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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 // This file is used in both client and server processes.
     18 // This is needed to make sense of the logs more easily.
     19 #define LOG_TAG (mInService ? "AudioStreamInternal_Service" : "AudioStreamInternal_Client")
     20 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     21 #include <utils/Log.h>
     25 #include <stdint.h>
     27 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
     29 #include <aaudio/AAudio.h>
     30 #include <cutils/properties.h>
     31 #include <utils/String16.h>
     32 #include <utils/Trace.h>
     34 #include "AudioEndpointParcelable.h"
     35 #include "binding/AAudioStreamRequest.h"
     36 #include "binding/AAudioStreamConfiguration.h"
     37 #include "binding/IAAudioService.h"
     38 #include "binding/AAudioServiceMessage.h"
     39 #include "core/AudioStreamBuilder.h"
     40 #include "fifo/FifoBuffer.h"
     41 #include "utility/AudioClock.h"
     42 #include "utility/LinearRamp.h"
     44 #include "AudioStreamInternal.h"
     46 using android::String16;
     47 using android::Mutex;
     48 using android::WrappingBuffer;
     50 using namespace aaudio;
     54 // Wait at least this many times longer than the operation should take.
     55 #define MIN_TIMEOUT_OPERATIONS    4
     57 #define LOG_TIMESTAMPS            0
     59 AudioStreamInternal::AudioStreamInternal(AAudioServiceInterface  &serviceInterface, bool inService)
     60         : AudioStream()
     61         , mClockModel()
     62         , mAudioEndpoint()
     63         , mServiceStreamHandle(AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID)
     64         , mInService(inService)
     65         , mServiceInterface(serviceInterface)
     66         , mAtomicTimestamp()
     67         , mWakeupDelayNanos(AAudioProperty_getWakeupDelayMicros() * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND)
     68         , mMinimumSleepNanos(AAudioProperty_getMinimumSleepMicros() * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND)
     69         {
     70 }
     72 AudioStreamInternal::~AudioStreamInternal() {
     73 }
     75 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::open(const AudioStreamBuilder &builder) {
     77     aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
     78     int32_t capacity;
     79     int32_t framesPerBurst;
     80     AAudioStreamRequest request;
     81     AAudioStreamConfiguration configurationOutput;
     83     if (getState() != AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {
     84         ALOGE("%s - already open! state = %d", __func__, getState());
     85         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
     86     }
     88     // Copy requested parameters to the stream.
     89     result = AudioStream::open(builder);
     90     if (result < 0) {
     91         return result;
     92     }
     94     // We have to do volume scaling. So we prefer FLOAT format.
     95     if (getFormat() == AAUDIO_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED) {
     96         setFormat(AAUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT);
     97     }
     98     // Request FLOAT for the shared mixer.
     99     request.getConfiguration().setFormat(AAUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT);
    101     // Build the request to send to the server.
    102     request.setUserId(getuid());
    103     request.setProcessId(getpid());
    104     request.setSharingModeMatchRequired(isSharingModeMatchRequired());
    105     request.setInService(isInService());
    107     request.getConfiguration().setDeviceId(getDeviceId());
    108     request.getConfiguration().setSampleRate(getSampleRate());
    109     request.getConfiguration().setSamplesPerFrame(getSamplesPerFrame());
    110     request.getConfiguration().setDirection(getDirection());
    111     request.getConfiguration().setSharingMode(getSharingMode());
    113     request.getConfiguration().setUsage(getUsage());
    114     request.getConfiguration().setContentType(getContentType());
    115     request.getConfiguration().setInputPreset(getInputPreset());
    117     request.getConfiguration().setBufferCapacity(builder.getBufferCapacity());
    119     mDeviceChannelCount = getSamplesPerFrame(); // Assume it will be the same. Update if not.
    121     mServiceStreamHandle = mServiceInterface.openStream(request, configurationOutput);
    122     if (mServiceStreamHandle < 0
    123             && request.getConfiguration().getSamplesPerFrame() == 1 // mono?
    124             && getDirection() == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT
    125             && !isInService()) {
    126         // if that failed then try switching from mono to stereo if OUTPUT.
    127         // Only do this in the client. Otherwise we end up with a mono mixer in the service
    128         // that writes to a stereo MMAP stream.
