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      1 //===- lib/Support/YAMLTraits.cpp -----------------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                             The LLVM Linker
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
     11 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     12 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     13 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
     14 #include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
     15 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     16 #include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
     17 #include "llvm/Support/LineIterator.h"
     18 #include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
     19 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     20 #include <cctype>
     21 #include <cstring>
     22 using namespace llvm;
     23 using namespace yaml;
     25 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     26 //  IO
     27 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     29 IO::IO(void *Context) : Ctxt(Context) {
     30 }
     32 IO::~IO() {
     33 }
     35 void *IO::getContext() {
     36   return Ctxt;
     37 }
     39 void IO::setContext(void *Context) {
     40   Ctxt = Context;
     41 }
     43 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     44 //  Input
     45 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     47 Input::Input(StringRef InputContent,
     48              void *Ctxt,
     49              SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler,
     50              void *DiagHandlerCtxt)
     51   : IO(Ctxt),
     52     Strm(new Stream(InputContent, SrcMgr)),
     53     CurrentNode(nullptr) {
     54   if (DiagHandler)
     55     SrcMgr.setDiagHandler(DiagHandler, DiagHandlerCtxt);
     56   DocIterator = Strm->begin();
     57 }
     59 Input::~Input() {
     60 }
     62 std::error_code Input::error() { return EC; }
     64 // Pin the vtables to this file.
     65 void Input::HNode::anchor() {}
     66 void Input::EmptyHNode::anchor() {}
     67 void Input::ScalarHNode::anchor() {}
     68 void Input::MapHNode::anchor() {}
     69 void Input::SequenceHNode::anchor() {}
     71 bool Input::outputting() {
     72   return false;
     73 }
     75 bool Input::setCurrentDocument() {
     76   if (DocIterator != Strm->end()) {
     77     Node *N = DocIterator->getRoot();
     78     if (!N) {
     79       assert(Strm->failed() && "Root is NULL iff parsing failed");
     80       EC = make_error_code(errc::invalid_argument);
     81       return false;
     82     }
     84     if (isa<NullNode>(N)) {
     85       // Empty files are allowed and ignored
     86       ++DocIterator;
     87       return setCurrentDocument();
     88     }
     89     TopNode = this->createHNodes(N);
     90     CurrentNode = TopNode.get();
     91     return true;
     92   }
     93   return false;
     94 }
     96 bool Input::nextDocument() {
     97   return ++DocIterator != Strm->end();
     98 }
    100 const Node *Input::getCurrentNode() const {
    101   return CurrentNode ? CurrentNode->_node : nullptr;
    102 }
    104 bool Input::mapTag(StringRef Tag, bool Default) {
    105   std::string foundTag = CurrentNode->_node->getVerbatimTag();
    106   if (foundTag.empty()) {
    107     // If no tag found and 'Tag' is the default, say it was found.
    108     return Default;
    109   }
    110   // Return true iff found tag matches supplied tag.
    111   return Tag.equals(foundTag);
    112 }
    114 void Input::beginMapping() {
    115   if (EC)
    116     return;
    117   // CurrentNode can be null if the document is empty.
    118   MapHNode *MN = dyn_cast_or_null<MapHNode>(CurrentNode);
    119   if (MN) {
    120     MN->ValidKeys.clear();
    121   }
    122 }
    124 bool Input::preflightKey(const char *Key, bool Required, bool, bool &UseDefault,
    125                          void *&SaveInfo) {
    126   UseDefault = false;
    127   if (EC)
    128     return false;
    130   // CurrentNode is null for empty documents, which is an error in case required
    131   // nodes are present.
