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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 #define LOG_TAG "ExtCamDevSsn (at) 3.4"
     17 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     19 #include <log/log.h>
     21 #include <inttypes.h>
     22 #include "ExternalCameraDeviceSession.h"
     24 #include "android-base/macros.h"
     25 #include <utils/Timers.h>
     26 #include <utils/Trace.h>
     27 #include <linux/videodev2.h>
     28 #include <sync/sync.h>
     30 #define HAVE_JPEG // required for libyuv.h to export MJPEG decode APIs
     31 #include <libyuv.h>
     33 #include <jpeglib.h>
     36 namespace android {
     37 namespace hardware {
     38 namespace camera {
     39 namespace device {
     40 namespace V3_4 {
     41 namespace implementation {
     43 namespace {
     44 // Size of request/result metadata fast message queue. Change to 0 to always use hwbinder buffer.
     45 static constexpr size_t kMetadataMsgQueueSize = 1 << 18 /* 256kB */;
     47 const int kBadFramesAfterStreamOn = 1; // drop x frames after streamOn to get rid of some initial
     48                                        // bad frames. TODO: develop a better bad frame detection
     49                                        // method
     50 constexpr int MAX_RETRY = 15; // Allow retry some ioctl failures a few times to account for some
     51                              // webcam showing temporarily ioctl failures.
     52 constexpr int IOCTL_RETRY_SLEEP_US = 33000; // 33ms * MAX_RETRY = 0.5 seconds
     54 // Constants for tryLock during dumpstate
     55 static constexpr int kDumpLockRetries = 50;
     56 static constexpr int kDumpLockSleep = 60000;
     58 bool tryLock(Mutex& mutex)
     59 {
     60     bool locked = false;
     61     for (int i = 0; i < kDumpLockRetries; ++i) {
     62         if (mutex.tryLock() == NO_ERROR) {
     63             locked = true;
     64             break;
     65         }
     66         usleep(kDumpLockSleep);
     67     }
     68     return locked;
     69 }
     71 bool tryLock(std::mutex& mutex)
     72 {
     73     bool locked = false;
     74     for (int i = 0; i < kDumpLockRetries; ++i) {
     75         if (mutex.try_lock()) {
     76             locked = true;
     77             break;
     78         }
     79         usleep(kDumpLockSleep);
     80     }
     81     return locked;
     82 }
     84 } // Anonymous namespace
     86 // Static instances
     87 const int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::kMaxProcessedStream;
     88 const int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::kMaxStallStream;
     89 HandleImporter ExternalCameraDeviceSession::sHandleImporter;
     91 ExternalCameraDeviceSession::ExternalCameraDeviceSession(
     92         const sp<ICameraDeviceCallback>& callback,
     93         const ExternalCameraConfig& cfg,
     94         const std::vector<SupportedV4L2Format>& sortedFormats,
     95         const CroppingType& croppingType,
     96         const common::V1_0::helper::CameraMetadata& chars,
     97         const std::string& cameraId,
     98         unique_fd v4l2Fd) :
     99         mCallback(callback),
    100         mCfg(cfg),
    101         mCameraCharacteristics(chars),
    102         mSupportedFormats(sortedFormats),
    103         mCroppingType(croppingType),
    104         mCameraId(cameraId),
    105         mV4l2Fd(std::move(v4l2Fd)),
    106         mOutputThread(new OutputThread(this, mCroppingType)),
    107         mMaxThumbResolution(getMaxThumbResolution()),
    108         mMaxJpegResolution(getMaxJpegResolution()) {
    109     mInitFail = initialize();
    110 }
    112 bool ExternalCameraDeviceSession::initialize() {
    113     if (mV4l2Fd.get() < 0) {
    114         ALOGE("%s: invalid v4l2 device fd %d!", __FUNCTION__, mV4l2Fd.get());
    115         return true;
    116     }
    118     struct v4l2_capability capability;
    119     int ret = ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &capability);
    120     std::string make, model;
    121     if (ret < 0) {
    122         ALOGW("%s v4l2 QUERYCAP failed", __FUNCTION__);
    123         make = "Generic UVC webcam";
    124         model = "Generic UVC webcam";
    125     } else {
    126         // capability.card is UTF-8 encoded
    127         char card[32];
    128         int j = 0;
    129         for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    130             if (capability.card[i] < 128) {
    131                 card[j++] = capability.card[i];
    132             }
    133             if (capability.card[i] == '\0') {
    134                 break;
    135             }
    136         }
    137         if (j == 0 || card[j - 1] != '\0') {
    138             make = "Generic UVC webcam";
    139             model = "Generic UVC webcam";
    140         } else {
    141             make = card;
    142             model = card;
    143         }
    144     }
    145     mOutputThread->setExifMakeModel(make, model);
    147     status_t status = initDefaultRequests();
    148     if (status != OK) {
    149         ALOGE("%s: init default requests failed!", __FUNCTION__);
    150         return true;
    151     }
    153     mRequestMetadataQueue = std::make_unique<RequestMetadataQueue>(
    154             kMetadataMsgQueueSize, false /* non blocking */);
    155     if (!mRequestMetadataQueue->isValid()) {
    156         ALOGE("%s: invalid request fmq", __FUNCTION__);
    157         return true;
    158     }
    159     mResultMetadataQueue = std::make_shared<RequestMetadataQueue>(
    160             kMetadataMsgQueueSize, false /* non blocking */);
    161     if (!mResultMetadataQueue->isValid()) {
    162         ALOGE("%s: invalid result fmq", __FUNCTION__);
    163         return true;
    164     }
    166     // TODO: check is PRIORITY_DISPLAY enough?
    167     mOutputThread->run("ExtCamOut", PRIORITY_DISPLAY);
    168     return false;
    169 }
    171 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::initStatus() const {
    172     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    173     Status status = Status::OK;
    174     if (mInitFail || mClosed) {
    175         ALOGI("%s: sesssion initFailed %d closed %d", __FUNCTION__, mInitFail, mClosed);
    176         status = Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
    177     }
    178     return status;
    179 }
    181 ExternalCameraDeviceSession::~ExternalCameraDeviceSession() {
    182     if (!isClosed()) {
    183         ALOGE("ExternalCameraDeviceSession deleted before close!");
    184         close();
    185     }
    186 }
    189 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::dumpState(const native_handle_t* handle) {
    190     if (handle->numFds != 1 || handle->numInts != 0) {
    191         ALOGE("%s: handle must contain 1 FD and 0 integers! Got %d FDs and %d ints",
    192                 __FUNCTION__, handle->numFds, handle->numInts);
    193         return;
    194     }
    195     int fd = handle->data[0];
    197     bool intfLocked = tryLock(mInterfaceLock);
    198     if (!intfLocked) {
    199         dprintf(fd, "!! ExternalCameraDeviceSession interface may be deadlocked !!\n");
    200     }
    202     if (isClosed()) {
    203         dprintf(fd, "External camera %s is closed\n", mCameraId.c_str());
    204         return;
    205     }
    207     bool streaming = false;
    208     size_t v4L2BufferCount = 0;
    209     SupportedV4L2Format streamingFmt;
    210     {
    211         bool sessionLocked = tryLock(mLock);
    212         if (!sessionLocked) {
    213             dprintf(fd, "!! ExternalCameraDeviceSession mLock may be deadlocked !!\n");
    214         }
    215         streaming = mV4l2Streaming;
    216         streamingFmt = mV4l2StreamingFmt;
    217         v4L2BufferCount = mV4L2BufferCount;
    219         if (sessionLocked) {
    220             mLock.unlock();
    221         }
    222     }
    224     std::unordered_set<uint32_t>  inflightFrames;
    225     {
    226         bool iffLocked = tryLock(mInflightFramesLock);
    227         if (!iffLocked) {
    228             dprintf(fd,
    229                     "!! ExternalCameraDeviceSession mInflightFramesLock may be deadlocked !!\n");
    230         }
    231         inflightFrames = mInflightFrames;
    232         if (iffLocked) {
    233             mInflightFramesLock.unlock();
    234         }
    235     }
    237     dprintf(fd, "External camera %s V4L2 FD %d, cropping type %s, %s\n",
    238             mCameraId.c_str(), mV4l2Fd.get(),
    239             (mCroppingType == VERTICAL) ? "vertical" : "horizontal",
    240             streaming ? "streaming" : "not streaming");
    241     if (streaming) {
    242         // TODO: dump fps later
    243         dprintf(fd, "Current V4L2 format %c%c%c%c %dx%d @ %ffps\n",
    244                 streamingFmt.fourcc & 0xFF,
    245                 (streamingFmt.fourcc >> 8) & 0xFF,
    246                 (streamingFmt.fourcc >> 16) & 0xFF,
    247                 (streamingFmt.fourcc >> 24) & 0xFF,
    248                 streamingFmt.width, streamingFmt.height,
    249                 mV4l2StreamingFps);
    251         size_t numDequeuedV4l2Buffers = 0;
    252         {
    253             std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mV4l2BufferLock);
    254             numDequeuedV4l2Buffers = mNumDequeuedV4l2Buffers;
    255         }
    256         dprintf(fd, "V4L2 buffer queue size %zu, dequeued %zu\n",
    257                 v4L2BufferCount, numDequeuedV4l2Buffers);
    258     }
    260     dprintf(fd, "In-flight frames (not sorted):");
    261     for (const auto& frameNumber : inflightFrames) {
    262         dprintf(fd, "%d, ", frameNumber);
    263     }
    264     dprintf(fd, "\n");
    265     mOutputThread->dump(fd);
    266     dprintf(fd, "\n");
    268     if (intfLocked) {
    269         mInterfaceLock.unlock();
    270     }
    272     return;
    273 }
    275 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::constructDefaultRequestSettings(
    276         V3_2::RequestTemplate type,
    277         V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession::constructDefaultRequestSettings_cb _hidl_cb) {
    278     V3_2::CameraMetadata outMetadata;
    279     Status status = constructDefaultRequestSettingsRaw(
    280             static_cast<RequestTemplate>(type), &outMetadata);
    281     _hidl_cb(status, outMetadata);
    282     return Void();
    283 }
    285 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::constructDefaultRequestSettingsRaw(RequestTemplate type,
    286         V3_2::CameraMetadata *outMetadata) {
    287     CameraMetadata emptyMd;
    288     Status status = initStatus();
    289     if (status != Status::OK) {
    290         return status;
    291     }
    293     switch (type) {
    294         case RequestTemplate::PREVIEW:
    295         case RequestTemplate::STILL_CAPTURE:
    296         case RequestTemplate::VIDEO_RECORD:
    297         case RequestTemplate::VIDEO_SNAPSHOT: {
    298             *outMetadata = mDefaultRequests[type];
    299             break;
    300         }
    301         case RequestTemplate::MANUAL:
    302         case RequestTemplate::ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG:
    303             // Don't support MANUAL, ZSL templates
    304             status = Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    305             break;
    306         default:
    307             ALOGE("%s: unknown request template type %d", __FUNCTION__, static_cast<int>(type));
    308             status = Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    309             break;
    310     }
    311     return status;
    312 }
    314 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::configureStreams(
    315         const V3_2::StreamConfiguration& streams,
    316         ICameraDeviceSession::configureStreams_cb _hidl_cb) {
    317     V3_2::HalStreamConfiguration outStreams;
    318     V3_3::HalStreamConfiguration outStreams_v33;
    319     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    321     Status status = configureStreams(streams, &outStreams_v33);
    322     size_t size = outStreams_v33.streams.size();
    323     outStreams.streams.resize(size);
    324     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    325         outStreams.streams[i] = outStreams_v33.streams[i].v3_2;
    326     }
    327     _hidl_cb(status, outStreams);
    328     return Void();
    329 }
    331 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::configureStreams_3_3(
    332         const V3_2::StreamConfiguration& streams,
    333         ICameraDeviceSession::configureStreams_3_3_cb _hidl_cb) {
    334     V3_3::HalStreamConfiguration outStreams;
    335     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    337     Status status = configureStreams(streams, &outStreams);
    338     _hidl_cb(status, outStreams);
    339     return Void();
    340 }
    342 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::configureStreams_3_4(
    343         const V3_4::StreamConfiguration& requestedConfiguration,
    344         ICameraDeviceSession::configureStreams_3_4_cb _hidl_cb)  {
    345     V3_2::StreamConfiguration config_v32;
    346     V3_3::HalStreamConfiguration outStreams_v33;
    347     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    349     config_v32.operationMode = requestedConfiguration.operationMode;
    350     config_v32.streams.resize(requestedConfiguration.streams.size());
    351     for (size_t i = 0; i < config_v32.streams.size(); i++) {
    352         config_v32.streams[i] = requestedConfiguration.streams[i].v3_2;
    353     }
    355     Status status = configureStreams(config_v32, &outStreams_v33);
    357     V3_4::HalStreamConfiguration outStreams;
    358     outStreams.streams.resize(outStreams_v33.streams.size());
    359     for (size_t i = 0; i < outStreams.streams.size(); i++) {
    360         outStreams.streams[i].v3_3 = outStreams_v33.streams[i];
    361     }
    362     _hidl_cb(status, outStreams);
    363     return Void();
    364 }
    366 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue(
    367     ICameraDeviceSession::getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue_cb _hidl_cb) {
    368     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    369     _hidl_cb(*mRequestMetadataQueue->getDesc());
    370     return Void();
    371 }
    373 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::getCaptureResultMetadataQueue(
    374     ICameraDeviceSession::getCaptureResultMetadataQueue_cb _hidl_cb) {
    375     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    376     _hidl_cb(*mResultMetadataQueue->getDesc());
    377     return Void();
    378 }
    380 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::processCaptureRequest(
    381         const hidl_vec<CaptureRequest>& requests,
    382         const hidl_vec<BufferCache>& cachesToRemove,
    383         ICameraDeviceSession::processCaptureRequest_cb _hidl_cb) {
    384     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    385     updateBufferCaches(cachesToRemove);
    387     uint32_t numRequestProcessed = 0;
    388     Status s = Status::OK;
    389     for (size_t i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++, numRequestProcessed++) {
    390         s = processOneCaptureRequest(requests[i]);
