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      1 """A wrapper around the Generic Buffer Manager (GBM) library.
      3 Currently implements exactly the functions required to screenshot a frame
      4 buffer using DRM crtc info.
      5 """
      6 from ctypes import *
      7 import drm
      8 from PIL import Image
     10 GBM_BO_IMPORT_FD = 0x5503
     11 GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT = c_uint(1)
     12 GBM_BO_TRANSFER_READ = c_uint(1)
     13 GBM_MAX_PLANES = 4
     15 def __gbm_fourcc_code(a, b, c, d):
     16     return ord(a) | (ord(b) << 8) | (ord(c) << 16) | (ord(d) << 24)
     18 GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888 = __gbm_fourcc_code("A", "R", "2", "4")
     19 GBM_LIBRARIES = ["libgbm.so", "libgbm.so.1"]
     22 class gbm_import_fd_data(Structure):
     23     _fields_ = [
     24         ("fd", c_int),
     25         ("width", c_uint),
     26         ("height", c_uint),
     27         ("stride", c_uint),
     28         ("bo_format", c_uint),
     29     ]
     32 class gbm_import_fd_planar_data(Structure):
     33     _fields_ = [
     34         ("fds", c_int * GBM_MAX_PLANES),
     35         ("width", c_uint),
     36         ("height", c_uint),
     37         ("bo_format", c_uint),
     38         ("strides", c_uint * GBM_MAX_PLANES),
     39         ("offsets", c_uint * GBM_MAX_PLANES),
     40         ("format_modifiers", c_ulonglong * GBM_MAX_PLANES),
     41     ]
     44 class gbm_device(Structure):
     45     """Opaque struct for GBM device.
     46     """
     47     pass
     50 class gbm_bo(Structure):
     51     """Opaque struct for GBM buffer.
     52     """
     53     pass
     56 def loadGBM():
     57     """Load and return a handle to libgbm.so.
     58     """
     59     l = None
     61     for lib in GBM_LIBRARIES:
     62         try:
     63             l = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib)
     64         except OSError:
     65             l = None
     66         if l is not None:
     67             break
     69     if l is None:
     70         raise RuntimeError("Could not load GBM library.")
     71         return None
     73     l.gbm_create_device.argtypes = [c_int]
     74     l.gbm_create_device.restype = POINTER(gbm_device)
     76     l.gbm_device_destroy.argtypes = [POINTER(gbm_device)]
     77     l.gbm_device_destroy.restype = None
     79     l.gbm_bo_import.argtypes = [POINTER(gbm_device), c_uint, c_void_p, c_uint]
     80     l.gbm_bo_import.restype = POINTER(gbm_bo)
     82     l.gbm_bo_map.argtypes = [
     83         POINTER(gbm_bo), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint,
     84         POINTER(c_uint),
     85         POINTER(c_void_p), c_size_t
     86     ]
     87     l.gbm_bo_map.restype = c_void_p
     89     l.gbm_bo_unmap.argtypes = [POINTER(gbm_bo), c_void_p]
     90     l.gbm_bo_unmap.restype = None
     92     return l
     95 class GBMBuffer(object):
     96     """A GBM buffer.
     97     """
     99     def __init__(self, library, buffer):
    100         self._l = library
    101         self._buffer = buffer
    103     def __del__(self):
    104         if self._l:
    105             self._l.gbm_bo_destroy(self._buffer)
    107     @classmethod
    108     def fromFD(cls, device, fd, width, height, stride, bo_format, usage):
    109         """Create/import a GBM Buffer Object from a file descriptor.
    111         @param device: GBM device object.
    112         @param fd: a file descriptor for the buffer to be imported.
    113         @param width: buffer width in pixels.
    114         @param height: buffer height in pixels.
    115         @param stride: buffer pitch; number of pixels between sequential rows.
    116         @param bo_format: pixel format fourcc code, e.g. GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888.
    117         @param usage: buffer usage flags, e.g. GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT.
    118         """
    119         bo_data = gbm_import_fd_data()
    120         bo_data.fd = fd
    121         bo_data.width = width
    122         bo_data.height = height
    123         bo_data.stride = stride
    124         bo_data.bo_format = bo_format
    125         buffer = device._l.gbm_bo_import(device._device, GBM_BO_IMPORT_FD,
    126                                          byref(bo_data), usage)
    127         if buffer is None:
    128             raise RuntimeError("gbm_bo_import() returned NULL")
    130         self = cls(device._l, buffer)
    131         return self
    133     def map(self, x, y, width, height, flags, plane):
    134         """Map buffer data into this user-space.
    135         Returns (address, stride_bytes): void* start address for pixel array,
    136         number of BYTES between sequental rows of pixels.
    137         @param flags: The union of the GBM_BO_TRANSFER_* flags for this buffer.