    129         ALOGD("%s - openStream() returned %d, try switching from MONO to STEREO",
    130               __func__, mServiceStreamHandle);
    131         request.getConfiguration().setSamplesPerFrame(2); // stereo
    132         mServiceStreamHandle = mServiceInterface.openStream(request, configurationOutput);
    133     }
    134     if (mServiceStreamHandle < 0) {
    135         ALOGE("%s - openStream() returned %d", __func__, mServiceStreamHandle);
    136         return mServiceStreamHandle;
    137     }
    139     result = configurationOutput.validate();
    140     if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
    141         goto error;
    142     }
    143     // Save results of the open.
    144     if (getSamplesPerFrame() == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {
    145         setSamplesPerFrame(configurationOutput.getSamplesPerFrame());
    146     }
    147     mDeviceChannelCount = configurationOutput.getSamplesPerFrame();
    149     setSampleRate(configurationOutput.getSampleRate());
    150     setDeviceId(configurationOutput.getDeviceId());
    151     setSessionId(configurationOutput.getSessionId());
    152     setSharingMode(configurationOutput.getSharingMode());
    154     setUsage(configurationOutput.getUsage());
    155     setContentType(configurationOutput.getContentType());
    156     setInputPreset(configurationOutput.getInputPreset());
    158     // Save device format so we can do format conversion and volume scaling together.
    159     setDeviceFormat(configurationOutput.getFormat());
    161     result = mServiceInterface.getStreamDescription(mServiceStreamHandle, mEndPointParcelable);
    162     if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
    163         goto error;
    164     }
    166     // Resolve parcelable into a descriptor.
    167     result = mEndPointParcelable.resolve(&mEndpointDescriptor);
    168     if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
    169         goto error;
    170     }
    172     // Configure endpoint based on descriptor.
    173     result = mAudioEndpoint.configure(&mEndpointDescriptor, getDirection());
    174     if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
    175         goto error;
    176     }
    178     // Validate result from server.
    179     framesPerBurst = mEndpointDescriptor.dataQueueDescriptor.framesPerBurst;
    180     if (framesPerBurst < MIN_FRAMES_PER_BURST || framesPerBurst > MAX_FRAMES_PER_BURST) {
    181         ALOGE("%s - framesPerBurst out of range = %d", __func__, framesPerBurst);
    182         result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    183         goto error;
    184     }
    185     mFramesPerBurst = framesPerBurst; // only save good value
    187     capacity = mEndpointDescriptor.dataQueueDescriptor.capacityInFrames;
    188     if (capacity < mFramesPerBurst || capacity > MAX_BUFFER_CAPACITY_IN_FRAMES) {
    189         ALOGE("%s - bufferCapacity out of range = %d", __func__, capacity);
    190         result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    191         goto error;
    192     }
    194     mClockModel.setSampleRate(getSampleRate());
    195     mClockModel.setFramesPerBurst(mFramesPerBurst);
    197     if (isDataCallbackSet()) {
    198         mCallbackFrames = builder.getFramesPerDataCallback();
    199         if (mCallbackFrames > getBufferCapacity() / 2) {
    200             ALOGE("%s - framesPerCallback too big = %d, capacity = %d",
    201                   __func__, mCallbackFrames, getBufferCapacity());
    202             result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    203             goto error;
    205         } else if (mCallbackFrames < 0) {
    206             ALOGE("%s - framesPerCallback negative", __func__);
    207             result = AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    208             goto error;
    210         }
    211         if (mCallbackFrames == AAUDIO_UNSPECIFIED) {
    212             mCallbackFrames = mFramesPerBurst;
    213         }
    215         int32_t bytesPerFrame = getSamplesPerFrame()
    216                                 * AAudioConvert_formatToSizeInBytes(getFormat());
    217         int32_t callbackBufferSize = mCallbackFrames * bytesPerFrame;
    218         mCallbackBuffer = new uint8_t[callbackBufferSize];
    219     }
    221     setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_OPEN);
    223     return result;
    225 error:
    226     close();
    227     return result;
    228 }
    230 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::close() {
    231     aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
    232     ALOGD("%s(): mServiceStreamHandle = 0x%08X", __func__, mServiceStreamHandle);
    233     if (mServiceStreamHandle != AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {
    234         // Don't close a stream while it is running.
