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build-classes 17 function fail() { function
24 fail "Must have a runnable d8 binary!"
28 fail "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is not defined. Try running 'lunch' first."
41 (cd "${SRC_PATH}" && javac -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}" -d "${BUILD_PATH}" art/*.java art/constmethodhandle/*.java) || fail "javac error"
43 (cd "${SCRIPT_PATH}" && java -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}:${BUILD_PATH}" art.constmethodhandle.TestGenerator "${BUILD_PATH}" "$D8") || fail "generator failure"
45 (cd ${BUILD_PATH} && find . -name "TestGenerator*.class" | xargs rm) || fail "Cleanup failure"
build 17 function fail() { function
23 fail "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is not defined. Try running 'lunch' first."
36 (cd "${SRC_PATH}" && javac -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}" -d "${BUILD_PATH}" invokecustom/*.java) || fail "javac error"
37 (cd "${SCRIPT_PATH}" && java -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}:${BUILD_PATH}" invokecustom.TestGenerator "${BUILD_PATH}") || fail "generator failure"
38 (cd "${BUILD_PATH}" && jar cf "${JAR_FILE}" invokecustom/InvokeCustom.class invokecustom/Super.class ) || fail "jar creation error"
build 17 function fail() { function
23 fail "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is not defined. Try running 'lunch' first."
36 (cd "${SRC_PATH}" && javac -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}" -d "${BUILD_PATH}" invokecustom/*.java) || fail "javac error"
37 (cd "${SCRIPT_PATH}" && java -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}:${BUILD_PATH}" invokecustom.TestGenerator "${BUILD_PATH}") || fail "generator failure"
38 (cd "${BUILD_PATH}" && jar cf "${JAR_FILE}" invokecustom/InvokeCustom*.class invokecustom/Super.class ) || fail "jar creation error"
build 17 function fail() { function
23 fail "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is not defined. Try running 'lunch' first."
36 (cd "${SRC_PATH}" && javac -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}" -d "${BUILD_PATH}" constmethodhandle/*.java) || fail "javac error"
37 (cd "${SCRIPT_PATH}" && java -cp "${ASM_CLASSPATH}:${BUILD_PATH}" constmethodhandle.TestGenerator "${BUILD_PATH}") || fail "generator failure"
38 (cd "${BUILD_PATH}" && jar cf "${JAR_FILE}" Main.class constmethodhandle/ConstTest.class) || fail "jar creation error"
  /external/libmtp/ 8 fail() { function
20 $LIBTOOLIZE --copy --force || fail
26 aclocal $ACLOCAL_FLAGS || fail
30 autoheader || fail
38 automake --add-missing --gnu || fail
  /external/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/ 37 fail() { function
57 || fail 'protoc failed.'
61 unzip -t $TEST_TMPDIR/ > $TEST_TMPDIR/testzip.list || fail 'unzip failed.'
64 || fail ' not found in output zip.'
66 || fail 'testzip.pb.h not found in output zip.'
68 || fail ' not found in output zip.'
70 && fail 'Zip file contained manifest.'
77 jar tf $TEST_TMPDIR/testzip.jar > $TEST_TMPDIR/testzip.list || fail 'jar failed.'
80 || fail ' not found in output jar.'
82 || fail ' not found in output jar.
  /external/wpa_supplicant_8/hs20/server/ca/ 70 fail() function
105 $OPENSSL req -config openssl.cnf.tmp -batch -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout rootCA/private/cakey.pem -out rootCA/careq.pem || fail "Failed to generate Root CA private key"
107 $OPENSSL ca -config openssl.cnf.tmp -md sha256 -create_serial -out rootCA/cacert.pem -days 10957 -batch -keyfile rootCA/private/cakey.pem -passin pass:$PASS -selfsign -extensions v3_ca -outdir rootCA/newcerts -infiles rootCA/careq.pem || fail "Failed to sign Root CA certificate"
108 $OPENSSL x509 -in rootCA/cacert.pem -out rootCA/cacert.der -outform DER || fail "Failed to create rootCA DER"
109 sha256sum rootCA/cacert.der > rootCA/cacert.fingerprint || fail "Failed to create rootCA fingerprint"
126 $OPENSSL req -config openssl.cnf.tmp -batch -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout demoCA/private/cakey.pem -out demoCA/careq.pem || fail "Failed to generate Intermediate CA private key"
128 $OPENSSL ca -config openssl.cnf.tmp -md sha256 -create_serial -out demoCA/cacert.pem -days 3652 -batch -keyfile rootCA/private/cakey.pem -cert rootCA/cacert.pem -passin pass:$PASS -extensions v3_ca -infiles demoCA/careq.pem || fail "Failed to sign Intermediate CA certificate"
131 $OPENSSL x509 -in demoCA/cacert.pem -out demoCA/cacert.der -outform DER || fail "Failed to create demoCA DER."
