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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.server.pm.permission;
     19 import static android.Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE;
     20 import static android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE;
     21 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED;
     22 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.DEBUG_INSTALL;
     23 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.DEBUG_PACKAGE_SCANNING;
     24 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.DEBUG_PERMISSIONS;
     25 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.DEBUG_REMOVE;
     26 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME;
     27 import static android.os.Trace.TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER;
     29 import android.Manifest;
     30 import android.annotation.NonNull;
     31 import android.annotation.Nullable;
     32 import android.content.Context;
     33 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
     34 import android.content.pm.PackageManagerInternal;
     35 import android.content.pm.PackageParser;
     36 import android.content.pm.PermissionGroupInfo;
     37 import android.content.pm.PermissionInfo;
     38 import android.content.pm.PackageParser.Package;
     39 import android.metrics.LogMaker;
     40 import android.os.Binder;
     41 import android.os.Build;
     42 import android.os.Handler;
     43 import android.os.HandlerThread;
     44 import android.os.Process;
     45 import android.os.Trace;
     46 import android.os.UserHandle;
     47 import android.os.UserManager;
     48 import android.os.UserManagerInternal;
     49 import android.os.storage.StorageManager;
     50 import android.os.storage.StorageManagerInternal;
     51 import android.text.TextUtils;
     52 import android.util.ArrayMap;
     53 import android.util.ArraySet;
     54 import android.util.EventLog;
     55 import android.util.Log;
     56 import android.util.Slog;
     57 import android.util.SparseArray;
     59 import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy;
     60 import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger;
     61 import com.android.internal.logging.nano.MetricsProto.MetricsEvent;
     62 import com.android.internal.os.RoSystemProperties;
     63 import com.android.internal.util.ArrayUtils;
     64 import com.android.server.LocalServices;
     65 import com.android.server.ServiceThread;
     66 import com.android.server.SystemConfig;
     67 import com.android.server.Watchdog;
     68 import com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerServiceUtils;
     69 import com.android.server.pm.PackageSetting;
     70 import com.android.server.pm.SharedUserSetting;
     71 import com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService;
     72 import com.android.server.pm.permission.DefaultPermissionGrantPolicy.DefaultPermissionGrantedCallback;
     73 import com.android.server.pm.permission.PermissionManagerInternal.PermissionCallback;
     74 import com.android.server.pm.permission.PermissionsState.PermissionState;
     76 import libcore.util.EmptyArray;
     78 import java.util.ArrayList;
     79 import java.util.Arrays;
     80 import java.util.Collection;
     81 import java.util.Iterator;
     82 import java.util.List;
     83 import java.util.Objects;
     84 import java.util.Set;
     86 /**
     87  * Manages all permissions and handles permissions related tasks.
     88  */
     89 public class PermissionManagerService {
     90     private static final String TAG = "PackageManager";
     92     /** Permission grant: not grant the permission. */
     93     private static final int GRANT_DENIED = 1;
     94     /** Permission grant: grant the permission as an install permission. */
     95     private static final int GRANT_INSTALL = 2;
     96     /** Permission grant: grant the permission as a runtime one. */
     97     private static final int GRANT_RUNTIME = 3;
     98     /** Permission grant: grant as runtime a permission that was granted as an install time one. */
     99     private static final int GRANT_UPGRADE = 4;
    101     /** Cap the size of permission trees that 3rd party apps can define; in characters of text */
    102     private static final int MAX_PERMISSION_TREE_FOOTPRINT = 32768;
    103     /** Empty array to avoid allocations */
    104     private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
    106     /** Lock to protect internal data access */
    107     private final Object mLock;
    109     /** Internal connection to the package manager */
    110     private final PackageManagerInternal mPackageManagerInt;
    112     /** Internal connection to the user manager */
    113     private final UserManagerInternal mUserManagerInt;
    115     /** Default permission policy to provide proper behaviour out-of-the-box */
    116     private final DefaultPermissionGrantPolicy mDefaultPermissionGrantPolicy;
    118     /**
    119      * Built-in permissions. Read from system configuration files. Mapping is from
    120      * UID to permission name.
    121      */
    122     private final SparseArray<ArraySet<String>> mSystemPermissions;
    124     /** Built-in group IDs given to all packages. Read from system configuration files. */
    125     private final int[] mGlobalGids;
    127     private final HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
    128     private final Handler mHandler;
    129     private final Context mContext;
    130     private final MetricsLogger mMetricsLogger = new MetricsLogger();
    132     /** Internal storage for permissions and related settings */
    133     @GuardedBy("mLock")
    134     private final PermissionSettings mSettings;
    136     @GuardedBy("mLock")
    137     private ArraySet<String> mPrivappPermissionsViolations;
    139     @GuardedBy("mLock")
    140     private boolean mSystemReady;
    142     PermissionManagerService(Context context,
    143             @Nullable DefaultPermissionGrantedCallback defaultGrantCallback,
    144             @NonNull Object externalLock) {
    145         mContext = context;
    146         mLock = externalLock;
    147         mPackageManagerInt = LocalServices.getService(PackageManagerInternal.class);
    148         mUserManagerInt = LocalServices.getService(UserManagerInternal.class);
    149         mSettings = new PermissionSettings(context, mLock);
    151         mHandlerThread = new ServiceThread(TAG,
    152                 Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, true /*allowIo*/);
    153         mHandlerThread.start();
    154         mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper());
    155         Watchdog.getInstance().addThread(mHandler);
    157         mDefaultPermissionGrantPolicy = new DefaultPermissionGrantPolicy(
    158                 context, mHandlerThread.getLooper(), defaultGrantCallback, this);
    159         SystemConfig systemConfig = SystemConfig.getInstance();
    160         mSystemPermissions = systemConfig.getSystemPermissions();
    161         mGlobalGids = systemConfig.getGlobalGids();
    163         // propagate permission configuration
    164         final ArrayMap<String, SystemConfig.PermissionEntry> permConfig =
    165                 SystemConfig.getInstance().getPermissions();
    166         synchronized (mLock) {
    167             for (int i=0; i<permConfig.size(); i++) {
    168                 final SystemConfig.PermissionEntry perm = permConfig.valueAt(i);
    169                 BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(perm.name);
    170                 if (bp == null) {
    171                     bp = new BasePermission(perm.name, "android", BasePermission.TYPE_BUILTIN);
    172                     mSettings.putPermissionLocked(perm.name, bp);
    173                 }
    174                 if (perm.gids != null) {
    175                     bp.setGids(perm.gids, perm.perUser);
    176                 }
    177             }
    178         }
    180         LocalServices.addService(
    181                 PermissionManagerInternal.class, new PermissionManagerInternalImpl());
    182     }
    184     /**
    185      * Creates and returns an initialized, internal service for use by other components.
    186      * <p>
    187      * The object returned is identical to the one returned by the LocalServices class using:
    188      * {@code LocalServices.getService(PermissionManagerInternal.class);}
    189      * <p>
    190      * NOTE: The external lock is temporary and should be removed. This needs to be a
    191      * lock created by the permission manager itself.
    192      */
    193     public static PermissionManagerInternal create(Context context,
    194             @Nullable DefaultPermissionGrantedCallback defaultGrantCallback,
    195             @NonNull Object externalLock) {
    196         final PermissionManagerInternal permMgrInt =
    197                 LocalServices.getService(PermissionManagerInternal.class);
    198         if (permMgrInt != null) {
    199             return permMgrInt;
    200         }
    201         new PermissionManagerService(context, defaultGrantCallback, externalLock);
    202         return LocalServices.getService(PermissionManagerInternal.class);
    203     }
    205     @Nullable BasePermission getPermission(String permName) {
    206         synchronized (mLock) {
    207             return mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
    208         }
    209     }
    211     private int checkPermission(String permName, String pkgName, int callingUid, int userId) {
    212         if (!mUserManagerInt.exists(userId)) {
    213             return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
    214         }
    216         final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(pkgName);
    217         if (pkg != null && pkg.mExtras != null) {
    218             if (mPackageManagerInt.filterAppAccess(pkg, callingUid, userId)) {
    219                 return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
    220             }
    221             final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
    222             final boolean instantApp = ps.getInstantApp(userId);
    223             final PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
    224             if (permissionsState.hasPermission(permName, userId)) {
    225                 if (instantApp) {
    226                     synchronized (mLock) {
    227                         BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
    228                         if (bp != null && bp.isInstant()) {
    229                             return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    230                         }
    231                     }
    232                 } else {
    233                     return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    234                 }
    235             }
    236             // Special case: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission includes ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
    237             if (Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.equals(permName) && permissionsState
    238                     .hasPermission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, userId)) {
    239                 return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    240             }
    241         }
    243         return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
    244     }
    246     private int checkUidPermission(String permName, PackageParser.Package pkg, int uid,
    247             int callingUid) {
    248         final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid);
    249         final boolean isCallerInstantApp =
    250                 mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null;
    251         final boolean isUidInstantApp =
    252                 mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(uid) != null;
    253         final int userId = UserHandle.getUserId(uid);
    254         if (!mUserManagerInt.exists(userId)) {
    255             return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
    256         }
    258         if (pkg != null) {
    259             if (pkg.mSharedUserId != null) {
    260                 if (isCallerInstantApp) {
    261                     return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
    262                 }
    263             } else if (mPackageManagerInt.filterAppAccess(pkg, callingUid, callingUserId)) {
    264                 return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
    265             }
    266             final PermissionsState permissionsState =
    267                     ((PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras).getPermissionsState();
    268             if (permissionsState.hasPermission(permName, userId)) {
    269                 if (isUidInstantApp) {
    270                     if (mSettings.isPermissionInstant(permName)) {
    271                         return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    272                     }
    273                 } else {
    274                     return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    275                 }
    276             }
    277             // Special case: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission includes ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
    278             if (Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.equals(permName) && permissionsState
    279                     .hasPermission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, userId)) {
    280                 return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    281             }
    282         } else {
    283             ArraySet<String> perms = mSystemPermissions.get(uid);
    284             if (perms != null) {
    285                 if (perms.contains(permName)) {
    286                     return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    287                 }
    288                 if (Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.equals(permName) && perms
    289                         .contains(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)) {
    290                     return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
    291                 }
    292             }
    293         }
    294         return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
    295     }
    297     private PermissionGroupInfo getPermissionGroupInfo(String groupName, int flags,
    298             int callingUid) {
    299         if (mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
    300             return null;
    301         }
    302         synchronized (mLock) {
    303             return PackageParser.generatePermissionGroupInfo(
    304                     mSettings.mPermissionGroups.get(groupName), flags);
    305         }
    306     }
    308     private List<PermissionGroupInfo> getAllPermissionGroups(int flags, int callingUid) {
    309         if (mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
    310             return null;
    311         }
    312         synchronized (mLock) {
    313             final int N = mSettings.mPermissionGroups.size();
    314             final ArrayList<PermissionGroupInfo> out
    315                     = new ArrayList<PermissionGroupInfo>(N);
    316             for (PackageParser.PermissionGroup pg : mSettings.mPermissionGroups.values()) {
    317                 out.add(PackageParser.generatePermissionGroupInfo(pg, flags));
    318             }
    319             return out;
    320         }
    321     }
    323     private PermissionInfo getPermissionInfo(String permName, String packageName, int flags,
    324             int callingUid) {
    325         if (mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
    326             return null;
    327         }
    328         // reader
    329         synchronized (mLock) {
    330             final BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
    331             if (bp == null) {
    332                 return null;
    333             }
    334             final int adjustedProtectionLevel = adjustPermissionProtectionFlagsLocked(
    335                     bp.getProtectionLevel(), packageName, callingUid);
    336             return bp.generatePermissionInfo(adjustedProtectionLevel, flags);
    337         }
    338     }
    340     private List<PermissionInfo> getPermissionInfoByGroup(
    341             String groupName, int flags, int callingUid) {
    342         if (mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
    343             return null;
    344         }
    345         synchronized (mLock) {
    346             if (groupName != null && !mSettings.mPermissionGroups.containsKey(groupName)) {
    347                 return null;
    348             }
    349             final ArrayList<PermissionInfo> out = new ArrayList<PermissionInfo>(10);
    350             for (BasePermission bp : mSettings.mPermissions.values()) {
    351                 final PermissionInfo pi = bp.generatePermissionInfo(groupName, flags);
    352                 if (pi != null) {
    353                     out.add(pi);
    354                 }
    355             }
    356             return out;
    357         }
    358     }
    360     private int adjustPermissionProtectionFlagsLocked(
    361             int protectionLevel, String packageName, int uid) {
    362         // Signature permission flags area always reported
    363         final int protectionLevelMasked = protectionLevel
    364                 & (PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_NORMAL
    365                 | PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_DANGEROUS
    366                 | PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_SIGNATURE);
    367         if (protectionLevelMasked == PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_SIGNATURE) {
    368             return protectionLevel;
    369         }
    370         // System sees all flags.