    132   if (!CurrentNode) {
    133     if (Required)
    134       EC = make_error_code(errc::invalid_argument);
    135     return false;
    136   }
    138   MapHNode *MN = dyn_cast<MapHNode>(CurrentNode);
    139   if (!MN) {
    140     setError(CurrentNode, "not a mapping");
    141     return false;
    142   }
    143   MN->ValidKeys.push_back(Key);
    144   HNode *Value = MN->Mapping[Key].get();
    145   if (!Value) {
    146     if (Required)
    147       setError(CurrentNode, Twine("missing required key '") + Key + "'");
    148     else
    149       UseDefault = true;
    150     return false;
    151   }
    152   SaveInfo = CurrentNode;
    153   CurrentNode = Value;
    154   return true;
    155 }
    157 void Input::postflightKey(void *saveInfo) {
    158   CurrentNode = reinterpret_cast<HNode *>(saveInfo);
    159 }
    161 void Input::endMapping() {
    162   if (EC)
    163     return;
    164   // CurrentNode can be null if the document is empty.
    165   MapHNode *MN = dyn_cast_or_null<MapHNode>(CurrentNode);
    166   if (!MN)
    167     return;
    168   for (const auto &NN : MN->Mapping) {
    169     if (!MN->isValidKey(NN.first())) {
    170       setError(NN.second.get(), Twine("unknown key '") + NN.first() + "'");
    171       break;
    172     }
    173   }
    174 }
    176 void Input::beginFlowMapping() { beginMapping(); }
    178 void Input::endFlowMapping() { endMapping(); }
    180 unsigned Input::beginSequence() {
    181   if (SequenceHNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceHNode>(CurrentNode))
    182     return SQ->Entries.size();
    183   if (isa<EmptyHNode>(CurrentNode))
    184     return 0;
    185   // Treat case where there's a scalar "null" value as an empty sequence.
    186   if (ScalarHNode *SN = dyn_cast<ScalarHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    187     if (isNull(SN->value()))
    188       return 0;
    189   }
    190   // Any other type of HNode is an error.
    191   setError(CurrentNode, "not a sequence");
    192   return 0;
    193 }
    195 void Input::endSequence() {
    196 }
    198 bool Input::preflightElement(unsigned Index, void *&SaveInfo) {
    199   if (EC)
    200     return false;
    201   if (SequenceHNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    202     SaveInfo = CurrentNode;
    203     CurrentNode = SQ->Entries[Index].get();
    204     return true;
    205   }
    206   return false;
    207 }
    209 void Input::postflightElement(void *SaveInfo) {
    210   CurrentNode = reinterpret_cast<HNode *>(SaveInfo);
    211 }
    213 unsigned Input::beginFlowSequence() { return beginSequence(); }
    215 bool Input::preflightFlowElement(unsigned index, void *&SaveInfo) {
    216   if (EC)
    217     return false;
    218   if (SequenceHNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    219     SaveInfo = CurrentNode;
    220     CurrentNode = SQ->Entries[index].get();
    221     return true;
    222   }
    223   return false;
    224 }
    226 void Input::postflightFlowElement(void *SaveInfo) {
    227   CurrentNode = reinterpret_cast<HNode *>(SaveInfo);
    228 }
    230 void Input::endFlowSequence() {
    231 }
    233 void Input::beginEnumScalar() {
    234   ScalarMatchFound = false;
    235 }
    237 bool Input::matchEnumScalar(const char *Str, bool) {
    238   if (ScalarMatchFound)
    239     return false;
    240   if (ScalarHNode *SN = dyn_cast<ScalarHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    241     if (SN->value().equals(Str)) {
    242       ScalarMatchFound = true;
    243       return true;
    244     }
    245   }
    246   return false;