    235         aaudio_stream_state_t currentState = getState();
    236         if (isActive()) {
    237             requestStop();
    238             aaudio_stream_state_t nextState;
    239             int64_t timeoutNanoseconds = MIN_TIMEOUT_NANOS;
    240             result = waitForStateChange(currentState, &nextState,
    241                                                        timeoutNanoseconds);
    242             if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
    243                 ALOGE("%s() waitForStateChange() returned %d %s",
    244                 __func__, result, AAudio_convertResultToText(result));
    245             }
    246         }
    247         setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_CLOSING);
    248         aaudio_handle_t serviceStreamHandle = mServiceStreamHandle;
    249         mServiceStreamHandle = AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID;
    251         mServiceInterface.closeStream(serviceStreamHandle);
    252         delete[] mCallbackBuffer;
    253         mCallbackBuffer = nullptr;
    255         setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_CLOSED);
    256         result = mEndPointParcelable.close();
    257         aaudio_result_t result2 = AudioStream::close();
    258         return (result != AAUDIO_OK) ? result : result2;
    259     } else {
    260         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
    261     }
    262 }
    264 static void *aaudio_callback_thread_proc(void *context)
    265 {
    266     AudioStreamInternal *stream = (AudioStreamInternal *)context;
    267     //LOGD("oboe_callback_thread, stream = %p", stream);
    268     if (stream != NULL) {
    269         return stream->callbackLoop();
    270     } else {
    271         return NULL;
    272     }
    273 }
    275 /*
    276  * It normally takes about 20-30 msec to start a stream on the server.
    277  * But the first time can take as much as 200-300 msec. The HW
    278  * starts right away so by the time the client gets a chance to write into
    279  * the buffer, it is already in a deep underflow state. That can cause the
    280  * XRunCount to be non-zero, which could lead an app to tune its latency higher.
    281  * To avoid this problem, we set a request for the processing code to start the
    282  * client stream at the same position as the server stream.
    283  * The processing code will then save the current offset
    284  * between client and server and apply that to any position given to the app.
    285  */
    286 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::requestStart()
    287 {
    288     int64_t startTime;
    289     if (mServiceStreamHandle == AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {
    290         ALOGE("requestStart() mServiceStreamHandle invalid");
    291         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    292     }
    293     if (isActive()) {
    294         ALOGE("requestStart() already active");
    295         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    296     }
    298     aaudio_stream_state_t originalState = getState();
    299     if (originalState == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
    300         ALOGE("requestStart() but DISCONNECTED");
    301         return AAUDIO_ERROR_DISCONNECTED;
    302     }
    305     // Clear any stale timestamps from the previous run.
    306     drainTimestampsFromService();
    308     aaudio_result_t result = mServiceInterface.startStream(mServiceStreamHandle);
    310     startTime = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
    311     mClockModel.start(startTime);
    312     mNeedCatchUp.request();  // Ask data processing code to catch up when first timestamp received.
    314     // Start data callback thread.
    315     if (result == AAUDIO_OK && isDataCallbackSet()) {
    316         // Launch the callback loop thread.
    317         int64_t periodNanos = mCallbackFrames
    318                               * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_SECOND
    319                               / getSampleRate();
    320         mCallbackEnabled.store(true);
    321         result = createThread(periodNanos, aaudio_callback_thread_proc, this);
    322     }
    323     if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
    324         setState(originalState);
    325     }
    326     return result;
    327 }
    329 int64_t AudioStreamInternal::calculateReasonableTimeout(int32_t framesPerOperation) {
    331     // Wait for at least a second or some number of callbacks to join the thread.
    332     int64_t timeoutNanoseconds = (MIN_TIMEOUT_OPERATIONS
    333                                   * framesPerOperation
    334                                   * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_SECOND)
    335                                   / getSampleRate();
    336     if (timeoutNanoseconds < MIN_TIMEOUT_NANOS) { // arbitrary number of seconds
    337         timeoutNanoseconds = MIN_TIMEOUT_NANOS;
    338     }
    339     return timeoutNanoseconds;
    340 }
    342 int64_t AudioStreamInternal::calculateReasonableTimeout() {
    343     return calculateReasonableTimeout(getFramesPerBurst());
    344 }
    346 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::stopCallback()
    347 {
    348     if (isDataCallbackActive()) {
    349         mCallbackEnabled.store(false);
    350         return joinThread(NULL);
    351     } else {
    352         return AAUDIO_OK;
    353     }
    354 }
    356 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::requestStop()
    357 {
    358     aaudio_result_t result = stopCallback();
    359     if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
    360         return result;
    361     }
    363     if (mServiceStreamHandle == AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {
    364         ALOGE("requestStopInternal() mServiceStreamHandle invalid = 0x%08X",
    365               mServiceStreamHandle);
    366         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    367     }
    369     mClockModel.stop(AudioClock::getNanoseconds());
    371     mAtomicTimestamp.clear();
    373     return mServiceInterface.stopStream(mServiceStreamHandle);
    374 }
    376 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::registerThread() {
    377     if (mServiceStreamHandle == AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {
    378         ALOGE("registerThread() mServiceStreamHandle invalid");
    379         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    380     }