    371         final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(uid);
    372         if (appId == Process.SYSTEM_UID || appId == Process.ROOT_UID
    373                 || appId == Process.SHELL_UID) {
    374             return protectionLevel;
    375         }
    376         // Normalize package name to handle renamed packages and static libs
    377         final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(packageName);
    378         if (pkg == null) {
    379             return protectionLevel;
    380         }
    381         if (pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
    382             return protectionLevelMasked;
    383         }
    384         // Apps that target O see flags for all protection levels.
    385         final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
    386         if (ps == null) {
    387             return protectionLevel;
    388         }
    389         if (ps.getAppId() != appId) {
    390             return protectionLevel;
    391         }
    392         return protectionLevel;
    393     }
    395     /**
    396      * We might auto-grant permissions if any permission of the group is already granted. Hence if
    397      * the group of a granted permission changes we need to revoke it to avoid having permissions of
    398      * the new group auto-granted.
    399      *
    400      * @param newPackage The new package that was installed
    401      * @param oldPackage The old package that was updated
    402      * @param allPackageNames All package names
    403      * @param permissionCallback Callback for permission changed
    404      */
    405     private void revokeRuntimePermissionsIfGroupChanged(
    406             @NonNull PackageParser.Package newPackage,
    407             @NonNull PackageParser.Package oldPackage,
    408             @NonNull ArrayList<String> allPackageNames,
    409             @NonNull PermissionCallback permissionCallback) {
    410         final int numOldPackagePermissions = oldPackage.permissions.size();
    411         final ArrayMap<String, String> oldPermissionNameToGroupName
    412                 = new ArrayMap<>(numOldPackagePermissions);
    414         for (int i = 0; i < numOldPackagePermissions; i++) {
    415             final PackageParser.Permission permission = oldPackage.permissions.get(i);
    417             if (permission.group != null) {
    418                 oldPermissionNameToGroupName.put(permission.info.name,
    419                         permission.group.info.name);
    420             }
    421         }
    423         final int numNewPackagePermissions = newPackage.permissions.size();
    424         for (int newPermissionNum = 0; newPermissionNum < numNewPackagePermissions;
    425                 newPermissionNum++) {
    426             final PackageParser.Permission newPermission =
    427                     newPackage.permissions.get(newPermissionNum);
    428             final int newProtection = newPermission.info.getProtection();
    430             if ((newProtection & PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_DANGEROUS) != 0) {
    431                 final String permissionName = newPermission.info.name;
    432                 final String newPermissionGroupName =
    433                         newPermission.group == null ? null : newPermission.group.info.name;
    434                 final String oldPermissionGroupName = oldPermissionNameToGroupName.get(
    435                         permissionName);
    437                 if (newPermissionGroupName != null
    438                         && !newPermissionGroupName.equals(oldPermissionGroupName)) {
    439                     final int[] userIds = mUserManagerInt.getUserIds();
    440                     final int numUserIds = userIds.length;
    441                     for (int userIdNum = 0; userIdNum < numUserIds; userIdNum++) {
    442                         final int userId = userIds[userIdNum];
    444                         final int numPackages = allPackageNames.size();
    445                         for (int packageNum = 0; packageNum < numPackages; packageNum++) {
    446                             final String packageName = allPackageNames.get(packageNum);
    448                             if (checkPermission(permissionName, packageName, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM,
    449                                     userId) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    450                                 EventLog.writeEvent(0x534e4554, "72710897",
    451                                         newPackage.applicationInfo.uid,
    452                                         "Revoking permission " + permissionName +
    453                                         " from package " + packageName +
    454                                         " as the group changed from " + oldPermissionGroupName +
    455                                         " to " + newPermissionGroupName);
    457                                 try {
    458                                     revokeRuntimePermission(permissionName, packageName, false,
    459                                             Process.SYSTEM_UID, userId, permissionCallback);
    460                                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    461                                     Slog.e(TAG, "Could not revoke " + permissionName + " from "
    462                                             + packageName, e);
    463                                 }
    464                             }
    465                         }
    466                     }
    467                 }
    468             }
    469         }
    470     }
    472     private void addAllPermissions(PackageParser.Package pkg, boolean chatty) {
    473         final int N = pkg.permissions.size();
    474         for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    475             PackageParser.Permission p = pkg.permissions.get(i);
    477             // Assume by default that we did not install this permission into the system.
    478             p.info.flags &= ~PermissionInfo.FLAG_INSTALLED;
    480             synchronized (PermissionManagerService.this.mLock) {
    481                 // Now that permission groups have a special meaning, we ignore permission
    482                 // groups for legacy apps to prevent unexpected behavior. In particular,
    483                 // permissions for one app being granted to someone just because they happen
    484                 // to be in a group defined by another app (before this had no implications).
    485                 if (pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion > Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1) {
    486                     p.group = mSettings.mPermissionGroups.get(p.info.group);
    487                     // Warn for a permission in an unknown group.
    488                     if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS
    489                             && p.info.group != null && p.group == null) {
    490                         Slog.i(TAG, "Permission " + p.info.name + " from package "
    491                                 + p.info.packageName + " in an unknown group " + p.info.group);
    492                     }
    493                 }
    495                 if (p.tree) {
    496                     final BasePermission bp = BasePermission.createOrUpdate(
    497                             mSettings.getPermissionTreeLocked(p.info.name), p, pkg,
    498                             mSettings.getAllPermissionTreesLocked(), chatty);
    499                     mSettings.putPermissionTreeLocked(p.info.name, bp);
    500                 } else {
    501                     final BasePermission bp = BasePermission.createOrUpdate(
    502                             mSettings.getPermissionLocked(p.info.name),
    503                             p, pkg, mSettings.getAllPermissionTreesLocked(), chatty);
    504                     mSettings.putPermissionLocked(p.info.name, bp);
    505                 }
    506             }
    507         }
    508     }
    510     private void addAllPermissionGroups(PackageParser.Package pkg, boolean chatty) {
    511         final int N = pkg.permissionGroups.size();
    512         StringBuilder r = null;
    513         for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    514             final PackageParser.PermissionGroup pg = pkg.permissionGroups.get(i);
    515             final PackageParser.PermissionGroup cur = mSettings.mPermissionGroups.get(pg.info.name);
    516             final String curPackageName = (cur == null) ? null : cur.info.packageName;
    517             final boolean isPackageUpdate = pg.info.packageName.equals(curPackageName);
    518             if (cur == null || isPackageUpdate) {
    519                 mSettings.mPermissionGroups.put(pg.info.name, pg);
    520                 if (chatty && DEBUG_PACKAGE_SCANNING) {
    521                     if (r == null) {
    522                         r = new StringBuilder(256);
    523                     } else {
    524                         r.append(' ');
    525                     }
    526                     if (isPackageUpdate) {
    527                         r.append("UPD:");
    528                     }
    529                     r.append(pg.info.name);
    530                 }
    531             } else {
    532                 Slog.w(TAG, "Permission group " + pg.info.name + " from package "
    533                         + pg.info.packageName + " ignored: original from "
    534                         + cur.info.packageName);
    535                 if (chatty && DEBUG_PACKAGE_SCANNING) {
    536                     if (r == null) {
    537                         r = new StringBuilder(256);
    538                     } else {
    539                         r.append(' ');
    540                     }
    541                     r.append("DUP:");
    542                     r.append(pg.info.name);
    543                 }
    544             }
    545         }
    546         if (r != null && DEBUG_PACKAGE_SCANNING) {
    547             Log.d(TAG, "  Permission Groups: " + r);
    548         }
    550     }
    552     private void removeAllPermissions(PackageParser.Package pkg, boolean chatty) {
    553         synchronized (mLock) {
    554             int N = pkg.permissions.size();
    555             StringBuilder r = null;
    556             for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    557                 PackageParser.Permission p = pkg.permissions.get(i);
    558                 BasePermission bp = (BasePermission) mSettings.mPermissions.get(p.info.name);
    559                 if (bp == null) {
    560                     bp = mSettings.mPermissionTrees.get(p.info.name);
    561                 }
    562                 if (bp != null && bp.isPermission(p)) {
    563                     bp.setPermission(null);
    564                     if (DEBUG_REMOVE && chatty) {
    565                         if (r == null) {
    566                             r = new StringBuilder(256);
    567                         } else {
    568                             r.append(' ');
    569                         }
    570                         r.append(p.info.name);
    571                     }
    572                 }
    573                 if (p.isAppOp()) {
    574                     ArraySet<String> appOpPkgs =
    575                             mSettings.mAppOpPermissionPackages.get(p.info.name);
    576                     if (appOpPkgs != null) {
    577                         appOpPkgs.remove(pkg.packageName);
    578                     }
    579                 }
    580             }
    581             if (r != null) {
    582                 if (DEBUG_REMOVE) Log.d(TAG, "  Permissions: " + r);
    583             }
    585             N = pkg.requestedPermissions.size();
    586             r = null;
    587             for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    588                 String perm = pkg.requestedPermissions.get(i);
    589                 if (mSettings.isPermissionAppOp(perm)) {
    590                     ArraySet<String> appOpPkgs = mSettings.mAppOpPermissionPackages.get(perm);
    591                     if (appOpPkgs != null) {
    592                         appOpPkgs.remove(pkg.packageName);
    593                         if (appOpPkgs.isEmpty()) {
    594                             mSettings.mAppOpPermissionPackages.remove(perm);
    595                         }
    596                     }
    597                 }
    598             }
    599             if (r != null) {
    600                 if (DEBUG_REMOVE) Log.d(TAG, "  Permissions: " + r);
    601             }
    602         }
    603     }
    605     private boolean addDynamicPermission(
    606             PermissionInfo info, int callingUid, PermissionCallback callback) {
    607         if (mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
    608             throw new SecurityException("Instant apps can't add permissions");
    609         }
    610         if (info.labelRes == 0 && info.nonLocalizedLabel == null) {
    611             throw new SecurityException("Label must be specified in permission");
    612         }
    613         final BasePermission tree = mSettings.enforcePermissionTree(info.name, callingUid);
    614         final boolean added;
    615         final boolean changed;
    616         synchronized (mLock) {
    617             BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(info.name);
    618             added = bp == null;
    619             int fixedLevel = PermissionInfo.fixProtectionLevel(info.protectionLevel);
    620             if (added) {
    621                 enforcePermissionCapLocked(info, tree);
    622                 bp = new BasePermission(info.name, tree.getSourcePackageName(),
    623                         BasePermission.TYPE_DYNAMIC);
    624             } else if (!bp.isDynamic()) {
    625                 throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to modify non-dynamic permission "
    626                         + info.name);
    627             }
    628             changed = bp.addToTree(fixedLevel, info, tree);
    629             if (added) {
    630                 mSettings.putPermissionLocked(info.name, bp);
    631             }
    632         }
    633         if (changed && callback != null) {
    634             callback.onPermissionChanged();
    635         }
    636         return added;
    637     }
    639     private void removeDynamicPermission(
    640             String permName, int callingUid, PermissionCallback callback) {
    641         if (mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
    642             throw new SecurityException("Instant applications don't have access to this method");
    643         }
    644         final BasePermission tree = mSettings.enforcePermissionTree(permName, callingUid);
    645         synchronized (mLock) {
    646             final BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
    647             if (bp == null) {
    648                 return;
    649             }
    650             if (bp.isDynamic()) {
    651                 // TODO: switch this back to SecurityException
    652                 Slog.wtf(TAG, "Not allowed to modify non-dynamic permission "
    653                         + permName);
    654             }
    655             mSettings.removePermissionLocked(permName);
    656             if (callback != null) {
    657                 callback.onPermissionRemoved();
    658             }
    659         }
    660     }
    662     private void grantPermissions(PackageParser.Package pkg, boolean replace,
    663             String packageOfInterest, PermissionCallback callback) {
    664         // IMPORTANT: There are two types of permissions: install and runtime.
