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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define LOG_TAG "Minikin"
     19 #include "minikin/Layout.h"
     21 #include <cmath>
     22 #include <iostream>
     23 #include <mutex>
     24 #include <string>
     25 #include <vector>
     27 #include <hb-icu.h>
     28 #include <hb-ot.h>
     29 #include <log/log.h>
     30 #include <unicode/ubidi.h>
     31 #include <unicode/utf16.h>
     32 #include <utils/JenkinsHash.h>
     33 #include <utils/LruCache.h>
     35 #include "minikin/Emoji.h"
     36 #include "minikin/HbUtils.h"
     37 #include "minikin/LayoutCache.h"
     38 #include "minikin/LayoutPieces.h"
     39 #include "minikin/Macros.h"
     41 #include "BidiUtils.h"
     42 #include "LayoutUtils.h"
     43 #include "LocaleListCache.h"
     44 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
     46 namespace minikin {
     48 namespace {
     50 struct SkiaArguments {
     51     const MinikinFont* font;
     52     const MinikinPaint* paint;
     53     FontFakery fakery;
     54 };
     56 static hb_position_t harfbuzzGetGlyphHorizontalAdvance(hb_font_t* /* hbFont */, void* fontData,
     57                                                        hb_codepoint_t glyph, void* /* userData */) {
     58     SkiaArguments* args = reinterpret_cast<SkiaArguments*>(fontData);
     59     float advance = args->font->GetHorizontalAdvance(glyph, *args->paint, args->fakery);
     60     return 256 * advance + 0.5;
     61 }
     63 static hb_bool_t harfbuzzGetGlyphHorizontalOrigin(hb_font_t* /* hbFont */, void* /* fontData */,
     64                                                   hb_codepoint_t /* glyph */,
     65                                                   hb_position_t* /* x */, hb_position_t* /* y */,
     66                                                   void* /* userData */) {
     67     // Just return true, following the way that Harfbuzz-FreeType implementation does.
     68     return true;
     69 }
     71 // TODO: Initialize in Zygote if it helps.
     72 hb_unicode_funcs_t* getUnicodeFunctions() {
     73     static hb_unicode_funcs_t* unicodeFunctions = nullptr;
     74     static std::once_flag once;
     75     std::call_once(once, [&]() {
     76         unicodeFunctions = hb_unicode_funcs_create(hb_icu_get_unicode_funcs());
     77         /* Disable the function used for compatibility decomposition */
     78         hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func(
     79                 unicodeFunctions,
     80                 [](hb_unicode_funcs_t*, hb_codepoint_t, hb_codepoint_t*, void*) -> unsigned int {
     81                     return 0;
     82                 },
     83                 nullptr, nullptr);
     84     });
     85     return unicodeFunctions;
     86 }
     88 // TODO: Initialize in Zygote if it helps.
     89 hb_font_funcs_t* getFontFuncs() {
     90     static hb_font_funcs_t* fontFuncs = nullptr;
     91     static std::once_flag once;
     92     std::call_once(once, [&]() {
     93         fontFuncs = hb_font_funcs_create();
     94         // Override the h_advance function since we can't use HarfBuzz's implemenation. It may
     95         // return the wrong value if the font uses hinting aggressively.
     96         hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_h_advance_func(fontFuncs, harfbuzzGetGlyphHorizontalAdvance, 0, 0);
     97         hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_h_origin_func(fontFuncs, harfbuzzGetGlyphHorizontalOrigin, 0, 0);
     98         hb_font_funcs_make_immutable(fontFuncs);
     99     });
    100     return fontFuncs;
    101 }
    103 // TODO: Initialize in Zygote if it helps.
    104 hb_font_funcs_t* getFontFuncsForEmoji() {
    105     static hb_font_funcs_t* fontFuncs = nullptr;
    106     static std::once_flag once;
    107     std::call_once(once, [&]() {
    108         fontFuncs = hb_font_funcs_create();
    109         // Don't override the h_advance function since we use HarfBuzz's implementation for emoji
    110         // for performance reasons.
    111         // Note that it is technically possible for a TrueType font to have outline and embedded
    112         // bitmap at the same time. We ignore modified advances of hinted outline glyphs in that
    113         // case.