    391         if (s != Status::OK) {
    392             break;
    393         }
    394     }
    396     _hidl_cb(s, numRequestProcessed);
    397     return Void();
    398 }
    400 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::processCaptureRequest_3_4(
    401         const hidl_vec<V3_4::CaptureRequest>& requests,
    402         const hidl_vec<V3_2::BufferCache>& cachesToRemove,
    403         ICameraDeviceSession::processCaptureRequest_3_4_cb _hidl_cb) {
    404     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    405     updateBufferCaches(cachesToRemove);
    407     uint32_t numRequestProcessed = 0;
    408     Status s = Status::OK;
    409     for (size_t i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++, numRequestProcessed++) {
    410         s = processOneCaptureRequest(requests[i].v3_2);
    411         if (s != Status::OK) {
    412             break;
    413         }
    414     }
    416     _hidl_cb(s, numRequestProcessed);
    417     return Void();
    418 }
    420 Return<Status> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::flush() {
    421     ATRACE_CALL();
    422     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    423     Status status = initStatus();
    424     if (status != Status::OK) {
    425         return status;
    426     }
    427     mOutputThread->flush();
    428     return Status::OK;
    429 }
    431 Return<void> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::close() {
    432     Mutex::Autolock _il(mInterfaceLock);
    433     bool closed = isClosed();
    434     if (!closed) {
    435         mOutputThread->flush();
    436         mOutputThread->requestExit();
    437         mOutputThread->join();
    439         Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    440         // free all buffers
    441         for(auto pair : mStreamMap) {
    442             cleanupBuffersLocked(/*Stream ID*/pair.first);
    443         }
    444         v4l2StreamOffLocked();
    445         ALOGV("%s: closing V4L2 camera FD %d", __FUNCTION__, mV4l2Fd.get());
    446         mV4l2Fd.reset();
    447         mClosed = true;
    448     }
    449     return Void();
    450 }
    452 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::importRequest(
    453         const CaptureRequest& request,
    454         hidl_vec<buffer_handle_t*>& allBufPtrs,
    455         hidl_vec<int>& allFences) {
    456     size_t numOutputBufs = request.outputBuffers.size();
    457     size_t numBufs = numOutputBufs;
    458     // Validate all I/O buffers
    459     hidl_vec<buffer_handle_t> allBufs;
    460     hidl_vec<uint64_t> allBufIds;
    461     allBufs.resize(numBufs);
    462     allBufIds.resize(numBufs);
    463     allBufPtrs.resize(numBufs);
    464     allFences.resize(numBufs);
    465     std::vector<int32_t> streamIds(numBufs);
    467     for (size_t i = 0; i < numOutputBufs; i++) {
    468         allBufs[i] = request.outputBuffers[i].buffer.getNativeHandle();
    469         allBufIds[i] = request.outputBuffers[i].bufferId;
    470         allBufPtrs[i] = &allBufs[i];
    471         streamIds[i] = request.outputBuffers[i].streamId;
    472     }
    474     for (size_t i = 0; i < numBufs; i++) {
    475         buffer_handle_t buf = allBufs[i];
    476         uint64_t bufId = allBufIds[i];
    477         CirculatingBuffers& cbs = mCirculatingBuffers[streamIds[i]];
    478         if (cbs.count(bufId) == 0) {
    479             if (buf == nullptr) {
    480                 ALOGE("%s: bufferId %" PRIu64 " has null buffer handle!", __FUNCTION__, bufId);
    481                 return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    482             }
    483             // Register a newly seen buffer
    484             buffer_handle_t importedBuf = buf;
    485             sHandleImporter.importBuffer(importedBuf);
    486             if (importedBuf == nullptr) {
    487                 ALOGE("%s: output buffer %zu is invalid!", __FUNCTION__, i);
    488                 return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
    489             } else {
    490                 cbs[bufId] = importedBuf;
    491             }
    492         }
    493         allBufPtrs[i] = &cbs[bufId];
    494     }
    496     // All buffers are imported. Now validate output buffer acquire fences
    497     for (size_t i = 0; i < numOutputBufs; i++) {
    498         if (!sHandleImporter.importFence(
    499                 request.outputBuffers[i].acquireFence, allFences[i])) {
    500             ALOGE("%s: output buffer %zu acquire fence is invalid", __FUNCTION__, i);
    501             cleanupInflightFences(allFences, i);
    502             return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
    503         }
    504     }
    505     return Status::OK;
    506 }
    508 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::cleanupInflightFences(
    509         hidl_vec<int>& allFences, size_t numFences) {
    510     for (size_t j = 0; j < numFences; j++) {
    511         sHandleImporter.closeFence(allFences[j]);
    512     }
    513 }
    515 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::waitForV4L2BufferReturnLocked(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lk) {
    516     ATRACE_CALL();
    517     std::chrono::seconds timeout = std::chrono::seconds(kBufferWaitTimeoutSec);
    518     mLock.unlock();
    519     auto st = mV4L2BufferReturned.wait_for(lk, timeout);
    520     // Here we introduce a order where mV4l2BufferLock is acquired before mLock, while
    521     // the normal lock acquisition order is reversed. This is fine because in most of
    522     // cases we are protected by mInterfaceLock. The only thread that can cause deadlock
    523     // is the OutputThread, where we do need to make sure we don't acquire mLock then
    524     // mV4l2BufferLock
    525     mLock.lock();
    526     if (st == std::cv_status::timeout) {
    527         ALOGE("%s: wait for V4L2 buffer return timeout!", __FUNCTION__);
    528         return -1;
    529     }
    530     return 0;
    531 }
    533 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::processOneCaptureRequest(const CaptureRequest& request)  {
    534     ATRACE_CALL();
    535     Status status = initStatus();
    536     if (status != Status::OK) {
    537         return status;
    538     }
    540     if (request.inputBuffer.streamId != -1) {
    541         ALOGE("%s: external camera does not support reprocessing!", __FUNCTION__);
    542         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    543     }
    545     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    546     if (!mV4l2Streaming) {
    547         ALOGE("%s: cannot process request in streamOff state!", __FUNCTION__);
    548         return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
    549     }
    551     const camera_metadata_t *rawSettings = nullptr;
    552     bool converted = true;
    553     CameraMetadata settingsFmq;  // settings from FMQ
    554     if (request.fmqSettingsSize > 0) {
    555         // non-blocking read; client must write metadata before calling
    556         // processOneCaptureRequest
    557         settingsFmq.resize(request.fmqSettingsSize);
    558         bool read = mRequestMetadataQueue->read(settingsFmq.data(), request.fmqSettingsSize);
    559         if (read) {
    560             converted = V3_2::implementation::convertFromHidl(settingsFmq, &rawSettings);
    561         } else {
    562             ALOGE("%s: capture request settings metadata couldn't be read from fmq!", __FUNCTION__);
    563             converted = false;
    564         }
    565     } else {
    566         converted = V3_2::implementation::convertFromHidl(request.settings, &rawSettings);
    567     }
    569     if (converted && rawSettings != nullptr) {
    570         mLatestReqSetting = rawSettings;
    571     }
    573     if (!converted) {
    574         ALOGE("%s: capture request settings metadata is corrupt!", __FUNCTION__);
    575         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    576     }
    578     if (mFirstRequest && rawSettings == nullptr) {
    579         ALOGE("%s: capture request settings must not be null for first request!",
    580                 __FUNCTION__);
    581         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    582     }
    584     hidl_vec<buffer_handle_t*> allBufPtrs;
    585     hidl_vec<int> allFences;
    586     size_t numOutputBufs = request.outputBuffers.size();
    588     if (numOutputBufs == 0) {
    589         ALOGE("%s: capture request must have at least one output buffer!", __FUNCTION__);
    590         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    591     }
    593     camera_metadata_entry fpsRange = mLatestReqSetting.find(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE);
    594     if (fpsRange.count == 2) {
    595         double requestFpsMax = fpsRange.data.i32[1];
    596         double closestFps = 0.0;
    597         double fpsError = 1000.0;
    598         bool fpsSupported = false;
    599         for (const auto& fr : mV4l2StreamingFmt.frameRates) {
    600             double f = fr.getDouble();
    601             if (std::fabs(requestFpsMax - f) < 1.0) {
    602                 fpsSupported = true;
    603                 break;
    604             }
    605             if (std::fabs(requestFpsMax - f) < fpsError) {
    606                 fpsError = std::fabs(requestFpsMax - f);
    607                 closestFps = f;
    608             }
    609         }
    610         if (!fpsSupported) {
    611             /* This can happen in a few scenarios:
    612              * 1. The application is sending a FPS range not supported by the configured outputs.
    613              * 2. The application is sending a valid FPS range for all cofigured outputs, but
    614              *    the selected V4L2 size can only run at slower speed. This should be very rare
    615              *    though: for this to happen a sensor needs to support at least 3 different aspect
    616              *    ratio outputs, and when (at least) two outputs are both not the main aspect ratio
    617              *    of the webcam, a third size that's larger might be picked and runs into this
    618              *    issue.
    619              */
    620             ALOGW("%s: cannot reach fps %d! Will do %f instead",
    621                     __FUNCTION__, fpsRange.data.i32[1], closestFps);
    622             requestFpsMax = closestFps;
    623         }
    625         if (requestFpsMax != mV4l2StreamingFps) {
    626             {
    627                 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mV4l2BufferLock);
    628                 while (mNumDequeuedV4l2Buffers != 0) {
    629                     // Wait until pipeline is idle before reconfigure stream
    630                     int waitRet = waitForV4L2BufferReturnLocked(lk);
    631                     if (waitRet != 0) {
    632                         ALOGE("%s: wait for pipeline idle failed!", __FUNCTION__);
    633                         return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
    634                     }
    635                 }
    636             }
    637             configureV4l2StreamLocked(mV4l2StreamingFmt, requestFpsMax);
    638         }
    639     }
    641     status = importRequest(request, allBufPtrs, allFences);
    642     if (status != Status::OK) {
    643         return status;
    644     }
    646     nsecs_t shutterTs = 0;
    647     sp<V4L2Frame> frameIn = dequeueV4l2FrameLocked(&shutterTs);
    648     if ( frameIn == nullptr) {
    649         ALOGE("%s: V4L2 deque frame failed!", __FUNCTION__);
    650         return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
    651     }
    653     std::shared_ptr<HalRequest> halReq = std::make_shared<HalRequest>();
    654     halReq->frameNumber = request.frameNumber;
    655     halReq->setting = mLatestReqSetting;
    656     halReq->frameIn = frameIn;
    657     halReq->shutterTs = shutterTs;
    658     halReq->buffers.resize(numOutputBufs);
    659     for (size_t i = 0; i < numOutputBufs; i++) {
    660         HalStreamBuffer& halBuf = halReq->buffers[i];
    661         int streamId = halBuf.streamId = request.outputBuffers[i].streamId;
    662         halBuf.bufferId = request.outputBuffers[i].bufferId;
    663         const Stream& stream = mStreamMap[streamId];
    664         halBuf.width = stream.width;
    665         halBuf.height = stream.height;
    666         halBuf.format = stream.format;
    667         halBuf.usage = stream.usage;
    668         halBuf.bufPtr = allBufPtrs[i];
    669         halBuf.acquireFence = allFences[i];
    670         halBuf.fenceTimeout = false;
    671     }
    672     {
    673         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mInflightFramesLock);
    674         mInflightFrames.insert(halReq->frameNumber);
    675     }
    676     // Send request to OutputThread for the rest of processing
    677     mOutputThread->submitRequest(halReq);
    678     mFirstRequest = false;
    679     return Status::OK;
    680 }
    682 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::notifyShutter(uint32_t frameNumber, nsecs_t shutterTs) {
    683     NotifyMsg msg;
    684     msg.type = MsgType::SHUTTER;
    685     msg.msg.shutter.frameNumber = frameNumber;
    686     msg.msg.shutter.timestamp = shutterTs;
    687     mCallback->notify({msg});
    688 }
    690 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::notifyError(
    691         uint32_t frameNumber, int32_t streamId, ErrorCode ec) {
    692     NotifyMsg msg;
    693     msg.type = MsgType::ERROR;
    694     msg.msg.error.frameNumber = frameNumber;
    695     msg.msg.error.errorStreamId = streamId;
    696     msg.msg.error.errorCode = ec;
    697     mCallback->notify({msg});
    698 }
    700 //TODO: refactor with processCaptureResult
    701 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::processCaptureRequestError(
    702         const std::shared_ptr<HalRequest>& req) {
    703     ATRACE_CALL();
    704     // Return V4L2 buffer to V4L2 buffer queue
    705     enqueueV4l2Frame(req->frameIn);
    707     // NotifyShutter
    708     notifyShutter(req->frameNumber, req->shutterTs);
    710     notifyError(/*frameNum*/req->frameNumber, /*stream*/-1, ErrorCode::ERROR_REQUEST);
    712     // Fill output buffers
    713     hidl_vec<CaptureResult> results;
    714     results.resize(1);
    715     CaptureResult& result = results[0];
    716     result.frameNumber = req->frameNumber;
    717     result.partialResult = 1;
    718     result.inputBuffer.streamId = -1;
    719     result.outputBuffers.resize(req->buffers.size());
    720     for (size_t i = 0; i < req->buffers.size(); i++) {
    721         result.outputBuffers[i].streamId = req->buffers[i].streamId;
    722         result.outputBuffers[i].bufferId = req->buffers[i].bufferId;
    723         result.outputBuffers[i].status = BufferStatus::ERROR;
    724         if (req->buffers[i].acquireFence >= 0) {
    725             native_handle_t* handle = native_handle_create(/*numFds*/1, /*numInts*/0);
    726             handle->data[0] = req->buffers[i].acquireFence;
    727             result.outputBuffers[i].releaseFence.setTo(handle, /*shouldOwn*/false);
    728         }
    729     }
    731     // update inflight records
    732     {
