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pass-object-size.c 20 #define PS(N) __attribute__((pass_object_size(N)))
22 void Overloaded(void *p PS(0)) overloaded; //expected-note{{previous declaration is here}}
23 void Overloaded(void *p PS(1)) overloaded; //expected-error{{conflicting pass_object_size attributes on parameters}}
24 void Overloaded2(void *p PS(1), void *p2 PS(0)) overloaded; //expected-note{{previous declaration is here}}
25 void Overloaded2(void *p PS(0), void *p2 PS(1)) overloaded; //expected-error{{conflicting pass_object_size attributes on parameters}}
27 void Overloaded3(void *p PS(0), void *p2) overloaded; //expected-note{{previous declaration is here}}
28 void Overloaded3(void *p, void *p2 PS(0)) overloaded; //expected-error{{conflicting pass_object_size attributes on parameters}}
34 void NotOverloaded(void *p PS(0))
  /external/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Linux/ 10 size_t PS = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
11 void *addr = mmap(nullptr, 20 * PS, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
14 res = mincore(addr, 10 * PS, vec);
20 ((char *)addr)[i * PS] = 1;
21 res = mincore(addr, 10 * PS, vec);
27 ((char *)addr)[i * PS] = 1;
28 res = mincore(addr, 10 * PS, vec);
  /external/compiler-rt/test/msan/Linux/ 11 size_t PS = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
12 void *addr = mmap(nullptr, 20 * PS, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
16 res = mincore(addr, 10 * PS, vec);
21 res = mincore(addr, 10 * PS + 42, vec);
26 res = mincore(addr, 10 * PS - 1, vec);
bug117.go 12 type PS *S
18 func fn(p PS) int {
19 // p has type PS, and PS has no methods.
21 // and go looking in S without noticing PS.)
bug117.go 12 type PS *S
18 func fn(p PS) int {
19 // p has type PS, and PS has no methods.
21 // and go looking in S without noticing PS.)
cpdf_psfunc.cpp 24 CPDF_PSEngine& PS = const_cast<CPDF_PSEngine&>(m_PS);
25 PS.Reset();
27 PS.Push(inputs[i]);
28 PS.Execute();
29 if (PS.GetStackSize() < m_nOutputs)
32 results[m_nOutputs - i - 1] = PS.Pop();
c11atomics-ios.c 145 typedef struct { short x, y, z; } PS;
147 void testPromotedStruct(_Atomic(PS) *fp) {
150 // CHECK-NEXT: [[F:%.*]] = alloca [[PS:%.*]], align 2
159 // CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PS]], [[PS]]* [[T0]], i32 0, i32 0
161 // CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PS]], [[PS]]* [[T0]], i32 0, i32 1
163 // CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PS]], [[PS]]* [[T0]], i32 0, i32 2
165 __c11_atomic_init(fp, (PS){1,2,3})
debug-info-crash.c 27 } PS;
30 PS p2;
builtin-memfns.c 70 struct PS {
73 struct PS ps; variable in typeref:struct:PS
77 __builtin_memcpy(arg, ps.modes, sizeof(struct PS));
c11atomics.c 294 typedef struct { short x, y, z; } PS;
295 _Atomic PS testPromotedStructGlobal = (PS){1, 2, 3};
297 void testPromotedStruct(_Atomic(PS) *fp) {
300 // CHECK-NEXT: [[F:%.*]] = alloca [[PS:%.*]], align 2
304 // CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = alloca %struct.PS, align 2
312 // CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PS]], [[PS]]* [[T0]], i32 0, i32 0
314 // CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PS]], [[PS]]* [[T0]], i32 0, i32
pass-object-size.c 9 #define PS(N) __attribute__((pass_object_size(N)))
14 int ObjectSize0(void *const p PS(0)) {
20 int ObjectSize1(void *const p PS(1)) {
26 int ObjectSize2(void *const p PS(2)) {
32 int ObjectSize3(void *const p PS(3)) {
94 int NoViableOverloadObjectSize0(void *const p PS(0))
99 int NoViableOverloadObjectSize1(void *const p PS(1))
104 int NoViableOverloadObjectSize2(void *const p PS(2))
109 int NoViableOverloadObjectSize3(void *const p PS(3))
115 int NoViableOverloadObjectSize0(void *const p PS(0)
Makefile 19 DST_PS_DIR=ps/
22 all:: html man ps
25 rm -f pod2htm*.*~~ $(HTML) $(MAN) $(PS)
49 PS := $(patsubst $(SRC_DOC_DIR)%.pod, $(DST_PS_DIR), $(POD))
58 .SUFFIXES: .html .pod .1 .ps
67 $(DST_PS_DIR) $(DST_MAN_DIR)%.1 $(DST_PS_DIR)/.dir
73 ps: $(PS)
78 $(Verb) $(RM) -f pod2htm*.*~~ $(HTML) $(MAN) $(PS)
SampleProfTest.cpp 148 ProfileSummary *PS = ProfileSummary::getFromMD(MD);
150 VerifySummary(*PS);
151 delete PS;
158 PS = ProfileSummary::getFromMD(MD);