    247 }
    249 bool Input::matchEnumFallback() {
    250   if (ScalarMatchFound)
    251     return false;
    252   ScalarMatchFound = true;
    253   return true;
    254 }
    256 void Input::endEnumScalar() {
    257   if (!ScalarMatchFound) {
    258     setError(CurrentNode, "unknown enumerated scalar");
    259   }
    260 }
    262 bool Input::beginBitSetScalar(bool &DoClear) {
    263   BitValuesUsed.clear();
    264   if (SequenceHNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    265     BitValuesUsed.insert(BitValuesUsed.begin(), SQ->Entries.size(), false);
    266   } else {
    267     setError(CurrentNode, "expected sequence of bit values");
    268   }
    269   DoClear = true;
    270   return true;
    271 }
    273 bool Input::bitSetMatch(const char *Str, bool) {
    274   if (EC)
    275     return false;
    276   if (SequenceHNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    277     unsigned Index = 0;
    278     for (auto &N : SQ->Entries) {
    279       if (ScalarHNode *SN = dyn_cast<ScalarHNode>(N.get())) {
    280         if (SN->value().equals(Str)) {
    281           BitValuesUsed[Index] = true;
    282           return true;
    283         }
    284       } else {
    285         setError(CurrentNode, "unexpected scalar in sequence of bit values");
    286       }
    287       ++Index;
    288     }
    289   } else {
    290     setError(CurrentNode, "expected sequence of bit values");
    291   }
    292   return false;
    293 }
    295 void Input::endBitSetScalar() {
    296   if (EC)
    297     return;
    298   if (SequenceHNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    299     assert(BitValuesUsed.size() == SQ->Entries.size());
    300     for (unsigned i = 0; i < SQ->Entries.size(); ++i) {
    301       if (!BitValuesUsed[i]) {
    302         setError(SQ->Entries[i].get(), "unknown bit value");
    303         return;
    304       }
    305     }
    306   }
    307 }
    309 void Input::scalarString(StringRef &S, bool) {
    310   if (ScalarHNode *SN = dyn_cast<ScalarHNode>(CurrentNode)) {
    311     S = SN->value();
    312   } else {
    313     setError(CurrentNode, "unexpected scalar");
    314   }
    315 }
    317 void Input::blockScalarString(StringRef &S) { scalarString(S, false); }
    319 void Input::setError(HNode *hnode, const Twine &message) {
    320   assert(hnode && "HNode must not be NULL");
    321   this->setError(hnode->_node, message);
    322 }
    324 void Input::setError(Node *node, const Twine &message) {
    325   Strm->printError(node, message);
    326   EC = make_error_code(errc::invalid_argument);
    327 }
    329 std::unique_ptr<Input::HNode> Input::createHNodes(Node *N) {
    330   SmallString<128> StringStorage;
    331   if (ScalarNode *SN = dyn_cast<ScalarNode>(N)) {
    332     StringRef KeyStr = SN->getValue(StringStorage);
    333     if (!StringStorage.empty()) {
    334       // Copy string to permanent storage
    335       KeyStr = StringStorage.str().copy(StringAllocator);
    336     }
    337     return llvm::make_unique<ScalarHNode>(N, KeyStr);
    338   } else if (BlockScalarNode *BSN = dyn_cast<BlockScalarNode>(N)) {
    339     StringRef ValueCopy = BSN->getValue().copy(StringAllocator);
    340     return llvm::make_unique<ScalarHNode>(N, ValueCopy);
    341   } else if (SequenceNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceNode>(N)) {
    342     auto SQHNode = llvm::make_unique<SequenceHNode>(N);
    343     for (Node &SN : *SQ) {
    344       auto Entry = this->createHNodes(&SN);
    345       if (EC)
    346         break;
    347       SQHNode->Entries.push_back(std::move(Entry));