    733         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mInflightFramesLock);
    734         mInflightFrames.erase(req->frameNumber);
    735     }
    737     // Callback into framework
    738     invokeProcessCaptureResultCallback(results, /* tryWriteFmq */true);
    739     freeReleaseFences(results);
    740     return Status::OK;
    741 }
    743 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::processCaptureResult(std::shared_ptr<HalRequest>& req) {
    744     ATRACE_CALL();
    745     // Return V4L2 buffer to V4L2 buffer queue
    746     enqueueV4l2Frame(req->frameIn);
    748     // NotifyShutter
    749     notifyShutter(req->frameNumber, req->shutterTs);
    751     // Fill output buffers
    752     hidl_vec<CaptureResult> results;
    753     results.resize(1);
    754     CaptureResult& result = results[0];
    755     result.frameNumber = req->frameNumber;
    756     result.partialResult = 1;
    757     result.inputBuffer.streamId = -1;
    758     result.outputBuffers.resize(req->buffers.size());
    759     for (size_t i = 0; i < req->buffers.size(); i++) {
    760         result.outputBuffers[i].streamId = req->buffers[i].streamId;
    761         result.outputBuffers[i].bufferId = req->buffers[i].bufferId;
    762         if (req->buffers[i].fenceTimeout) {
    763             result.outputBuffers[i].status = BufferStatus::ERROR;
    764             native_handle_t* handle = native_handle_create(/*numFds*/1, /*numInts*/0);
    765             handle->data[0] = req->buffers[i].acquireFence;
    766             result.outputBuffers[i].releaseFence.setTo(handle, /*shouldOwn*/false);
    767             notifyError(req->frameNumber, req->buffers[i].streamId, ErrorCode::ERROR_BUFFER);
    768         } else {
    769             result.outputBuffers[i].status = BufferStatus::OK;
    770             // TODO: refactor
    771             if (req->buffers[i].acquireFence > 0) {
    772                 native_handle_t* handle = native_handle_create(/*numFds*/1, /*numInts*/0);
    773                 handle->data[0] = req->buffers[i].acquireFence;
    774                 result.outputBuffers[i].releaseFence.setTo(handle, /*shouldOwn*/false);
    775             }
    776         }
    777     }
    779     // Fill capture result metadata
    780     fillCaptureResult(req->setting, req->shutterTs);
    781     const camera_metadata_t *rawResult = req->setting.getAndLock();
    782     V3_2::implementation::convertToHidl(rawResult, &result.result);
    783     req->setting.unlock(rawResult);
    785     // update inflight records
    786     {
    787         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mInflightFramesLock);
    788         mInflightFrames.erase(req->frameNumber);
    789     }
    791     // Callback into framework
    792     invokeProcessCaptureResultCallback(results, /* tryWriteFmq */true);
    793     freeReleaseFences(results);
    794     return Status::OK;
    795 }
    797 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::invokeProcessCaptureResultCallback(
    798         hidl_vec<CaptureResult> &results, bool tryWriteFmq) {
    799     if (mProcessCaptureResultLock.tryLock() != OK) {
    800         const nsecs_t NS_TO_SECOND = 1000000000;
    801         ALOGV("%s: previous call is not finished! waiting 1s...", __FUNCTION__);
    802         if (mProcessCaptureResultLock.timedLock(/* 1s */NS_TO_SECOND) != OK) {
    803             ALOGE("%s: cannot acquire lock in 1s, cannot proceed",
    804                     __FUNCTION__);
    805             return;
    806         }
    807     }
    808     if (tryWriteFmq && mResultMetadataQueue->availableToWrite() > 0) {
    809         for (CaptureResult &result : results) {
    810             if (result.result.size() > 0) {
    811                 if (mResultMetadataQueue->write(result.result.data(), result.result.size())) {
    812                     result.fmqResultSize = result.result.size();
    813                     result.result.resize(0);
    814                 } else {
    815                     ALOGW("%s: couldn't utilize fmq, fall back to hwbinder", __FUNCTION__);
    816                     result.fmqResultSize = 0;
    817                 }
    818             } else {
    819                 result.fmqResultSize = 0;
    820             }
    821         }
    822     }
    823     auto status = mCallback->processCaptureResult(results);
    824     if (!status.isOk()) {
    825         ALOGE("%s: processCaptureResult ERROR : %s", __FUNCTION__,
    826               status.description().c_str());
    827     }
    829     mProcessCaptureResultLock.unlock();
    830 }
    832 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::freeReleaseFences(hidl_vec<CaptureResult>& results) {
    833     for (auto& result : results) {
    834         if (result.inputBuffer.releaseFence.getNativeHandle() != nullptr) {
    835             native_handle_t* handle = const_cast<native_handle_t*>(
    836                     result.inputBuffer.releaseFence.getNativeHandle());
    837             native_handle_close(handle);
    838             native_handle_delete(handle);
    839         }
    840         for (auto& buf : result.outputBuffers) {
    841             if (buf.releaseFence.getNativeHandle() != nullptr) {
    842                 native_handle_t* handle = const_cast<native_handle_t*>(
    843                         buf.releaseFence.getNativeHandle());
    844                 native_handle_close(handle);
    845                 native_handle_delete(handle);
    846             }
    847         }
    848     }
    849     return;
    850 }
    852 ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::OutputThread(
    853         wp<ExternalCameraDeviceSession> parent,
    854         CroppingType ct) : mParent(parent), mCroppingType(ct) {}
    856 ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::~OutputThread() {}
    858 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::setExifMakeModel(
    859         const std::string& make, const std::string& model) {
    860     mExifMake = make;
    861     mExifModel = model;
    862 }
    864 uint32_t ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::getFourCcFromLayout(
    865         const YCbCrLayout& layout) {
    866     intptr_t cb = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(layout.cb);
    867     intptr_t cr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(layout.cr);
    868     if (std::abs(cb - cr) == 1 && layout.chromaStep == 2) {
    869         // Interleaved format
    870         if (layout.cb > layout.cr) {
    871             return V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21;
    872         } else {
    873             return V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12;
    874         }
    875     } else if (layout.chromaStep == 1) {
    876         // Planar format
    877         if (layout.cb > layout.cr) {
    878             return V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420; // YV12
    879         } else {
    880             return V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420; // YU12
    881         }
    882     } else {
    883         return FLEX_YUV_GENERIC;
    884     }
    885 }
    887 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::getCropRect(
    888         CroppingType ct, const Size& inSize, const Size& outSize, IMapper::Rect* out) {
    889     if (out == nullptr) {
    890         ALOGE("%s: out is null", __FUNCTION__);
    891         return -1;
    892     }
    894     uint32_t inW = inSize.width;
    895     uint32_t inH = inSize.height;
    896     uint32_t outW = outSize.width;
    897     uint32_t outH = outSize.height;
    899     // Handle special case where aspect ratio is close to input but scaled
    900     // dimension is slightly larger than input
    901     float arIn = ASPECT_RATIO(inSize);
    902     float arOut = ASPECT_RATIO(outSize);
    903     if (isAspectRatioClose(arIn, arOut)) {
    904         out->left = 0;
    905         out->top = 0;
    906         out->width = inW;
    907         out->height = inH;
    908         return 0;
    909     }
    911     if (ct == VERTICAL) {
    912         uint64_t scaledOutH = static_cast<uint64_t>(outH) * inW / outW;
    913         if (scaledOutH > inH) {
    914             ALOGE("%s: Output size %dx%d cannot be vertically cropped from input size %dx%d",
    915                     __FUNCTION__, outW, outH, inW, inH);
    916             return -1;
    917         }
    918         scaledOutH = scaledOutH & ~0x1; // make it multiple of 2
    920         out->left = 0;
    921         out->top = ((inH - scaledOutH) / 2) & ~0x1;
    922         out->width = inW;
    923         out->height = static_cast<int32_t>(scaledOutH);
    924         ALOGV("%s: crop %dx%d to %dx%d: top %d, scaledH %d",
    925                 __FUNCTION__, inW, inH, outW, outH, out->top, static_cast<int32_t>(scaledOutH));
    926     } else {
    927         uint64_t scaledOutW = static_cast<uint64_t>(outW) * inH / outH;
    928         if (scaledOutW > inW) {
    929             ALOGE("%s: Output size %dx%d cannot be horizontally cropped from input size %dx%d",
    930                     __FUNCTION__, outW, outH, inW, inH);
    931             return -1;
    932         }
    933         scaledOutW = scaledOutW & ~0x1; // make it multiple of 2
    935         out->left = ((inW - scaledOutW) / 2) & ~0x1;
    936         out->top = 0;
    937         out->width = static_cast<int32_t>(scaledOutW);
    938         out->height = inH;
    939         ALOGV("%s: crop %dx%d to %dx%d: top %d, scaledW %d",
    940                 __FUNCTION__, inW, inH, outW, outH, out->top, static_cast<int32_t>(scaledOutW));
    941     }
    943     return 0;
    944 }
    946 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::cropAndScaleLocked(
    947         sp<AllocatedFrame>& in, const Size& outSz, YCbCrLayout* out) {
    948     Size inSz = {in->mWidth, in->mHeight};
    950     int ret;
    951     if (inSz == outSz) {
    952         ret = in->getLayout(out);
    953         if (ret != 0) {
    954             ALOGE("%s: failed to get input image layout", __FUNCTION__);
    955             return ret;
    956         }
    957         return ret;
    958     }
    960     // Cropping to output aspect ratio
    961     IMapper::Rect inputCrop;
    962     ret = getCropRect(mCroppingType, inSz, outSz, &inputCrop);
    963     if (ret != 0) {
    964         ALOGE("%s: failed to compute crop rect for output size %dx%d",
    965                 __FUNCTION__, outSz.width, outSz.height);
    966         return ret;
    967     }
    969     YCbCrLayout croppedLayout;
    970     ret = in->getCroppedLayout(inputCrop, &croppedLayout);
    971     if (ret != 0) {
    972         ALOGE("%s: failed to crop input image %dx%d to output size %dx%d",
    973                 __FUNCTION__, inSz.width, inSz.height, outSz.width, outSz.height);
    974         return ret;
    975     }
    977     if ((mCroppingType == VERTICAL && inSz.width == outSz.width) ||
    978             (mCroppingType == HORIZONTAL && inSz.height == outSz.height)) {
    979         // No scale is needed
    980         *out = croppedLayout;
    981         return 0;
    982     }
    984     auto it = mScaledYu12Frames.find(outSz);
    985     sp<AllocatedFrame> scaledYu12Buf;
    986     if (it != mScaledYu12Frames.end()) {
    987         scaledYu12Buf = it->second;
    988     } else {
    989         it = mIntermediateBuffers.find(outSz);
    990         if (it == mIntermediateBuffers.end()) {
    991             ALOGE("%s: failed to find intermediate buffer size %dx%d",
    992                     __FUNCTION__, outSz.width, outSz.height);
    993             return -1;
    994         }
    995         scaledYu12Buf = it->second;
    996     }
    997     // Scale
    998     YCbCrLayout outLayout;
    999     ret = scaledYu12Buf->getLayout(&outLayout);
   1000     if (ret != 0) {
   1001         ALOGE("%s: failed to get output buffer layout", __FUNCTION__);
   1002         return ret;
   1003     }
   1005     ret = libyuv::I420Scale(
   1006             static_cast<uint8_t*>(croppedLayout.y),
   1007             croppedLayout.yStride,
   1008             static_cast<uint8_t*>(croppedLayout.cb),
   1009             croppedLayout.cStride,
   1010             static_cast<uint8_t*>(croppedLayout.cr),
   1011             croppedLayout.cStride,
   1012             inputCrop.width,
   1013             inputCrop.height,
   1014             static_cast<uint8_t*>(outLayout.y),
   1015             outLayout.yStride,
   1016             static_cast<uint8_t*>(outLayout.cb),
   1017             outLayout.cStride,
   1018             static_cast<uint8_t*>(outLayout.cr),
   1019             outLayout.cStride,
   1020             outSz.width,
   1021             outSz.height,
   1022             // TODO: b/72261744 see if we can use better filter without losing too much perf
   1023             libyuv::FilterMode::kFilterNone);
   1025     if (ret != 0) {
   1026         ALOGE("%s: failed to scale buffer from %dx%d to %dx%d. Ret %d",
   1027                 __FUNCTION__, inputCrop.width, inputCrop.height,
   1028                 outSz.width, outSz.height, ret);
   1029         return ret;
   1030     }
   1032     *out = outLayout;
   1033     mScaledYu12Frames.insert({outSz, scaledYu12Buf});
   1034     return 0;
   1035 }
   1038 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::cropAndScaleThumbLocked(
   1039         sp<AllocatedFrame>& in, const Size &outSz, YCbCrLayout* out) {
   1040     Size inSz  {in->mWidth, in->mHeight};
   1042     if ((outSz.width * outSz.height) >
   1043         (mYu12ThumbFrame->mWidth * mYu12ThumbFrame->mHeight)) {
   1044         ALOGE("%s: Requested thumbnail size too big (%d,%d) > (%d,%d)",
   1045               __FUNCTION__, outSz.width, outSz.height,
   1046               mYu12ThumbFrame->mWidth, mYu12ThumbFrame->mHeight);
   1047         return -1;
   1048     }
   1050     int ret;
   1052     /* This will crop-and-zoom the input YUV frame to the thumbnail size
   1053      * Based on the following logic:
   1054      *  1) Square pixels come in, square pixels come out, therefore single
   1055      *  scale factor is computed to either make input bigger or smaller
   1056      *  depending on if we are upscaling or downscaling
   1057      *  2) That single scale factor would either make height too tall or width
   1058      *  too wide so we need to crop the input either horizontally or vertically
   1059      *  but not both
   1060      */
   1062     /* Convert the input and output dimensions into floats for ease of math */
   1063     float fWin = static_cast<float>(inSz.width);
   1064     float fHin = static_cast<float>(inSz.height);
   1065     float fWout = static_cast<float>(outSz.width);
   1066     float fHout = static_cast<float>(outSz.height);
   1068     /* Compute the one scale factor from (1) above, it will be the smaller of
   1069      * the two possibilities. */
   1070     float scaleFactor = std::min( fHin / fHout, fWin / fWout );
   1072     /* Since we are crop-and-zooming (as opposed to letter/pillar boxing) we can
   1073      * simply multiply the output by our scaleFactor to get the cropped input
   1074      * size. Note that at least one of {fWcrop, fHcrop} is going to wind up
   1075      * being {fWin, fHin} respectively because fHout or fWout cancels out the
   1076      * scaleFactor calculation above.