    665         // Install time permissions are granted when the app is installed to
    666         // all device users and users added in the future. Runtime permissions
    667         // are granted at runtime explicitly to specific users. Normal and signature
    668         // protected permissions are install time permissions. Dangerous permissions
    669         // are install permissions if the app's target SDK is Lollipop MR1 or older,
    670         // otherwise they are runtime permissions. This function does not manage
    671         // runtime permissions except for the case an app targeting Lollipop MR1
    672         // being upgraded to target a newer SDK, in which case dangerous permissions
    673         // are transformed from install time to runtime ones.
    675         final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
    676         if (ps == null) {
    677             return;
    678         }
    679         final boolean isLegacySystemApp = mPackageManagerInt.isLegacySystemApp(pkg);
    681         final PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
    682         PermissionsState origPermissions = permissionsState;
    684         final int[] currentUserIds = UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds();
    686         boolean runtimePermissionsRevoked = false;
    687         int[] updatedUserIds = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
    689         boolean changedInstallPermission = false;
    691         if (replace) {
    692             ps.setInstallPermissionsFixed(false);
    693             if (!ps.isSharedUser()) {
    694                 origPermissions = new PermissionsState(permissionsState);
    695                 permissionsState.reset();
    696             } else {
    697                 // We need to know only about runtime permission changes since the
    698                 // calling code always writes the install permissions state but
    699                 // the runtime ones are written only if changed. The only cases of
    700                 // changed runtime permissions here are promotion of an install to
    701                 // runtime and revocation of a runtime from a shared user.
    702                 synchronized (mLock) {
    703                     updatedUserIds = revokeUnusedSharedUserPermissionsLocked(
    704                             ps.getSharedUser(), UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds());
    705                     if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(updatedUserIds)) {
    706                         runtimePermissionsRevoked = true;
    707                     }
    708                 }
    709             }
    710         }
    712         permissionsState.setGlobalGids(mGlobalGids);
    714         synchronized (mLock) {
    715             final int N = pkg.requestedPermissions.size();
    716             for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    717                 final String permName = pkg.requestedPermissions.get(i);
    718                 final BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
    719                 final boolean appSupportsRuntimePermissions =
    720                         pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M;
    722                 if (DEBUG_INSTALL) {
    723                     Log.i(TAG, "Package " + pkg.packageName + " checking " + permName + ": " + bp);
    724                 }
    726                 if (bp == null || bp.getSourcePackageSetting() == null) {
    727                     if (packageOfInterest == null || packageOfInterest.equals(pkg.packageName)) {
    728                         if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS) {
    729                             Slog.i(TAG, "Unknown permission " + permName
    730                                     + " in package " + pkg.packageName);
    731                         }
    732                     }
    733                     continue;
    734                 }
    736                 // Limit ephemeral apps to ephemeral allowed permissions.
    737                 if (pkg.applicationInfo.isInstantApp() && !bp.isInstant()) {
    738                     if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS) {
    739                         Log.i(TAG, "Denying non-ephemeral permission " + bp.getName()
    740                                 + " for package " + pkg.packageName);
    741                     }
    742                     continue;
    743                 }
    745                 if (bp.isRuntimeOnly() && !appSupportsRuntimePermissions) {
    746                     if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS) {
    747                         Log.i(TAG, "Denying runtime-only permission " + bp.getName()
    748                                 + " for package " + pkg.packageName);
    749                     }
    750                     continue;
    751                 }
    753                 final String perm = bp.getName();
    754                 boolean allowedSig = false;
    755                 int grant = GRANT_DENIED;
    757                 // Keep track of app op permissions.
    758                 if (bp.isAppOp()) {
    759                     mSettings.addAppOpPackage(perm, pkg.packageName);
    760                 }
    762                 if (bp.isNormal()) {
    763                     // For all apps normal permissions are install time ones.
    764                     grant = GRANT_INSTALL;
    765                 } else if (bp.isRuntime()) {
    766                     // If a permission review is required for legacy apps we represent
    767                     // their permissions as always granted runtime ones since we need
    768                     // to keep the review required permission flag per user while an
    769                     // install permission's state is shared across all users.
    770                     if (!appSupportsRuntimePermissions && !mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired) {
    771                         // For legacy apps dangerous permissions are install time ones.
    772                         grant = GRANT_INSTALL;
    773                     } else if (origPermissions.hasInstallPermission(bp.getName())) {
    774                         // For legacy apps that became modern, install becomes runtime.
    775                         grant = GRANT_UPGRADE;
    776                     } else if (isLegacySystemApp) {
    777                         // For legacy system apps, install becomes runtime.
    778                         // We cannot check hasInstallPermission() for system apps since those
    779                         // permissions were granted implicitly and not persisted pre-M.
    780                         grant = GRANT_UPGRADE;
    781                     } else {
    782                         // For modern apps keep runtime permissions unchanged.
    783                         grant = GRANT_RUNTIME;
    784                     }
    785                 } else if (bp.isSignature()) {
    786                     // For all apps signature permissions are install time ones.
    787                     allowedSig = grantSignaturePermission(perm, pkg, bp, origPermissions);
    788                     if (allowedSig) {
    789                         grant = GRANT_INSTALL;
    790                     }
    791                 }
    793                 if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS) {
    794                     Slog.i(TAG, "Granting permission " + perm + " to package " + pkg.packageName);
    795                 }
    797                 if (grant != GRANT_DENIED) {
    798                     if (!ps.isSystem() && ps.areInstallPermissionsFixed()) {
    799                         // If this is an existing, non-system package, then
    800                         // we can't add any new permissions to it.
    801                         if (!allowedSig && !origPermissions.hasInstallPermission(perm)) {
    802                             // Except...  if this is a permission that was added
    803                             // to the platform (note: need to only do this when
    804                             // updating the platform).
    805                             if (!isNewPlatformPermissionForPackage(perm, pkg)) {
    806                                 grant = GRANT_DENIED;
    807                             }
    808                         }
    809                     }
    811                     switch (grant) {
    812                         case GRANT_INSTALL: {
    813                             // Revoke this as runtime permission to handle the case of
    814                             // a runtime permission being downgraded to an install one.
    815                             // Also in permission review mode we keep dangerous permissions
    816                             // for legacy apps
    817                             for (int userId : UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds()) {
    818                                 if (origPermissions.getRuntimePermissionState(
    819                                         perm, userId) != null) {
    820                                     // Revoke the runtime permission and clear the flags.
    821                                     origPermissions.revokeRuntimePermission(bp, userId);
    822                                     origPermissions.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId,
    823                                           PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);
    824                                     // If we revoked a permission permission, we have to write.
    825                                     updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
    826                                             updatedUserIds, userId);
    827                                 }
    828                             }
    829                             // Grant an install permission.
    830                             if (permissionsState.grantInstallPermission(bp) !=
    831                                     PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
    832                                 changedInstallPermission = true;
    833                             }
    834                         } break;
    836                         case GRANT_RUNTIME: {
    837                             // Grant previously granted runtime permissions.
    838                             for (int userId : UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds()) {
    839                                 final PermissionState permissionState = origPermissions
    840                                         .getRuntimePermissionState(perm, userId);
    841                                 int flags = permissionState != null
    842                                         ? permissionState.getFlags() : 0;
    843                                 if (origPermissions.hasRuntimePermission(perm, userId)) {
    844                                     // Don't propagate the permission in a permission review
    845                                     // mode if the former was revoked, i.e. marked to not
    846                                     // propagate on upgrade. Note that in a permission review
    847                                     // mode install permissions are represented as constantly
    848                                     // granted runtime ones since we need to keep a per user
    849                                     // state associated with the permission. Also the revoke
    850                                     // on upgrade flag is no longer applicable and is reset.
    851                                     final boolean revokeOnUpgrade = (flags & PackageManager
    852                                             .FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE) != 0;
    853                                     if (revokeOnUpgrade) {
    854                                         flags &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE;
    855                                         // Since we changed the flags, we have to write.
    856                                         updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
    857                                                 updatedUserIds, userId);
    858                                     }
    859                                     if (!mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired || !revokeOnUpgrade) {
    860                                         if (permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId) ==
    861                                                 PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
    862                                             // If we cannot put the permission as it was,
    863                                             // we have to write.
    864                                             updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
    865                                                     updatedUserIds, userId);
    866                                         }
    867                                     }
    869                                     // If the app supports runtime permissions no need for a review.
    870                                     if (mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired
    871                                             && appSupportsRuntimePermissions
    872                                             && (flags & PackageManager
    873                                                     .FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED) != 0) {
    874                                         flags &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED;
    875                                         // Since we changed the flags, we have to write.
    876                                         updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
    877                                                 updatedUserIds, userId);
    878                                     }
    879                                 } else if (mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired
    880                                         && !appSupportsRuntimePermissions) {
    881                                     // For legacy apps that need a permission review, every new
    882                                     // runtime permission is granted but it is pending a review.
    883                                     // We also need to review only platform defined runtime
    884                                     // permissions as these are the only ones the platform knows
    885                                     // how to disable the API to simulate revocation as legacy
    886                                     // apps don't expect to run with revoked permissions.