    348     }
    349     return std::move(SQHNode);
    350   } else if (MappingNode *Map = dyn_cast<MappingNode>(N)) {
    351     auto mapHNode = llvm::make_unique<MapHNode>(N);
    352     for (KeyValueNode &KVN : *Map) {
    353       Node *KeyNode = KVN.getKey();
    354       ScalarNode *KeyScalar = dyn_cast<ScalarNode>(KeyNode);
    355       if (!KeyScalar) {
    356         setError(KeyNode, "Map key must be a scalar");
    357         break;
    358       }
    359       StringStorage.clear();
    360       StringRef KeyStr = KeyScalar->getValue(StringStorage);
    361       if (!StringStorage.empty()) {
    362         // Copy string to permanent storage
    363         KeyStr = StringStorage.str().copy(StringAllocator);
    364       }
    365       auto ValueHNode = this->createHNodes(KVN.getValue());
    366       if (EC)
    367         break;
    368       mapHNode->Mapping[KeyStr] = std::move(ValueHNode);
    369     }
    370     return std::move(mapHNode);
    371   } else if (isa<NullNode>(N)) {
    372     return llvm::make_unique<EmptyHNode>(N);
    373   } else {
    374     setError(N, "unknown node kind");
    375     return nullptr;
    376   }
    377 }
    379 bool Input::MapHNode::isValidKey(StringRef Key) {
    380   for (const char *K : ValidKeys) {
    381     if (Key.equals(K))
    382       return true;
    383   }
    384   return false;
    385 }
    387 void Input::setError(const Twine &Message) {
    388   this->setError(CurrentNode, Message);
    389 }
    391 bool Input::canElideEmptySequence() {
    392   return false;
    393 }
    395 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    396 //  Output
    397 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    399 Output::Output(raw_ostream &yout, void *context, int WrapColumn)
    400     : IO(context),
    401       Out(yout),
    402       WrapColumn(WrapColumn),
    403       Column(0),
    404       ColumnAtFlowStart(0),
    405       ColumnAtMapFlowStart(0),
    406       NeedBitValueComma(false),
    407       NeedFlowSequenceComma(false),
    408       EnumerationMatchFound(false),
    409       NeedsNewLine(false) {
    410 }
    412 Output::~Output() {
    413 }
    415 bool Output::outputting() {
    416   return true;
    417 }
    419 void Output::beginMapping() {
    420   StateStack.push_back(inMapFirstKey);
    421   NeedsNewLine = true;
    422 }
    424 bool Output::mapTag(StringRef Tag, bool Use) {
    425   if (Use) {
    426     // If this tag is being written inside a sequence we should write the start
    427     // of the sequence before writing the tag, otherwise the tag won't be
    428     // attached to the element in the sequence, but rather the sequence itself.
    429     bool SequenceElement =
    430         StateStack.size() > 1 && (StateStack[StateStack.size() - 2] == inSeq ||
    431           StateStack[StateStack.size() - 2] == inFlowSeq);
    432     if (SequenceElement && StateStack.back() == inMapFirstKey) {
    433       this->newLineCheck();
    434     } else {
    435       this->output(" ");
    436     }
    437     this->output(Tag);
    438     if (SequenceElement) {
    439       // If we're writing the tag during the first element of a map, the tag
    440       // takes the place of the first element in the sequence.
    441       if (StateStack.back() == inMapFirstKey) {
    442         StateStack.pop_back();
    443         StateStack.push_back(inMapOtherKey);
    444       }
    445       // Tags inside maps in sequences should act as keys in the map from a
    446       // formatting perspective, so we always want a newline in a sequence.