    381     return mServiceInterface.registerAudioThread(mServiceStreamHandle,
    382                                               gettid(),
    383                                               getPeriodNanoseconds());
    384 }
    386 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::unregisterThread() {
    387     if (mServiceStreamHandle == AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {
    388         ALOGE("unregisterThread() mServiceStreamHandle invalid");
    389         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    390     }
    391     return mServiceInterface.unregisterAudioThread(mServiceStreamHandle, gettid());
    392 }
    394 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::startClient(const android::AudioClient& client,
    395                                                  audio_port_handle_t *portHandle) {
    396     ALOGV("%s() called", __func__);
    397     if (mServiceStreamHandle == AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {
    398         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    399     }
    400     aaudio_result_t result =  mServiceInterface.startClient(mServiceStreamHandle,
    401                                                             client, portHandle);
    402     ALOGV("%s(%d) returning %d", __func__, *portHandle, result);
    403     return result;
    404 }
    406 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::stopClient(audio_port_handle_t portHandle) {
    407     ALOGV("%s(%d) called", __func__, portHandle);
    408     if (mServiceStreamHandle == AAUDIO_HANDLE_INVALID) {
    409         return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    410     }
    411     aaudio_result_t result = mServiceInterface.stopClient(mServiceStreamHandle, portHandle);
    412     ALOGV("%s(%d) returning %d", __func__, portHandle, result);
    413     return result;
    414 }
    416 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::getTimestamp(clockid_t clockId,
    417                            int64_t *framePosition,
    418                            int64_t *timeNanoseconds) {
    419     // Generated in server and passed to client. Return latest.
    420     if (mAtomicTimestamp.isValid()) {
    421         Timestamp timestamp = mAtomicTimestamp.read();
    422         int64_t position = timestamp.getPosition() + mFramesOffsetFromService;
    423         if (position >= 0) {
    424             *framePosition = position;
    425             *timeNanoseconds = timestamp.getNanoseconds();
    426             return AAUDIO_OK;
    427         }
    428     }
    429     return AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    430 }
    432 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::updateStateMachine() {
    433     if (isDataCallbackActive()) {
    434         return AAUDIO_OK; // state is getting updated by the callback thread read/write call
    435     }
    436     return processCommands();
    437 }
    439 void AudioStreamInternal::logTimestamp(AAudioServiceMessage &command) {
    440     static int64_t oldPosition = 0;
    441     static int64_t oldTime = 0;
    442     int64_t framePosition = command.timestamp.position;
    443     int64_t nanoTime = command.timestamp.timestamp;
    444     ALOGD("logTimestamp: timestamp says framePosition = %8lld at nanoTime %lld",
    445          (long long) framePosition,
    446          (long long) nanoTime);
    447     int64_t nanosDelta = nanoTime - oldTime;
    448     if (nanosDelta > 0 && oldTime > 0) {
    449         int64_t framesDelta = framePosition - oldPosition;
    450         int64_t rate = (framesDelta * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_SECOND) / nanosDelta;
    451         ALOGD("logTimestamp:     framesDelta = %8lld, nanosDelta = %8lld, rate = %lld",
    452               (long long) framesDelta, (long long) nanosDelta, (long long) rate);
    453     }
    454     oldPosition = framePosition;
    455     oldTime = nanoTime;
    456 }
    458 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::onTimestampService(AAudioServiceMessage *message) {
    459 #if LOG_TIMESTAMPS
    460     logTimestamp(*message);
    461 #endif
    462     processTimestamp(message->timestamp.position, message->timestamp.timestamp);
    463     return AAUDIO_OK;
    464 }
    466 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::onTimestampHardware(AAudioServiceMessage *message) {
    467     Timestamp timestamp(message->timestamp.position, message->timestamp.timestamp);
    468     mAtomicTimestamp.write(timestamp);
    469     return AAUDIO_OK;
    470 }
    472 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::onEventFromServer(AAudioServiceMessage *message) {
    473     aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
    474     switch (message->event.event) {
    475         case AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_STARTED:
    476             ALOGD("%s - got AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_STARTED", __func__);
    477             if (getState() == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTING) {
    478                 setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTED);
    479             }
    480             break;
    481         case AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_PAUSED:
    482             ALOGD("%s - got AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_PAUSED", __func__);
    483             if (getState() == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PAUSING) {
    484                 setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PAUSED);
    485             }
    486             break;
    487         case AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_STOPPED:
    488             ALOGD("%s - got AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_STOPPED", __func__);
    489             if (getState() == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPING) {
    490                 setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED);
    491             }
    492             break;
    493         case AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_FLUSHED:
    494             ALOGD("%s - got AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_FLUSHED", __func__);
    495             if (getState() == AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_FLUSHING) {
    496                 setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_FLUSHED);
    497                 onFlushFromServer();
    498             }
    499             break;
    501             // Prevent hardware from looping on old data and making buzzing sounds.
