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      1 //===- FuzzerMutate.cpp - Mutate a test input -----------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 // Mutate a test input.
     10 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     12 #include <cstring>
     14 #include "FuzzerInternal.h"
     17 namespace fuzzer {
     19 const size_t Dictionary::kMaxDictSize;
     21 MutationDispatcher::MutationDispatcher(Random &Rand,
     22                                        const FuzzingOptions &Options)
     23     : Rand(Rand), Options(Options) {
     24   DefaultMutators.insert(
     25       DefaultMutators.begin(),
     26       {
     27           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_EraseByte, "EraseByte"},
     28           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_InsertByte, "InsertByte"},
     29           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ChangeByte, "ChangeByte"},
     30           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ChangeBit, "ChangeBit"},
     31           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ShuffleBytes, "ShuffleBytes"},
     32           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ChangeASCIIInteger, "ChangeASCIIInt"},
     33           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_CrossOver, "CrossOver"},
     34           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_AddWordFromManualDictionary,
     35            "AddFromManualDict"},
     36           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_AddWordFromTemporaryAutoDictionary,
     37            "AddFromTempAutoDict"},
     38           {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_AddWordFromPersistentAutoDictionary,
     39            "AddFromPersAutoDict"},
     40       });
     42   if (EF->LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator)
     43     Mutators.push_back({&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_Custom, "Custom"});
     44   else
     45     Mutators = DefaultMutators;
     47   if (EF->LLVMFuzzerCustomCrossOver)
     48     Mutators.push_back(
     49         {&MutationDispatcher::Mutate_CustomCrossOver, "CustomCrossOver"});
     50 }
     52 static char FlipRandomBit(char X, Random &Rand) {
     53   int Bit = Rand(8);
     54   char Mask = 1 << Bit;
     55   char R;
     56   if (X & (1 << Bit))
     57     R = X & ~Mask;
     58   else
     59     R = X | Mask;
     60   assert(R != X);
     61   return R;
     62 }
     64 static char RandCh(Random &Rand) {
     65   if (Rand.RandBool()) return Rand(256);
     66   const char *Special = "!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]123ABCxyz-`~.";
     67   return Special[Rand(sizeof(Special) - 1)];
     68 }
     70 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_Custom(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
     71                                          size_t MaxSize) {
     72   return EF->LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator(Data, Size, MaxSize, Rand.Rand());
     73 }
     75 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_CustomCrossOver(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
     76                                                   size_t MaxSize) {
     77   if (!Corpus || Corpus->size() < 2 || Size == 0)
     78     return 0;
     79   size_t Idx = Rand(Corpus->size());
     80   const Unit &Other = (*Corpus)[Idx];
     81   if (Other.empty())
     82     return 0;
     83   MutateInPlaceHere.resize(MaxSize);
     84   auto &U = MutateInPlaceHere;
     85   size_t NewSize = EF->LLVMFuzzerCustomCrossOver(
     86       Data, Size, Other.data(), Other.size(), U.data(), U.size(), Rand.Rand());
     87   if (!NewSize)
     88     return 0;
     89   assert(NewSize <= MaxSize && "CustomCrossOver returned overisized unit");
     90   memcpy(Data, U.data(), NewSize);
     91   return NewSize;
     92 }
     94 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ShuffleBytes(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
     95                                                size_t MaxSize) {
     96   assert(Size);
     97   size_t ShuffleAmount =
     98       Rand(std::min(Size, (size_t)8)) + 1; // [1,8] and <= Size.
     99   size_t ShuffleStart = Rand(Size - ShuffleAmount);
    100   assert(ShuffleStart + ShuffleAmount <= Size);
    101   std::random_shuffle(Data + ShuffleStart, Data + ShuffleStart + ShuffleAmount,
    102                       Rand);
    103   return Size;
    104 }
    106 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_EraseByte(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    107                                             size_t MaxSize) {
    108   assert(Size);
    109   if (Size == 1) return 0;
    110   size_t Idx = Rand(Size);
    111   // Erase Data[Idx].
    112   memmove(Data + Idx, Data + Idx + 1, Size - Idx - 1);
    113   return Size - 1;
    114 }
    116 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_InsertByte(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    117                                              size_t MaxSize) {
    118   if (Size == MaxSize) return 0;
    119   size_t Idx = Rand(Size + 1);
    120   // Insert new value at Data[Idx].