    447       NeedsNewLine = true;
    448     }
    449   }
    450   return Use;
    451 }
    453 void Output::endMapping() {
    454   StateStack.pop_back();
    455 }
    457 bool Output::preflightKey(const char *Key, bool Required, bool SameAsDefault,
    458                           bool &UseDefault, void *&) {
    459   UseDefault = false;
    460   if (Required || !SameAsDefault) {
    461     auto State = StateStack.back();
    462     if (State == inFlowMapFirstKey || State == inFlowMapOtherKey) {
    463       flowKey(Key);
    464     } else {
    465       this->newLineCheck();
    466       this->paddedKey(Key);
    467     }
    468     return true;
    469   }
    470   return false;
    471 }
    473 void Output::postflightKey(void *) {
    474   if (StateStack.back() == inMapFirstKey) {
    475     StateStack.pop_back();
    476     StateStack.push_back(inMapOtherKey);
    477   } else if (StateStack.back() == inFlowMapFirstKey) {
    478     StateStack.pop_back();
    479     StateStack.push_back(inFlowMapOtherKey);
    480   }
    481 }
    483 void Output::beginFlowMapping() {
    484   StateStack.push_back(inFlowMapFirstKey);
    485   this->newLineCheck();
    486   ColumnAtMapFlowStart = Column;
    487   output("{ ");
    488 }
    490 void Output::endFlowMapping() {
    491   StateStack.pop_back();
    492   this->outputUpToEndOfLine(" }");
    493 }
    495 void Output::beginDocuments() {
    496   this->outputUpToEndOfLine("---");
    497 }
    499 bool Output::preflightDocument(unsigned index) {
    500   if (index > 0)
    501     this->outputUpToEndOfLine("\n---");
    502   return true;
    503 }
    505 void Output::postflightDocument() {
    506 }
    508 void Output::endDocuments() {
    509   output("\n...\n");
    510 }
    512 unsigned Output::beginSequence() {
    513   StateStack.push_back(inSeq);
    514   NeedsNewLine = true;
    515   return 0;
    516 }
    518 void Output::endSequence() {
    519   StateStack.pop_back();
    520 }
    522 bool Output::preflightElement(unsigned, void *&) {
    523   return true;
    524 }
    526 void Output::postflightElement(void *) {
    527 }
    529 unsigned Output::beginFlowSequence() {
    530   StateStack.push_back(inFlowSeq);
    531   this->newLineCheck();
    532   ColumnAtFlowStart = Column;
    533   output("[ ");
    534   NeedFlowSequenceComma = false;
    535   return 0;
    536 }
    538 void Output::endFlowSequence() {
    539   StateStack.pop_back();
    540   this->outputUpToEndOfLine(" ]");
    541 }
    543 bool Output::preflightFlowElement(unsigned, void *&) {
    544   if (NeedFlowSequenceComma)
    545     output(", ");
    546   if (WrapColumn && Column > WrapColumn) {
    547     output("\n");
    548     for (int i = 0; i < ColumnAtFlowStart; ++i)
    549       output(" ");
    550     Column = ColumnAtFlowStart;
    551     output("  ");
    552   }
    553   return true;
    554 }
    556 void Output::postflightFlowElement(void *) {
    557   NeedFlowSequenceComma = true;
    558 }
    560 void Output::beginEnumScalar() {
    561   EnumerationMatchFound = false;
    562 }
    564 bool Output::matchEnumScalar(const char *Str, bool Match) {
    565   if (Match && !EnumerationMatchFound) {
    566     this->newLineCheck();
    567     this->outputUpToEndOfLine(Str);
    568     EnumerationMatchFound = true;
    569   }
    570   return false;
    571 }
    573 bool Output::matchEnumFallback() {
    574   if (EnumerationMatchFound)
    575     return false;
    576   EnumerationMatchFound = true;
    577   return true;
    578 }
    580 void Output::endEnumScalar() {
    581   if (!EnumerationMatchFound)
    582     llvm_unreachable("bad runtime enum value");
    583 }
    585 bool Output::beginBitSetScalar(bool &DoClear) {
    586   this->newLineCheck();
    587   output("[ ");
    588   NeedBitValueComma = false;
    589   DoClear = false;
    590   return true;
    591 }
    593 bool Output::bitSetMatch(const char *Str, bool Matches) {
    594   if (Matches) {
    595     if (NeedBitValueComma)
    596       output(", ");
    597     this->output(Str);
    598     NeedBitValueComma = true;
    599   }
    600   return false;
    601 }
    603 void Output::endBitSetScalar() {
    604   this->outputUpToEndOfLine(" ]");
    605 }
    607 void Output::scalarString(StringRef &S, bool MustQuote) {
    608   this->newLineCheck();
    609   if (S.empty()) {
    610     // Print '' for the empty string because leaving the field empty is not
    611     // allowed.
    612     this->outputUpToEndOfLine("''");
    613     return;
    614   }
    615   if (!MustQuote) {
    616     // Only quote if we must.
    617     this->outputUpToEndOfLine(S);
    618     return;
    619   }
    620   unsigned i = 0;
    621   unsigned j = 0;
    622   unsigned End = S.size();
    623   output("'"); // Starting single quote.