    114         hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_h_origin_func(fontFuncs, harfbuzzGetGlyphHorizontalOrigin, 0, 0);
    115         hb_font_funcs_make_immutable(fontFuncs);
    116     });
    117     return fontFuncs;
    118 }
    120 }  // namespace
    122 void MinikinRect::join(const MinikinRect& r) {
    123     if (isEmpty()) {
    124         set(r);
    125     } else if (!r.isEmpty()) {
    126         mLeft = std::min(mLeft, r.mLeft);
    127         mTop = std::min(mTop, r.mTop);
    128         mRight = std::max(mRight, r.mRight);
    129         mBottom = std::max(mBottom, r.mBottom);
    130     }
    131 }
    133 void Layout::reset() {
    134     mGlyphs.clear();
    135     mFaces.clear();
    136     mBounds.setEmpty();
    137     mAdvances.clear();
    138     mExtents.clear();
    139     mAdvance = 0;
    140 }
    142 static bool isColorBitmapFont(const HbFontUniquePtr& font) {
    143     HbBlob cbdt(font, HB_TAG('C', 'B', 'D', 'T'));
    144     return cbdt;
    145 }
    147 static float HBFixedToFloat(hb_position_t v) {
    148     return scalbnf(v, -8);
    149 }
    151 static hb_position_t HBFloatToFixed(float v) {
    152     return scalbnf(v, +8);
    153 }
    155 void Layout::dump() const {
    156     for (size_t i = 0; i < mGlyphs.size(); i++) {
    157         const LayoutGlyph& glyph = mGlyphs[i];
    158         std::cout << glyph.glyph_id << ": " << glyph.x << ", " << glyph.y << std::endl;
    159     }
    160 }
    162 uint8_t Layout::findOrPushBackFace(const FakedFont& face) {
    163     MINIKIN_ASSERT(mFaces.size() < MAX_FAMILY_COUNT, "mFaces must not exceeds %d",
    164                    MAX_FAMILY_COUNT);
    165     uint8_t ix = 0;
    166     for (; ix < mFaces.size(); ix++) {
    167         if (mFaces[ix].font == face.font) {
    168             return ix;
    169         }
    170     }
    171     ix = mFaces.size();
    172     mFaces.push_back(face);
    173     return ix;
    174 }
    176 static hb_codepoint_t decodeUtf16(const uint16_t* chars, size_t len, ssize_t* iter) {
    177     UChar32 result;
    178     U16_NEXT(chars, *iter, (ssize_t)len, result);
    179     if (U_IS_SURROGATE(result)) {  // isolated surrogate
    180         result = 0xFFFDu;          // U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
    181     }
    182     return (hb_codepoint_t)result;
    183 }
    185 static hb_script_t getScriptRun(const uint16_t* chars, size_t len, ssize_t* iter) {
    186     if (size_t(*iter) == len) {
    187         return HB_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN;
    188     }
    189     uint32_t cp = decodeUtf16(chars, len, iter);
    190     hb_script_t current_script = hb_unicode_script(getUnicodeFunctions(), cp);
    191     for (;;) {
    192         if (size_t(*iter) == len) break;
    193         const ssize_t prev_iter = *iter;
    194         cp = decodeUtf16(chars, len, iter);
    195         const hb_script_t script = hb_unicode_script(getUnicodeFunctions(), cp);
    196         if (script != current_script) {
    197             if (current_script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED || current_script == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON) {
    198                 current_script = script;
    199             } else if (script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED || script == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON) {
    200                 continue;
    201             } else {
    202                 *iter = prev_iter;
    203                 break;
    204             }
    205         }
    206     }
    207     if (current_script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED) {
    208         current_script = HB_SCRIPT_COMMON;
    209     }
    211     return current_script;
    212 }
    214 /**
    215  * Disable certain scripts (mostly those with cursive connection) from having letterspacing
    216  * applied. See https://github.com/behdad/harfbuzz/issues/64 for more details.
    217  */
    218 static bool isScriptOkForLetterspacing(hb_script_t script) {
    219     return !(script == HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC || script == HB_SCRIPT_NKO ||
    220              script == HB_SCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI || script == HB_SCRIPT_MANDAIC ||
    221              script == HB_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN || script == HB_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA ||
    222              script == HB_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI || script == HB_SCRIPT_BENGALI ||
    223              script == HB_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI || script == HB_SCRIPT_MODI ||
    224              script == HB_SCRIPT_SHARADA || script == HB_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI ||
    225              script == HB_SCRIPT_TIRHUTA || script == HB_SCRIPT_OGHAM);
    226 }
    228 void Layout::doLayout(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range, Bidi bidiFlags,
    229                       const MinikinPaint& paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
    230                       EndHyphenEdit endHyphen) {
    231     const uint32_t count = range.getLength();
    232     reset();
    233     mAdvances.resize(count, 0);
    234     mExtents.resize(count);
    236     for (const BidiText::RunInfo& runInfo : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlags)) {
    237         doLayoutRunCached(textBuf, runInfo.range, runInfo.isRtl, paint, range.getStart(),
    238                           startHyphen, endHyphen, nullptr, this, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
    239                           nullptr);
    240     }
    241 }
    243 void Layout::doLayoutWithPrecomputedPieces(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range,