   1077      *
   1078      * Specifically:
   1079      *  if ( fHin / fHout ) < ( fWin / fWout ) we crop the sides off
   1080      * input, in which case
   1081      *    scaleFactor = fHin / fHout
   1082      *    fWcrop = fHin / fHout * fWout
   1083      *    fHcrop = fHin
   1084      *
   1085      * Note that fWcrop <= fWin ( because ( fHin / fHout ) * fWout < fWin, which
   1086      * is just the inequality above with both sides multiplied by fWout
   1087      *
   1088      * on the other hand if ( fWin / fWout ) < ( fHin / fHout) we crop the top
   1089      * and the bottom off of input, and
   1090      *    scaleFactor = fWin / fWout
   1091      *    fWcrop = fWin
   1092      *    fHCrop = fWin / fWout * fHout
   1093      */
   1094     float fWcrop = scaleFactor * fWout;
   1095     float fHcrop = scaleFactor * fHout;
   1097     /* Convert to integer and truncate to an even number */
   1098     Size cropSz = { 2*static_cast<uint32_t>(fWcrop/2.0f),
   1099                     2*static_cast<uint32_t>(fHcrop/2.0f) };
   1101     /* Convert to a centered rectange with even top/left */
   1102     IMapper::Rect inputCrop {
   1103         2*static_cast<int32_t>((inSz.width - cropSz.width)/4),
   1104         2*static_cast<int32_t>((inSz.height - cropSz.height)/4),
   1105         static_cast<int32_t>(cropSz.width),
   1106         static_cast<int32_t>(cropSz.height) };
   1108     if ((inputCrop.top < 0) ||
   1109         (inputCrop.top >= static_cast<int32_t>(inSz.height)) ||
   1110         (inputCrop.left < 0) ||
   1111         (inputCrop.left >= static_cast<int32_t>(inSz.width)) ||
   1112         (inputCrop.width <= 0) ||
   1113         (inputCrop.width + inputCrop.left > static_cast<int32_t>(inSz.width)) ||
   1114         (inputCrop.height <= 0) ||
   1115         (inputCrop.height + inputCrop.top > static_cast<int32_t>(inSz.height)))
   1116     {
   1117         ALOGE("%s: came up with really wrong crop rectangle",__FUNCTION__);
   1118         ALOGE("%s: input layout %dx%d to for output size %dx%d",
   1119              __FUNCTION__, inSz.width, inSz.height, outSz.width, outSz.height);
   1120         ALOGE("%s: computed input crop +%d,+%d %dx%d",
   1121              __FUNCTION__, inputCrop.left, inputCrop.top,
   1122              inputCrop.width, inputCrop.height);
   1123         return -1;
   1124     }
   1126     YCbCrLayout inputLayout;
   1127     ret = in->getCroppedLayout(inputCrop, &inputLayout);
   1128     if (ret != 0) {
   1129         ALOGE("%s: failed to crop input layout %dx%d to for output size %dx%d",
   1130              __FUNCTION__, inSz.width, inSz.height, outSz.width, outSz.height);
   1131         ALOGE("%s: computed input crop +%d,+%d %dx%d",
   1132              __FUNCTION__, inputCrop.left, inputCrop.top,
   1133              inputCrop.width, inputCrop.height);
   1134         return ret;
   1135     }
   1136     ALOGV("%s: crop input layout %dx%d to for output size %dx%d",
   1137           __FUNCTION__, inSz.width, inSz.height, outSz.width, outSz.height);
   1138     ALOGV("%s: computed input crop +%d,+%d %dx%d",
   1139           __FUNCTION__, inputCrop.left, inputCrop.top,
   1140           inputCrop.width, inputCrop.height);
   1143     // Scale
   1144     YCbCrLayout outFullLayout;
   1146     ret = mYu12ThumbFrame->getLayout(&outFullLayout);
   1147     if (ret != 0) {
   1148         ALOGE("%s: failed to get output buffer layout", __FUNCTION__);
   1149         return ret;
   1150     }
   1153     ret = libyuv::I420Scale(
   1154             static_cast<uint8_t*>(inputLayout.y),
   1155             inputLayout.yStride,
   1156             static_cast<uint8_t*>(inputLayout.cb),
   1157             inputLayout.cStride,
   1158             static_cast<uint8_t*>(inputLayout.cr),
   1159             inputLayout.cStride,
   1160             inputCrop.width,
   1161             inputCrop.height,
   1162             static_cast<uint8_t*>(outFullLayout.y),
   1163             outFullLayout.yStride,
   1164             static_cast<uint8_t*>(outFullLayout.cb),
   1165             outFullLayout.cStride,
   1166             static_cast<uint8_t*>(outFullLayout.cr),
   1167             outFullLayout.cStride,
   1168             outSz.width,
   1169             outSz.height,
   1170             libyuv::FilterMode::kFilterNone);
   1172     if (ret != 0) {
   1173         ALOGE("%s: failed to scale buffer from %dx%d to %dx%d. Ret %d",
   1174                 __FUNCTION__, inputCrop.width, inputCrop.height,
   1175                 outSz.width, outSz.height, ret);
   1176         return ret;
   1177     }
   1179     *out = outFullLayout;
   1180     return 0;
   1181 }
   1183 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::formatConvertLocked(
   1184         const YCbCrLayout& in, const YCbCrLayout& out, Size sz, uint32_t format) {
   1185     int ret = 0;
   1186     switch (format) {
   1187         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21:
   1188             ret = libyuv::I420ToNV21(
   1189                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.y),
   1190                     in.yStride,
   1191                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.cb),
   1192                     in.cStride,
   1193                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.cr),
   1194                     in.cStride,
   1195                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(out.y),
   1196                     out.yStride,
   1197                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(out.cr),
   1198                     out.cStride,
   1199                     sz.width,
   1200                     sz.height);
   1201             if (ret != 0) {
   1202                 ALOGE("%s: convert to NV21 buffer failed! ret %d",
   1203                             __FUNCTION__, ret);
   1204                 return ret;
   1205             }
   1206             break;
   1207         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12:
   1208             ret = libyuv::I420ToNV12(
   1209                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.y),
   1210                     in.yStride,
   1211                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.cb),
   1212                     in.cStride,
   1213                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.cr),
   1214                     in.cStride,
   1215                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(out.y),
   1216                     out.yStride,
   1217                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(out.cb),
   1218                     out.cStride,
   1219                     sz.width,
   1220                     sz.height);
   1221             if (ret != 0) {
   1222                 ALOGE("%s: convert to NV12 buffer failed! ret %d",
   1223                             __FUNCTION__, ret);
   1224                 return ret;
   1225             }
   1226             break;
   1227         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420: // YV12
   1228         case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420: // YU12
   1229             // TODO: maybe we can speed up here by somehow save this copy?
   1230             ret = libyuv::I420Copy(
   1231                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.y),
   1232                     in.yStride,
   1233                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.cb),
   1234                     in.cStride,
   1235                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(in.cr),
   1236                     in.cStride,
   1237                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(out.y),
   1238                     out.yStride,
   1239                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(out.cb),
   1240                     out.cStride,
   1241                     static_cast<uint8_t*>(out.cr),
   1242                     out.cStride,
   1243                     sz.width,
   1244                     sz.height);
   1245             if (ret != 0) {
   1246                 ALOGE("%s: copy to YV12 or YU12 buffer failed! ret %d",
   1247                             __FUNCTION__, ret);
   1248                 return ret;
   1249             }
   1250             break;
   1251         case FLEX_YUV_GENERIC:
   1252             // TODO: b/72261744 write to arbitrary flexible YUV layout. Slow.
   1253             ALOGE("%s: unsupported flexible yuv layout"
   1254                     " y %p cb %p cr %p y_str %d c_str %d c_step %d",
   1255                     __FUNCTION__, out.y, out.cb, out.cr,
   1256                     out.yStride, out.cStride, out.chromaStep);
   1257             return -1;
   1258         default:
   1259             ALOGE("%s: unknown YUV format 0x%x!", __FUNCTION__, format);
   1260             return -1;
   1261     }
   1262     return 0;
   1263 }
   1265 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::encodeJpegYU12(
   1266         const Size & inSz, const YCbCrLayout& inLayout,
   1267         int jpegQuality, const void *app1Buffer, size_t app1Size,
   1268         void *out, const size_t maxOutSize, size_t &actualCodeSize)
   1269 {
   1270     /* libjpeg is a C library so we use C-style "inheritance" by
   1271      * putting libjpeg's jpeg_destination_mgr first in our custom
   1272      * struct. This allows us to cast jpeg_destination_mgr* to
   1273      * CustomJpegDestMgr* when we get it passed to us in a callback */
   1274     struct CustomJpegDestMgr {
   1275         struct jpeg_destination_mgr mgr;
   1276         JOCTET *mBuffer;
   1277         size_t mBufferSize;
   1278         size_t mEncodedSize;
   1279         bool mSuccess;
   1280     } dmgr;
   1282     jpeg_compress_struct cinfo = {};
   1283     jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
   1285     /* Initialize error handling with standard callbacks, but
   1286      * then override output_message (to print to ALOG) and
   1287      * error_exit to set a flag and print a message instead
   1288      * of killing the whole process */
   1289     cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
   1291     cinfo.err->output_message = [](j_common_ptr cinfo) {
   1292         char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX];
   1294         /* Create the message */
   1295         (*cinfo->err->format_message)(cinfo, buffer);
   1296         ALOGE("libjpeg error: %s", buffer);
   1297     };
   1298     cinfo.err->error_exit = [](j_common_ptr cinfo) {
   1299         (*cinfo->err->output_message)(cinfo);
   1300         if(cinfo->client_data) {
   1301             auto & dmgr =
   1302                 *reinterpret_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr*>(cinfo->client_data);
   1303             dmgr.mSuccess = false;
   1304         }
   1305     };
   1306     /* Now that we initialized some callbacks, let's create our compressor */
   1307     jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo);
   1309     /* Initialize our destination manager */
   1310     dmgr.mBuffer = static_cast<JOCTET*>(out);
   1311     dmgr.mBufferSize = maxOutSize;
   1312     dmgr.mEncodedSize = 0;
   1313     dmgr.mSuccess = true;
   1314     cinfo.client_data = static_cast<void*>(&dmgr);
   1316     /* These lambdas become C-style function pointers and as per C++11 spec
   1317      * may not capture anything */
   1318     dmgr.mgr.init_destination = [](j_compress_ptr cinfo) {
   1319         auto & dmgr = reinterpret_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr&>(*cinfo->dest);
   1320         dmgr.mgr.next_output_byte = dmgr.mBuffer;
   1321         dmgr.mgr.free_in_buffer = dmgr.mBufferSize;
   1322         ALOGV("%s:%d jpeg start: %p [%zu]",
   1323               __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, dmgr.mBuffer, dmgr.mBufferSize);
   1324     };
   1326     dmgr.mgr.empty_output_buffer = [](j_compress_ptr cinfo __unused) {
   1327         ALOGV("%s:%d Out of buffer", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
   1328         return 0;
   1329     };
   1331     dmgr.mgr.term_destination = [](j_compress_ptr cinfo) {
   1332         auto & dmgr = reinterpret_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr&>(*cinfo->dest);
   1333         dmgr.mEncodedSize = dmgr.mBufferSize - dmgr.mgr.free_in_buffer;
   1334         ALOGV("%s:%d Done with jpeg: %zu", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, dmgr.mEncodedSize);
   1335     };
   1336     cinfo.dest = reinterpret_cast<struct jpeg_destination_mgr*>(&dmgr);
   1338     /* We are going to be using JPEG in raw data mode, so we are passing
   1339      * straight subsampled planar YCbCr and it will not touch our pixel
   1340      * data or do any scaling or anything */
   1341     cinfo.image_width = inSz.width;
   1342     cinfo.image_height = inSz.height;
   1343     cinfo.input_components = 3;
   1344     cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr;
   1346     /* Initialize defaults and then override what we want */
   1347     jpeg_set_defaults(&cinfo);
   1349     jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, jpegQuality, 1);
   1350     jpeg_set_colorspace(&cinfo, JCS_YCbCr);
   1351     cinfo.raw_data_in = 1;
   1352     cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_IFAST;
   1354     /* Configure sampling factors. The sampling factor is JPEG subsampling 420
   1355      * because the source format is YUV420. Note that libjpeg sampling factors
   1356      * are... a little weird. Sampling of Y=2,U=1,V=1 means there is 1 U and
   1357      * 1 V value for each 2 Y values */
   1358     cinfo.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = 2;
   1359     cinfo.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = 2;
   1360     cinfo.comp_info[1].h_samp_factor = 1;
   1361     cinfo.comp_info[1].v_samp_factor = 1;
   1362     cinfo.comp_info[2].h_samp_factor = 1;
   1363     cinfo.comp_info[2].v_samp_factor = 1;
   1365     /* Let's not hardcode YUV420 in 6 places... 5 was enough */
   1366     int maxVSampFactor = std::max( {
   1367         cinfo.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor,
   1368         cinfo.comp_info[1].v_samp_factor,
   1369         cinfo.comp_info[2].v_samp_factor
   1370     });
   1371     int cVSubSampling = cinfo.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor /
   1372                         cinfo.comp_info[1].v_samp_factor;
   1374     /* Start the compressor */
   1375     jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
   1377     /* Compute our macroblock height, so we can pad our input to be vertically
   1378      * macroblock aligned.
   1379      * TODO: Does it need to be horizontally MCU aligned too? */
   1381     size_t mcuV = DCTSIZE*maxVSampFactor;
   1382     size_t paddedHeight = mcuV * ((inSz.height + mcuV - 1) / mcuV);
   1384     /* libjpeg uses arrays of row pointers, which makes it really easy to pad
   1385      * data vertically (unfortunately doesn't help horizontally) */
   1386     std::vector<JSAMPROW> yLines (paddedHeight);
   1387     std::vector<JSAMPROW> cbLines(paddedHeight/cVSubSampling);
   1388     std::vector<JSAMPROW> crLines(paddedHeight/cVSubSampling);
   1390     uint8_t *py = static_cast<uint8_t*>(inLayout.y);
   1391     uint8_t *pcr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(inLayout.cr);
   1392     uint8_t *pcb = static_cast<uint8_t*>(inLayout.cb);
   1394     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < paddedHeight; i++)
   1395     {
   1396         /* Once we are in the padding territory we still point to the last line
   1397          * effectively replicating it several times ~ CLAMP_TO_EDGE */
   1398         int li = std::min(i, inSz.height - 1);
   1399         yLines[i]  = static_cast<JSAMPROW>(py + li * inLayout.yStride);
   1400         if(i < paddedHeight / cVSubSampling)
   1401         {
   1402             crLines[i] = static_cast<JSAMPROW>(pcr + li * inLayout.cStride);
   1403             cbLines[i] = static_cast<JSAMPROW>(pcb + li * inLayout.cStride);
   1404         }
   1405     }
   1407     /* If APP1 data was passed in, use it */
   1408     if(app1Buffer && app1Size)
   1409     {
   1410         jpeg_write_marker(&cinfo, JPEG_APP0 + 1,
   1411              static_cast<const JOCTET*>(app1Buffer), app1Size);
   1412     }
   1414     /* While we still have padded height left to go, keep giving it one
   1415      * macroblock at a time. */
   1416     while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
   1417         const uint32_t batchSize = DCTSIZE * maxVSampFactor;
   1418         const uint32_t nl = cinfo.next_scanline;
   1419         JSAMPARRAY planes[3]{ &yLines[nl],
   1420                               &cbLines[nl/cVSubSampling],
   1421                               &crLines[nl/cVSubSampling] };
   1423         uint32_t done = jpeg_write_raw_data(&cinfo, planes, batchSize);
   1425         if (done != batchSize) {
   1426             ALOGE("%s: compressed %u lines, expected %u (total %u/%u)",
   1427               __FUNCTION__, done, batchSize, cinfo.next_scanline,
   1428               cinfo.image_height);
   1429             return -1;
   1430         }
   1431     }
   1433     /* This will flush everything */
   1434     jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo);
   1436     /* Grab the actual code size and set it */
   1437     actualCodeSize = dmgr.mEncodedSize;
   1439     return 0;
   1440 }
   1442 /*
   1443  * TODO: There needs to be a mechanism to discover allocated buffer size
   1444  * in the HAL.
