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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     15 #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/rendezvous_util.h"
     17 namespace tensorflow {
     19 Status SendTensorsToRendezvous(
     20     Rendezvous* rendezvous, DeviceContext* device_context,
     21     const std::vector<AllocatorAttributes>& alloc_attrs,
     22     const std::vector<string>& keys, gtl::ArraySlice<Tensor> tensors_to_send) {
     23   if (keys.size() != tensors_to_send.size()) {
     24     return errors::InvalidArgument(
     25         "keys and tensors_to_send are not the same size. keys.size() = ",
     26         keys.size(), "; tensors_to_send.size() = ", tensors_to_send.size());
     27   }
     28   if (!alloc_attrs.empty() && (keys.size() != alloc_attrs.size())) {
     29     return errors::InvalidArgument(
     30         "keys and alloc_attrs are not the same size. ",
     31         "keys.size() = ", keys.size(),
     32         "; alloc_attrs.size() = ", alloc_attrs.size());
     33   }
     35   if (!rendezvous) {
     36     return errors::InvalidArgument("Rendezvous is null.");
     37   }
     39   Rendezvous::ParsedKey parsed;
     40   for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
     41     Rendezvous::Args rendez_args;
     42     rendez_args.device_context = device_context;
     43     if (!alloc_attrs.empty()) {
     44       rendez_args.alloc_attrs = alloc_attrs[i];
     45     }
     46     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Rendezvous::ParseKey(keys[i], &parsed));
     47     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(
     48         rendezvous->Send(parsed, rendez_args, tensors_to_send[i], false));
     49   }
     50   return Status::OK();
     51 }
     53 void RecvOutputsFromRendezvousAsync(
     54     Rendezvous* rendezvous, DeviceContext* device_context,
     55     const std::vector<AllocatorAttributes>& alloc_attrs,
     56     const std::vector<string>& keys, std::vector<Tensor>* received_tensors,
     57     const StatusCallback& done) {
     58   if (keys.empty()) {
     59     done(Status::OK());
     60     return;
     61   }
     62   if (!alloc_attrs.empty() && (keys.size() != alloc_attrs.size())) {
     63     done(errors::InvalidArgument(
     64         "keys and alloc_attrs are not the same size. ", "keys.size() = ",
     65         keys.size(), "; alloc_attrs.size() = ", alloc_attrs.size()));
     66   }
     68   received_tensors->reserve(keys.size());
     69   std::vector<
     70       std::tuple<string, Tensor*, Rendezvous::ParsedKey, AllocatorAttributes>>
     71       arguments;
     72   for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
     73     Rendezvous::ParsedKey parsed;
     74     Status s = Rendezvous::ParseKey(keys[i], &parsed);
     75     received_tensors->push_back(Tensor());
     76     if (!s.ok()) {
     77       done(s);
     78       return;
     79     }
     80     AllocatorAttributes alloc_attr;
     81     if (!alloc_attrs.empty()) {
     82       alloc_attr = alloc_attrs[i];
     83     }
     84     arguments.emplace_back(keys[i], &((*received_tensors)[i]), parsed,
     85                            alloc_attr);
     86   }
     88   typedef struct {
     89     mutex mu;
     90     int64 done_counter;
     91     Status shared_status = Status::OK();
     92   } CallState;
     93   CallState* call_state = new CallState;
     94   call_state->done_counter = keys.size();
     95   for (auto& p : arguments) {
     96     const string& key = std::get<0>(p);
     97     Tensor* val = std::get<1>(p);
     98     Rendezvous::ParsedKey parsed = std::get<2>(p);
     99     Rendezvous::Args rendez_args;
    100     rendez_args.device_context = device_context;
    101     rendez_args.alloc_attrs = std::get<3>(p);
    103     rendezvous->RecvAsync(
    104         parsed, rendez_args,
    105         [val, done, key, call_state](const Status& s,
    106                                      const Rendezvous::Args& send_args,
    107                                      const Rendezvous::Args& recv_args,
    108                                      const Tensor& v, const bool is_dead) {
    109           Status status = s;
    110           if (status.ok()) {
    111             *val = v;
    112             if (is_dead) {
    113               status = errors::InvalidArgument("The tensor returned for ", key,
    114                                                " was not valid.");
    115             }
    116           }
    117           call_state->mu.lock();
    118           call_state->shared_status.Update(status);
    119           call_state->done_counter--;
    120           // If we are the last async call to return, call the done callback.
    121           if (call_state->done_counter == 0) {
    122             const Status& final_status = call_state->shared_status;
    123             call_state->mu.unlock();
    124             done(final_status);
    125             delete call_state;
    126             return;
    127           }
    128           call_state->mu.unlock();
    129         });
    130   }
    131 }
    133 Status RecvOutputsFromRendezvous(Rendezvous* rendezvous, NamedTensors* out,
    134                                  const Rendezvous::Args& args) {
    135   // Receives values requested by the caller.
    136   Rendezvous::ParsedKey parsed;
    137   for (auto& p : *out) {
    138     const string& key = p.first;
    139     Tensor* val = &p.second;
    140     bool is_dead = false;
    141     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Rendezvous::ParseKey(key, &parsed));
    142     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(rendezvous->Recv(parsed, args, val, &is_dead));
    143     if (is_dead) {
    144       return errors::InvalidArgument("The tensor returned for ", key,
    145                                      " was not valid.");
    146     }
    147   }
    148   return Status::OK();
    149 }
    151 }  // namespace tensorflow