    887                                     if (PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME.equals(bp.getSourcePackageName())) {
    888                                         if ((flags & FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED) == 0) {
    889                                             flags |= FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED;
    890                                             // We changed the flags, hence have to write.
    891                                             updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
    892                                                     updatedUserIds, userId);
    893                                         }
    894                                     }
    895                                     if (permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId)
    896                                             != PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
    897                                         // We changed the permission, hence have to write.
    898                                         updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
    899                                                 updatedUserIds, userId);
    900                                     }
    901                                 }
    902                                 // Propagate the permission flags.
    903                                 permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId, flags, flags);
    904                             }
    905                         } break;
    907                         case GRANT_UPGRADE: {
    908                             // Grant runtime permissions for a previously held install permission.
    909                             final PermissionState permissionState = origPermissions
    910                                     .getInstallPermissionState(perm);
    911                             final int flags =
    912                                     (permissionState != null) ? permissionState.getFlags() : 0;
    914                             if (origPermissions.revokeInstallPermission(bp)
    915                                     != PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
    916                                 // We will be transferring the permission flags, so clear them.
    917                                 origPermissions.updatePermissionFlags(bp, UserHandle.USER_ALL,
    918                                         PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);
    919                                 changedInstallPermission = true;
    920                             }
    922                             // If the permission is not to be promoted to runtime we ignore it and
    923                             // also its other flags as they are not applicable to install permissions.
    924                             if ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE) == 0) {
    925                                 for (int userId : currentUserIds) {
    926                                     if (permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId) !=
    927                                             PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
    928                                         // Transfer the permission flags.
    929                                         permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId,
    930                                                 flags, flags);
    931                                         // If we granted the permission, we have to write.
    932                                         updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
    933                                                 updatedUserIds, userId);
    934                                     }
    935                                 }
    936                             }
    937                         } break;
    939                         default: {
    940                             if (packageOfInterest == null
    941                                     || packageOfInterest.equals(pkg.packageName)) {
    942                                 if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS) {
    943                                     Slog.i(TAG, "Not granting permission " + perm
    944                                             + " to package " + pkg.packageName
    945                                             + " because it was previously installed without");
    946                                 }
    947                             }
    948                         } break;
    949                     }
    950                 } else {
    951                     if (permissionsState.revokeInstallPermission(bp) !=
    952                             PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
    953                         // Also drop the permission flags.
    954                         permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, UserHandle.USER_ALL,
    955                                 PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);
    956                         changedInstallPermission = true;
    957                         Slog.i(TAG, "Un-granting permission " + perm
    958                                 + " from package " + pkg.packageName
    959                                 + " (protectionLevel=" + bp.getProtectionLevel()
    960                                 + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(pkg.applicationInfo.flags)
    961                                 + ")");
    962                     } else if (bp.isAppOp()) {
    963                         // Don't print warning for app op permissions, since it is fine for them
    964                         // not to be granted, there is a UI for the user to decide.
    965                         if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS
    966                                 && (packageOfInterest == null
    967                                         || packageOfInterest.equals(pkg.packageName))) {
    968                             Slog.i(TAG, "Not granting permission " + perm
    969                                     + " to package " + pkg.packageName
    970                                     + " (protectionLevel=" + bp.getProtectionLevel()
    971                                     + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(pkg.applicationInfo.flags)
    972                                     + ")");
    973                         }
    974                     }
    975                 }
    976             }
    978             if ((changedInstallPermission || replace) && !ps.areInstallPermissionsFixed() &&
    979                     !ps.isSystem() || ps.isUpdatedSystem()) {
    980                 // This is the first that we have heard about this package, so the
    981                 // permissions we have now selected are fixed until explicitly
    982                 // changed.
    983                 ps.setInstallPermissionsFixed(true);
    984             }
    985         }
    987         // Persist the runtime permissions state for users with changes. If permissions
    988         // were revoked because no app in the shared user declares them we have to
    989         // write synchronously to avoid losing runtime permissions state.
    990         if (callback != null) {
    991             callback.onPermissionUpdated(updatedUserIds, runtimePermissionsRevoked);
    992         }
    993     }
    995     private boolean isNewPlatformPermissionForPackage(String perm, PackageParser.Package pkg) {
    996         boolean allowed = false;
    997         final int NP = PackageParser.NEW_PERMISSIONS.length;
    998         for (int ip=0; ip<NP; ip++) {
    999             final PackageParser.NewPermissionInfo npi
   1000                     = PackageParser.NEW_PERMISSIONS[ip];
   1001             if (npi.name.equals(perm)
   1002                     && pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < npi.sdkVersion) {
   1003                 allowed = true;
   1004                 Log.i(TAG, "Auto-granting " + perm + " to old pkg "
   1005                         + pkg.packageName);
   1006                 break;
   1007             }
   1008         }
   1009         return allowed;
   1010     }
   1012     /**
   1013      * Determines whether a package is whitelisted for a particular privapp permission.
   1014      *
   1015      * <p>Does NOT check whether the package is a privapp, just whether it's whitelisted.
   1016      *
   1017      * <p>This handles parent/child apps.
   1018      */
   1019     private boolean hasPrivappWhitelistEntry(String perm, PackageParser.Package pkg) {
   1020         ArraySet<String> wlPermissions = null;
   1021         if (pkg.isVendor()) {
   1022             wlPermissions =
   1023                     SystemConfig.getInstance().getVendorPrivAppPermissions(pkg.packageName);
   1024         } else if (pkg.isProduct()) {
   1025             wlPermissions =
   1026                     SystemConfig.getInstance().getProductPrivAppPermissions(pkg.packageName);
   1027         } else {
   1028             wlPermissions = SystemConfig.getInstance().getPrivAppPermissions(pkg.packageName);
   1029         }
   1030         // Let's check if this package is whitelisted...
   1031         boolean whitelisted = wlPermissions != null && wlPermissions.contains(perm);
   1032         // If it's not, we'll also tail-recurse to the parent.
   1033         return whitelisted ||
   1034                 pkg.parentPackage != null && hasPrivappWhitelistEntry(perm, pkg.parentPackage);
   1035     }
   1037     private boolean grantSignaturePermission(String perm, PackageParser.Package pkg,
   1038             BasePermission bp, PermissionsState origPermissions) {
   1039         boolean oemPermission = bp.isOEM();
   1040         boolean vendorPrivilegedPermission = bp.isVendorPrivileged();
   1041         boolean privilegedPermission = bp.isPrivileged() || bp.isVendorPrivileged();
   1042         boolean privappPermissionsDisable =
   1043                 RoSystemProperties.CONTROL_PRIVAPP_PERMISSIONS_DISABLE;
   1044         boolean platformPermission = PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME.equals(bp.getSourcePackageName());
   1045         boolean platformPackage = PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME.equals(pkg.packageName);
   1046         if (!privappPermissionsDisable && privilegedPermission && pkg.isPrivileged()
   1047                 && !platformPackage && platformPermission) {
   1048             if (!hasPrivappWhitelistEntry(perm, pkg)) {
   1049                 // Only report violations for apps on system image
   1050                 if (!mSystemReady && !pkg.isUpdatedSystemApp()) {
   1051                     // it's only a reportable violation if the permission isn't explicitly denied
   1052                     ArraySet<String> deniedPermissions = null;
   1053                     if (pkg.isVendor()) {
   1054                         deniedPermissions = SystemConfig.getInstance()
   1055                                 .getVendorPrivAppDenyPermissions(pkg.packageName);
   1056                     } else if (pkg.isProduct()) {
   1057                         deniedPermissions = SystemConfig.getInstance()
   1058                                 .getProductPrivAppDenyPermissions(pkg.packageName);
   1059                     } else {
   1060                         deniedPermissions = SystemConfig.getInstance()
   1061                                 .getPrivAppDenyPermissions(pkg.packageName);
   1062                     }
   1063                     final boolean permissionViolation =
   1064                             deniedPermissions == null || !deniedPermissions.contains(perm);
   1065                     if (permissionViolation) {
   1066                         Slog.w(TAG, "Privileged permission " + perm + " for package "
   1067                                 + pkg.packageName + " - not in privapp-permissions whitelist");
   1069                         if (RoSystemProperties.CONTROL_PRIVAPP_PERMISSIONS_ENFORCE) {
   1070                             if (mPrivappPermissionsViolations == null) {
   1071                                 mPrivappPermissionsViolations = new ArraySet<>();
   1072                             }
   1073                             mPrivappPermissionsViolations.add(pkg.packageName + ": " + perm);
   1074                         }
   1075                     } else {
   1076                         return false;
   1077                     }
   1078                 }
   1079                 if (RoSystemProperties.CONTROL_PRIVAPP_PERMISSIONS_ENFORCE) {
   1080                     return false;
   1081                 }
   1082             }
   1083         }
   1084         final String systemPackageName = mPackageManagerInt.getKnownPackageName(
   1085                 PackageManagerInternal.PACKAGE_SYSTEM, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
   1086         final PackageParser.Package systemPackage =
   1087                 mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(systemPackageName);
   1089         // check if the package is allow to use this signature permission.  A package is allowed to
   1090         // use a signature permission if:
   1091         //     - it has the same set of signing certificates as the source package
   1092         //     - or its signing certificate was rotated from the source package's certificate
   1093         //     - or its signing certificate is a previous signing certificate of the defining
   1094         //       package, and the defining package still trusts the old certificate for permissions
   1095         //     - or it shares the above relationships with the system package
   1096         boolean allowed =
   1097                 pkg.mSigningDetails.hasAncestorOrSelf(
   1098                         bp.getSourcePackageSetting().getSigningDetails())
   1099                 || bp.getSourcePackageSetting().getSigningDetails().checkCapability(
   1100                         pkg.mSigningDetails,
   1101                         PackageParser.SigningDetails.CertCapabilities.PERMISSION)
   1102                 || pkg.mSigningDetails.hasAncestorOrSelf(systemPackage.mSigningDetails)
   1103                 || systemPackage.mSigningDetails.checkCapability(
   1104                         pkg.mSigningDetails,
   1105                         PackageParser.SigningDetails.CertCapabilities.PERMISSION);
   1106         if (!allowed && (privilegedPermission || oemPermission)) {
   1107             if (pkg.isSystem()) {
   1108                 // For updated system applications, a privileged/oem permission
   1109                 // is granted only if it had been defined by the original application.
   1110                 if (pkg.isUpdatedSystemApp()) {
   1111                     final PackageParser.Package disabledPkg =
   1112                             mPackageManagerInt.getDisabledPackage(pkg.packageName);
   1113                     final PackageSetting disabledPs =
   1114                             (disabledPkg != null) ? (PackageSetting) disabledPkg.mExtras : null;
   1115                     if (disabledPs != null
   1116                             && disabledPs.getPermissionsState().hasInstallPermission(perm)) {
   1117                         // If the original was granted this permission, we take
   1118                         // that grant decision as read and propagate it to the
   1119                         // update.
   1120                         if ((privilegedPermission && disabledPs.isPrivileged())
   1121                                 || (oemPermission && disabledPs.isOem()
   1122                                         && canGrantOemPermission(disabledPs, perm))) {
   1123                             allowed = true;
   1124                         }
   1125                     } else {
   1126                         // The system apk may have been updated with an older
   1127                         // version of the one on the data partition, but which
   1128                         // granted a new system permission that it didn't have
   1129                         // before.  In this case we do want to allow the app to
   1130                         // now get the new permission if the ancestral apk is
   1131                         // privileged to get it.