   1445  *
   1446  * This is very fragile because it is duplicated computation from:
   1447  * frameworks/av/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.cpp
   1448  *
   1449  */
   1451 /* This assumes mSupportedFormats have all been declared as supporting
   1452  * HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB to the framework */
   1453 Size ExternalCameraDeviceSession::getMaxJpegResolution() const {
   1454     Size ret { 0, 0 };
   1455     for(auto & fmt : mSupportedFormats) {
   1456         if(fmt.width * fmt.height > ret.width * ret.height) {
   1457             ret = Size { fmt.width, fmt.height };
   1458         }
   1459     }
   1460     return ret;
   1461 }
   1463 Size ExternalCameraDeviceSession::getMaxThumbResolution() const {
   1464     Size thumbSize { 0, 0 };
   1465     camera_metadata_ro_entry entry =
   1466         mCameraCharacteristics.find(ANDROID_JPEG_AVAILABLE_THUMBNAIL_SIZES);
   1467     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < entry.count; i += 2) {
   1468         Size sz { static_cast<uint32_t>(entry.data.i32[i]),
   1469                   static_cast<uint32_t>(entry.data.i32[i+1]) };
   1470         if(sz.width * sz.height > thumbSize.width * thumbSize.height) {
   1471             thumbSize = sz;
   1472         }
   1473     }
   1475     if (thumbSize.width * thumbSize.height == 0) {
   1476         ALOGW("%s: non-zero thumbnail size not available", __FUNCTION__);
   1477     }
   1479     return thumbSize;
   1480 }
   1483 ssize_t ExternalCameraDeviceSession::getJpegBufferSize(
   1484         uint32_t width, uint32_t height) const {
   1485     // Constant from camera3.h
   1486     const ssize_t kMinJpegBufferSize = 256 * 1024 + sizeof(CameraBlob);
   1487     // Get max jpeg size (area-wise).
   1488     if (mMaxJpegResolution.width == 0) {
   1489         ALOGE("%s: Do not have a single supported JPEG stream",
   1490                 __FUNCTION__);
   1491         return BAD_VALUE;
   1492     }
   1494     // Get max jpeg buffer size
   1495     ssize_t maxJpegBufferSize = 0;
   1496     camera_metadata_ro_entry jpegBufMaxSize =
   1497             mCameraCharacteristics.find(ANDROID_JPEG_MAX_SIZE);
   1498     if (jpegBufMaxSize.count == 0) {
   1499         ALOGE("%s: Can't find maximum JPEG size in static metadata!",
   1500               __FUNCTION__);
   1501         return BAD_VALUE;
   1502     }
   1503     maxJpegBufferSize = jpegBufMaxSize.data.i32[0];
   1505     if (maxJpegBufferSize <= kMinJpegBufferSize) {
   1506         ALOGE("%s: ANDROID_JPEG_MAX_SIZE (%zd) <= kMinJpegBufferSize (%zd)",
   1507               __FUNCTION__, maxJpegBufferSize, kMinJpegBufferSize);
   1508         return BAD_VALUE;
   1509     }
   1511     // Calculate final jpeg buffer size for the given resolution.
   1512     float scaleFactor = ((float) (width * height)) /
   1513             (mMaxJpegResolution.width * mMaxJpegResolution.height);
   1514     ssize_t jpegBufferSize = scaleFactor * (maxJpegBufferSize - kMinJpegBufferSize) +
   1515             kMinJpegBufferSize;
   1516     if (jpegBufferSize > maxJpegBufferSize) {
   1517         jpegBufferSize = maxJpegBufferSize;
   1518     }
   1520     return jpegBufferSize;
   1521 }
   1523 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::createJpegLocked(
   1524         HalStreamBuffer &halBuf,
   1525         const std::shared_ptr<HalRequest>& req)
   1526 {
   1527     ATRACE_CALL();
   1528     int ret;
   1529     auto lfail = [&](auto... args) {
   1530         ALOGE(args...);
   1532         return 1;
   1533     };
   1534     auto parent = mParent.promote();
   1535     if (parent == nullptr) {
   1536        ALOGE("%s: session has been disconnected!", __FUNCTION__);
   1537        return 1;
   1538     }
   1540     ALOGV("%s: HAL buffer sid: %d bid: %" PRIu64 " w: %u h: %u",
   1541           __FUNCTION__, halBuf.streamId, static_cast<uint64_t>(halBuf.bufferId),
   1542           halBuf.width, halBuf.height);
   1543     ALOGV("%s: HAL buffer fmt: %x usage: %" PRIx64 " ptr: %p",
   1544           __FUNCTION__, halBuf.format, static_cast<uint64_t>(halBuf.usage),
   1545           halBuf.bufPtr);
   1546     ALOGV("%s: YV12 buffer %d x %d",
   1547           __FUNCTION__,
   1548           mYu12Frame->mWidth, mYu12Frame->mHeight);
   1550     int jpegQuality, thumbQuality;
   1551     Size thumbSize;
   1552     bool outputThumbnail = true;
   1554     if (req->setting.exists(ANDROID_JPEG_QUALITY)) {
   1555         camera_metadata_entry entry =
   1556             req->setting.find(ANDROID_JPEG_QUALITY);
   1557         jpegQuality = entry.data.u8[0];
   1558     } else {
   1559         return lfail("%s: ANDROID_JPEG_QUALITY not set",__FUNCTION__);
   1560     }
   1562     if (req->setting.exists(ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY)) {
   1563         camera_metadata_entry entry =
   1564             req->setting.find(ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY);
   1565         thumbQuality = entry.data.u8[0];
   1566     } else {
   1567         return lfail(
   1568             "%s: ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY not set",
   1569             __FUNCTION__);
   1570     }
   1572     if (req->setting.exists(ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE)) {
   1573         camera_metadata_entry entry =
   1574             req->setting.find(ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE);
   1575         thumbSize = Size { static_cast<uint32_t>(entry.data.i32[0]),
   1576                            static_cast<uint32_t>(entry.data.i32[1])
   1577         };
   1578         if (thumbSize.width == 0 && thumbSize.height == 0) {
   1579             outputThumbnail = false;
   1580         }
   1581     } else {
   1582         return lfail(
   1583             "%s: ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE not set", __FUNCTION__);
   1584     }
   1586     /* Cropped and scaled YU12 buffer for main and thumbnail */
   1587     YCbCrLayout yu12Main;
   1588     Size jpegSize { halBuf.width, halBuf.height };
   1590     /* Compute temporary buffer sizes accounting for the following:
   1591      * thumbnail can't exceed APP1 size of 64K
   1592      * main image needs to hold APP1, headers, and at most a poorly
   1593      * compressed image */
   1594     const ssize_t maxThumbCodeSize = 64 * 1024;
   1595     const ssize_t maxJpegCodeSize = parent->getJpegBufferSize(jpegSize.width,
   1596                                                              jpegSize.height);
   1598     /* Check that getJpegBufferSize did not return an error */
   1599     if (maxJpegCodeSize < 0) {
   1600         return lfail(
   1601             "%s: getJpegBufferSize returned %zd",__FUNCTION__,maxJpegCodeSize);
   1602     }
   1605     /* Hold actual thumbnail and main image code sizes */
   1606     size_t thumbCodeSize = 0, jpegCodeSize = 0;
   1607     /* Temporary thumbnail code buffer */
   1608     std::vector<uint8_t> thumbCode(outputThumbnail ? maxThumbCodeSize : 0);
   1610     YCbCrLayout yu12Thumb;
   1611     if (outputThumbnail) {
   1612         ret = cropAndScaleThumbLocked(mYu12Frame, thumbSize, &yu12Thumb);
   1614         if (ret != 0) {
   1615             return lfail(
   1616                 "%s: crop and scale thumbnail failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1617         }
   1618     }
   1620     /* Scale and crop main jpeg */
   1621     ret = cropAndScaleLocked(mYu12Frame, jpegSize, &yu12Main);
   1623     if (ret != 0) {
   1624         return lfail("%s: crop and scale main failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1625     }
   1627     /* Encode the thumbnail image */
   1628     if (outputThumbnail) {
   1629         ret = encodeJpegYU12(thumbSize, yu12Thumb,
   1630                 thumbQuality, 0, 0,
   1631                 &thumbCode[0], maxThumbCodeSize, thumbCodeSize);
   1633         if (ret != 0) {
   1634             return lfail("%s: thumbnail encodeJpegYU12 failed with %d",__FUNCTION__, ret);
   1635         }
   1636     }
   1638     /* Combine camera characteristics with request settings to form EXIF
   1639      * metadata */
   1640     common::V1_0::helper::CameraMetadata meta(parent->mCameraCharacteristics);
   1641     meta.append(req->setting);
   1643     /* Generate EXIF object */
   1644     std::unique_ptr<ExifUtils> utils(ExifUtils::create());
   1645     /* Make sure it's initialized */
   1646     utils->initialize();
   1648     utils->setFromMetadata(meta, jpegSize.width, jpegSize.height);
   1649     utils->setMake(mExifMake);
   1650     utils->setModel(mExifModel);
   1652     ret = utils->generateApp1(outputThumbnail ? &thumbCode[0] : 0, thumbCodeSize);
   1654     if (!ret) {
   1655         return lfail("%s: generating APP1 failed", __FUNCTION__);
   1656     }
   1658     /* Get internal buffer */
   1659     size_t exifDataSize = utils->getApp1Length();
   1660     const uint8_t* exifData = utils->getApp1Buffer();
   1662     /* Lock the HAL jpeg code buffer */
   1663     void *bufPtr = sHandleImporter.lock(
   1664             *(halBuf.bufPtr), halBuf.usage, maxJpegCodeSize);
   1666     if (!bufPtr) {
   1667         return lfail("%s: could not lock %zu bytes", __FUNCTION__, maxJpegCodeSize);
   1668     }
   1670     /* Encode the main jpeg image */
   1671     ret = encodeJpegYU12(jpegSize, yu12Main,
   1672             jpegQuality, exifData, exifDataSize,
   1673             bufPtr, maxJpegCodeSize, jpegCodeSize);
   1675     /* TODO: Not sure this belongs here, maybe better to pass jpegCodeSize out
   1676      * and do this when returning buffer to parent */
   1677     CameraBlob blob { CameraBlobId::JPEG, static_cast<uint32_t>(jpegCodeSize) };
   1678     void *blobDst =
   1679         reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(bufPtr) +
   1680                            maxJpegCodeSize -
   1681                            sizeof(CameraBlob));
   1682     memcpy(blobDst, &blob, sizeof(CameraBlob));
   1684     /* Unlock the HAL jpeg code buffer */
   1685     int relFence = sHandleImporter.unlock(*(halBuf.bufPtr));
   1686     if (relFence > 0) {
   1687         halBuf.acquireFence = relFence;
   1688     }
   1690     /* Check if our JPEG actually succeeded */
   1691     if (ret != 0) {
   1692         return lfail(
   1693             "%s: encodeJpegYU12 failed with %d",__FUNCTION__, ret);
   1694     }
   1696     ALOGV("%s: encoded JPEG (ret:%d) with Q:%d max size: %zu",
   1697           __FUNCTION__, ret, jpegQuality, maxJpegCodeSize);
   1699     return 0;
   1700 }
   1702 bool ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::threadLoop() {
   1703     std::shared_ptr<HalRequest> req;
   1704     auto parent = mParent.promote();
   1705     if (parent == nullptr) {
   1706        ALOGE("%s: session has been disconnected!", __FUNCTION__);
   1707        return false;
   1708     }
   1710     // TODO: maybe we need to setup a sensor thread to dq/enq v4l frames
   1711     //       regularly to prevent v4l buffer queue filled with stale buffers
   1712     //       when app doesn't program a preveiw request
   1713     waitForNextRequest(&req);
   1714     if (req == nullptr) {
   1715         // No new request, wait again
   1716         return true;
   1717     }
   1719     auto onDeviceError = [&](auto... args) {
   1720         ALOGE(args...);
   1721         parent->notifyError(
   1722                 req->frameNumber, /*stream*/-1, ErrorCode::ERROR_DEVICE);
   1723         signalRequestDone();
   1724         return false;
   1725     };
   1727     if (req->frameIn->mFourcc != V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG) {
   1728         return onDeviceError("%s: do not support V4L2 format %c%c%c%c", __FUNCTION__,
   1729                 req->frameIn->mFourcc & 0xFF,
   1730                 (req->frameIn->mFourcc >> 8) & 0xFF,
   1731                 (req->frameIn->mFourcc >> 16) & 0xFF,
   1732                 (req->frameIn->mFourcc >> 24) & 0xFF);
   1733     }
   1735     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mBufferLock);
   1736     // Convert input V4L2 frame to YU12 of the same size
   1737     // TODO: see if we can save some computation by converting to YV12 here
   1738     uint8_t* inData;
   1739     size_t inDataSize;
   1740     req->frameIn->map(&inData, &inDataSize);
   1741     // TODO: in some special case maybe we can decode jpg directly to gralloc output?
   1742     ATRACE_BEGIN("MJPGtoI420");
   1743     int res = libyuv::MJPGToI420(
   1744             inData, inDataSize,
   1745             static_cast<uint8_t*>(mYu12FrameLayout.y),
   1746             mYu12FrameLayout.yStride,
   1747             static_cast<uint8_t*>(mYu12FrameLayout.cb),
   1748             mYu12FrameLayout.cStride,
   1749             static_cast<uint8_t*>(mYu12FrameLayout.cr),
   1750             mYu12FrameLayout.cStride,
   1751             mYu12Frame->mWidth, mYu12Frame->mHeight,
   1752             mYu12Frame->mWidth, mYu12Frame->mHeight);
   1753     ATRACE_END();
   1755     if (res != 0) {
   1756         // For some webcam, the first few V4L2 frames might be malformed...
