     for (; j < n; ++j)
    280     {
    281       // Left-looking factorization of the j-th column
    282       // First, load the j-th column into col_vals
    283       Scalar diag = vals[colPtr[j]];  // It is assumed that only the lower part is stored
    284       col_nnz = 0;
    285       for (Index i = colPtr[j] + 1; i < colPtr[j+1]; i++)
    286       {
    287         StorageIndex l = rowIdx[i];
    288         col_vals(col_nnz) = vals[i];
    289         col_irow(col_nnz) = l;
    290         col_pattern(l) = col_nnz;
    291         col_nnz++;
    292       }
    293       {
    294         typename std::list<StorageIndex>::iterator k;
    295         // Browse all previous columns that will update column j
    296         for(k = listCol[j].begin(); k != listCol[j].end(); k++)
    297         {
    298           Index jk = firstElt(*k); // First element to use in the column
    299           eigen_internal_assert(rowIdx[jk]==j);
    300           Scalar v_j_jk = numext::conj(vals[jk]);
    302           jk += 1;
    303           for (Index i = jk; i < colPtr[*k+1]; i++)
    304           {
    305             StorageIndex l = rowIdx[i];
    306             if(col_pattern[l]<0)
    307             {
    308               col_vals(col_nnz) = vals[i] * v_j_jk;
    309               col_irow[col_nnz] = l;
    310               col_pattern(l) = col_nnz;
    311               col_nnz++;
    312             }
    313             else
    314               col_vals(col_pattern[l]) -= vals[i] * v_j_jk;
    315           }
    316           updateList(colPtr,rowIdx,vals, *k, jk, firstElt, listCol);
    317         }
    318       }
    320       // Scale the current column
    321       if(numext::real(diag) <= 0)
    322       {
    323         if(++iter>=10)
    324           return;
    326         // increase shift
    327         shift = numext::maxi(m_initialShift,RealScalar(2)*shift);
    328         // restore m_L, col_pattern, and listCol
    329         vals = Map<const VectorSx>(L_save.valuePtr(), nnz);
    330         rowIdx = Map<const VectorIx>(L_save.innerIndexPtr(), nnz);
    331         colPtr = Map<const VectorIx>(L_save.outerIndexPtr(), n+1);
    332         col_pattern.fill(-1);
    333         for(Index i=0; i<n; ++i)
    334           listCol[i].clear();
    336         break;
    337       }
    339       RealScalar rdiag = sqrt(numext::real(diag));
    340       vals[colPtr[j]] = rdiag;
    341       for (Index k = 0; k<col_nnz; ++k)
    342       {
    343         Index i = col_irow[k];
    344         //Scale
    345         col_vals(k) /= rdiag;
    346         //Update the remaining diagonals with col_vals
    347         vals[colPtr[i]] -= numext::abs2(col_vals(k));
    348       }
    349       // Select the largest p elements
    350       // p is the original number of elements in the column (without the diagonal)
    351       Index p = colPtr[j+1] - colPtr[j] - 1 ;
    352       Ref<VectorSx> cvals = col_vals.head(col_nnz);
    353       Ref<VectorIx> cirow = col_irow.head(col_nnz);
    354       internal::QuickSplit(cvals,cirow, p);
    355       // Insert the largest p elements in the matrix
    356       Index cpt = 0;
    357       for (Index i = colPtr[j]+1; i < colPtr[j+1]; i++)
    358       {
    359         vals[i] = col_vals(cpt);
    360         rowIdx[i] = col_irow(cpt);
    361         // restore col_pattern:
    362         col_pattern(col_irow(cpt)) = -1;
    363         cpt++;
    364       }
    365       // Get the first smallest row index and put it after the diagonal element
    366       Index jk = colPtr(j)+1;
    367       updateList(colPtr,rowIdx,vals,j,jk,firstElt,listCol);
    368     }
    370     if(j==n)
    371     {
    372       m_factorizationIsOk = true;
    373       m_info = Success;
    374     }
    375   } while(m_info!=Success);
    376 }
    378 template<typename Scalar, int _UpLo, typename OrderingType>
    379 inline void IncompleteCholesky<Scalar,_UpLo, OrderingType>::updateList(Ref<const VectorIx> colPtr, Ref<VectorIx> rowIdx, Ref<VectorSx> vals, const Index& col, const Index& jk, VectorIx& firstElt, VectorList& listCol)
    380 {
    381   if (jk < colPtr(col+1) )
    382   {
    383     Index p = colPtr(col+1) - jk;
    384     Index minpos;
    385     rowIdx.segment(jk,p).minCoeff(&minpos);
    386     minpos += jk;
    387     if (rowIdx(minpos) != rowIdx(jk))
    388     {
    389       //Swap
    390       std::swap(rowIdx(jk),rowIdx(minpos));
    391       std::swap(vals(jk),vals(minpos));
    392     }
    393     firstElt(col) = internal::convert_index<StorageIndex,Index>(jk);
    394     listCol[rowIdx(jk)].push_back(internal::convert_index<StorageIndex,Index>(col));
    395   }
    396 }
    398 } // end namespace Eigen
    400 #endif