    121   memmove(Data + Idx + 1, Data + Idx, Size - Idx);
    122   Data[Idx] = RandCh(Rand);
    123   return Size + 1;
    124 }
    126 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ChangeByte(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    127                                              size_t MaxSize) {
    128   size_t Idx = Rand(Size);
    129   Data[Idx] = RandCh(Rand);
    130   return Size;
    131 }
    133 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ChangeBit(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    134                                             size_t MaxSize) {
    135   size_t Idx = Rand(Size);
    136   Data[Idx] = FlipRandomBit(Data[Idx], Rand);
    137   return Size;
    138 }
    140 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_AddWordFromManualDictionary(uint8_t *Data,
    141                                                               size_t Size,
    142                                                               size_t MaxSize) {
    143   return AddWordFromDictionary(ManualDictionary, Data, Size, MaxSize);
    144 }
    146 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_AddWordFromTemporaryAutoDictionary(
    147     uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize) {
    148   return AddWordFromDictionary(TempAutoDictionary, Data, Size, MaxSize);
    149 }
    151 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_AddWordFromPersistentAutoDictionary(
    152     uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize) {
    153   return AddWordFromDictionary(PersistentAutoDictionary, Data, Size, MaxSize);
    154 }
    156 size_t MutationDispatcher::AddWordFromDictionary(Dictionary &D, uint8_t *Data,
    157                                                  size_t Size, size_t MaxSize) {
    158   if (D.empty()) return 0;
    159   DictionaryEntry &DE = D[Rand(D.size())];
    160   const Word &W = DE.GetW();
    161   bool UsePositionHint = DE.HasPositionHint() &&
    162                          DE.GetPositionHint() + W.size() < Size && Rand.RandBool();
    163   if (Rand.RandBool()) {  // Insert W.
    164     if (Size + W.size() > MaxSize) return 0;
    165     size_t Idx = UsePositionHint ? DE.GetPositionHint() : Rand(Size + 1);
    166     memmove(Data + Idx + W.size(), Data + Idx, Size - Idx);
    167     memcpy(Data + Idx, W.data(), W.size());
    168     Size += W.size();
    169   } else {  // Overwrite some bytes with W.
    170     if (W.size() > Size) return 0;
    171     size_t Idx = UsePositionHint ? DE.GetPositionHint() : Rand(Size - W.size());
    172     memcpy(Data + Idx, W.data(), W.size());
    173   }
    174   DE.IncUseCount();
    175   CurrentDictionaryEntrySequence.push_back(&DE);
    176   return Size;
    177 }
    179 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_ChangeASCIIInteger(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    180                                                      size_t MaxSize) {
    181   size_t B = Rand(Size);
    182   while (B < Size && !isdigit(Data[B])) B++;
    183   if (B == Size) return 0;
    184   size_t E = B;
    185   while (E < Size && isdigit(Data[E])) E++;
    186   assert(B < E);
    187   // now we have digits in [B, E).
    188   // strtol and friends don't accept non-zero-teminated data, parse it manually.
    189   uint64_t Val = Data[B] - '0';
    190   for (size_t i = B + 1; i < E; i++)
    191     Val = Val * 10 + Data[i] - '0';
    193   // Mutate the integer value.
    194   switch(Rand(5)) {
    195     case 0: Val++; break;
    196     case 1: Val--; break;
    197     case 2: Val /= 2; break;
    198     case 3: Val *= 2; break;
    199     case 4: Val = Rand(Val * Val); break;
    200     default: assert(0);
    201   }
    202   // Just replace the bytes with the new ones, don't bother moving bytes.
    203   for (size_t i = B; i < E; i++) {
    204     size_t Idx = E + B - i - 1;
    205     assert(Idx >= B && Idx < E);
    206     Data[Idx] = (Val % 10) + '0';
    207     Val /= 10;
    208   }
    209   return Size;
    210 }
    212 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate_CrossOver(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    213                                             size_t MaxSize) {
    214   if (!Corpus || Corpus->size() < 2 || Size == 0) return 0;
    215   size_t Idx = Rand(Corpus->size());
    216   const Unit &Other = (*Corpus)[Idx];
    217   if (Other.empty()) return 0;
    218   MutateInPlaceHere.resize(MaxSize);
    219   auto &U = MutateInPlaceHere;
    220   size_t NewSize =
    221       CrossOver(Data, Size, Other.data(), Other.size(), U.data(), U.size());
    222   assert(NewSize > 0 && "CrossOver returned empty unit");
    223   assert(NewSize <= MaxSize && "CrossOver returned overisized unit");
    224   memcpy(Data, U.data(), NewSize);
    225   return NewSize;
    226 }
    228 void MutationDispatcher::StartMutationSequence() {
    229   CurrentMutatorSequence.clear();
    230   CurrentDictionaryEntrySequence.clear();
    231 }
    233 // Copy successful dictionary entries to PersistentAutoDictionary.