   1757         ALOGE("%s: Convert V4L2 frame to YU12 failed! res %d", __FUNCTION__, res);
   1758         lk.unlock();
   1759         Status st = parent->processCaptureRequestError(req);
   1760         if (st != Status::OK) {
   1761             return onDeviceError("%s: failed to process capture request error!", __FUNCTION__);
   1762         }
   1763         signalRequestDone();
   1764         return true;
   1765     }
   1767     ALOGV("%s processing new request", __FUNCTION__);
   1768     const int kSyncWaitTimeoutMs = 500;
   1769     for (auto& halBuf : req->buffers) {
   1770         if (halBuf.acquireFence != -1) {
   1771             int ret = sync_wait(halBuf.acquireFence, kSyncWaitTimeoutMs);
   1772             if (ret) {
   1773                 halBuf.fenceTimeout = true;
   1774             } else {
   1775                 ::close(halBuf.acquireFence);
   1776                 halBuf.acquireFence = -1;
   1777             }
   1778         }
   1780         if (halBuf.fenceTimeout) {
   1781             continue;
   1782         }
   1784         // Gralloc lockYCbCr the buffer
   1785         switch (halBuf.format) {
   1786             case PixelFormat::BLOB: {
   1787                 int ret = createJpegLocked(halBuf, req);
   1789                 if(ret != 0) {
   1790                     lk.unlock();
   1791                     return onDeviceError("%s: createJpegLocked failed with %d",
   1792                           __FUNCTION__, ret);
   1793                 }
   1794             } break;
   1795             case PixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888:
   1796             case PixelFormat::YV12: {
   1797                 IMapper::Rect outRect {0, 0,
   1798                         static_cast<int32_t>(halBuf.width),
   1799                         static_cast<int32_t>(halBuf.height)};
   1800                 YCbCrLayout outLayout = sHandleImporter.lockYCbCr(
   1801                         *(halBuf.bufPtr), halBuf.usage, outRect);
   1802                 ALOGV("%s: outLayout y %p cb %p cr %p y_str %d c_str %d c_step %d",
   1803                         __FUNCTION__, outLayout.y, outLayout.cb, outLayout.cr,
   1804                         outLayout.yStride, outLayout.cStride, outLayout.chromaStep);
   1806                 // Convert to output buffer size/format
   1807                 uint32_t outputFourcc = getFourCcFromLayout(outLayout);
   1808                 ALOGV("%s: converting to format %c%c%c%c", __FUNCTION__,
   1809                         outputFourcc & 0xFF,
   1810                         (outputFourcc >> 8) & 0xFF,
   1811                         (outputFourcc >> 16) & 0xFF,
   1812                         (outputFourcc >> 24) & 0xFF);
   1814                 YCbCrLayout cropAndScaled;
   1815                 ATRACE_BEGIN("cropAndScaleLocked");
   1816                 int ret = cropAndScaleLocked(
   1817                         mYu12Frame,
   1818                         Size { halBuf.width, halBuf.height },
   1819                         &cropAndScaled);
   1820                 ATRACE_END();
   1821                 if (ret != 0) {
   1822                     lk.unlock();
   1823                     return onDeviceError("%s: crop and scale failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1824                 }
   1826                 Size sz {halBuf.width, halBuf.height};
   1827                 ATRACE_BEGIN("formatConvertLocked");
   1828                 ret = formatConvertLocked(cropAndScaled, outLayout, sz, outputFourcc);
   1829                 ATRACE_END();
   1830                 if (ret != 0) {
   1831                     lk.unlock();
   1832                     return onDeviceError("%s: format coversion failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1833                 }
   1834                 int relFence = sHandleImporter.unlock(*(halBuf.bufPtr));
   1835                 if (relFence > 0) {
   1836                     halBuf.acquireFence = relFence;
   1837                 }
   1838             } break;
   1839             default:
   1840                 lk.unlock();
   1841                 return onDeviceError("%s: unknown output format %x", __FUNCTION__, halBuf.format);
   1842         }
   1843     } // for each buffer
   1844     mScaledYu12Frames.clear();
   1846     // Don't hold the lock while calling back to parent
   1847     lk.unlock();
   1848     Status st = parent->processCaptureResult(req);
   1849     if (st != Status::OK) {
   1850         return onDeviceError("%s: failed to process capture result!", __FUNCTION__);
   1851     }
   1852     signalRequestDone();
   1853     return true;
   1854 }
   1856 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::allocateIntermediateBuffers(
   1857         const Size& v4lSize, const Size& thumbSize,
   1858         const hidl_vec<Stream>& streams) {
   1859     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mBufferLock);
   1860     if (mScaledYu12Frames.size() != 0) {
   1861         ALOGE("%s: intermediate buffer pool has %zu inflight buffers! (expect 0)",
   1862                 __FUNCTION__, mScaledYu12Frames.size());
   1863         return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
   1864     }
   1866     // Allocating intermediate YU12 frame
   1867     if (mYu12Frame == nullptr || mYu12Frame->mWidth != v4lSize.width ||
   1868             mYu12Frame->mHeight != v4lSize.height) {
   1869         mYu12Frame.clear();
   1870         mYu12Frame = new AllocatedFrame(v4lSize.width, v4lSize.height);
   1871         int ret = mYu12Frame->allocate(&mYu12FrameLayout);
   1872         if (ret != 0) {
   1873             ALOGE("%s: allocating YU12 frame failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1874             return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
   1875         }
   1876     }
   1878     // Allocating intermediate YU12 thumbnail frame
   1879     if (mYu12ThumbFrame == nullptr ||
   1880         mYu12ThumbFrame->mWidth != thumbSize.width ||
   1881         mYu12ThumbFrame->mHeight != thumbSize.height) {
   1882         mYu12ThumbFrame.clear();
   1883         mYu12ThumbFrame = new AllocatedFrame(thumbSize.width, thumbSize.height);
   1884         int ret = mYu12ThumbFrame->allocate(&mYu12ThumbFrameLayout);
   1885         if (ret != 0) {
   1886             ALOGE("%s: allocating YU12 thumb frame failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1887             return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
   1888         }
   1889     }
   1891     // Allocating scaled buffers
   1892     for (const auto& stream : streams) {
   1893         Size sz = {stream.width, stream.height};
   1894         if (sz == v4lSize) {
   1895             continue; // Don't need an intermediate buffer same size as v4lBuffer
   1896         }
   1897         if (mIntermediateBuffers.count(sz) == 0) {
   1898             // Create new intermediate buffer
   1899             sp<AllocatedFrame> buf = new AllocatedFrame(stream.width, stream.height);
   1900             int ret = buf->allocate();
   1901             if (ret != 0) {
   1902                 ALOGE("%s: allocating intermediate YU12 frame %dx%d failed!",
   1903                             __FUNCTION__, stream.width, stream.height);
   1904                 return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
   1905             }
   1906             mIntermediateBuffers[sz] = buf;
   1907         }
   1908     }
   1910     // Remove unconfigured buffers
   1911     auto it = mIntermediateBuffers.begin();
   1912     while (it != mIntermediateBuffers.end()) {
   1913         bool configured = false;
   1914         auto sz = it->first;
   1915         for (const auto& stream : streams) {
   1916             if (stream.width == sz.width && stream.height == sz.height) {
   1917                 configured = true;
   1918                 break;
   1919             }
   1920         }
   1921         if (configured) {
   1922             it++;
   1923         } else {
   1924             it = mIntermediateBuffers.erase(it);
   1925         }
   1926     }
   1927     return Status::OK;
   1928 }
   1930 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::submitRequest(
   1931         const std::shared_ptr<HalRequest>& req) {
   1932     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mRequestListLock);
   1933     mRequestList.push_back(req);
   1934     lk.unlock();
   1935     mRequestCond.notify_one();
   1936     return Status::OK;
   1937 }
   1939 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::flush() {
   1940     ATRACE_CALL();
   1941     auto parent = mParent.promote();
   1942     if (parent == nullptr) {
   1943        ALOGE("%s: session has been disconnected!", __FUNCTION__);
   1944        return;
   1945     }
   1947     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mRequestListLock);
   1948     std::list<std::shared_ptr<HalRequest>> reqs = std::move(mRequestList);
   1949     mRequestList.clear();
   1950     if (mProcessingRequest) {
   1951         std::chrono::seconds timeout = std::chrono::seconds(kFlushWaitTimeoutSec);
   1952         auto st = mRequestDoneCond.wait_for(lk, timeout);
   1953         if (st == std::cv_status::timeout) {
   1954             ALOGE("%s: wait for inflight request finish timeout!", __FUNCTION__);
   1955         }
   1956     }
   1958     ALOGV("%s: flusing inflight requests", __FUNCTION__);
   1959     lk.unlock();
   1960     for (const auto& req : reqs) {
   1961         parent->processCaptureRequestError(req);
   1962     }
   1963 }
   1965 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::waitForNextRequest(
   1966         std::shared_ptr<HalRequest>* out) {
   1967     ATRACE_CALL();
   1968     if (out == nullptr) {
   1969         ALOGE("%s: out is null", __FUNCTION__);
   1970         return;
   1971     }
   1973     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mRequestListLock);
   1974     int waitTimes = 0;
   1975     while (mRequestList.empty()) {
   1976         if (exitPending()) {
   1977             return;
   1978         }
   1979         std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(kReqWaitTimeoutMs);
   1980         auto st = mRequestCond.wait_for(lk, timeout);
   1981         if (st == std::cv_status::timeout) {
   1982             waitTimes++;
   1983             if (waitTimes == kReqWaitTimesMax) {
   1984                 // no new request, return
   1985                 return;
   1986             }
   1987         }
   1988     }
   1989     *out = mRequestList.front();
   1990     mRequestList.pop_front();
   1991     mProcessingRequest = true;
   1992     mProcessingFrameNumer = (*out)->frameNumber;
   1993 }
   1995 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::signalRequestDone() {
   1996     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mRequestListLock);
   1997     mProcessingRequest = false;
   1998     mProcessingFrameNumer = 0;
   1999     lk.unlock();
   2000     mRequestDoneCond.notify_one();
   2001 }
   2003 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::OutputThread::dump(int fd) {
   2004     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mRequestListLock);
   2005     if (mProcessingRequest) {
   2006         dprintf(fd, "OutputThread processing frame %d\n", mProcessingFrameNumer);
   2007     } else {
   2008         dprintf(fd, "OutputThread not processing any frames\n");
   2009     }
   2010     dprintf(fd, "OutputThread request list contains frame: ");
   2011     for (const auto& req : mRequestList) {
   2012         dprintf(fd, "%d, ", req->frameNumber);
   2013     }
   2014     dprintf(fd, "\n");
   2015 }
   2017 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::cleanupBuffersLocked(int id) {
   2018     for (auto& pair : mCirculatingBuffers.at(id)) {
   2019         sHandleImporter.freeBuffer(pair.second);
   2020     }
   2021     mCirculatingBuffers[id].clear();
   2022     mCirculatingBuffers.erase(id);
   2023 }
   2025 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::updateBufferCaches(const hidl_vec<BufferCache>& cachesToRemove) {
   2026     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
   2027     for (auto& cache : cachesToRemove) {
   2028         auto cbsIt = mCirculatingBuffers.find(cache.streamId);
   2029         if (cbsIt == mCirculatingBuffers.end()) {
   2030             // The stream could have been removed
   2031             continue;
   2032         }
   2033         CirculatingBuffers& cbs = cbsIt->second;
   2034         auto it = cbs.find(cache.bufferId);
   2035         if (it != cbs.end()) {
   2036             sHandleImporter.freeBuffer(it->second);
   2037             cbs.erase(it);
   2038         } else {
   2039             ALOGE("%s: stream %d buffer %" PRIu64 " is not cached",
   2040                     __FUNCTION__, cache.streamId, cache.bufferId);
   2041         }
   2042     }
   2043 }
   2045 bool ExternalCameraDeviceSession::isSupported(const Stream& stream) {
   2046     int32_t ds = static_cast<int32_t>(stream.dataSpace);
   2047     PixelFormat fmt = stream.format;
   2048     uint32_t width = stream.width;
   2049     uint32_t height = stream.height;
   2050     // TODO: check usage flags
   2052     if (stream.streamType != StreamType::OUTPUT) {
   2053         ALOGE("%s: does not support non-output stream type", __FUNCTION__);
   2054         return false;
   2055     }
   2057     if (stream.rotation != StreamRotation::ROTATION_0) {
   2058         ALOGE("%s: does not support stream rotation", __FUNCTION__);
   2059         return false;
   2060     }
   2062     if (ds & Dataspace::DEPTH) {
   2063         ALOGI("%s: does not support depth output", __FUNCTION__);
   2064         return false;
   2065     }
   2067     switch (fmt) {
   2068         case PixelFormat::BLOB:
   2069             if (ds != static_cast<int32_t>(Dataspace::V0_JFIF)) {
   2070                 ALOGI("%s: BLOB format does not support dataSpace %x", __FUNCTION__, ds);
   2071                 return false;
   2072             }
   2073         case PixelFormat::IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED:
   2074         case PixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888:
   2075         case PixelFormat::YV12:
   2076             // TODO: check what dataspace we can support here.
   2077             // intentional no-ops.
   2078             break;
   2079         default:
   2080             ALOGI("%s: does not support format %x", __FUNCTION__, fmt);
   2081             return false;
   2082     }
   2084     // Assume we can convert any V4L2 format to any of supported output format for now, i.e,
   2085     // ignoring v4l2Fmt.fourcc for now. Might need more subtle check if we support more v4l format
   2086     // in the futrue.
   2087     for (const auto& v4l2Fmt : mSupportedFormats) {
   2088         if (width == v4l2Fmt.width && height == v4l2Fmt.height) {
   2089             return true;
   2090         }
   2091     }
   2092     ALOGI("%s: resolution %dx%d is not supported", __FUNCTION__, width, height);
   2093     return false;
   2094 }
   2096 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::v4l2StreamOffLocked() {
   2097     if (!mV4l2Streaming) {
   2098         return OK;
   2099     }
   2101     {
   2102         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mV4l2BufferLock);
   2103         if (mNumDequeuedV4l2Buffers != 0)  {
   2104             ALOGE("%s: there are %zu inflight V4L buffers",
   2105                 __FUNCTION__, mNumDequeuedV4l2Buffers);
   2106             return -1;
   2107         }
   2108     }
   2109     mV4L2BufferCount = 0;
   2111     // VIDIOC_STREAMOFF
   2112     v4l2_buf_type capture_type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2113     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &capture_type)) < 0) {
   2114         ALOGE("%s: STREAMOFF failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   2115         return -errno;
   2116     }
   2118     // VIDIOC_REQBUFS: clear buffers
   2119     v4l2_requestbuffers req_buffers{};
   2120     req_buffers.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2121     req_buffers.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
   2122     req_buffers.count = 0;
   2123     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &req_buffers)) < 0) {
   2124         ALOGE("%s: REQBUFS failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   2125         return -errno;
   2126     }
   2128     mV4l2Streaming = false;
   2129     return OK;
   2130 }
   2132 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::setV4l2FpsLocked(double fps) {
   2133     // VIDIOC_G_PARM/VIDIOC_S_PARM: set fps
   2134     v4l2_streamparm streamparm = { .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE };
   2135     // The following line checks that the driver knows about framerate get/set.
   2136     int ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_G_PARM, &streamparm));
   2137     if (ret != 0) {
   2138         if (errno == -EINVAL) {
   2139             ALOGW("%s: device does not support VIDIOC_G_PARM", __FUNCTION__);
   2140         }
   2141         return -errno;
   2142     }
   2143     // Now check if the device is able to accept a capture framerate set.