   1132                         if (disabledPs != null && disabledPkg != null
   1133                                 && isPackageRequestingPermission(disabledPkg, perm)
   1134                                 && ((privilegedPermission && disabledPs.isPrivileged())
   1135                                         || (oemPermission && disabledPs.isOem()
   1136                                                 && canGrantOemPermission(disabledPs, perm)))) {
   1137                             allowed = true;
   1138                         }
   1139                         // Also if a privileged parent package on the system image or any of
   1140                         // its children requested a privileged/oem permission, the updated child
   1141                         // packages can also get the permission.
   1142                         if (pkg.parentPackage != null) {
   1143                             final PackageParser.Package disabledParentPkg = mPackageManagerInt
   1144                                     .getDisabledPackage(pkg.parentPackage.packageName);
   1145                             final PackageSetting disabledParentPs = (disabledParentPkg != null)
   1146                                     ? (PackageSetting) disabledParentPkg.mExtras : null;
   1147                             if (disabledParentPkg != null
   1148                                     && ((privilegedPermission && disabledParentPs.isPrivileged())
   1149                                             || (oemPermission && disabledParentPs.isOem()))) {
   1150                                 if (isPackageRequestingPermission(disabledParentPkg, perm)
   1151                                         && canGrantOemPermission(disabledParentPs, perm)) {
   1152                                     allowed = true;
   1153                                 } else if (disabledParentPkg.childPackages != null) {
   1154                                     for (PackageParser.Package disabledChildPkg
   1155                                             : disabledParentPkg.childPackages) {
   1156                                         final PackageSetting disabledChildPs =
   1157                                                 (disabledChildPkg != null)
   1158                                                         ? (PackageSetting) disabledChildPkg.mExtras
   1159                                                         : null;
   1160                                         if (isPackageRequestingPermission(disabledChildPkg, perm)
   1161                                                 && canGrantOemPermission(
   1162                                                         disabledChildPs, perm)) {
   1163                                             allowed = true;
   1164                                             break;
   1165                                         }
   1166                                     }
   1167                                 }
   1168                             }
   1169                         }
   1170                     }
   1171                 } else {
   1172                     final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1173                     allowed = (privilegedPermission && pkg.isPrivileged())
   1174                             || (oemPermission && pkg.isOem()
   1175                                     && canGrantOemPermission(ps, perm));
   1176                 }
   1177                 // In any case, don't grant a privileged permission to privileged vendor apps, if
   1178                 // the permission's protectionLevel does not have the extra 'vendorPrivileged'
   1179                 // flag.
   1180                 if (allowed && privilegedPermission &&
   1181                         !vendorPrivilegedPermission && pkg.isVendor()) {
   1182                    Slog.w(TAG, "Permission " + perm + " cannot be granted to privileged vendor apk "
   1183                            + pkg.packageName + " because it isn't a 'vendorPrivileged' permission.");
   1184                    allowed = false;
   1185                 }
   1186             }
   1187         }
   1188         if (!allowed) {
   1189             if (!allowed
   1190                     && bp.isPre23()
   1191                     && pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
   1192                 // If this was a previously normal/dangerous permission that got moved
   1193                 // to a system permission as part of the runtime permission redesign, then
   1194                 // we still want to blindly grant it to old apps.
   1195                 allowed = true;
   1196             }
   1197             if (!allowed && bp.isInstaller()
   1198                     && pkg.packageName.equals(mPackageManagerInt.getKnownPackageName(
   1199                             PackageManagerInternal.PACKAGE_INSTALLER, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM))) {
   1200                 // If this permission is to be granted to the system installer and
   1201                 // this app is an installer, then it gets the permission.
   1202                 allowed = true;
   1203             }
   1204             if (!allowed && bp.isVerifier()
   1205                     && pkg.packageName.equals(mPackageManagerInt.getKnownPackageName(
   1206                             PackageManagerInternal.PACKAGE_VERIFIER, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM))) {
   1207                 // If this permission is to be granted to the system verifier and
   1208                 // this app is a verifier, then it gets the permission.
   1209                 allowed = true;
   1210             }
   1211             if (!allowed && bp.isPreInstalled()
   1212                     && pkg.isSystem()) {
   1213                 // Any pre-installed system app is allowed to get this permission.
   1214                 allowed = true;
   1215             }
   1216             if (!allowed && bp.isDevelopment()) {
   1217                 // For development permissions, a development permission
   1218                 // is granted only if it was already granted.
   1219                 allowed = origPermissions.hasInstallPermission(perm);
   1220             }
   1221             if (!allowed && bp.isSetup()
   1222                     && pkg.packageName.equals(mPackageManagerInt.getKnownPackageName(
   1223                             PackageManagerInternal.PACKAGE_SETUP_WIZARD, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM))) {
   1224                 // If this permission is to be granted to the system setup wizard and
   1225                 // this app is a setup wizard, then it gets the permission.
   1226                 allowed = true;
   1227             }
   1228             if (!allowed && bp.isSystemTextClassifier()
   1229                     && pkg.packageName.equals(mPackageManagerInt.getKnownPackageName(
   1230                             PackageManagerInternal.PACKAGE_SYSTEM_TEXT_CLASSIFIER,
   1231                             UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM))) {
   1232                 // Special permissions for the system default text classifier.
   1233                 allowed = true;
   1234             }
   1235         }
   1236         return allowed;
   1237     }
   1239     private static boolean canGrantOemPermission(PackageSetting ps, String permission) {
   1240         if (!ps.isOem()) {
   1241             return false;
   1242         }
   1243         // all oem permissions must explicitly be granted or denied
   1244         final Boolean granted =
   1245                 SystemConfig.getInstance().getOemPermissions(ps.name).get(permission);
   1246         if (granted == null) {
   1247             throw new IllegalStateException("OEM permission" + permission + " requested by package "
   1248                     + ps.name + " must be explicitly declared granted or not");
   1249         }
   1250         return Boolean.TRUE == granted;
   1251     }
   1253     private boolean isPermissionsReviewRequired(PackageParser.Package pkg, int userId) {
   1254         if (!mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired) {
   1255             return false;
   1256         }
   1258         // Permission review applies only to apps not supporting the new permission model.
   1259         if (pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
   1260             return false;
   1261         }
   1263         // Legacy apps have the permission and get user consent on launch.
   1264         if (pkg == null || pkg.mExtras == null) {
   1265             return false;
   1266         }
   1267         final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1268         final PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
   1269         return permissionsState.isPermissionReviewRequired(userId);
   1270     }
   1272     private boolean isPackageRequestingPermission(PackageParser.Package pkg, String permission) {
   1273         final int permCount = pkg.requestedPermissions.size();
   1274         for (int j = 0; j < permCount; j++) {
   1275             String requestedPermission = pkg.requestedPermissions.get(j);
   1276             if (permission.equals(requestedPermission)) {
   1277                 return true;
   1278             }
   1279         }
   1280         return false;
   1281     }
   1283     @GuardedBy("mLock")
   1284     private void grantRuntimePermissionsGrantedToDisabledPackageLocked(
   1285             PackageParser.Package pkg, int callingUid, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1286         if (pkg.parentPackage == null) {
   1287             return;
   1288         }
   1289         if (pkg.requestedPermissions == null) {
   1290             return;
   1291         }
   1292         final PackageParser.Package disabledPkg =
   1293                 mPackageManagerInt.getDisabledPackage(pkg.parentPackage.packageName);
   1294         if (disabledPkg == null || disabledPkg.mExtras == null) {
   1295             return;
   1296         }
   1297         final PackageSetting disabledPs = (PackageSetting) disabledPkg.mExtras;
   1298         if (!disabledPs.isPrivileged() || disabledPs.hasChildPackages()) {
   1299             return;
   1300         }
   1301         final int permCount = pkg.requestedPermissions.size();
   1302         for (int i = 0; i < permCount; i++) {
   1303             String permission = pkg.requestedPermissions.get(i);
   1304             BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permission);
   1305             if (bp == null || !(bp.isRuntime() || bp.isDevelopment())) {
   1306                 continue;
   1307             }
   1308             for (int userId : mUserManagerInt.getUserIds()) {
   1309                 if (disabledPs.getPermissionsState().hasRuntimePermission(permission, userId)) {
   1310                     grantRuntimePermission(
   1311                             permission, pkg.packageName, false, callingUid, userId, callback);
   1312                 }
   1313             }
   1314         }
   1315     }
   1317     private void grantRequestedRuntimePermissions(PackageParser.Package pkg, int[] userIds,
   1318             String[] grantedPermissions, int callingUid, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1319         for (int userId : userIds) {
   1320             grantRequestedRuntimePermissionsForUser(pkg, userId, grantedPermissions, callingUid,
   1321                     callback);
   1322         }
   1323     }
   1325     private void grantRequestedRuntimePermissionsForUser(PackageParser.Package pkg, int userId,
   1326             String[] grantedPermissions, int callingUid, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1327         PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1328         if (ps == null) {
   1329             return;
   1330         }
   1332         PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
   1334         final int immutableFlags = PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED
   1335                 | PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_POLICY_FIXED;
   1337         final boolean supportsRuntimePermissions = pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion
   1338                 >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M;
   1340         final boolean instantApp = mPackageManagerInt.isInstantApp(pkg.packageName, userId);
   1342         for (String permission : pkg.requestedPermissions) {
   1343             final BasePermission bp;
   1344             synchronized (mLock) {
   1345                 bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permission);
   1346             }
   1347             if (bp != null && (bp.isRuntime() || bp.isDevelopment())
   1348                     && (!instantApp || bp.isInstant())
   1349                     && (supportsRuntimePermissions || !bp.isRuntimeOnly())
   1350                     && (grantedPermissions == null
   1351                            || ArrayUtils.contains(grantedPermissions, permission))) {
   1352                 final int flags = permissionsState.getPermissionFlags(permission, userId);
   1353                 if (supportsRuntimePermissions) {
   1354                     // Installer cannot change immutable permissions.
   1355                     if ((flags & immutableFlags) == 0) {
   1356                         grantRuntimePermission(permission, pkg.packageName, false, callingUid,
   1357                                 userId, callback);
   1358                     }
   1359                 } else if (mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired) {
   1360                     // In permission review mode we clear the review flag when we
   1361                     // are asked to install the app with all permissions granted.
   1362                     if ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED) != 0) {
   1363                         updatePermissionFlags(permission, pkg.packageName,
   1364                                 PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED, 0, callingUid,
   1365                                 userId, callback);
   1366                     }
   1367                 }
   1368             }
   1369         }
   1370     }
   1372     private void grantRuntimePermission(String permName, String packageName, boolean overridePolicy,
   1373             int callingUid, final int userId, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1374         if (!mUserManagerInt.exists(userId)) {
   1375             Log.e(TAG, "No such user:" + userId);
   1376             return;
   1377         }
   1379         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
   1380                 android.Manifest.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS,
   1381                 "grantRuntimePermission");
   1383         enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
   1384                 true,  // requireFullPermission
   1385                 true,  // checkShell
   1386                 false, // requirePermissionWhenSameUser
   1387                 "grantRuntimePermission");
   1389         final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(packageName);
   1390         if (pkg == null || pkg.mExtras == null) {
   1391             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);
   1392         }
   1393         final BasePermission bp;
   1394         synchronized(mLock) {
   1395             bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
   1396         }
   1397         if (bp == null) {
   1398             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown permission: " + permName);
   1399         }
   1400         if (mPackageManagerInt.filterAppAccess(pkg, callingUid, userId)) {
   1401             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);
   1402         }
   1404         bp.enforceDeclaredUsedAndRuntimeOrDevelopment(pkg);
   1406         // If a permission review is required for legacy apps we represent
   1407         // their permissions as always granted runtime ones since we need
   1408         // to keep the review required permission flag per user while an
   1409         // install permission's state is shared across all users.