    502             if (getDirection() == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT) {
    503                 mAudioEndpoint.eraseDataMemory();
    504             }
    505             result = AAUDIO_ERROR_DISCONNECTED;
    506             setState(AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    507             ALOGW("%s - AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_DISCONNECTED - FIFO cleared", __func__);
    508             break;
    509         case AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_VOLUME:
    510             ALOGD("%s - AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_VOLUME %lf", __func__, message->event.dataDouble);
    511             mStreamVolume = (float)message->event.dataDouble;
    512             doSetVolume();
    513             break;
    514         case AAUDIO_SERVICE_EVENT_XRUN:
    515             mXRunCount = static_cast<int32_t>(message->event.dataLong);
    516             break;
    517         default:
    518             ALOGE("%s - Unrecognized event = %d", __func__, (int) message->event.event);
    519             break;
    520     }
    521     return result;
    522 }
    524 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::drainTimestampsFromService() {
    525     aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
    527     while (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
    528         AAudioServiceMessage message;
    529         if (mAudioEndpoint.readUpCommand(&message) != 1) {
    530             break; // no command this time, no problem
    531         }
    532         switch (message.what) {
    533             // ignore most messages
    534             case AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_SERVICE:
    535             case AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_HARDWARE:
    536                 break;
    538             case AAudioServiceMessage::code::EVENT:
    539                 result = onEventFromServer(&message);
    540                 break;
    542             default:
    543                 ALOGE("%s - unrecognized message.what = %d", __func__, (int) message.what);
    544                 result = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;
    545                 break;
    546         }
    547     }
    548     return result;
    549 }
    551 // Process all the commands coming from the server.
    552 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::processCommands() {
    553     aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
    555     while (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
    556         AAudioServiceMessage message;
    557         if (mAudioEndpoint.readUpCommand(&message) != 1) {
    558             break; // no command this time, no problem
    559         }
    560         switch (message.what) {
    561         case AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_SERVICE:
    562             result = onTimestampService(&message);
    563             break;
    565         case AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_HARDWARE:
    566             result = onTimestampHardware(&message);
    567             break;
    569         case AAudioServiceMessage::code::EVENT:
    570             result = onEventFromServer(&message);
    571             break;
    573         default:
    574             ALOGE("%s - unrecognized message.what = %d", __func__, (int) message.what);
    575             result = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;
    576             break;
    577         }
    578     }
    579     return result;
    580 }
    582 // Read or write the data, block if needed and timeoutMillis > 0
    583 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::processData(void *buffer, int32_t numFrames,
    584                                                  int64_t timeoutNanoseconds)
    585 {
    586     const char * traceName = "aaProc";
    587     const char * fifoName = "aaRdy";
    588     ATRACE_BEGIN(traceName);
    589     if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
    590         int32_t fullFrames = mAudioEndpoint.getFullFramesAvailable();
    591         ATRACE_INT(fifoName, fullFrames);
    592     }
    594     aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
    595     int32_t loopCount = 0;
    596     uint8_t* audioData = (uint8_t*)buffer;
    597     int64_t currentTimeNanos = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
    598     const int64_t entryTimeNanos = currentTimeNanos;
    599     const int64_t deadlineNanos = currentTimeNanos + timeoutNanoseconds;
    600     int32_t framesLeft = numFrames;
    602     // Loop until all the data has been processed or until a timeout occurs.
    603     while (framesLeft > 0) {
    604         // The call to processDataNow() will not block. It will just process as much as it can.
    605         int64_t wakeTimeNanos = 0;
    606         aaudio_result_t framesProcessed = processDataNow(audioData, framesLeft,
    607                                                   currentTimeNanos, &wakeTimeNanos);
    608         if (framesProcessed < 0) {
    609             result = framesProcessed;
    610             break;
    611         }
    612         framesLeft -= (int32_t) framesProcessed;
    613         audioData += framesProcessed * getBytesPerFrame();
    615         // Should we block?