    244                                            Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint& paint,
    245                                            StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
    246                                            const LayoutPieces& lpIn) {
    247     const uint32_t count = range.getLength();
    248     reset();
    249     mAdvances.resize(count, 0);
    250     mExtents.resize(count);
    252     for (const BidiText::RunInfo& runInfo : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlags)) {
    253         doLayoutRunCached(textBuf, runInfo.range, runInfo.isRtl, paint, range.getStart(),
    254                           startHyphen, endHyphen, &lpIn, this, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    255     }
    256 }
    258 std::pair<float, MinikinRect> Layout::getBoundsWithPrecomputedPieces(const U16StringPiece& textBuf,
    259                                                                      const Range& range,
    260                                                                      Bidi bidiFlags,
    261                                                                      const MinikinPaint& paint,
    262                                                                      const LayoutPieces& pieces) {
    263     MinikinRect rect;
    264     float advance = 0;
    265     for (const BidiText::RunInfo& runInfo : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlags)) {
    266         advance += doLayoutRunCached(textBuf, runInfo.range, runInfo.isRtl, paint, 0,
    267                                      StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, &pieces,
    268                                      nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &rect, nullptr);
    269     }
    270     return std::make_pair(advance, rect);
    271 }
    273 float Layout::measureText(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range, Bidi bidiFlags,
    274                           const MinikinPaint& paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
    275                           EndHyphenEdit endHyphen, float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
    276                           LayoutPieces* pieces) {
    277     float advance = 0;
    278     for (const BidiText::RunInfo& runInfo : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlags)) {
    279         const size_t offset = range.toRangeOffset(runInfo.range.getStart());
    280         float* advancesForRun = advances ? advances + offset : nullptr;
    281         MinikinExtent* extentsForRun = extents ? extents + offset : nullptr;
    282         advance += doLayoutRunCached(textBuf, runInfo.range, runInfo.isRtl, paint, 0, startHyphen,
    283                                      endHyphen, nullptr, nullptr, advancesForRun, extentsForRun,
    284                                      nullptr, pieces);
    285     }
    286     return advance;
    287 }
    289 float Layout::doLayoutRunCached(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range, bool isRtl,
    290                                 const MinikinPaint& paint, size_t dstStart,
    291                                 StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
    292                                 const LayoutPieces* lpIn, Layout* layout, float* advances,
    293                                 MinikinExtent* extents, MinikinRect* bounds, LayoutPieces* lpOut) {
    294     if (!range.isValid()) {
    295         return 0.0f;  // ICU failed to retrieve the bidi run?
    296     }
    297     const uint16_t* buf = textBuf.data();
    298     const uint32_t bufSize = textBuf.size();
    299     const uint32_t start = range.getStart();
    300     const uint32_t end = range.getEnd();
    301     float advance = 0;
    302     if (!isRtl) {
    303         // left to right
    304         uint32_t wordstart =
    305                 start == bufSize ? start : getPrevWordBreakForCache(buf, start + 1, bufSize);
    306         uint32_t wordend;
    307         for (size_t iter = start; iter < end; iter = wordend) {
    308             wordend = getNextWordBreakForCache(buf, iter, bufSize);
    309             const uint32_t wordcount = std::min(end, wordend) - iter;
    310             const uint32_t offset = iter - start;
    311             advance += doLayoutWord(buf + wordstart, iter - wordstart, wordcount,
    312                                     wordend - wordstart, isRtl, paint, iter - dstStart,
    313                                     // Only apply hyphen to the first or last word in the string.
    314                                     iter == start ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
    315                                     wordend >= end ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, lpIn,
    316                                     layout, advances ? advances + offset : nullptr,
    317                                     extents ? extents + offset : nullptr, bounds, lpOut);
    318             wordstart = wordend;
    319         }
    320     } else {
    321         // right to left
    322         uint32_t wordstart;
    323         uint32_t wordend = end == 0 ? 0 : getNextWordBreakForCache(buf, end - 1, bufSize);
    324         for (size_t iter = end; iter > start; iter = wordstart) {
    325             wordstart = getPrevWordBreakForCache(buf, iter, bufSize);
    326             uint32_t bufStart = std::max(start, wordstart);
    327             const uint32_t offset = bufStart - start;
    328             advance += doLayoutWord(buf + wordstart, bufStart - wordstart, iter - bufStart,
    329                                     wordend - wordstart, isRtl, paint, bufStart - dstStart,
    330                                     // Only apply hyphen to the first (rightmost) or last (leftmost)
    331                                     // word in the string.