   1410         if (mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired
   1411                 && pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.M
   1412                 && bp.isRuntime()) {
   1413             return;
   1414         }
   1416         final int uid = UserHandle.getUid(userId, pkg.applicationInfo.uid);
   1418         final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1419         final PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
   1421         final int flags = permissionsState.getPermissionFlags(permName, userId);
   1422         if ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED) != 0) {
   1423             throw new SecurityException("Cannot grant system fixed permission "
   1424                     + permName + " for package " + packageName);
   1425         }
   1426         if (!overridePolicy && (flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_POLICY_FIXED) != 0) {
   1427             throw new SecurityException("Cannot grant policy fixed permission "
   1428                     + permName + " for package " + packageName);
   1429         }
   1431         if (bp.isDevelopment()) {
   1432             // Development permissions must be handled specially, since they are not
   1433             // normal runtime permissions.  For now they apply to all users.
   1434             if (permissionsState.grantInstallPermission(bp) !=
   1435                     PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
   1436                 if (callback != null) {
   1437                     callback.onInstallPermissionGranted();
   1438                 }
   1439             }
   1440             return;
   1441         }
   1443         if (ps.getInstantApp(userId) && !bp.isInstant()) {
   1444             throw new SecurityException("Cannot grant non-ephemeral permission"
   1445                     + permName + " for package " + packageName);
   1446         }
   1448         if (pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
   1449             Slog.w(TAG, "Cannot grant runtime permission to a legacy app");
   1450             return;
   1451         }
   1453         final int result = permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId);
   1454         switch (result) {
   1455             case PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE: {
   1456                 return;
   1457             }
   1459             case PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_SUCCESS_GIDS_CHANGED: {
   1460                 if (callback != null) {
   1461                     callback.onGidsChanged(UserHandle.getAppId(pkg.applicationInfo.uid), userId);
   1462                 }
   1463             }
   1464             break;
   1465         }
   1467         if (bp.isRuntime()) {
   1468             logPermission(MetricsEvent.ACTION_PERMISSION_GRANTED, permName, packageName);
   1469         }
   1471         if (callback != null) {
   1472             callback.onPermissionGranted(uid, userId);
   1473         }
   1475         // Only need to do this if user is initialized. Otherwise it's a new user
   1476         // and there are no processes running as the user yet and there's no need
   1477         // to make an expensive call to remount processes for the changed permissions.
   1478         if (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.equals(permName)
   1479                 || WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.equals(permName)) {
   1480             final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
   1481             try {
   1482                 if (mUserManagerInt.isUserInitialized(userId)) {
   1483                     StorageManagerInternal storageManagerInternal = LocalServices.getService(
   1484                             StorageManagerInternal.class);
   1485                     storageManagerInternal.onExternalStoragePolicyChanged(uid, packageName);
   1486                 }
   1487             } finally {
   1488                 Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
   1489             }
   1490         }
   1492     }
   1494     private void revokeRuntimePermission(String permName, String packageName,
   1495             boolean overridePolicy, int callingUid, int userId, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1496         if (!mUserManagerInt.exists(userId)) {
   1497             Log.e(TAG, "No such user:" + userId);
   1498             return;
   1499         }
   1501         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
   1502                 android.Manifest.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS,
   1503                 "revokeRuntimePermission");
   1505         enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId,
   1506                 true,  // requireFullPermission
   1507                 true,  // checkShell
   1508                 false, // requirePermissionWhenSameUser
   1509                 "revokeRuntimePermission");
   1511         final int appId;
   1513         final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(packageName);
   1514         if (pkg == null || pkg.mExtras == null) {
   1515             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);
   1516         }
   1517         if (mPackageManagerInt.filterAppAccess(pkg, Binder.getCallingUid(), userId)) {
   1518             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);
   1519         }
   1520         final BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
   1521         if (bp == null) {
   1522             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown permission: " + permName);
   1523         }
   1525         bp.enforceDeclaredUsedAndRuntimeOrDevelopment(pkg);
   1527         // If a permission review is required for legacy apps we represent
   1528         // their permissions as always granted runtime ones since we need
   1529         // to keep the review required permission flag per user while an
   1530         // install permission's state is shared across all users.
   1531         if (mSettings.mPermissionReviewRequired
   1532                 && pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.M
   1533                 && bp.isRuntime()) {
   1534             return;
   1535         }
   1537         final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1538         final PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
   1540         final int flags = permissionsState.getPermissionFlags(permName, userId);
   1541         // Only the system may revoke SYSTEM_FIXED permissions.
   1542         if ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED) != 0
   1543                 && UserHandle.getCallingAppId() != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
   1544             throw new SecurityException("Non-System UID cannot revoke system fixed permission "
   1545                     + permName + " for package " + packageName);
   1546         }
   1547         if (!overridePolicy && (flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_POLICY_FIXED) != 0) {
   1548             throw new SecurityException("Cannot revoke policy fixed permission "
   1549                     + permName + " for package " + packageName);
   1550         }
   1552         if (bp.isDevelopment()) {
   1553             // Development permissions must be handled specially, since they are not
   1554             // normal runtime permissions.  For now they apply to all users.
   1555             if (permissionsState.revokeInstallPermission(bp) !=
   1556                     PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
   1557                 if (callback != null) {
   1558                     callback.onInstallPermissionRevoked();
   1559                 }
   1560             }
   1561             return;
   1562         }
   1564         if (permissionsState.revokeRuntimePermission(bp, userId) ==
   1565                 PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {
   1566             return;
   1567         }
   1569         if (bp.isRuntime()) {
   1570             logPermission(MetricsEvent.ACTION_PERMISSION_REVOKED, permName, packageName);
   1571         }
   1573         if (callback != null) {
   1574             final int uid = UserHandle.getUid(userId, pkg.applicationInfo.uid);
   1575             callback.onPermissionRevoked(pkg.applicationInfo.uid, userId);
   1576         }
   1577     }
   1579     @GuardedBy("mLock")
   1580     private int[] revokeUnusedSharedUserPermissionsLocked(
   1581             SharedUserSetting suSetting, int[] allUserIds) {
   1582         // Collect all used permissions in the UID
   1583         final ArraySet<String> usedPermissions = new ArraySet<>();
   1584         final List<PackageParser.Package> pkgList = suSetting.getPackages();
   1585         if (pkgList == null || pkgList.size() == 0) {
   1586             return EmptyArray.INT;
   1587         }
   1588         for (PackageParser.Package pkg : pkgList) {
   1589             if (pkg.requestedPermissions == null) {
   1590                 continue;
   1591             }
   1592             final int requestedPermCount = pkg.requestedPermissions.size();
   1593             for (int j = 0; j < requestedPermCount; j++) {
   1594                 String permission = pkg.requestedPermissions.get(j);
   1595                 BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permission);
   1596                 if (bp != null) {
   1597                     usedPermissions.add(permission);
   1598                 }
   1599             }
   1600         }
   1602         PermissionsState permissionsState = suSetting.getPermissionsState();
   1603         // Prune install permissions
   1604         List<PermissionState> installPermStates = permissionsState.getInstallPermissionStates();
   1605         final int installPermCount = installPermStates.size();
   1606         for (int i = installPermCount - 1; i >= 0;  i--) {
   1607             PermissionState permissionState = installPermStates.get(i);
   1608             if (!usedPermissions.contains(permissionState.getName())) {
   1609                 BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permissionState.getName());
   1610                 if (bp != null) {
   1611                     permissionsState.revokeInstallPermission(bp);
   1612                     permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, UserHandle.USER_ALL,
   1613                             PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);
   1614                 }
   1615             }
   1616         }
   1618         int[] runtimePermissionChangedUserIds = EmptyArray.INT;
   1620         // Prune runtime permissions
   1621         for (int userId : allUserIds) {
   1622             List<PermissionState> runtimePermStates = permissionsState
   1623                     .getRuntimePermissionStates(userId);
   1624             final int runtimePermCount = runtimePermStates.size();
   1625             for (int i = runtimePermCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   1626                 PermissionState permissionState = runtimePermStates.get(i);
   1627                 if (!usedPermissions.contains(permissionState.getName())) {
   1628                     BasePermission bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permissionState.getName());
   1629                     if (bp != null) {
   1630                         permissionsState.revokeRuntimePermission(bp, userId);
   1631                         permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId,
   1632                                 PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);
   1633                         runtimePermissionChangedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
   1634                                 runtimePermissionChangedUserIds, userId);
   1635                     }
   1636                 }
   1637             }
   1638         }
   1640         return runtimePermissionChangedUserIds;
   1641     }
   1643     private String[] getAppOpPermissionPackages(String permName) {
   1644         if (mPackageManagerInt.getInstantAppPackageName(Binder.getCallingUid()) != null) {
   1645             return null;
   1646         }
   1647         synchronized (mLock) {
   1648             final ArraySet<String> pkgs = mSettings.mAppOpPermissionPackages.get(permName);
   1649             if (pkgs == null) {
   1650                 return null;
   1651             }
   1652             return pkgs.toArray(new String[pkgs.size()]);
   1653         }
   1654     }
   1656     private int getPermissionFlags(
   1657             String permName, String packageName, int callingUid, int userId) {
   1658         if (!mUserManagerInt.exists(userId)) {
   1659             return 0;
   1660         }
   1662         enforceGrantRevokeRuntimePermissionPermissions("getPermissionFlags");
   1664         enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
   1665                 true,  // requireFullPermission
   1666                 false, // checkShell
   1667                 false, // requirePermissionWhenSameUser
   1668                 "getPermissionFlags");
   1670         final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(packageName);
   1671         if (pkg == null || pkg.mExtras == null) {
   1672             return 0;
   1673         }
   1674         synchronized (mLock) {
   1675             if (mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName) == null) {
   1676                 return 0;
   1677             }
   1678         }
   1679         if (mPackageManagerInt.filterAppAccess(pkg, callingUid, userId)) {
   1680             return 0;
   1681         }
   1682         final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1683         PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
   1684         return permissionsState.getPermissionFlags(permName, userId);
   1685     }
   1687     private static final int UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL = 1<<0;
   1688     private static final int UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_REPLACE_PKG = 1<<1;
   1689     private static final int UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_REPLACE_ALL = 1<<2;
   1691     private void updatePermissions(String packageName, PackageParser.Package pkg,
   1692             boolean replaceGrant, Collection<PackageParser.Package> allPackages,
   1693             PermissionCallback callback) {
   1694         final int flags = (pkg != null ? UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL : 0) |
   1695                 (replaceGrant ? UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_REPLACE_PKG : 0);
   1696         updatePermissions(
   1697                 packageName, pkg, getVolumeUuidForPackage(pkg), flags, allPackages, callback);
   1698         if (pkg != null && pkg.childPackages != null) {
   1699             for (PackageParser.Package childPkg : pkg.childPackages) {
   1700                 updatePermissions(childPkg.packageName, childPkg,
   1701                         getVolumeUuidForPackage(childPkg), flags, allPackages, callback);
   1702             }
   1703         }
   1704     }
   1706     private void updateAllPermissions(String volumeUuid, boolean sdkUpdated,
   1707             Collection<PackageParser.Package> allPackages, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1708         final int flags = UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL |
   1709                 (sdkUpdated
   1711                         : 0);
   1712         updatePermissions(null, null, volumeUuid, flags, allPackages, callback);
   1713     }
   1715     private void updatePermissions(String changingPkgName, PackageParser.Package changingPkg,
   1716             String replaceVolumeUuid, int flags, Collection<PackageParser.Package> allPackages,
   1717             PermissionCallback callback) {
   1718         // TODO: Most of the methods exposing BasePermission internals [source package name,
   1719         // etc..] shouldn't be needed. Instead, when we've parsed a permission that doesn't
   1720         // have package settings, we should make note of it elsewhere [map between
   1721         // source package name and BasePermission] and cycle through that here. Then we
   1722         // define a single method on BasePermission that takes a PackageSetting, changing
   1723         // package name and a package.