    624   const char *Base = S.data();
    625   while (j < End) {
    626     // Escape a single quote by doubling it.
    627     if (S[j] == '\'') {
    628       output(StringRef(&Base[i], j - i + 1));
    629       output("'");
    630       i = j + 1;
    631     }
    632     ++j;
    633   }
    634   output(StringRef(&Base[i], j - i));
    635   this->outputUpToEndOfLine("'"); // Ending single quote.
    636 }
    638 void Output::blockScalarString(StringRef &S) {
    639   if (!StateStack.empty())
    640     newLineCheck();
    641   output(" |");
    642   outputNewLine();
    644   unsigned Indent = StateStack.empty() ? 1 : StateStack.size();
    646   auto Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(S, "", false);
    647   for (line_iterator Lines(*Buffer, false); !Lines.is_at_end(); ++Lines) {
    648     for (unsigned I = 0; I < Indent; ++I) {
    649       output("  ");
    650     }
    651     output(*Lines);
    652     outputNewLine();
    653   }
    654 }
    656 void Output::setError(const Twine &message) {
    657 }
    659 bool Output::canElideEmptySequence() {
    660   // Normally, with an optional key/value where the value is an empty sequence,
    661   // the whole key/value can be not written.  But, that produces wrong yaml
    662   // if the key/value is the only thing in the map and the map is used in
    663   // a sequence.  This detects if the this sequence is the first key/value
    664   // in map that itself is embedded in a sequnce.
    665   if (StateStack.size() < 2)
    666     return true;
    667   if (StateStack.back() != inMapFirstKey)
    668     return true;
    669   return (StateStack[StateStack.size()-2] != inSeq);
    670 }
    672 void Output::output(StringRef s) {
    673   Column += s.size();
    674   Out << s;
    675 }
    677 void Output::outputUpToEndOfLine(StringRef s) {
    678   this->output(s);
    679   if (StateStack.empty() || (StateStack.back() != inFlowSeq &&
    680                              StateStack.back() != inFlowMapFirstKey &&
    681                              StateStack.back() != inFlowMapOtherKey))
    682     NeedsNewLine = true;
    683 }
    685 void Output::outputNewLine() {
    686   Out << "\n";
    687   Column = 0;
    688 }
    690 // if seq at top, indent as if map, then add "- "
    691 // if seq in middle, use "- " if firstKey, else use "  "
    692 //
    694 void Output::newLineCheck() {
    695   if (!NeedsNewLine)
    696     return;
    697   NeedsNewLine = false;
    699   this->outputNewLine();
    701   assert(StateStack.size() > 0);
    702   unsigned Indent = StateStack.size() - 1;
    703   bool OutputDash = false;
    705   if (StateStack.back() == inSeq) {
    706     OutputDash = true;
    707   } else if ((StateStack.size() > 1) && ((StateStack.back() == inMapFirstKey) ||
    708              (StateStack.back() == inFlowSeq) ||
    709              (StateStack.back() == inFlowMapFirstKey)) &&
    710              (StateStack[StateStack.size() - 2] == inSeq)) {
    711     --Indent;
    712     OutputDash = true;
    713   }
    715   for (unsigned i = 0; i < Indent; ++i) {
    716     output("  ");
    717   }
    718   if (OutputDash) {
    719     output("- ");
    720   }
    722 }
    724 void Output::paddedKey(StringRef key) {
    725   output(key);
    726   output(":");
    727   const char *spaces = "                ";
    728   if (key.size() < strlen(spaces))
    729     output(&spaces[key.size()]);
    730   else
    731     output(" ");
    732 }
    734 void Output::flowKey(StringRef Key) {
    735   if (StateStack.back() == inFlowMapOtherKey)
    736     output(", ");
    737   if (WrapColumn && Column > WrapColumn) {
    738     output("\n");
    739     for (int I = 0; I < ColumnAtMapFlowStart; ++I)
    740       output(" ");
    741     Column = ColumnAtMapFlowStart;
    742     output("  ");
    743   }
    744   output(Key);
    745   output(": ");
    746 }
    748 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    749 //  traits for built-in types
    750 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    752 void ScalarTraits<bool>::output(const bool &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    753   Out << (Val ? "true" : "false");
    754 }
    756 StringRef ScalarTraits<bool>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, bool &Val) {
