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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud (at) inria.fr>
      5 //
      6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
      8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     13 namespace Eigen {
     15 namespace internal {
     17 template<typename MatrixType>
     18 struct is_ref_compatible_impl
     19 {
     20 private:
     21   template <typename T0>
     22   struct any_conversion
     23   {
     24     template <typename T> any_conversion(const volatile T&);
     25     template <typename T> any_conversion(T&);
     26   };
     27   struct yes {int a[1];};
     28   struct no  {int a[2];};
     30   template<typename T>
     31   static yes test(const Ref<const T>&, int);
     32   template<typename T>
     33   static no  test(any_conversion<T>, ...);
     35 public:
     36   static MatrixType ms_from;
     37   enum { value = sizeof(test<MatrixType>(ms_from, 0))==sizeof(yes) };
     38 };
     40 template<typename MatrixType>
     41 struct is_ref_compatible
     42 {
     43   enum { value = is_ref_compatible_impl<typename remove_all<MatrixType>::type>::value };
     44 };
     46 template<typename MatrixType, bool MatrixFree = !internal::is_ref_compatible<MatrixType>::value>
     47 class generic_matrix_wrapper;
     49 // We have an explicit matrix at hand, compatible with Ref<>
     50 template<typename MatrixType>
     51 class generic_matrix_wrapper<MatrixType,false>
     52 {
     53 public:
     54   typedef Ref<const MatrixType> ActualMatrixType;
     55   template<int UpLo> struct ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType {
     56     typedef typename ActualMatrixType::template ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType<UpLo>::Type Type;
     57   };
     59   enum {
     60     MatrixFree = false
     61   };
     63   generic_matrix_wrapper()
     64     : m_dummy(0,0), m_matrix(m_dummy)
     65   {}
     67   template<typename InputType>
     68   generic_matrix_wrapper(const InputType &mat)
     69     : m_matrix(mat)
     70   {}
     72   const ActualMatrixType& matrix() const
     73   {
     74     return m_matrix;
     75   }
     77   template<typename MatrixDerived>
     78   void grab(const EigenBase<MatrixDerived> &mat)
     79   {
     80     m_matrix.~Ref<const MatrixType>();
     81     ::new (&m_matrix) Ref<const MatrixType>(mat.derived());
     82   }
     84   void grab(const Ref<const MatrixType> &mat)
     85   {
     86     if(&(mat.derived()) != &m_matrix)
     87     {
     88       m_matrix.~Ref<const MatrixType>();
     89       ::new (&m_matrix) Ref<const MatrixType>(mat);
     90     }
     91   }
     93 protected:
     94   MatrixType m_dummy; // used to default initialize the Ref<> object
     95   ActualMatrixType m_matrix;
     96 };
     98 // MatrixType is not compatible with Ref<> -> matrix-free wrapper
     99 template<typename MatrixType>
    100 class generic_matrix_wrapper<MatrixType,true>
    101 {
    102 public:
    103   typedef MatrixType ActualMatrixType;
    104   template<int UpLo> struct ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType
    105   {
    106     typedef ActualMatrixType Type;
    107   };
    109   enum {
    110     MatrixFree = true
    111   };
    113   generic_matrix_wrapper()
    114     : mp_matrix(0)
    115   {}
    117   generic_matrix_wrapper(const MatrixType &mat)
    118     : mp_matrix(&mat)
    119   {}
    121   const ActualMatrixType& matrix() const
    122   {
    123     return *mp_matrix;
    124   }
    126   void grab(const MatrixType &mat)
    127   {
    128     mp_matrix = &mat;
    129   }
    131 protected:
    132   const ActualMatrixType *mp_matrix;
    133 };
    135 }
    137 /** \ingroup IterativeLinearSolvers_Module
    138   * \brief Base class for linear iterative solvers
    139   *
    140   * \sa class SimplicialCholesky, DiagonalPreconditioner, IdentityPreconditioner
    141   */
    142 template< typename Derived>
    143 class IterativeSolverBase : public SparseSolverBase<Derived>
    144 {
    145 protected:
    146   typedef SparseSolverBase<Derived> Base;
    147   using Base::m_isInitialized;
    149 public:
    150   typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::MatrixType MatrixType;
    151   typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::Preconditioner Preconditioner;
    152   typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
    153   typedef typename MatrixType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
    154   typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
    156   enum {
    157     ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
    158     MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime
    159   };
    161 public:
    163   using Base::derived;
    165   /** Default constructor. */
    166   IterativeSolverBase()
    167   {
    168     init();
    169   }
    171   /** Initialize the solver with matrix \a A for further \c Ax=b solving.