    332                                     wordstart <= start ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
    333                                     iter == end ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, lpIn, layout,
    334                                     advances ? advances + offset : nullptr,
    335                                     extents ? extents + offset : nullptr, bounds, lpOut);
    336             wordend = wordstart;
    337         }
    338     }
    339     return advance;
    340 }
    342 class LayoutAppendFunctor {
    343 public:
    344     LayoutAppendFunctor(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range,
    345                         const MinikinPaint& paint, bool dir, StartHyphenEdit startEdit,
    346                         EndHyphenEdit endEdit, Layout* layout, float* advances,
    347                         MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutPieces* pieces, float* totalAdvance,
    348                         MinikinRect* bounds, uint32_t outOffset, float wordSpacing)
    349             : mTextBuf(textBuf),
    350               mRange(range),
    351               mPaint(paint),
    352               mDir(dir),
    353               mStartEdit(startEdit),
    354               mEndEdit(endEdit),
    355               mLayout(layout),
    356               mAdvances(advances),
    357               mExtents(extents),
    358               mPieces(pieces),
    359               mTotalAdvance(totalAdvance),
    360               mBounds(bounds),
    361               mOutOffset(outOffset),
    362               mWordSpacing(wordSpacing) {}
    364     void operator()(const Layout& layout) {
    365         if (mLayout) {
    366             mLayout->appendLayout(layout, mOutOffset, mWordSpacing);
    367         }
    368         if (mAdvances) {
    369             layout.getAdvances(mAdvances);
    370         }
    371         if (mTotalAdvance) {
    372             *mTotalAdvance = layout.getAdvance();
    373         }
    374         if (mExtents) {
    375             layout.getExtents(mExtents);
    376         }
    377         if (mBounds) {
    378             mBounds->join(layout.getBounds());
    379         }
    380         if (mPieces) {
    381             mPieces->insert(mTextBuf, mRange, mPaint, mDir, mStartEdit, mEndEdit, layout);
    382         }
    383     }
    385 private:
    386     const U16StringPiece& mTextBuf;
    387     const Range& mRange;
    388     const MinikinPaint& mPaint;
    389     bool mDir;
    390     StartHyphenEdit mStartEdit;
    391     EndHyphenEdit mEndEdit;
    392     Layout* mLayout;
    393     float* mAdvances;
    394     MinikinExtent* mExtents;
    395     LayoutPieces* mPieces;
    396     float* mTotalAdvance;
    397     MinikinRect* mBounds;
    398     const uint32_t mOutOffset;
    399     const float mWordSpacing;
    400 };
    402 float Layout::doLayoutWord(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
    403                            bool isRtl, const MinikinPaint& paint, size_t bufStart,
    404                            StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
    405                            const LayoutPieces* lpIn, Layout* layout, float* advances,
    406                            MinikinExtent* extents, MinikinRect* bounds, LayoutPieces* lpOut) {
    407     float wordSpacing = count == 1 && isWordSpace(buf[start]) ? paint.wordSpacing : 0;
    408     float totalAdvance;
    410     const U16StringPiece textBuf(buf, bufSize);
    411     const Range range(start, start + count);
    412     LayoutAppendFunctor f(textBuf, range, paint, isRtl, startHyphen, endHyphen, layout, advances,
    413                           extents, lpOut, &totalAdvance, bounds, bufStart, wordSpacing);
    414     if (lpIn != nullptr) {
    415         lpIn->getOrCreate(textBuf, range, paint, isRtl, startHyphen, endHyphen, f);
    416     } else {
    417         LayoutCache::getInstance().getOrCreate(textBuf, range, paint, isRtl, startHyphen, endHyphen,
    418                                                f);
    419     }
    421     if (wordSpacing != 0) {
    422         totalAdvance += wordSpacing;
    423         if (advances) {
    424             advances[0] += wordSpacing;
    425         }
    426     }
    427     return totalAdvance;
    428 }
    430 static void addFeatures(const std::string& str, std::vector<hb_feature_t>* features) {
    431     SplitIterator it(str, ',');
    432     while (it.hasNext()) {
    433         StringPiece featureStr = it.next();
    434         static hb_feature_t feature;
    435         /* We do not allow setting features on ranges.  As such, reject any
    436          * setting that has non-universal range. */
    437         if (hb_feature_from_string(featureStr.data(), featureStr.size(), &feature) &&
    438             feature.start == 0 && feature.end == (unsigned int)-1) {
    439             features->push_back(feature);
    440         }
    441     }
    442 }
    444 static inline hb_codepoint_t determineHyphenChar(hb_codepoint_t preferredHyphen, hb_font_t* font) {
    445     hb_codepoint_t glyph;
    446     if (preferredHyphen == 0x058A    /* ARMENIAN_HYPHEN */
    447         || preferredHyphen == 0x05BE /* HEBREW PUNCTUATION MAQAF */
    448         || preferredHyphen == 0x1400 /* CANADIAN SYLLABIC HYPHEN */) {
    449         if (hb_font_get_nominal_glyph(font, preferredHyphen, &glyph)) {
    450             return preferredHyphen;
    451         } else {
    452             // The original hyphen requested was not supported. Let's try and see if the
    453             // Unicode hyphen is supported.
    454             preferredHyphen = CHAR_HYPHEN;
    455         }
    456     }
    457     if (preferredHyphen == CHAR_HYPHEN) { /* HYPHEN */
    458         // Fallback to ASCII HYPHEN-MINUS if the font didn't have a glyph for the preferred hyphen.