    757   if (Scalar.equals("true")) {
    758     Val = true;
    759     return StringRef();
    760   } else if (Scalar.equals("false")) {
    761     Val = false;
    762     return StringRef();
    763   }
    764   return "invalid boolean";
    765 }
    767 void ScalarTraits<StringRef>::output(const StringRef &Val, void *,
    768                                      raw_ostream &Out) {
    769   Out << Val;
    770 }
    772 StringRef ScalarTraits<StringRef>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *,
    773                                          StringRef &Val) {
    774   Val = Scalar;
    775   return StringRef();
    776 }
    778 void ScalarTraits<std::string>::output(const std::string &Val, void *,
    779                                      raw_ostream &Out) {
    780   Out << Val;
    781 }
    783 StringRef ScalarTraits<std::string>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *,
    784                                          std::string &Val) {
    785   Val = Scalar.str();
    786   return StringRef();
    787 }
    789 void ScalarTraits<uint8_t>::output(const uint8_t &Val, void *,
    790                                    raw_ostream &Out) {
    791   // use temp uin32_t because ostream thinks uint8_t is a character
    792   uint32_t Num = Val;
    793   Out << Num;
    794 }
    796 StringRef ScalarTraits<uint8_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, uint8_t &Val) {
    797   unsigned long long n;
    798   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, n))
    799     return "invalid number";
    800   if (n > 0xFF)
    801     return "out of range number";
    802   Val = n;
    803   return StringRef();
    804 }
    806 void ScalarTraits<uint16_t>::output(const uint16_t &Val, void *,
    807                                     raw_ostream &Out) {
    808   Out << Val;
    809 }
    811 StringRef ScalarTraits<uint16_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *,
    812                                         uint16_t &Val) {
    813   unsigned long long n;
    814   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, n))
    815     return "invalid number";
    816   if (n > 0xFFFF)
    817     return "out of range number";
    818   Val = n;
    819   return StringRef();
    820 }
    822 void ScalarTraits<uint32_t>::output(const uint32_t &Val, void *,
    823                                     raw_ostream &Out) {
    824   Out << Val;
    825 }
    827 StringRef ScalarTraits<uint32_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *,
    828                                         uint32_t &Val) {
    829   unsigned long long n;
    830   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, n))
    831     return "invalid number";
    832   if (n > 0xFFFFFFFFUL)
    833     return "out of range number";
    834   Val = n;
    835   return StringRef();
    836 }
    838 void ScalarTraits<uint64_t>::output(const uint64_t &Val, void *,
    839                                     raw_ostream &Out) {
    840   Out << Val;
    841 }
    843 StringRef ScalarTraits<uint64_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *,
    844                                         uint64_t &Val) {
    845   unsigned long long N;
    846   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, N))
    847     return "invalid number";
    848   Val = N;
    849   return StringRef();
    850 }
    852 void ScalarTraits<int8_t>::output(const int8_t &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    853   // use temp in32_t because ostream thinks int8_t is a character
    854   int32_t Num = Val;
    855   Out << Num;
    856 }
    858 StringRef ScalarTraits<int8_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, int8_t &Val) {
    859   long long N;
    860   if (getAsSignedInteger(Scalar, 0, N))
    861     return "invalid number";
    862   if ((N > 127) || (N < -128))
    863     return "out of range number";
    864   Val = N;
    865   return StringRef();
    866 }
    868 void ScalarTraits<int16_t>::output(const int16_t &Val, void *,
    869                                    raw_ostream &Out) {
    870   Out << Val;
    871 }
    873 StringRef ScalarTraits<int16_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, int16_t &Val) {
    874   long long N;
    875   if (getAsSignedInteger(Scalar, 0, N))