    234 void MutationDispatcher::RecordSuccessfulMutationSequence() {
    235   for (auto DE : CurrentDictionaryEntrySequence) {
    236     // PersistentAutoDictionary.AddWithSuccessCountOne(DE);
    237     DE->IncSuccessCount();
    238     // Linear search is fine here as this happens seldom.
    239     if (!PersistentAutoDictionary.ContainsWord(DE->GetW()))
    240       PersistentAutoDictionary.push_back({DE->GetW(), 1});
    241   }
    242 }
    244 void MutationDispatcher::PrintRecommendedDictionary() {
    245   std::vector<DictionaryEntry> V;
    246   for (auto &DE : PersistentAutoDictionary)
    247     if (!ManualDictionary.ContainsWord(DE.GetW()))
    248       V.push_back(DE);
    249   if (V.empty()) return;
    250   Printf("###### Recommended dictionary. ######\n");
    251   for (auto &DE: V) {
    252     Printf("\"");
    253     PrintASCII(DE.GetW(), "\"");
    254     Printf(" # Uses: %zd\n", DE.GetUseCount());
    255   }
    256   Printf("###### End of recommended dictionary. ######\n");
    257 }
    259 void MutationDispatcher::PrintMutationSequence() {
    260   Printf("MS: %zd ", CurrentMutatorSequence.size());
    261   for (auto M : CurrentMutatorSequence)
    262     Printf("%s-", M.Name);
    263   if (!CurrentDictionaryEntrySequence.empty()) {
    264     Printf(" DE: ");
    265     for (auto DE : CurrentDictionaryEntrySequence) {
    266       Printf("\"");
    267       PrintASCII(DE->GetW(), "\"-");
    268     }
    269   }
    270 }
    272 size_t MutationDispatcher::Mutate(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize) {
    273   return MutateImpl(Data, Size, MaxSize, Mutators);
    274 }
    276 size_t MutationDispatcher::DefaultMutate(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    277                                          size_t MaxSize) {
    278   return MutateImpl(Data, Size, MaxSize, DefaultMutators);
    279 }
    281 // Mutates Data in place, returns new size.
    282 size_t MutationDispatcher::MutateImpl(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
    283                                       size_t MaxSize,
    284                                       const std::vector<Mutator> &Mutators) {
    285   assert(MaxSize > 0);
    286   assert(Size <= MaxSize);
    287   if (Size == 0) {
    288     for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++)
    289       Data[i] = RandCh(Rand);
    290     if (Options.OnlyASCII)
    291       ToASCII(Data, MaxSize);
    292     return MaxSize;
    293   }
    294   assert(Size > 0);
    295   // Some mutations may fail (e.g. can't insert more bytes if Size == MaxSize),
    296   // in which case they will return 0.
    297   // Try several times before returning un-mutated data.
    298   for (int Iter = 0; Iter < 10; Iter++) {
    299     auto M = Mutators[Rand(Mutators.size())];
    300     size_t NewSize = (this->*(M.Fn))(Data, Size, MaxSize);
    301     if (NewSize) {
    302       if (Options.OnlyASCII)
    303         ToASCII(Data, NewSize);
    304       CurrentMutatorSequence.push_back(M);
    305       return NewSize;
    306     }
    307   }
    308   return Size;
    309 }
    311 void MutationDispatcher::AddWordToManualDictionary(const Word &W) {
    312   ManualDictionary.push_back(
    313       {W, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()});
    314 }
    316 void MutationDispatcher::AddWordToAutoDictionary(const Word &W,
    317                                                  size_t PositionHint) {
    318   static const size_t kMaxAutoDictSize = 1 << 14;
    319   if (TempAutoDictionary.size() >= kMaxAutoDictSize) return;
    320   TempAutoDictionary.push_back({W, PositionHint});
    321 }
    323 void MutationDispatcher::ClearAutoDictionary() {
    324   TempAutoDictionary.clear();
    325 }
    327 }  // namespace fuzzer