   2144     if (!(streamparm.parm.capture.capability & V4L2_CAP_TIMEPERFRAME)) {
   2145         ALOGW("%s: device does not support V4L2_CAP_TIMEPERFRAME", __FUNCTION__);
   2146         return -EINVAL;
   2147     }
   2149     // fps is float, approximate by a fraction.
   2150     const int kFrameRatePrecision = 10000;
   2151     streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.numerator = kFrameRatePrecision;
   2152     streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.denominator =
   2153         (fps * kFrameRatePrecision);
   2155     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_S_PARM, &streamparm)) < 0) {
   2156         ALOGE("%s: failed to set framerate to %f: %s", __FUNCTION__, fps, strerror(errno));
   2157         return -1;
   2158     }
   2160     double retFps = streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.denominator /
   2161             static_cast<double>(streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.numerator);
   2162     if (std::fabs(fps - retFps) > 1.0) {
   2163         ALOGE("%s: expect fps %f, got %f instead", __FUNCTION__, fps, retFps);
   2164         return -1;
   2165     }
   2166     mV4l2StreamingFps = fps;
   2167     return 0;
   2168 }
   2170 int ExternalCameraDeviceSession::configureV4l2StreamLocked(
   2171         const SupportedV4L2Format& v4l2Fmt, double requestFps) {
   2172     ATRACE_CALL();
   2173     int ret = v4l2StreamOffLocked();
   2174     if (ret != OK) {
   2175         ALOGE("%s: stop v4l2 streaming failed: ret %d", __FUNCTION__, ret);
   2176         return ret;
   2177     }
   2179     // VIDIOC_S_FMT w/h/fmt
   2180     v4l2_format fmt;
   2181     fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2182     fmt.fmt.pix.width = v4l2Fmt.width;
   2183     fmt.fmt.pix.height = v4l2Fmt.height;
   2184     fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = v4l2Fmt.fourcc;
   2185     ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt));
   2186     if (ret < 0) {
   2187         int numAttempt = 0;
   2188         while (ret < 0) {
   2189             ALOGW("%s: VIDIOC_S_FMT failed, wait 33ms and try again", __FUNCTION__);
   2190             usleep(IOCTL_RETRY_SLEEP_US); // sleep and try again
   2191             ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt));
   2192             if (numAttempt == MAX_RETRY) {
   2193                 break;
   2194             }
   2195             numAttempt++;
   2196         }
   2197         if (ret < 0) {
   2198             ALOGE("%s: S_FMT ioctl failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   2199             return -errno;
   2200         }
   2201     }
   2203     if (v4l2Fmt.width != fmt.fmt.pix.width || v4l2Fmt.height != fmt.fmt.pix.height ||
   2204             v4l2Fmt.fourcc != fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) {
   2205         ALOGE("%s: S_FMT expect %c%c%c%c %dx%d, got %c%c%c%c %dx%d instead!", __FUNCTION__,
   2206                 v4l2Fmt.fourcc & 0xFF,
   2207                 (v4l2Fmt.fourcc >> 8) & 0xFF,
   2208                 (v4l2Fmt.fourcc >> 16) & 0xFF,
   2209                 (v4l2Fmt.fourcc >> 24) & 0xFF,
   2210                 v4l2Fmt.width, v4l2Fmt.height,
   2211                 fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat & 0xFF,
   2212                 (fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 8) & 0xFF,
   2213                 (fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 16) & 0xFF,
   2214                 (fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 24) & 0xFF,
   2215                 fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height);
   2216         return -EINVAL;
   2217     }
   2218     uint32_t bufferSize = fmt.fmt.pix.sizeimage;
   2219     ALOGI("%s: V4L2 buffer size is %d", __FUNCTION__, bufferSize);
   2220     uint32_t expectedMaxBufferSize = kMaxBytesPerPixel * fmt.fmt.pix.width * fmt.fmt.pix.height;
   2221     if ((bufferSize == 0) || (bufferSize > expectedMaxBufferSize)) {
   2222         ALOGE("%s: V4L2 buffer size: %u looks invalid. Expected maximum size: %u", __FUNCTION__,
   2223                 bufferSize, expectedMaxBufferSize);
   2224         return -EINVAL;
   2225     }
   2226     mMaxV4L2BufferSize = bufferSize;
   2228     const double kDefaultFps = 30.0;
   2229     double fps = 1000.0;
   2230     if (requestFps != 0.0) {
   2231         fps = requestFps;
   2232     } else {
   2233         double maxFps = -1.0;
   2234         // Try to pick the slowest fps that is at least 30
   2235         for (const auto& fr : v4l2Fmt.frameRates) {
   2236             double f = fr.getDouble();
   2237             if (maxFps < f) {
   2238                 maxFps = f;
   2239             }
   2240             if (f >= kDefaultFps && f < fps) {
   2241                 fps = f;
   2242             }
   2243         }
   2244         if (fps == 1000.0) {
   2245             fps = maxFps;
   2246         }
   2247     }
   2249     int fpsRet = setV4l2FpsLocked(fps);
   2250     if (fpsRet != 0 && fpsRet != -EINVAL) {
   2251         ALOGE("%s: set fps failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(fpsRet));
   2252         return fpsRet;
   2253     }
   2255     uint32_t v4lBufferCount = (fps >= kDefaultFps) ?
   2256             mCfg.numVideoBuffers : mCfg.numStillBuffers;
   2257     // VIDIOC_REQBUFS: create buffers
   2258     v4l2_requestbuffers req_buffers{};
   2259     req_buffers.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2260     req_buffers.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
   2261     req_buffers.count = v4lBufferCount;
   2262     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &req_buffers)) < 0) {
   2263         ALOGE("%s: VIDIOC_REQBUFS failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   2264         return -errno;
   2265     }
   2267     // Driver can indeed return more buffer if it needs more to operate
   2268     if (req_buffers.count < v4lBufferCount) {
   2269         ALOGE("%s: VIDIOC_REQBUFS expected %d buffers, got %d instead",
   2270                 __FUNCTION__, v4lBufferCount, req_buffers.count);
   2271         return NO_MEMORY;
   2272     }
   2274     // VIDIOC_QUERYBUF:  get buffer offset in the V4L2 fd
   2275     // VIDIOC_QBUF: send buffer to driver
   2276     mV4L2BufferCount = req_buffers.count;
   2277     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < req_buffers.count; i++) {
   2278         v4l2_buffer buffer = {
   2279             .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE,
   2280             .index = i,
   2281             .memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP};
   2283         if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
   2284             ALOGE("%s: QUERYBUF %d failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, i,  strerror(errno));
   2285             return -errno;
   2286         }
   2288         if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_QBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
   2289             ALOGE("%s: QBUF %d failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, i,  strerror(errno));
   2290             return -errno;
   2291         }
   2292     }
   2294     // VIDIOC_STREAMON: start streaming
   2295     v4l2_buf_type capture_type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2296     ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_STREAMON, &capture_type));
   2297     if (ret < 0) {
   2298         int numAttempt = 0;
   2299         while (ret < 0) {
   2300             ALOGW("%s: VIDIOC_STREAMON failed, wait 33ms and try again", __FUNCTION__);
   2301             usleep(IOCTL_RETRY_SLEEP_US); // sleep 100 ms and try again
   2302             ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_STREAMON, &capture_type));
   2303             if (numAttempt == MAX_RETRY) {
   2304                 break;
   2305             }
   2306             numAttempt++;
   2307         }
   2308         if (ret < 0) {
   2309             ALOGE("%s: VIDIOC_STREAMON ioctl failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   2310             return -errno;
   2311         }
   2312     }
   2314     // Swallow first few frames after streamOn to account for bad frames from some devices
   2315     for (int i = 0; i < kBadFramesAfterStreamOn; i++) {
   2316         v4l2_buffer buffer{};
   2317         buffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2318         buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
   2319         if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
   2320             ALOGE("%s: DQBUF fails: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   2321             return -errno;
   2322         }
   2324         if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_QBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
   2325             ALOGE("%s: QBUF index %d fails: %s", __FUNCTION__, buffer.index, strerror(errno));
   2326             return -errno;
   2327         }
   2328     }
   2330     ALOGI("%s: start V4L2 streaming %dx%d@%ffps",
   2331                 __FUNCTION__, v4l2Fmt.width, v4l2Fmt.height, fps);
   2332     mV4l2StreamingFmt = v4l2Fmt;
   2333     mV4l2Streaming = true;
   2334     return OK;
   2335 }
   2337 sp<V4L2Frame> ExternalCameraDeviceSession::dequeueV4l2FrameLocked(/*out*/nsecs_t* shutterTs) {
   2338     ATRACE_CALL();
   2339     sp<V4L2Frame> ret = nullptr;
   2341     if (shutterTs == nullptr) {
   2342         ALOGE("%s: shutterTs must not be null!", __FUNCTION__);
   2343         return ret;
   2344     }
   2346     {
   2347         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mV4l2BufferLock);
   2348         if (mNumDequeuedV4l2Buffers == mV4L2BufferCount) {
   2349             int waitRet = waitForV4L2BufferReturnLocked(lk);
   2350             if (waitRet != 0) {
   2351                 return ret;
   2352             }
   2353         }
   2354     }
   2357     v4l2_buffer buffer{};
   2358     buffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2359     buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
   2360     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
   2361         ALOGE("%s: DQBUF fails: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   2362         return ret;
   2363     }
   2364     ATRACE_END();
   2366     if (buffer.index >= mV4L2BufferCount) {
   2367         ALOGE("%s: Invalid buffer id: %d", __FUNCTION__, buffer.index);
   2368         return ret;
   2369     }
   2371     if (buffer.flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_ERROR) {
   2372         ALOGE("%s: v4l2 buf error! buf flag 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, buffer.flags);
   2373         // TODO: try to dequeue again
   2374     }
   2376     if (buffer.bytesused > mMaxV4L2BufferSize) {
   2377         ALOGE("%s: v4l2 buffer bytes used: %u maximum %u", __FUNCTION__, buffer.bytesused,
   2378                 mMaxV4L2BufferSize);
   2379         return ret;
   2380     }
   2382     if (buffer.flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC) {
   2383         // Ideally we should also check for V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TSTAMP_SRC_SOE, but
   2384         // even V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TSTAMP_SRC_EOF is better than capture a timestamp now
   2385         *shutterTs = static_cast<nsecs_t>(buffer.timestamp.tv_sec)*1000000000LL +
   2386                 buffer.timestamp.tv_usec * 1000LL;
   2387     } else {
   2388         *shutterTs = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
   2389     }
   2391     {
   2392         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mV4l2BufferLock);
   2393         mNumDequeuedV4l2Buffers++;
   2394     }
   2395     return new V4L2Frame(
   2396             mV4l2StreamingFmt.width, mV4l2StreamingFmt.height, mV4l2StreamingFmt.fourcc,
   2397             buffer.index, mV4l2Fd.get(), buffer.bytesused, buffer.m.offset);
   2398 }
   2400 void ExternalCameraDeviceSession::enqueueV4l2Frame(const sp<V4L2Frame>& frame) {
   2401     ATRACE_CALL();
   2402     frame->unmap();
   2404     v4l2_buffer buffer{};
   2405     buffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
   2406     buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
   2407     buffer.index = frame->mBufferIndex;
   2408     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(mV4l2Fd.get(), VIDIOC_QBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
   2409         ALOGE("%s: QBUF index %d fails: %s", __FUNCTION__,
   2410                 frame->mBufferIndex, strerror(errno));
   2411         return;
   2412     }
   2413     ATRACE_END();
   2415     {
   2416         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mV4l2BufferLock);
   2417         mNumDequeuedV4l2Buffers--;
   2418     }
   2419     mV4L2BufferReturned.notify_one();
   2420 }
   2422 Status ExternalCameraDeviceSession::configureStreams(
   2423         const V3_2::StreamConfiguration& config, V3_3::HalStreamConfiguration* out) {
   2424     ATRACE_CALL();
   2425     if (config.operationMode != StreamConfigurationMode::NORMAL_MODE) {
   2426         ALOGE("%s: unsupported operation mode: %d", __FUNCTION__, config.operationMode);
   2427         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
   2428     }
   2430     if (config.streams.size() == 0) {
   2431         ALOGE("%s: cannot configure zero stream", __FUNCTION__);
   2432         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
   2433     }
   2435     int numProcessedStream = 0;
   2436     int numStallStream = 0;
   2437     for (const auto& stream : config.streams) {
   2438         // Check if the format/width/height combo is supported
   2439         if (!isSupported(stream)) {
   2440             return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
   2441         }
   2442         if (stream.format == PixelFormat::BLOB) {
   2443             numStallStream++;
   2444         } else {
   2445             numProcessedStream++;
   2446         }
   2447     }
   2449     if (numProcessedStream > kMaxProcessedStream) {
   2450         ALOGE("%s: too many processed streams (expect <= %d, got %d)", __FUNCTION__,
   2451                 kMaxProcessedStream, numProcessedStream);
   2452         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
   2453     }
   2455     if (numStallStream > kMaxStallStream) {
   2456         ALOGE("%s: too many stall streams (expect <= %d, got %d)", __FUNCTION__,
   2457                 kMaxStallStream, numStallStream);
   2458         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
   2459     }
   2461     Status status = initStatus();
   2462     if (status != Status::OK) {
   2463         return status;
   2464     }
   2467     {
   2468         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mInflightFramesLock);
   2469         if (!mInflightFrames.empty()) {
   2470             ALOGE("%s: trying to configureStreams while there are still %zu inflight frames!",
   2471                     __FUNCTION__, mInflightFrames.size());
   2472             return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
   2473         }
   2474     }
   2476     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
   2477     // Add new streams
   2478     for (const auto& stream : config.streams) {
   2479         if (mStreamMap.count(stream.id) == 0) {
   2480             mStreamMap[stream.id] = stream;
   2481             mCirculatingBuffers.emplace(stream.id, CirculatingBuffers{});
   2482         }
   2483     }
   2485     // Cleanup removed streams
   2486     for(auto it = mStreamMap.begin(); it != mStreamMap.end();) {
   2487         int id = it->first;
   2488         bool found = false;
   2489         for (const auto& stream : config.streams) {
   2490             if (id == stream.id) {
   2491                 found = true;
   2492                 break;
   2493             }
   2494         }
   2495         if (!found) {
   2496             // Unmap all buffers of deleted stream
   2497             cleanupBuffersLocked(id);
   2498             it = mStreamMap.erase(it);
   2499         } else {
   2500             ++it;
   2501         }
   2502     }
   2504     // Now select a V4L2 format to produce all output streams
   2505     float desiredAr = (mCroppingType == VERTICAL) ? kMaxAspectRatio : kMinAspectRatio;
   2506     uint32_t maxDim = 0;
   2507     for (const auto& stream : config.streams) {
   2508         float aspectRatio = ASPECT_RATIO(stream);
   2509         ALOGI("%s: request stream %dx%d", __FUNCTION__, stream.width, stream.height);
   2510         if ((mCroppingType == VERTICAL && aspectRatio < desiredAr) ||
   2511                 (mCroppingType == HORIZONTAL && aspectRatio > desiredAr)) {
   2512             desiredAr = aspectRatio;
   2513         }
   2515         // The dimension that's not cropped