    172     *
    173     * This constructor is a shortcut for the default constructor followed
    174     * by a call to compute().
    175     *
    176     * \warning this class stores a reference to the matrix A as well as some
    177     * precomputed values that depend on it. Therefore, if \a A is changed
    178     * this class becomes invalid. Call compute() to update it with the new
    179     * matrix A, or modify a copy of A.
    180     */
    181   template<typename MatrixDerived>
    182   explicit IterativeSolverBase(const EigenBase<MatrixDerived>& A)
    183     : m_matrixWrapper(A.derived())
    184   {
    185     init();
    186     compute(matrix());
    187   }
    189   ~IterativeSolverBase() {}
    191   /** Initializes the iterative solver for the sparsity pattern of the matrix \a A for further solving \c Ax=b problems.
    192     *
    193     * Currently, this function mostly calls analyzePattern on the preconditioner. In the future
    194     * we might, for instance, implement column reordering for faster matrix vector products.
    195     */
    196   template<typename MatrixDerived>
    197   Derived& analyzePattern(const EigenBase<MatrixDerived>& A)
    198   {
    199     grab(A.derived());
    200     m_preconditioner.analyzePattern(matrix());
    201     m_isInitialized = true;
    202     m_analysisIsOk = true;
    203     m_info = m_preconditioner.info();
    204     return derived();
    205   }
    207   /** Initializes the iterative solver with the numerical values of the matrix \a A for further solving \c Ax=b problems.
    208     *
    209     * Currently, this function mostly calls factorize on the preconditioner.
    210     *
    211     * \warning this class stores a reference to the matrix A as well as some
    212     * precomputed values that depend on it. Therefore, if \a A is changed
    213     * this class becomes invalid. Call compute() to update it with the new
    214     * matrix A, or modify a copy of A.
    215     */
    216   template<typename MatrixDerived>
    217   Derived& factorize(const EigenBase<MatrixDerived>& A)
    218   {
    219     eigen_assert(m_analysisIsOk && "You must first call analyzePattern()");
    220     grab(A.derived());
    221     m_preconditioner.factorize(matrix());
    222     m_factorizationIsOk = true;
    223     m_info = m_preconditioner.info();
    224     return derived();
    225   }
    227   /** Initializes the iterative solver with the matrix \a A for further solving \c Ax=b problems.
    228     *
    229     * Currently, this function mostly initializes/computes the preconditioner. In the future
    230     * we might, for instance, implement column reordering for faster matrix vector products.
    231     *
    232     * \warning this class stores a reference to the matrix A as well as some
    233     * precomputed values that depend on it. Therefore, if \a A is changed
    234     * this class becomes invalid. Call compute() to update it with the new
    235     * matrix A, or modify a copy of A.
    236     */
    237   template<typename MatrixDerived>
    238   Derived& compute(const EigenBase<MatrixDerived>& A)
    239   {
    240     grab(A.derived());
    241     m_preconditioner.compute(matrix());
    242     m_isInitialized = true;
    243     m_analysisIsOk = true;
    244     m_factorizationIsOk = true;
    245     m_info = m_preconditioner.info();
    246     return derived();
    247   }
    249   /** \internal */
    250   Index rows() const { return matrix().rows(); }
    252   /** \internal */
    253   Index cols() const { return matrix().cols(); }
    255   /** \returns the tolerance threshold used by the stopping criteria.
    256     * \sa setTolerance()
    257     */
    258   RealScalar tolerance() const { return m_tolerance; }
    260   /** Sets the tolerance threshold used by the stopping criteria.
    261     *
    262     * This value is used as an upper bound to the relative residual error: |Ax-b|/|b|.
    263     * The default value is the machine precision given by NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon()
    264     */
    265   Derived& setTolerance(const RealScalar& tolerance)
    266   {
    267     m_tolerance = tolerance;
    268     return derived();
    269   }
    271   /** \returns a read-write reference to the preconditioner for custom configuration. */
    272   Preconditioner& preconditioner() { return m_preconditioner; }
    274   /** \returns a read-only reference to the preconditioner. */
    275   const Preconditioner& preconditioner() const { return m_preconditioner; }
    277   /** \returns the max number of iterations.