   1724         // NOTE: With this approach, we also don't need to tree trees differently than
   1725         // normal permissions. Today, we need two separate loops because these BasePermission
   1726         // objects are stored separately.
   1727         // Make sure there are no dangling permission trees.
   1728         flags = updatePermissionTrees(changingPkgName, changingPkg, flags);
   1730         // Make sure all dynamic permissions have been assigned to a package,
   1731         // and make sure there are no dangling permissions.
   1732         flags = updatePermissions(changingPkgName, changingPkg, flags);
   1734         Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER, "grantPermissions");
   1735         // Now update the permissions for all packages, in particular
   1736         // replace the granted permissions of the system packages.
   1737         if ((flags & UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL) != 0) {
   1738             for (PackageParser.Package pkg : allPackages) {
   1739                 if (pkg != changingPkg) {
   1740                     // Only replace for packages on requested volume
   1741                     final String volumeUuid = getVolumeUuidForPackage(pkg);
   1742                     final boolean replace = ((flags & UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_REPLACE_ALL) != 0)
   1743                             && Objects.equals(replaceVolumeUuid, volumeUuid);
   1744                     grantPermissions(pkg, replace, changingPkgName, callback);
   1745                 }
   1746             }
   1747         }
   1749         if (changingPkg != null) {
   1750             // Only replace for packages on requested volume
   1751             final String volumeUuid = getVolumeUuidForPackage(changingPkg);
   1752             final boolean replace = ((flags & UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_REPLACE_PKG) != 0)
   1753                     && Objects.equals(replaceVolumeUuid, volumeUuid);
   1754             grantPermissions(changingPkg, replace, changingPkgName, callback);
   1755         }
   1756         Trace.traceEnd(TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER);
   1757     }
   1759     private int updatePermissions(String packageName, PackageParser.Package pkg, int flags) {
   1760         Set<BasePermission> needsUpdate = null;
   1761         synchronized (mLock) {
   1762             final Iterator<BasePermission> it = mSettings.mPermissions.values().iterator();
   1763             while (it.hasNext()) {
   1764                 final BasePermission bp = it.next();
   1765                 if (bp.isDynamic()) {
   1766                     bp.updateDynamicPermission(mSettings.mPermissionTrees.values());
   1767                 }
   1768                 if (bp.getSourcePackageSetting() != null) {
   1769                     if (packageName != null && packageName.equals(bp.getSourcePackageName())
   1770                         && (pkg == null || !hasPermission(pkg, bp.getName()))) {
   1771                         Slog.i(TAG, "Removing old permission tree: " + bp.getName()
   1772                                 + " from package " + bp.getSourcePackageName());
   1773                         flags |= UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL;
   1774                         it.remove();
   1775                     }
   1776                     continue;
   1777                 }
   1778                 if (needsUpdate == null) {
   1779                     needsUpdate = new ArraySet<>(mSettings.mPermissions.size());
   1780                 }
   1781                 needsUpdate.add(bp);
   1782             }
   1783         }
   1784         if (needsUpdate != null) {
   1785             for (final BasePermission bp : needsUpdate) {
   1786                 final PackageParser.Package sourcePkg =
   1787                         mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(bp.getSourcePackageName());
   1788                 synchronized (mLock) {
   1789                     if (sourcePkg != null && sourcePkg.mExtras != null) {
   1790                         final PackageSetting sourcePs = (PackageSetting) sourcePkg.mExtras;
   1791                         if (bp.getSourcePackageSetting() == null) {
   1792                             bp.setSourcePackageSetting(sourcePs);
   1793                         }
   1794                         continue;
   1795                     }
   1796                     Slog.w(TAG, "Removing dangling permission: " + bp.getName()
   1797                             + " from package " + bp.getSourcePackageName());
   1798                     mSettings.removePermissionLocked(bp.getName());
   1799                 }
   1800             }
   1801         }
   1802         return flags;
   1803     }
   1805     private int updatePermissionTrees(String packageName, PackageParser.Package pkg,
   1806             int flags) {
   1807         Set<BasePermission> needsUpdate = null;
   1808         synchronized (mLock) {
   1809             final Iterator<BasePermission> it = mSettings.mPermissionTrees.values().iterator();
   1810             while (it.hasNext()) {
   1811                 final BasePermission bp = it.next();
   1812                 if (bp.getSourcePackageSetting() != null) {
   1813                     if (packageName != null && packageName.equals(bp.getSourcePackageName())
   1814                         && (pkg == null || !hasPermission(pkg, bp.getName()))) {
   1815                         Slog.i(TAG, "Removing old permission tree: " + bp.getName()
   1816                                 + " from package " + bp.getSourcePackageName());
   1817                         flags |= UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL;
   1818                         it.remove();
   1819                     }
   1820                     continue;
   1821                 }
   1822                 if (needsUpdate == null) {
   1823                     needsUpdate = new ArraySet<>(mSettings.mPermissionTrees.size());
   1824                 }
   1825                 needsUpdate.add(bp);
   1826             }
   1827         }
   1828         if (needsUpdate != null) {
   1829             for (final BasePermission bp : needsUpdate) {
   1830                 final PackageParser.Package sourcePkg =
   1831                         mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(bp.getSourcePackageName());
   1832                 synchronized (mLock) {
   1833                     if (sourcePkg != null && sourcePkg.mExtras != null) {
   1834                         final PackageSetting sourcePs = (PackageSetting) sourcePkg.mExtras;
   1835                         if (bp.getSourcePackageSetting() == null) {
   1836                             bp.setSourcePackageSetting(sourcePs);
   1837                         }
   1838                         continue;
   1839                     }
   1840                     Slog.w(TAG, "Removing dangling permission tree: " + bp.getName()
   1841                             + " from package " + bp.getSourcePackageName());
   1842                     mSettings.removePermissionLocked(bp.getName());
   1843                 }
   1844             }
   1845         }
   1846         return flags;
   1847     }
   1849     private void updatePermissionFlags(String permName, String packageName, int flagMask,
   1850             int flagValues, int callingUid, int userId, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1851         if (!mUserManagerInt.exists(userId)) {
   1852             return;
   1853         }
   1855         enforceGrantRevokeRuntimePermissionPermissions("updatePermissionFlags");
   1857         enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
   1858                 true,  // requireFullPermission
   1859                 true,  // checkShell
   1860                 false, // requirePermissionWhenSameUser
   1861                 "updatePermissionFlags");
   1863         // Only the system can change these flags and nothing else.
   1864         if (callingUid != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
   1865             flagMask &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED;
   1866             flagValues &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED;
   1867             flagMask &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_GRANTED_BY_DEFAULT;
   1868             flagValues &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_GRANTED_BY_DEFAULT;
   1869             flagValues &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED;
   1870         }
   1872         final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackageManagerInt.getPackage(packageName);
   1873         if (pkg == null || pkg.mExtras == null) {
   1874             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);
   1875         }
   1876         if (mPackageManagerInt.filterAppAccess(pkg, callingUid, userId)) {
   1877             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);
   1878         }
   1880         final BasePermission bp;
   1881         synchronized (mLock) {
   1882             bp = mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
   1883         }
   1884         if (bp == null) {
   1885             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown permission: " + permName);
   1886         }
   1888         final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1889         final PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
   1890         final boolean hadState =
   1891                 permissionsState.getRuntimePermissionState(permName, userId) != null;
   1892         final boolean permissionUpdated =
   1893                 permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId, flagMask, flagValues);
   1894         if (permissionUpdated && callback != null) {
   1895             // Install and runtime permissions are stored in different places,
   1896             // so figure out what permission changed and persist the change.
   1897             if (permissionsState.getInstallPermissionState(permName) != null) {
   1898                 callback.onInstallPermissionUpdated();
   1899             } else if (permissionsState.getRuntimePermissionState(permName, userId) != null
   1900                     || hadState) {
   1901                 callback.onPermissionUpdated(new int[] { userId }, false);
   1902             }
   1903         }
   1904     }
   1906     private boolean updatePermissionFlagsForAllApps(int flagMask, int flagValues, int callingUid,
   1907             int userId, Collection<Package> packages, PermissionCallback callback) {
   1908         if (!mUserManagerInt.exists(userId)) {
   1909             return false;
   1910         }
   1912         enforceGrantRevokeRuntimePermissionPermissions(
   1913                 "updatePermissionFlagsForAllApps");
   1914         enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
   1915                 true,  // requireFullPermission
   1916                 true,  // checkShell
   1917                 false, // requirePermissionWhenSameUser
   1918                 "updatePermissionFlagsForAllApps");
   1920         // Only the system can change system fixed flags.
   1921         if (callingUid != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
   1922             flagMask &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED;
   1923             flagValues &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED;
   1924         }
   1926         boolean changed = false;
   1927         for (PackageParser.Package pkg : packages) {
   1928             final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;
   1929             if (ps == null) {
   1930                 continue;
   1931             }
   1932             PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();
   1933             changed |= permissionsState.updatePermissionFlagsForAllPermissions(
   1934                     userId, flagMask, flagValues);
   1935         }
   1936         return changed;
   1937     }
   1939     private void enforceGrantRevokeRuntimePermissionPermissions(String message) {
   1940         if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS)
   1941                 != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
   1942             && mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS)
   1943                 != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
   1944             throw new SecurityException(message + " requires "
   1945                     + Manifest.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS + " or "
   1946                     + Manifest.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS);
   1947         }
   1948     }
   1950     /**
   1951      * Checks if the request is from the system or an app that has INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS
   1952      * or INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permissions, if the userid is not for the caller.