   2516         uint32_t dim = (mCroppingType == VERTICAL) ? stream.width : stream.height;
   2517         if (dim > maxDim) {
   2518             maxDim = dim;
   2519         }
   2520     }
   2521     // Find the smallest format that matches the desired aspect ratio and is wide/high enough
   2522     SupportedV4L2Format v4l2Fmt {.width = 0, .height = 0};
   2523     for (const auto& fmt : mSupportedFormats) {
   2524         uint32_t dim = (mCroppingType == VERTICAL) ? fmt.width : fmt.height;
   2525         if (dim >= maxDim) {
   2526             float aspectRatio = ASPECT_RATIO(fmt);
   2527             if (isAspectRatioClose(aspectRatio, desiredAr)) {
   2528                 v4l2Fmt = fmt;
   2529                 // since mSupportedFormats is sorted by width then height, the first matching fmt
   2530                 // will be the smallest one with matching aspect ratio
   2531                 break;
   2532             }
   2533         }
   2534     }
   2535     if (v4l2Fmt.width == 0) {
   2536         // Cannot find exact good aspect ratio candidate, try to find a close one
   2537         for (const auto& fmt : mSupportedFormats) {
   2538             uint32_t dim = (mCroppingType == VERTICAL) ? fmt.width : fmt.height;
   2539             if (dim >= maxDim) {
   2540                 float aspectRatio = ASPECT_RATIO(fmt);
   2541                 if ((mCroppingType == VERTICAL && aspectRatio < desiredAr) ||
   2542                         (mCroppingType == HORIZONTAL && aspectRatio > desiredAr)) {
   2543                     v4l2Fmt = fmt;
   2544                     break;
   2545                 }
   2546             }
   2547         }
   2548     }
   2550     if (v4l2Fmt.width == 0) {
   2551         ALOGE("%s: unable to find a resolution matching (%s at least %d, aspect ratio %f)"
   2552                 , __FUNCTION__, (mCroppingType == VERTICAL) ? "width" : "height",
   2553                 maxDim, desiredAr);
   2554         return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
   2555     }
   2557     if (configureV4l2StreamLocked(v4l2Fmt) != 0) {
   2558         ALOGE("V4L configuration failed!, format:%c%c%c%c, w %d, h %d",
   2559             v4l2Fmt.fourcc & 0xFF,
   2560             (v4l2Fmt.fourcc >> 8) & 0xFF,
   2561             (v4l2Fmt.fourcc >> 16) & 0xFF,
   2562             (v4l2Fmt.fourcc >> 24) & 0xFF,
   2563             v4l2Fmt.width, v4l2Fmt.height);
   2564         return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
   2565     }
   2567     Size v4lSize = {v4l2Fmt.width, v4l2Fmt.height};
   2568     Size thumbSize { 0, 0 };
   2569     camera_metadata_ro_entry entry =
   2570         mCameraCharacteristics.find(ANDROID_JPEG_AVAILABLE_THUMBNAIL_SIZES);
   2571     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < entry.count; i += 2) {
   2572         Size sz { static_cast<uint32_t>(entry.data.i32[i]),
   2573                   static_cast<uint32_t>(entry.data.i32[i+1]) };
   2574         if(sz.width * sz.height > thumbSize.width * thumbSize.height) {
   2575             thumbSize = sz;
   2576         }
   2577     }
   2579     if (thumbSize.width * thumbSize.height == 0) {
   2580         ALOGE("%s: non-zero thumbnail size not available", __FUNCTION__);
   2581         return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
   2582     }
   2584     status = mOutputThread->allocateIntermediateBuffers(v4lSize,
   2585                 mMaxThumbResolution, config.streams);
   2586     if (status != Status::OK) {
   2587         ALOGE("%s: allocating intermediate buffers failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   2588         return status;
   2589     }
   2591     out->streams.resize(config.streams.size());
   2592     for (size_t i = 0; i < config.streams.size(); i++) {
   2593         out->streams[i].overrideDataSpace = config.streams[i].dataSpace;
   2594         out->streams[i].v3_2.id = config.streams[i].id;
   2595         // TODO: double check should we add those CAMERA flags
   2596         mStreamMap[config.streams[i].id].usage =
   2597                 out->streams[i].v3_2.producerUsage = config.streams[i].usage |
   2598                 BufferUsage::CPU_WRITE_OFTEN |
   2599                 BufferUsage::CAMERA_OUTPUT;
   2600         out->streams[i].v3_2.consumerUsage = 0;
   2601         out->streams[i].v3_2.maxBuffers  = mV4L2BufferCount;
   2603         switch (config.streams[i].format) {
   2604             case PixelFormat::BLOB:
   2605             case PixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888:
   2606             case PixelFormat::YV12: // Used by SurfaceTexture
   2607                 // No override
   2608                 out->streams[i].v3_2.overrideFormat = config.streams[i].format;
   2609                 break;
   2610             case PixelFormat::IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED:
   2611                 // Override based on VIDEO or not
   2612                 out->streams[i].v3_2.overrideFormat =
   2613                         (config.streams[i].usage & BufferUsage::VIDEO_ENCODER) ?
   2614                         PixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888 : PixelFormat::YV12;
   2615                 // Save overridden formt in mStreamMap
   2616                 mStreamMap[config.streams[i].id].format = out->streams[i].v3_2.overrideFormat;
   2617                 break;
   2618             default:
   2619                 ALOGE("%s: unsupported format 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, config.streams[i].format);
   2620                 return Status::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
   2621         }
   2622     }
   2624     mFirstRequest = true;
   2625     return Status::OK;
   2626 }
   2628 bool ExternalCameraDeviceSession::isClosed() {
   2629     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
   2630     return mClosed;
   2631 }
   2633 #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
   2634 #define UPDATE(md, tag, data, size)               \
   2635 do {                                              \
   2636     if ((md).update((tag), (data), (size))) {     \
   2637         ALOGE("Update " #tag " failed!");         \
   2638         return BAD_VALUE;                         \
   2639     }                                             \
   2640 } while (0)
   2642 status_t ExternalCameraDeviceSession::initDefaultRequests() {
   2643     ::android::hardware::camera::common::V1_0::helper::CameraMetadata md;
   2645     const uint8_t aberrationMode = ANDROID_COLOR_CORRECTION_ABERRATION_MODE_OFF;
   2648     const int32_t exposureCompensation = 0;
   2649     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, &exposureCompensation, 1);
   2651     const uint8_t videoStabilizationMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE_OFF;
   2652     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE, &videoStabilizationMode, 1);
   2654     const uint8_t awbMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_MODE_AUTO;
   2655     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_MODE, &awbMode, 1);
   2657     const uint8_t aeMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON;
   2658     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_MODE, &aeMode, 1);
   2660     const uint8_t aePrecaptureTrigger = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_IDLE;
   2661     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, &aePrecaptureTrigger, 1);
   2663     const uint8_t afMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO;
   2664     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE, &afMode, 1);
   2666     const uint8_t afTrigger = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_IDLE;
   2667     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, &afTrigger, 1);
   2669     const uint8_t sceneMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_SCENE_MODE_DISABLED;
   2670     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_SCENE_MODE, &sceneMode, 1);
   2672     const uint8_t effectMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_EFFECT_MODE_OFF;
   2673     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_EFFECT_MODE, &effectMode, 1);
   2675     const uint8_t flashMode = ANDROID_FLASH_MODE_OFF;
   2676     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_FLASH_MODE, &flashMode, 1);
   2678     const int32_t thumbnailSize[] = {240, 180};
   2679     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, thumbnailSize, 2);
   2681     const uint8_t jpegQuality = 90;
   2682     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_JPEG_QUALITY, &jpegQuality, 1);
   2683     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY, &jpegQuality, 1);
   2685     const int32_t jpegOrientation = 0;
   2686     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_JPEG_ORIENTATION, &jpegOrientation, 1);
   2688     const uint8_t oisMode = ANDROID_LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE_OFF;
   2691     const uint8_t nrMode = ANDROID_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_OFF;
   2692     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE, &nrMode, 1);
   2694     const int32_t testPatternModes = ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_OFF;
   2695     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE, &testPatternModes, 1);
   2697     const uint8_t fdMode = ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_OFF;
   2700     const uint8_t hotpixelMode = ANDROID_STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE_OFF;
   2701     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE, &hotpixelMode, 1);
   2703     bool support30Fps = false;
   2704     int32_t maxFps = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
   2705     for (const auto& supportedFormat : mSupportedFormats) {
   2706         for (const auto& fr : supportedFormat.frameRates) {
   2707             int32_t framerateInt = static_cast<int32_t>(fr.getDouble());
   2708             if (maxFps < framerateInt) {
   2709                 maxFps = framerateInt;
   2710             }
   2711             if (framerateInt == 30) {
   2712                 support30Fps = true;
   2713                 break;
   2714             }
   2715         }
   2716         if (support30Fps) {
   2717             break;
   2718         }
   2719     }
   2720     int32_t defaultFramerate = support30Fps ? 30 : maxFps;
   2721     int32_t defaultFpsRange[] = {defaultFramerate / 2, defaultFramerate};
   2722     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE, defaultFpsRange, ARRAY_SIZE(defaultFpsRange));
   2724     uint8_t antibandingMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE_AUTO;
   2725     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE, &antibandingMode, 1);
   2727     const uint8_t controlMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_MODE_AUTO;
   2728     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_MODE, &controlMode, 1);
   2730     auto requestTemplates = hidl_enum_iterator<RequestTemplate>();
   2731     for (RequestTemplate type : requestTemplates) {
   2732         ::android::hardware::camera::common::V1_0::helper::CameraMetadata mdCopy = md;
   2733         uint8_t intent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_PREVIEW;
   2734         switch (type) {
   2735             case RequestTemplate::PREVIEW:
   2736                 intent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_PREVIEW;
   2737                 break;
   2738             case RequestTemplate::STILL_CAPTURE:
   2739                 intent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_STILL_CAPTURE;
   2740                 break;
   2741             case RequestTemplate::VIDEO_RECORD:
   2742                 intent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_VIDEO_RECORD;
   2743                 break;
   2744             case RequestTemplate::VIDEO_SNAPSHOT:
   2746                 break;
   2747             default:
   2748                 ALOGV("%s: unsupported RequestTemplate type %d", __FUNCTION__, type);
   2749                 continue;
   2750         }
   2751         UPDATE(mdCopy, ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT, &intent, 1);
   2753         camera_metadata_t* rawMd = mdCopy.release();
   2754         CameraMetadata hidlMd;
   2755         hidlMd.setToExternal(
   2756                 (uint8_t*) rawMd, get_camera_metadata_size(rawMd));
   2757         mDefaultRequests[type] = hidlMd;
   2758         free_camera_metadata(rawMd);
   2759     }
   2761     return OK;
   2762 }
   2764 status_t ExternalCameraDeviceSession::fillCaptureResult(
   2765         common::V1_0::helper::CameraMetadata &md, nsecs_t timestamp) {
   2766     // android.control
   2767     // For USB camera, we don't know the AE state. Set the state to converged to
   2768     // indicate the frame should be good to use. Then apps don't have to wait the
   2769     // AE state.
   2770     const uint8_t aeState = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_CONVERGED;
   2771     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE, &aeState, 1);
   2773     const uint8_t ae_lock = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_LOCK_OFF;
   2774     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_LOCK, &ae_lock, 1);
   2776     bool afTrigger = false;
   2777     {
   2778         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mAfTriggerLock);
   2779         afTrigger = mAfTrigger;
   2780         if (md.exists(ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER)) {
   2781             camera_metadata_entry entry = md.find(ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER);
   2782             if (entry.data.u8[0] == ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_START) {
   2783                 mAfTrigger = afTrigger = true;
   2784             } else if (entry.data.u8[0] == ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_CANCEL) {
   2785                 mAfTrigger = afTrigger = false;
   2786             }
   2787         }
   2788     }
   2790     // For USB camera, the USB camera handles everything and we don't have control
   2791     // over AF. We only simply fake the AF metadata based on the request
   2792     // received here.
   2793     uint8_t afState;
   2794     if (afTrigger) {
   2796     } else {
   2797         afState = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_STATE_INACTIVE;
   2798     }
   2799     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_STATE, &afState, 1);
   2801     // Set AWB state to converged to indicate the frame should be good to use.
   2802     const uint8_t awbState = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_STATE_CONVERGED;
   2803     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_STATE, &awbState, 1);
   2805     const uint8_t awbLock = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK_OFF;
   2806     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK, &awbLock, 1);
   2808     camera_metadata_ro_entry active_array_size =
   2809         mCameraCharacteristics.find(ANDROID_SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE);
   2811     if (active_array_size.count == 0) {
   2812         ALOGE("%s: cannot find active array size!", __FUNCTION__);
   2813         return -EINVAL;
   2814     }
   2816     const uint8_t flashState = ANDROID_FLASH_STATE_UNAVAILABLE;
   2817     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_FLASH_STATE, &flashState, 1);
   2819     // This means pipeline latency of X frame intervals. The maximum number is 4.
   2820     const uint8_t requestPipelineMaxDepth = 4;
   2821     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_REQUEST_PIPELINE_DEPTH, &requestPipelineMaxDepth, 1);
   2823     // android.scaler
   2824     const int32_t crop_region[] = {
   2825           active_array_size.data.i32[0], active_array_size.data.i32[1],
   2826           active_array_size.data.i32[2], active_array_size.data.i32[3],
   2827     };
   2828     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_SCALER_CROP_REGION, crop_region, ARRAY_SIZE(crop_region));
   2830     // android.sensor
   2831     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP, &timestamp, 1);
   2833     // android.statistics
   2834     const uint8_t lensShadingMapMode = ANDROID_STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP_MODE_OFF;
   2835     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP_MODE, &lensShadingMapMode, 1);
   2837     const uint8_t sceneFlicker = ANDROID_STATISTICS_SCENE_FLICKER_NONE;
   2838     UPDATE(md, ANDROID_STATISTICS_SCENE_FLICKER, &sceneFlicker, 1);
   2840     return OK;
   2841 }
   2843 #undef ARRAY_SIZE
   2844 #undef UPDATE
   2846 }  // namespace implementation
   2847 }  // namespace V3_4
   2848 }  // namespace device
   2849 }  // namespace camera
   2850 }  // namespace hardware
   2851 }  // namespace android