    876     return "invalid number";
    877   if ((N > INT16_MAX) || (N < INT16_MIN))
    878     return "out of range number";
    879   Val = N;
    880   return StringRef();
    881 }
    883 void ScalarTraits<int32_t>::output(const int32_t &Val, void *,
    884                                    raw_ostream &Out) {
    885   Out << Val;
    886 }
    888 StringRef ScalarTraits<int32_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, int32_t &Val) {
    889   long long N;
    890   if (getAsSignedInteger(Scalar, 0, N))
    891     return "invalid number";
    892   if ((N > INT32_MAX) || (N < INT32_MIN))
    893     return "out of range number";
    894   Val = N;
    895   return StringRef();
    896 }
    898 void ScalarTraits<int64_t>::output(const int64_t &Val, void *,
    899                                    raw_ostream &Out) {
    900   Out << Val;
    901 }
    903 StringRef ScalarTraits<int64_t>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, int64_t &Val) {
    904   long long N;
    905   if (getAsSignedInteger(Scalar, 0, N))
    906     return "invalid number";
    907   Val = N;
    908   return StringRef();
    909 }
    911 void ScalarTraits<double>::output(const double &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    912   Out << format("%g", Val);
    913 }
    915 StringRef ScalarTraits<double>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, double &Val) {
    916   SmallString<32> buff(Scalar.begin(), Scalar.end());
    917   char *end;
    918   Val = strtod(buff.c_str(), &end);
    919   if (*end != '\0')
    920     return "invalid floating point number";
    921   return StringRef();
    922 }
    924 void ScalarTraits<float>::output(const float &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    925   Out << format("%g", Val);
    926 }
    928 StringRef ScalarTraits<float>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, float &Val) {
    929   SmallString<32> buff(Scalar.begin(), Scalar.end());
    930   char *end;
    931   Val = strtod(buff.c_str(), &end);
    932   if (*end != '\0')
    933     return "invalid floating point number";
    934   return StringRef();
    935 }
    937 void ScalarTraits<Hex8>::output(const Hex8 &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    938   uint8_t Num = Val;
    939   Out << format("0x%02X", Num);
    940 }
    942 StringRef ScalarTraits<Hex8>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, Hex8 &Val) {
    943   unsigned long long n;
    944   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, n))
    945     return "invalid hex8 number";
    946   if (n > 0xFF)
    947     return "out of range hex8 number";
    948   Val = n;
    949   return StringRef();
    950 }
    952 void ScalarTraits<Hex16>::output(const Hex16 &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    953   uint16_t Num = Val;
    954   Out << format("0x%04X", Num);
    955 }
    957 StringRef ScalarTraits<Hex16>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, Hex16 &Val) {
    958   unsigned long long n;
    959   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, n))
    960     return "invalid hex16 number";
    961   if (n > 0xFFFF)
    962     return "out of range hex16 number";
    963   Val = n;
    964   return StringRef();
    965 }
    967 void ScalarTraits<Hex32>::output(const Hex32 &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    968   uint32_t Num = Val;
    969   Out << format("0x%08X", Num);
    970 }
    972 StringRef ScalarTraits<Hex32>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, Hex32 &Val) {
    973   unsigned long long n;
    974   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, n))
    975     return "invalid hex32 number";
    976   if (n > 0xFFFFFFFFUL)
    977     return "out of range hex32 number";
    978   Val = n;
    979   return StringRef();
    980 }
    982 void ScalarTraits<Hex64>::output(const Hex64 &Val, void *, raw_ostream &Out) {
    983   uint64_t Num = Val;
    984   Out << format("0x%016llX", Num);
    985 }
    987 StringRef ScalarTraits<Hex64>::input(StringRef Scalar, void *, Hex64 &Val) {
    988   unsigned long long Num;
    989   if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Scalar, 0, Num))
    990     return "invalid hex64 number";
    991   Val = Num;
    992   return StringRef();
    993 }