    138         """
    139         self._map_p = c_void_p(0)
    140         stride_out = c_uint(0)
    141         if width == 0 or height == 0:
    142             raise RuntimeError("Map width and/or height is 0")
    143         map_p = self._l.gbm_bo_map(self._buffer, x, y, width, height, flags,
    144                                    byref(stride_out), byref(self._map_p), plane)
    145         if stride_out is 0:
    146             raise RuntimeError("gbm_bo_map() stride is 0")
    147         if map_p is 0:
    148             raise RuntimeError("gbm_bo_map() returned NULL")
    149         return map_p, stride_out
    151     def unmap(self, map_data_p):
    152         self._l.gbm_bo_unmap(self._buffer, map_data_p)
    155 class GBMDevice(object):
    156     """A GBM device.
    157     """
    159     def __init__(self, library, handle):
    160         self._l = library
    161         self._handle = handle
    162         self._device = library.gbm_create_device(self._handle)
    164     def __del__(self):
    165         if self._l:
    166             self._l.gbm_device_destroy(self._device)
    168     @classmethod
    169     def fromHandle(cls, handle):
    170         """Create a device object from an open file descriptor.
    171         """
    172         self = cls(loadGBM(), handle)
    173         return self
    176 def _bgrx24(i):
    177     b = i & 255
    178     g = (i >> 8) & 255
    179     r = (i >> 16) & 255
    180     return r, g, b
    183 def crtcScreenshot(crtc_id=None):
    184     """Take a screenshot, returning an image object.
    186     @param crtc_id: The CRTC to screenshot.
    187                     None for first found CRTC with mode set
    188                     or "internal" for crtc connected to internal LCD
    189                     or "external" for crtc connected to external display
    190                     or "usb" "evdi" or "udl" for crtc with valid mode on evdi
    191                     or udl display
    192                     or DRM integer crtc_id
    193     """
    194     crtc = drm.getCrtc(crtc_id)
    195     if crtc is not None:
    196         device = GBMDevice.fromHandle(drm._drm._fd)
    197         framebuffer = crtc.fb()
    198         # TODO(djmk): The buffer format is hardcoded to ARGB8888, we should fix
    199         # this to query for the frambuffer's format instead.
    200         format_hardcode = GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888
    202         bo = GBMBuffer.fromFD(device,
    203                               framebuffer.getFD(), framebuffer.width,
    204                               framebuffer.height, framebuffer.pitch,
    205                               format_hardcode, GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT)
    206         map_void_p, stride_bytes = bo.map(0, 0, framebuffer.width,
    207                                           framebuffer.height,
    208                                           GBM_BO_TRANSFER_READ, 0)
    209         map_bytes = stride_bytes.value * framebuffer.height
    211         # Create a Python Buffer object which references (but does not own) the
    212         # memory.
    213         buffer_from_memory = pythonapi.PyBuffer_FromMemory
    214         buffer_from_memory.restype = py_object
    215         buffer_from_memory.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_ssize_t]
    216         map_buffer = buffer_from_memory(map_void_p, map_bytes)
    218         # Make a copy of the bytes. Doing this is faster than the conversion,
    219         # and is more likely to capture a consistent snapshot of the framebuffer
    220         # contents, as a process may be writing to it.
    221         buffer_bytes = bytes(map_buffer)
    223         # Load the image, converting from the BGRX format to a PIL Image in RGB
    224         # form. As the conversion is implemented by PIL as C code, this
    225         # conversion is much faster than calling _bgrx24().
    226         image = Image.fromstring(
    227                 'RGB', (framebuffer.width, framebuffer.height), buffer_bytes,
    228                 'raw', 'BGRX', stride_bytes.value, 1)
    229         bo.unmap(bo._map_p)
    230 	del bo
    231         return image
    233     raise RuntimeError(
    234         "Unable to take screenshot. There may not be anything on the screen.")
    237 def crtcGetPixel(x, y, crtc_id=None):
    238     """Get a pixel from the specified screen, returning a rgb tuple.
    240     @param x: The x-coordinate of the desired pixel.
    241     @param y: The y-coordinate of the desired pixel.
    242     @param crtc_id: The CRTC to get the pixel from.
    243                     None for first found CRTC with mode set
    244                     or "internal" for crtc connected to internal LCD
    245                     or "external" for crtc connected to external display
    246                     or "usb" "evdi" or "udl" for crtc with valid mode on evdi
    247                     or udl display
    248                     or DRM integer crtc_id
    249     """
    250     crtc = drm.getCrtc(crtc_id)
    251     if crtc is None:
    252         raise RuntimeError(
    253             "Unable to get pixel. There may not be anything on the screen.")
    254     device = GBMDevice.fromHandle(drm._drm._fd)
    255     framebuffer = crtc.fb()
    256     bo = GBMBuffer.fromFD(device,
    257                           framebuffer.getFD(), framebuffer.width,
    258                           framebuffer.height, framebuffer.pitch,
    259                           GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888, GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT)
    260     map_void_p, _ = bo.map(int(x), int(y), 1, 1, GBM_BO_TRANSFER_READ, 0)
    261     map_int_p = cast(map_void_p, POINTER(c_int))
    262     pixel = _bgrx24(map_int_p[0])
    263     bo.unmap(bo._map_p)
    264     return pixel