    459         // Note that we intentionally don't do anything special if the font doesn't have a
    460         // HYPHEN-MINUS either, so a tofu could be shown, hinting towards something missing.
    461         if (!hb_font_get_nominal_glyph(font, preferredHyphen, &glyph)) {
    462             return 0x002D;  // HYPHEN-MINUS
    463         }
    464     }
    465     return preferredHyphen;
    466 }
    468 template <typename HyphenEdit>
    469 static inline void addHyphenToHbBuffer(const HbBufferUniquePtr& buffer, const HbFontUniquePtr& font,
    470                                        HyphenEdit hyphen, uint32_t cluster) {
    471     const uint32_t* chars;
    472     size_t size;
    473     std::tie(chars, size) = getHyphenString(hyphen);
    474     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    475         hb_buffer_add(buffer.get(), determineHyphenChar(chars[i], font.get()), cluster);
    476     }
    477 }
    479 // Returns the cluster value assigned to the first codepoint added to the buffer, which can be used
    480 // to translate cluster values returned by HarfBuzz to input indices.
    481 static inline uint32_t addToHbBuffer(const HbBufferUniquePtr& buffer, const uint16_t* buf,
    482                                      size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
    483                                      ssize_t scriptRunStart, ssize_t scriptRunEnd,
    484                                      StartHyphenEdit inStartHyphen, EndHyphenEdit inEndHyphen,
    485                                      const HbFontUniquePtr& hbFont) {
    486     // Only hyphenate the very first script run for starting hyphens.
    487     const StartHyphenEdit startHyphen =
    488             (scriptRunStart == 0) ? inStartHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
    489     // Only hyphenate the very last script run for ending hyphens.
    490     const EndHyphenEdit endHyphen =
    491             (static_cast<size_t>(scriptRunEnd) == count) ? inEndHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
    493     // In the following code, we drop the pre-context and/or post-context if there is a
    494     // hyphen edit at that end. This is not absolutely necessary, since HarfBuzz uses
    495     // contexts only for joining scripts at the moment, e.g. to determine if the first or
    496     // last letter of a text range to shape should take a joining form based on an
    497     // adjacent letter or joiner (that comes from the context).
    498     //
    499     // TODO: Revisit this for:
    500     // 1. Desperate breaks for joining scripts like Arabic (where it may be better to keep
    501     //    the context);
    502     // 2. Special features like start-of-word font features (not implemented in HarfBuzz
    503     //    yet).
    505     // We don't have any start-of-line replacement edit yet, so we don't need to check for
    506     // those.
    507     if (isInsertion(startHyphen)) {
    508         // A cluster value of zero guarantees that the inserted hyphen will be in the same
    509         // cluster with the next codepoint, since there is no pre-context.
    510         addHyphenToHbBuffer(buffer, hbFont, startHyphen, 0 /* cluster */);
    511     }
    513     const uint16_t* hbText;
    514     int hbTextLength;
    515     unsigned int hbItemOffset;
    516     unsigned int hbItemLength = scriptRunEnd - scriptRunStart;  // This is >= 1.
    518     const bool hasEndInsertion = isInsertion(endHyphen);
    519     const bool hasEndReplacement = isReplacement(endHyphen);
    520     if (hasEndReplacement) {
    521         // Skip the last code unit while copying the buffer for HarfBuzz if it's a replacement. We
    522         // don't need to worry about non-BMP characters yet since replacements are only done for
    523         // code units at the moment.
    524         hbItemLength -= 1;
    525     }
    527     if (startHyphen == StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT) {
    528         // No edit at the beginning. Use the whole pre-context.
    529         hbText = buf;
    530         hbItemOffset = start + scriptRunStart;
    531     } else {
    532         // There's an edit at the beginning. Drop the pre-context and start the buffer at where we
    533         // want to start shaping.
    534         hbText = buf + start + scriptRunStart;
    535         hbItemOffset = 0;
    536     }
    538     if (endHyphen == EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT) {
    539         // No edit at the end, use the whole post-context.
    540         hbTextLength = (buf + bufSize) - hbText;
    541     } else {
    542         // There is an edit at the end. Drop the post-context.
    543         hbTextLength = hbItemOffset + hbItemLength;
    544     }
    546     hb_buffer_add_utf16(buffer.get(), hbText, hbTextLength, hbItemOffset, hbItemLength);
    548     unsigned int numCodepoints;
    549     hb_glyph_info_t* cpInfo = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer.get(), &numCodepoints);
    551     // Add the hyphen at the end, if there's any.
    552     if (hasEndInsertion || hasEndReplacement) {
    553         // When a hyphen is inserted, by assigning the added hyphen and the last
    554         // codepoint added to the HarfBuzz buffer to the same cluster, we can make sure
    555         // that they always remain in the same cluster, even if the last codepoint gets
    556         // merged into another cluster (for example when it's a combining mark).