132 sha256sum demoCA/cacert.der > demoCA/cacert.fingerprint || fail "Failed to create demoCA fingerprint"
144 $OPENSSL ca -config $PWD/openssl.cnf.tmp -batch -md sha256 -keyfile demoCA/private/cakey.pem -passin pass:$PASS -in ocsp.csr -out ocsp.pem -days 730 -extensions v3_OCSP || fail "Could not generate ocsp.pem
run 8 function fail { function
9 echo FAIL: doc/codewalk/$1
14 echo foo | go run markov.go | grep foo > /dev/null || fail markov
17 go run pig.go | grep 'Wins, losses staying at k = 100: 210/990 (21.2%), 780/990 (78.8%)' > /dev/null || fail pig
20 go build urlpoll.go || fail urlpoll
run 8 function fail { function
9 echo FAIL: doc/codewalk/$1
14 echo foo | go run markov.go | grep foo > /dev/null || fail markov
17 go run pig.go | grep 'Wins, losses staying at k = 100: 210/990 (21.2%), 780/990 (78.8%)' > /dev/null || fail pig
20 go build urlpoll.go || fail urlpoll
dump-package-stats 20 function fail () function
66 fail "Unknown uname $UNAME"
78 fail "$file doesn't exist or isn't a file"
140 fail "Could not get stats for $file"
dynamic-cast.cpp 7 B fail; variable
18 return fail;
crestst.h 55 int32_t fail; variable
  /external/javassist/src/main/javassist/runtime/ 25 public static NoClassDefFoundError fail(ClassNotFoundException e) { method in class:DotClass
  /external/parameter-framework/support/android/asio/ 58 fail () { function
102 lunch $target || fail "Failed to lunch $target"
105 mma -j$(nproc) || fail "Failed to build $target"
117 xargs git add || fail "Failed to git-add some necessary ASIO headers"
  /external/protobuf/protoc-artifacts/ 26 fail() function
64 fail "Unsupported arch: $ARCH"
73 fail "Unsupported arch: $ARCH"
84 fail "Unsupported arch: $ARCH"
87 fail "Unsupported system: $OS"
112 fail "Unsupported platform $OS-$ARCH."
115 eval $dump_cmd | grep -i "$white_list" || fail "doesn't show any expected dependencies"
120 fail "found unexpected dependencies (listed above)."
122 fail "Error when checking dependencies."
156 fail "Unsupported arch by CYGWIN: $ARCH
service.cpp 39 bool fail = registerPassthroughServiceImplementation<audio::V4_0::IDevicesFactory>() != OK && local
41 LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(fail, "Could not register audio core API 2.0 nor 4.0");
43 fail = registerPassthroughServiceImplementation<audio::effect::V4_0::IEffectsFactory>() != OK &&
45 LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(fail, "Could not register audio effect API 2.0 nor 4.0");
47 fail = registerPassthroughServiceImplementation<soundtrigger::V2_1::ISoundTriggerHw>() != OK &&
49 ALOGW_IF(fail, "Could not register soundtrigger API 2.0 nor 2.1");
51 fail =
54 ALOGW_IF(fail, "Could not register Bluetooth audio offload 1.0");
clean.bat 11 if errorlevel 1 goto fail
18 goto fail
27 :fail label
issue9608.go 7 func fail() // unimplemented, to test dead code elimination func
12 fail()
15 fail()
24 fail()
29 fail()
34 fail()
40 fail()
46 fail()
53 fail()
55 fail()
clean.bat 11 if errorlevel 1 goto fail
18 goto fail
27 :fail label
issue9608.go 7 func fail() // unimplemented, to test dead code elimination func
12 fail()
15 fail()
24 fail()
29 fail()
34 fail()
40 fail()
46 fail()
53 fail()
55 fail()
  /external/testng/src/test/java/test/dependent/ 12 public void fail() { method in class:MultipleDependentSampleTest
16 @Test(dependsOnMethods = "fail")
NativeTestHelpers.cpp 23 void fail(JNIEnv *env, const char *format, ...) { function
  /external/deqp/scripts/ 27 def fail (msg): function
51 fail("Invalid line in resolution list: '%s'" % line)
76 fail("Invalid resolution: '%s %s %s'" % (pattern, minRes, recRes))
84 fail("Pattern '%s' does not match any cases" % pattern)
88 fail("Case '%s' specified multiple times (when processing '%s')" % (case, pattern))
93 fail("Case '%s' not specified by any rule" % case)
restest.h 54 int32_t fail; member in class:ResourceBundleTest
restsnew.h 57 int32_t fail; member in class:NewResourceBundleTest

Completed in 1761 milliseconds

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