   1953      * @param checkShell whether to prevent shell from access if there's a debugging restriction
   1954      * @param message the message to log on security exception
   1955      */
   1956     private void enforceCrossUserPermission(int callingUid, int userId,
   1957             boolean requireFullPermission, boolean checkShell,
   1958             boolean requirePermissionWhenSameUser, String message) {
   1959         if (userId < 0) {
   1960             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid userId " + userId);
   1961         }
   1962         if (checkShell) {
   1963             PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceShellRestriction(
   1964                     UserManager.DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES, callingUid, userId);
   1965         }
   1966         if (!requirePermissionWhenSameUser && userId == UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid)) return;
   1967         if (callingUid != Process.SYSTEM_UID && callingUid != Process.ROOT_UID) {
   1968             if (requireFullPermission) {
   1969                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
   1970                         android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL, message);
   1971             } else {
   1972                 try {
   1973                     mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
   1974                             android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL, message);
   1975                 } catch (SecurityException se) {
   1976                     mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
   1977                             android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS, message);
   1978                 }
   1979             }
   1980         }
   1981     }
   1983     private int calculateCurrentPermissionFootprintLocked(BasePermission tree) {
   1984         int size = 0;
   1985         for (BasePermission perm : mSettings.mPermissions.values()) {
   1986             size += tree.calculateFootprint(perm);
   1987         }
   1988         return size;
   1989     }
   1991     private void enforcePermissionCapLocked(PermissionInfo info, BasePermission tree) {
   1992         // We calculate the max size of permissions defined by this uid and throw
   1993         // if that plus the size of 'info' would exceed our stated maximum.
   1994         if (tree.getUid() != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
   1995             final int curTreeSize = calculateCurrentPermissionFootprintLocked(tree);
   1996             if (curTreeSize + info.calculateFootprint() > MAX_PERMISSION_TREE_FOOTPRINT) {
   1997                 throw new SecurityException("Permission tree size cap exceeded");
   1998             }
   1999         }
   2000     }
   2002     private void systemReady() {
   2003         mSystemReady = true;
   2004         if (mPrivappPermissionsViolations != null) {
   2005             throw new IllegalStateException("Signature|privileged permissions not in "
   2006                     + "privapp-permissions whitelist: " + mPrivappPermissionsViolations);
   2007         }
   2008     }
   2010     private static String getVolumeUuidForPackage(PackageParser.Package pkg) {
   2011         if (pkg == null) {
   2012             return StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL;
   2013         }
   2014         if (pkg.isExternal()) {
   2015             if (TextUtils.isEmpty(pkg.volumeUuid)) {
   2016                 return StorageManager.UUID_PRIMARY_PHYSICAL;
   2017             } else {
   2018                 return pkg.volumeUuid;
   2019             }
   2020         } else {
   2021             return StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL;
   2022         }
   2023     }
   2025     private static boolean hasPermission(PackageParser.Package pkgInfo, String permName) {
   2026         for (int i=pkgInfo.permissions.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
   2027             if (pkgInfo.permissions.get(i).info.name.equals(permName)) {
   2028                 return true;
   2029             }
   2030         }
   2031         return false;
   2032     }
   2034     /**
   2035      * Log that a permission request was granted/revoked.
   2036      *
   2037      * @param action the action performed
   2038      * @param name name of the permission
   2039      * @param packageName package permission is for
   2040      */
   2041     private void logPermission(int action, @NonNull String name, @NonNull String packageName) {
   2042         final LogMaker log = new LogMaker(action);
   2043         log.setPackageName(packageName);
   2044         log.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.FIELD_PERMISSION, name);
   2046         mMetricsLogger.write(log);
   2047     }
   2049     private class PermissionManagerInternalImpl extends PermissionManagerInternal {
   2050         @Override
   2051         public void systemReady() {
   2052             PermissionManagerService.this.systemReady();
   2053         }
   2054         @Override
   2055         public boolean isPermissionsReviewRequired(Package pkg, int userId) {
   2056             return PermissionManagerService.this.isPermissionsReviewRequired(pkg, userId);
   2057         }
   2058         @Override
   2059         public void revokeRuntimePermissionsIfGroupChanged(
   2060                 @NonNull PackageParser.Package newPackage,
   2061                 @NonNull PackageParser.Package oldPackage,
   2062                 @NonNull ArrayList<String> allPackageNames,
   2063                 @NonNull PermissionCallback permissionCallback) {
   2064             PermissionManagerService.this.revokeRuntimePermissionsIfGroupChanged(newPackage,
   2065                     oldPackage, allPackageNames, permissionCallback);
   2066         }
   2067         @Override
   2068         public void addAllPermissions(Package pkg, boolean chatty) {
   2069             PermissionManagerService.this.addAllPermissions(pkg, chatty);
   2070         }
   2071         @Override
   2072         public void addAllPermissionGroups(Package pkg, boolean chatty) {
   2073             PermissionManagerService.this.addAllPermissionGroups(pkg, chatty);
   2074         }
   2075         @Override
   2076         public void removeAllPermissions(Package pkg, boolean chatty) {
   2077             PermissionManagerService.this.removeAllPermissions(pkg, chatty);
   2078         }
   2079         @Override
   2080         public boolean addDynamicPermission(PermissionInfo info, boolean async, int callingUid,
   2081                 PermissionCallback callback) {
   2082             return PermissionManagerService.this.addDynamicPermission(info, callingUid, callback);
   2083         }
   2084         @Override
   2085         public void removeDynamicPermission(String permName, int callingUid,
   2086                 PermissionCallback callback) {
   2087             PermissionManagerService.this.removeDynamicPermission(permName, callingUid, callback);
   2088         }
   2089         @Override
   2090         public void grantRuntimePermission(String permName, String packageName,
   2091                 boolean overridePolicy, int callingUid, int userId,
   2092                 PermissionCallback callback) {
   2093             PermissionManagerService.this.grantRuntimePermission(
   2094                     permName, packageName, overridePolicy, callingUid, userId, callback);
   2095         }
   2096         @Override
   2097         public void grantRequestedRuntimePermissions(PackageParser.Package pkg, int[] userIds,
   2098                 String[] grantedPermissions, int callingUid, PermissionCallback callback) {
   2099             PermissionManagerService.this.grantRequestedRuntimePermissions(
   2100                     pkg, userIds, grantedPermissions, callingUid, callback);
   2101         }
   2102         @Override
   2103         public void grantRuntimePermissionsGrantedToDisabledPackage(PackageParser.Package pkg,
   2104                 int callingUid, PermissionCallback callback) {
   2105             PermissionManagerService.this.grantRuntimePermissionsGrantedToDisabledPackageLocked(
   2106                     pkg, callingUid, callback);
   2107         }
   2108         @Override
   2109         public void revokeRuntimePermission(String permName, String packageName,
   2110                 boolean overridePolicy, int callingUid, int userId,
   2111                 PermissionCallback callback) {
   2112             PermissionManagerService.this.revokeRuntimePermission(permName, packageName,
   2113                     overridePolicy, callingUid, userId, callback);
   2114         }
   2115         @Override
   2116         public void updatePermissions(String packageName, Package pkg, boolean replaceGrant,
   2117                 Collection<PackageParser.Package> allPackages, PermissionCallback callback) {
   2118             PermissionManagerService.this.updatePermissions(
   2119                     packageName, pkg, replaceGrant, allPackages, callback);
   2120         }
   2121         @Override
   2122         public void updateAllPermissions(String volumeUuid, boolean sdkUpdated,
   2123                 Collection<PackageParser.Package> allPackages, PermissionCallback callback) {
   2124             PermissionManagerService.this.updateAllPermissions(
   2125                     volumeUuid, sdkUpdated, allPackages, callback);
   2126         }
   2127         @Override
   2128         public String[] getAppOpPermissionPackages(String permName) {
   2129             return PermissionManagerService.this.getAppOpPermissionPackages(permName);
   2130         }
   2131         @Override
   2132         public int getPermissionFlags(String permName, String packageName, int callingUid,
   2133                 int userId) {
   2134             return PermissionManagerService.this.getPermissionFlags(permName, packageName,
   2135                     callingUid, userId);
   2136         }
   2137         @Override
   2138         public void updatePermissionFlags(String permName, String packageName, int flagMask,
   2139                 int flagValues, int callingUid, int userId, PermissionCallback callback) {
   2140             PermissionManagerService.this.updatePermissionFlags(
   2141                     permName, packageName, flagMask, flagValues, callingUid, userId, callback);
   2142         }
   2143         @Override
   2144         public boolean updatePermissionFlagsForAllApps(int flagMask, int flagValues, int callingUid,
   2145                 int userId, Collection<Package> packages, PermissionCallback callback) {
   2146             return PermissionManagerService.this.updatePermissionFlagsForAllApps(
   2147                     flagMask, flagValues, callingUid, userId, packages, callback);
   2148         }
   2149         @Override
   2150         public void enforceCrossUserPermission(int callingUid, int userId,
   2151                 boolean requireFullPermission, boolean checkShell, String message) {
   2152             PermissionManagerService.this.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
   2153                     requireFullPermission, checkShell, false, message);
   2154         }
   2155         @Override
   2156         public void enforceCrossUserPermission(int callingUid, int userId,
   2157                 boolean requireFullPermission, boolean checkShell,
   2158                 boolean requirePermissionWhenSameUser, String message) {
   2159             PermissionManagerService.this.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
   2160                     requireFullPermission, checkShell, requirePermissionWhenSameUser, message);
   2161         }
   2162         @Override
   2163         public void enforceGrantRevokeRuntimePermissionPermissions(String message) {
   2164             PermissionManagerService.this.enforceGrantRevokeRuntimePermissionPermissions(message);
   2165         }
   2166         @Override
   2167         public int checkPermission(String permName, String packageName, int callingUid,
   2168                 int userId) {
   2169             return PermissionManagerService.this.checkPermission(
   2170                     permName, packageName, callingUid, userId);
   2171         }
   2172         @Override
   2173         public int checkUidPermission(String permName, PackageParser.Package pkg, int uid,
   2174                 int callingUid) {
   2175             return PermissionManagerService.this.checkUidPermission(permName, pkg, uid, callingUid);
   2176         }
   2177         @Override
   2178         public PermissionGroupInfo getPermissionGroupInfo(String groupName, int flags,
   2179                 int callingUid) {
   2180             return PermissionManagerService.this.getPermissionGroupInfo(
   2181                     groupName, flags, callingUid);
   2182         }
   2183         @Override
   2184         public List<PermissionGroupInfo> getAllPermissionGroups(int flags, int callingUid) {
   2185             return PermissionManagerService.this.getAllPermissionGroups(flags, callingUid);
   2186         }
   2187         @Override
   2188         public PermissionInfo getPermissionInfo(String permName, String packageName, int flags,
   2189                 int callingUid) {
   2190             return PermissionManagerService.this.getPermissionInfo(
   2191                     permName, packageName, flags, callingUid);
   2192         }
   2193         @Override
   2194         public List<PermissionInfo> getPermissionInfoByGroup(String group, int flags,
   2195                 int callingUid) {
   2196             return PermissionManagerService.this.getPermissionInfoByGroup(group, flags, callingUid);
   2197         }
   2198         @Override
   2199         public PermissionSettings getPermissionSettings() {
   2200             return mSettings;
   2201         }
   2202         @Override
   2203         public DefaultPermissionGrantPolicy getDefaultPermissionGrantPolicy() {
   2204             return mDefaultPermissionGrantPolicy;
   2205         }
   2206         @Override
   2207         public BasePermission getPermissionTEMP(String permName) {
   2208             synchronized (PermissionManagerService.this.mLock) {
   2209                 return mSettings.getPermissionLocked(permName);
   2210             }
   2211         }
   2212     }
   2213 }