    557         //
    558         // When a replacement happens instead, we want it to get the cluster value of
    559         // the character it's replacing, which is one "codepoint length" larger than
    560         // the last cluster. But since the character replaced is always just one
    561         // code unit, we can just add 1.
    562         uint32_t hyphenCluster;
    563         if (numCodepoints == 0) {
    564             // Nothing was added to the HarfBuzz buffer. This can only happen if
    565             // we have a replacement that is replacing a one-code unit script run.
    566             hyphenCluster = 0;
    567         } else {
    568             hyphenCluster = cpInfo[numCodepoints - 1].cluster + (uint32_t)hasEndReplacement;
    569         }
    570         addHyphenToHbBuffer(buffer, hbFont, endHyphen, hyphenCluster);
    571         // Since we have just added to the buffer, cpInfo no longer necessarily points to
    572         // the right place. Refresh it.
    573         cpInfo = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer.get(), nullptr /* we don't need the size */);
    574     }
    575     return cpInfo[0].cluster;
    576 }
    578 void Layout::doLayoutRun(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
    579                          bool isRtl, const MinikinPaint& paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
    580                          EndHyphenEdit endHyphen) {
    581     HbBufferUniquePtr buffer(hb_buffer_create());
    582     hb_buffer_set_unicode_funcs(buffer.get(), getUnicodeFunctions());
    583     std::vector<FontCollection::Run> items;
    584     paint.font->itemize(buf + start, count, paint, &items);
    586     std::vector<hb_feature_t> features;
    587     // Disable default-on non-required ligature features if letter-spacing
    588     // See http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-text-3/#letter-spacing-property
    589     // "When the effective spacing between two characters is not zero (due to
    590     // either justification or a non-zero value of letter-spacing), user agents
    591     // should not apply optional ligatures."
    592     if (fabs(paint.letterSpacing) > 0.03) {
    593         static const hb_feature_t no_liga = {HB_TAG('l', 'i', 'g', 'a'), 0, 0, ~0u};
    594         static const hb_feature_t no_clig = {HB_TAG('c', 'l', 'i', 'g'), 0, 0, ~0u};
    595         features.push_back(no_liga);
    596         features.push_back(no_clig);
    597     }
    598     addFeatures(paint.fontFeatureSettings, &features);
    600     std::vector<HbFontUniquePtr> hbFonts;
    601     double size = paint.size;
    602     double scaleX = paint.scaleX;
    604     float x = mAdvance;
    605     float y = 0;
    606     for (int run_ix = isRtl ? items.size() - 1 : 0;
    607          isRtl ? run_ix >= 0 : run_ix < static_cast<int>(items.size());
    608          isRtl ? --run_ix : ++run_ix) {
    609         FontCollection::Run& run = items[run_ix];
    610         const FakedFont& fakedFont = run.fakedFont;
    611         const uint8_t font_ix = findOrPushBackFace(fakedFont);
    612         if (hbFonts.size() == font_ix) {  // findOrPushBackFace push backed the new face.
    613             // We override some functions which are not thread safe.
    614             HbFontUniquePtr font(hb_font_create_sub_font(fakedFont.font->baseFont().get()));
    615             hb_font_set_funcs(
    616                     font.get(), isColorBitmapFont(font) ? getFontFuncsForEmoji() : getFontFuncs(),
    617                     new SkiaArguments({fakedFont.font->typeface().get(), &paint, fakedFont.fakery}),
    618                     [](void* data) { delete reinterpret_cast<SkiaArguments*>(data); });
    619             hbFonts.push_back(std::move(font));
    620         }
    621         const HbFontUniquePtr& hbFont = hbFonts[font_ix];
    623         MinikinExtent verticalExtent;
    624         fakedFont.font->typeface()->GetFontExtent(&verticalExtent, paint, fakedFont.fakery);
    625         std::fill(&mExtents[run.start], &mExtents[run.end], verticalExtent);
    627         hb_font_set_ppem(hbFont.get(), size * scaleX, size);
    628         hb_font_set_scale(hbFont.get(), HBFloatToFixed(size * scaleX), HBFloatToFixed(size));
    630         const bool is_color_bitmap_font = isColorBitmapFont(hbFont);
    632         // TODO: if there are multiple scripts within a font in an RTL run,
    633         // we need to reorder those runs. This is unlikely with our current
    634         // font stack, but should be done for correctness.
    636         // Note: scriptRunStart and scriptRunEnd, as well as run.start and run.end, run between 0
    637         // and count.