    616         if (timeoutNanoseconds == 0) {
    617             break; // don't block
    618         } else if (framesLeft > 0) {
    619             if (!mAudioEndpoint.isFreeRunning()) {
    620                 // If there is software on the other end of the FIFO then it may get delayed.
    621                 // So wake up just a little after we expect it to be ready.
    622                 wakeTimeNanos += mWakeupDelayNanos;
    623             }
    625             currentTimeNanos = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
    626             int64_t earliestWakeTime = currentTimeNanos + mMinimumSleepNanos;
    627             // Guarantee a minimum sleep time.
    628             if (wakeTimeNanos < earliestWakeTime) {
    629                 wakeTimeNanos = earliestWakeTime;
    630             }
    632             if (wakeTimeNanos > deadlineNanos) {
    633                 // If we time out, just return the framesWritten so far.
    634                 // TODO remove after we fix the deadline bug
    635                 ALOGW("processData(): entered at %lld nanos, currently %lld",
    636                       (long long) entryTimeNanos, (long long) currentTimeNanos);
    637                 ALOGW("processData(): TIMEOUT after %lld nanos",
    638                       (long long) timeoutNanoseconds);
    639                 ALOGW("processData(): wakeTime = %lld, deadline = %lld nanos",
    640                       (long long) wakeTimeNanos, (long long) deadlineNanos);
    641                 ALOGW("processData(): past deadline by %d micros",
    642                       (int)((wakeTimeNanos - deadlineNanos) / AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND));
    643                 mClockModel.dump();
    644                 mAudioEndpoint.dump();
    645                 break;
    646             }
    648             if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
    649                 int32_t fullFrames = mAudioEndpoint.getFullFramesAvailable();
    650                 ATRACE_INT(fifoName, fullFrames);
    651                 int64_t sleepForNanos = wakeTimeNanos - currentTimeNanos;
    652                 ATRACE_INT("aaSlpNs", (int32_t)sleepForNanos);
    653             }
    655             AudioClock::sleepUntilNanoTime(wakeTimeNanos);
    656             currentTimeNanos = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
    657         }
    658     }
    660     if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
    661         int32_t fullFrames = mAudioEndpoint.getFullFramesAvailable();
    662         ATRACE_INT(fifoName, fullFrames);
    663     }
    665     // return error or framesProcessed
    666     (void) loopCount;
    667     ATRACE_END();
    668     return (result < 0) ? result : numFrames - framesLeft;
    669 }
    671 void AudioStreamInternal::processTimestamp(uint64_t position, int64_t time) {
    672     mClockModel.processTimestamp(position, time);
    673 }
    675 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::setBufferSize(int32_t requestedFrames) {
    676     int32_t adjustedFrames = requestedFrames;
    677     int32_t actualFrames = 0;
    678     int32_t maximumSize = getBufferCapacity();
    680     // Clip to minimum size so that rounding up will work better.
    681     if (adjustedFrames < 1) {
    682         adjustedFrames = 1;
    683     }
    685     if (adjustedFrames > maximumSize) {
    686         // Clip to maximum size.
    687         adjustedFrames = maximumSize;
    688     } else {
    689         // Round to the next highest burst size.
    690         int32_t numBursts = (adjustedFrames + mFramesPerBurst - 1) / mFramesPerBurst;
    691         adjustedFrames = numBursts * mFramesPerBurst;
    692         // Rounding may have gone above maximum.
    693         if (adjustedFrames > maximumSize) {
    694             adjustedFrames = maximumSize;
    695         }
    696     }
    698     aaudio_result_t result = mAudioEndpoint.setBufferSizeInFrames(adjustedFrames, &actualFrames);
    699     ALOGD("setBufferSize() req = %d => %d", requestedFrames, actualFrames);
    700     if (result < 0) {
    701         return result;
    702     } else {
    703         return (aaudio_result_t) actualFrames;
    704     }
    705 }
    707 int32_t AudioStreamInternal::getBufferSize() const {
    708     return mAudioEndpoint.getBufferSizeInFrames();
    709 }
    711 int32_t AudioStreamInternal::getBufferCapacity() const {
    712     return mAudioEndpoint.getBufferCapacityInFrames();
    713 }
    715 int32_t AudioStreamInternal::getFramesPerBurst() const {
    716     return mFramesPerBurst;
    717 }
    719 aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::joinThread(void** returnArg) {
    720     return AudioStream::joinThread(returnArg, calculateReasonableTimeout(getFramesPerBurst()));
    721 }