160 VerifySummary(*PS);
161 delete PS;
rx-dis.c 104 #define PS (dis->stream)
105 #define PC(c) PR (PS, "%c", c)
116 PR (PS, ".byte ");
120 PR (PS, "0x%02x ", buf[i]);
162 PR (PS, "%s", opsize_names[opcode.size]);
172 PR (PS, "%s", size_names[oper->size]);
183 PR (PS, "%#x", oper->addend);
185 PR (PS, "%d", oper->addend);
189 PR (PS, "%s", register_names[oper->reg]);
192 PR (PS, "%d[%s]", oper->addend, register_names[oper->reg])
rl78-dis.c 104 #define PS (dis->stream)
105 #define PC(c) PR (PS, "%c", c)
199 PR (PS, " \033[33mW\033[0m");
206 PR (PS, " \033[35m");
209 { PR (PS, "Z"); comma = ","; }
211 { PR (PS, "%sAC", comma); comma = ","; }
213 { PR (PS, "%sCY", comma); comma = ","; }
214 PR (PS, "\033[0m");
226 PR (PS, "es:");
245 PR (PS, "%s", condition_names[oper->condition])
  /external/apache-commons-math/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/util/ 60 private static final short PS = (short)1;
warn-memset-bad-sizeof.cpp 9 typedef S* PS;
29 S* ps = &s; local
30 PS ps2 = &s;
39 memset(ps, 0, sizeof(ps)); // \
42 // expected-warning {{'memset' call operates on objects of type 'S' while the size is based on a different type 'PS' (aka 'S *')}} expected-note{{did you mean to dereference the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)?}}
45 memset(ps2, 0, sizeof(PS)); // \
55 memmove(ps, 0, sizeof(ps)); // \
57 memcmp(ps, 0, sizeof(ps)); //
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/learn/python/learn/estimators/ 60 PS = 'ps'
97 in the `ps` attribute of `cluster_spec`. Defaults to 0.
105 cluster = {'ps': ['host1:2222', 'host2:2222'],
387 return len(cluster_spec.as_dict().get('ps', [])) if cluster_spec else 0
sse_memory.c 176 #define PS 16
180 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,addps)
182 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,andnps)
183 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,andps)
184 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,cmpeqps)
186 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,cmpleps)
188 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,cmpltps)
190 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,cmpneqps)
192 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,cmpnleps)
194 TEST_INSN( &AllMask, PS,cmpnltps
  /external/guava/guava-gwt/test-super/com/google/common/net/super/com/google/common/net/ 98 private static final ImmutableSet<String> PS = ImmutableSet.of(
212 for (String name : PS) {
  /external/guava/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/net/ 100 private static final ImmutableSet<String> PS = ImmutableSet.of(
214 for (String name : PS) {
FlattenCFG.cpp 196 BasicBlock *PS = (PS1 == BB) ? PS2 : PS1;
204 // PS is the successor which is not BB. Check successors to identify
206 if (Preds.count(PS) == 0) {
211 BranchInst *BPS = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(PS->getTerminator());
213 // Case 1: PS(BB3) should be an unconditional branch.
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/estimator/ 127 return len(cluster_spec.as_dict().get(TaskType.PS, []))
205 # except `ps`, are ordered alphabetical based on task type (alphabetically)
206 # and task id (ascendingly). `ps` are ordered last.
212 if t != chief_task_type and t != TaskType.PS
214 if TaskType.PS in
215 task_type_ordered_list.append(TaskType.PS)
284 PS = 'ps'
332 in the `ps` attribute of `cluster_spec`. Defaults to 0.
343 'ps': ['host1:2222', 'host2:2222']
powser1.go 183 type PS *dch // power series
184 type PS2 *[2]PS // pair of power series
186 var Ones PS
187 var Twos PS
279 // print eval in floating point of PS at x=c to n terms
280 func evaln(c rat, U PS, n int) {
296 func printn(U PS, n int) {
310 func eval(c rat, U PS, n int) rat {
327 func Split(U PS) *dch2 {
334 func Add(U, V PS) PS
powser2.go 193 type PS *dch // power series
194 type PS2 *[2]PS // pair of power series
196 var Ones PS
197 var Twos PS
289 // print eval in floating point of PS at x=c to n terms
290 func Evaln(c *rat, U PS, n int) {
306 func Printn(U PS, n int) {
319 func Print(U PS) {
324 func eval(c *rat, U PS, n int) *rat {
341 func Split(U PS) *dch2

Completed in 498 milliseconds

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