    638         ssize_t scriptRunEnd;
    639         for (ssize_t scriptRunStart = run.start; scriptRunStart < run.end;
    640              scriptRunStart = scriptRunEnd) {
    641             scriptRunEnd = scriptRunStart;
    642             hb_script_t script = getScriptRun(buf + start, run.end, &scriptRunEnd /* iterator */);
    643             // After the last line, scriptRunEnd is guaranteed to have increased, since the only
    644             // time getScriptRun does not increase its iterator is when it has already reached the
    645             // end of the buffer. But that can't happen, since if we have already reached the end
    646             // of the buffer, we should have had (scriptRunEnd == run.end), which means
    647             // (scriptRunStart == run.end) which is impossible due to the exit condition of the for
    648             // loop. So we can be sure that scriptRunEnd > scriptRunStart.
    650             double letterSpace = 0.0;
    651             double letterSpaceHalfLeft = 0.0;
    652             double letterSpaceHalfRight = 0.0;
    654             if (paint.letterSpacing != 0.0 && isScriptOkForLetterspacing(script)) {
    655                 letterSpace = paint.letterSpacing * size * scaleX;
    656                 if ((paint.paintFlags & LinearTextFlag) == 0) {
    657                     letterSpace = round(letterSpace);
    658                     letterSpaceHalfLeft = floor(letterSpace * 0.5);
    659                 } else {
    660                     letterSpaceHalfLeft = letterSpace * 0.5;
    661                 }
    662                 letterSpaceHalfRight = letterSpace - letterSpaceHalfLeft;
    663             }
    665             hb_buffer_clear_contents(buffer.get());
    666             hb_buffer_set_script(buffer.get(), script);
    667             hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer.get(), isRtl ? HB_DIRECTION_RTL : HB_DIRECTION_LTR);
    668             const LocaleList& localeList = LocaleListCache::getById(paint.localeListId);
    669             if (localeList.size() != 0) {
    670                 hb_language_t hbLanguage = localeList.getHbLanguage(0);
    671                 for (size_t i = 0; i < localeList.size(); ++i) {
    672                     if (localeList[i].supportsHbScript(script)) {
    673                         hbLanguage = localeList.getHbLanguage(i);
    674                         break;
    675                     }
    676                 }
    677                 hb_buffer_set_language(buffer.get(), hbLanguage);
    678             }
    680             const uint32_t clusterStart =
    681                     addToHbBuffer(buffer, buf, start, count, bufSize, scriptRunStart, scriptRunEnd,
    682                                   startHyphen, endHyphen, hbFont);
    684             hb_shape(hbFont.get(), buffer.get(), features.empty() ? NULL : &features[0],
    685                      features.size());
    686             unsigned int numGlyphs;
    687             hb_glyph_info_t* info = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer.get(), &numGlyphs);
    688             hb_glyph_position_t* positions = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(buffer.get(), NULL);
    690             // At this point in the code, the cluster values in the info buffer correspond to the
    691             // input characters with some shift. The cluster value clusterStart corresponds to the
    692             // first character passed to HarfBuzz, which is at buf[start + scriptRunStart] whose
    693             // advance needs to be saved into mAdvances[scriptRunStart]. So cluster values need to
    694             // be reduced by (clusterStart - scriptRunStart) to get converted to indices of
    695             // mAdvances.
    696             const ssize_t clusterOffset = clusterStart - scriptRunStart;
    698             if (numGlyphs) {
    699                 mAdvances[info[0].cluster - clusterOffset] += letterSpaceHalfLeft;
    700                 x += letterSpaceHalfLeft;
    701             }
    702             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
    703                 const size_t clusterBaseIndex = info[i].cluster - clusterOffset;
    704                 if (i > 0 && info[i - 1].cluster != info[i].cluster) {
    705                     mAdvances[info[i - 1].cluster - clusterOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight;
    706                     mAdvances[clusterBaseIndex] += letterSpaceHalfLeft;
    707                     x += letterSpace;
    708                 }
    710                 hb_codepoint_t glyph_ix = info[i].codepoint;
    711                 float xoff = HBFixedToFloat(positions[i].x_offset);
    712                 float yoff = -HBFixedToFloat(positions[i].y_offset);
    713                 xoff += yoff * paint.skewX;
    714                 LayoutGlyph glyph = {font_ix, glyph_ix, x + xoff, y + yoff};
    715                 mGlyphs.push_back(glyph);
    716                 float xAdvance = HBFixedToFloat(positions[i].x_advance);
    717                 if ((paint.paintFlags & LinearTextFlag) == 0) {
    718                     xAdvance = roundf(xAdvance);
    719                 }
    720                 MinikinRect glyphBounds;
    721                 hb_glyph_extents_t extents = {};
    722                 if (is_color_bitmap_font &&
    723                     hb_font_get_glyph_extents(hbFont.get(), glyph_ix, &extents)) {
    724                     // Note that it is technically possible for a TrueType font to have outline and
    725                     // embedded bitmap at the same time. We ignore modified bbox of hinted outline
    726                     // glyphs in that case.