    278     * It is either the value setted by setMaxIterations or, by default,
    279     * twice the number of columns of the matrix.
    280     */
    281   Index maxIterations() const
    282   {
    283     return (m_maxIterations<0) ? 2*matrix().cols() : m_maxIterations;
    284   }
    286   /** Sets the max number of iterations.
    287     * Default is twice the number of columns of the matrix.
    288     */
    289   Derived& setMaxIterations(Index maxIters)
    290   {
    291     m_maxIterations = maxIters;
    292     return derived();
    293   }
    295   /** \returns the number of iterations performed during the last solve */
    296   Index iterations() const
    297   {
    298     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ConjugateGradient is not initialized.");
    299     return m_iterations;
    300   }
    302   /** \returns the tolerance error reached during the last solve.
    303     * It is a close approximation of the true relative residual error |Ax-b|/|b|.
    304     */
    305   RealScalar error() const
    306   {
    307     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ConjugateGradient is not initialized.");
    308     return m_error;
    309   }
    311   /** \returns the solution x of \f$ A x = b \f$ using the current decomposition of A
    312     * and \a x0 as an initial solution.
    313     *
    314     * \sa solve(), compute()
    315     */
    316   template<typename Rhs,typename Guess>
    317   inline const SolveWithGuess<Derived, Rhs, Guess>
    318   solveWithGuess(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b, const Guess& x0) const
    319   {
    320     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Solver is not initialized.");
    321     eigen_assert(derived().rows()==b.rows() && "solve(): invalid number of rows of the right hand side matrix b");
    322     return SolveWithGuess<Derived, Rhs, Guess>(derived(), b.derived(), x0);
    323   }
    325   /** \returns Success if the iterations converged, and NoConvergence otherwise. */
    326   ComputationInfo info() const
    327   {
    328     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "IterativeSolverBase is not initialized.");
    329     return m_info;
    330   }
    332   /** \internal */
    333   template<typename Rhs, typename DestDerived>
    334   void _solve_impl(const Rhs& b, SparseMatrixBase<DestDerived> &aDest) const
    335   {
    336     eigen_assert(rows()==b.rows());
    338     Index rhsCols = b.cols();
    339     Index size = b.rows();
    340     DestDerived& dest(aDest.derived());
    341     typedef typename DestDerived::Scalar DestScalar;
    342     Eigen::Matrix<DestScalar,Dynamic,1> tb(size);
    343     Eigen::Matrix<DestScalar,Dynamic,1> tx(cols());
    344     // We do not directly fill dest because sparse expressions have to be free of aliasing issue.
    345     // For non square least-square problems, b and dest might not have the same size whereas they might alias each-other.
    346     typename DestDerived::PlainObject tmp(cols(),rhsCols);
    347     for(Index k=0; k<rhsCols; ++k)
    348     {
    349       tb = b.col(k);
    350       tx = derived().solve(tb);
    351       tmp.col(k) = tx.sparseView(0);
    352     }
    353     dest.swap(tmp);
    354   }
    356 protected:
    357   void init()
    358   {
    359     m_isInitialized = false;
    360     m_analysisIsOk = false;
    361     m_factorizationIsOk = false;
    362     m_maxIterations = -1;
    363     m_tolerance = NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon();
    364   }
    366   typedef internal::generic_matrix_wrapper<MatrixType> MatrixWrapper;
    367   typedef typename MatrixWrapper::ActualMatrixType ActualMatrixType;
    369   const ActualMatrixType& matrix() const
    370   {
    371     return m_matrixWrapper.matrix();
    372   }
    374   template<typename InputType>
    375   void grab(const InputType &A)
    376   {
    377     m_matrixWrapper.grab(A);
    378   }
    380   MatrixWrapper m_matrixWrapper;
    381   Preconditioner m_preconditioner;
    383   Index m_maxIterations;
    384   RealScalar m_tolerance;
    386   mutable RealScalar m_error;
    387   mutable Index m_iterations;
    388   mutable ComputationInfo m_info;
    389   mutable bool m_analysisIsOk, m_factorizationIsOk;
    390 };
    392 } // end namespace Eigen