    727                     glyphBounds.mLeft = roundf(HBFixedToFloat(extents.x_bearing));
    728                     glyphBounds.mTop = roundf(HBFixedToFloat(-extents.y_bearing));
    729                     glyphBounds.mRight = roundf(HBFixedToFloat(extents.x_bearing + extents.width));
    730                     glyphBounds.mBottom =
    731                             roundf(HBFixedToFloat(-extents.y_bearing - extents.height));
    732                 } else {
    733                     fakedFont.font->typeface()->GetBounds(&glyphBounds, glyph_ix, paint,
    734                                                           fakedFont.fakery);
    735                 }
    736                 glyphBounds.offset(xoff, yoff);
    738                 if (clusterBaseIndex < count) {
    739                     mAdvances[clusterBaseIndex] += xAdvance;
    740                 } else {
    741                     ALOGE("cluster %zu (start %zu) out of bounds of count %zu", clusterBaseIndex,
    742                           start, count);
    743                 }
    744                 glyphBounds.offset(x, y);
    745                 mBounds.join(glyphBounds);
    746                 x += xAdvance;
    747             }
    748             if (numGlyphs) {
    749                 mAdvances[info[numGlyphs - 1].cluster - clusterOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight;
    750                 x += letterSpaceHalfRight;
    751             }
    752         }
    753     }
    754     mAdvance = x;
    755 }
    757 void Layout::appendLayout(const Layout& src, size_t start, float extraAdvance) {
    758     int fontMapStack[16];
    759     int* fontMap;
    760     if (src.mFaces.size() < sizeof(fontMapStack) / sizeof(fontMapStack[0])) {
    761         fontMap = fontMapStack;
    762     } else {
    763         fontMap = new int[src.mFaces.size()];
    764     }
    765     for (size_t i = 0; i < src.mFaces.size(); i++) {
    766         uint8_t font_ix = findOrPushBackFace(src.mFaces[i]);
    767         fontMap[i] = font_ix;
    768     }
    769     int x0 = mAdvance;
    770     for (size_t i = 0; i < src.mGlyphs.size(); i++) {
    771         const LayoutGlyph& srcGlyph = src.mGlyphs[i];
    772         int font_ix = fontMap[srcGlyph.font_ix];
    773         unsigned int glyph_id = srcGlyph.glyph_id;
    774         float x = x0 + srcGlyph.x;
    775         float y = srcGlyph.y;
    776         LayoutGlyph glyph = {font_ix, glyph_id, x, y};
    777         mGlyphs.push_back(glyph);
    778     }
    779     for (size_t i = 0; i < src.mAdvances.size(); i++) {
    780         mAdvances[i + start] = src.mAdvances[i];
    781         if (i == 0) {
    782             mAdvances[start] += extraAdvance;
    783         }
    784         mExtents[i + start] = src.mExtents[i];
    785     }
    786     MinikinRect srcBounds(src.mBounds);
    787     srcBounds.offset(x0, 0);
    788     mBounds.join(srcBounds);
    789     mAdvance += src.mAdvance + extraAdvance;
    791     if (fontMap != fontMapStack) {
    792         delete[] fontMap;
    793     }
    794 }
    796 size_t Layout::nGlyphs() const {
    797     return mGlyphs.size();
    798 }
    800 const MinikinFont* Layout::getFont(int i) const {
    801     const LayoutGlyph& glyph = mGlyphs[i];
    802     return mFaces[glyph.font_ix].font->typeface().get();
    803 }
    805 FontFakery Layout::getFakery(int i) const {
    806     const LayoutGlyph& glyph = mGlyphs[i];
    807     return mFaces[glyph.font_ix].fakery;
    808 }
    810 unsigned int Layout::getGlyphId(int i) const {
    811     const LayoutGlyph& glyph = mGlyphs[i];
    812     return glyph.glyph_id;
    813 }
    815 float Layout::getX(int i) const {
    816     const LayoutGlyph& glyph = mGlyphs[i];
    817     return glyph.x;
    818 }
    820 float Layout::getY(int i) const {
    821     const LayoutGlyph& glyph = mGlyphs[i];
    822     return glyph.y;
    823 }
    825 float Layout::getAdvance() const {
    826     return mAdvance;
    827 }
    829 void Layout::getAdvances(float* advances) const {
    830     memcpy(advances, &mAdvances[0], mAdvances.size() * sizeof(float));
    831 }
    833 void Layout::getExtents(MinikinExtent* extents) const {
    834     memcpy(extents, &mExtents[0], mExtents.size() * sizeof(MinikinExtent));
    835 }
    837 void Layout::getBounds(MinikinRect* bounds) const {
    838     bounds->set(mBounds);
    839 }
    841 void Layout::purgeCaches() {
    842     LayoutCache::getInstance().clear();
    843 }
    845 void Layout::dumpMinikinStats(int fd) {
    846     LayoutCache::getInstance().dumpStats(fd);
    847 }
    849 }  // namespace minikin