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asm_error.c 80 int last_error = global_error; local
84 if (error == 0 && last_error == 0)
89 last_error = error;
91 if (last_error == ASM_E_LIBELF)
94 return _(msgs[last_error]);
dwarf_error.c 114 int last_error = global_error; local
117 return last_error != 0 ? _(errmsgs[last_error]) : NULL;
121 return _(errmsgs[error == -1 ? last_error : error]);
dwfl_error.c 145 int last_error = global_error; local
147 if (error == 0 && last_error == 0)
150 error = last_error;
fixed_intrin_sse2.c 67 __m128i last_error; local
69 last_error = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(data[-1]); // 0 0 0 le0
71 last_error = _mm_shuffle_epi32(last_error, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,0));
72 last_error = _mm_sub_epi32(last_error, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(itmp)); // 0 0 le0 le1
74 last_error = _mm_shuffle_epi32(last_error, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,0));
75 last_error = _mm_sub_epi32(last_error, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(itmp)); // 0 le0 le1 le
164 __m128i last_error, zero = _mm_setzero_si128(); local
fixed_intrin_ssse3.c 67 __m128i last_error; local
69 last_error = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(data[-1]); // 0 0 0 le0
71 last_error = _mm_shuffle_epi32(last_error, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,0));
72 last_error = _mm_sub_epi32(last_error, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(itmp)); // 0 0 le0 le1
74 last_error = _mm_shuffle_epi32(last_error, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,0));
75 last_error = _mm_sub_epi32(last_error, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(itmp)); // 0 le0 le1 le
158 __m128i last_error, zero = _mm_setzero_si128(); local
  /external/libtextclassifier/util/memory/ 43 const std::string last_error = GetLastSystemError(); local
44 TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Error closing file descriptor: " << last_error;
60 const std::string last_error = GetLastSystemError(); local
61 TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Error opening " << filename << ": " << last_error; local
77 const std::string last_error = GetLastSystemError(); local
78 TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to stat fd: " << last_error;
113 const std::string last_error = GetLastSystemError(); local
114 TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Error while mmapping: " << last_error;
128 const std::string last_error = GetLastSystemError(); local
129 TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Error during Unmap / munmap: " << last_error;
unix_socket.h 115 // is_listening() == false and last_error() will contain the failure reason.
178 int last_error() const { return last_error_; } function in class:perfetto::ipc::UnixSocket
DwarfCfa.h 77 const DwarfErrorData& last_error() { return last_error_; } function in class:unwindstack::DwarfCfa
DwarfOp.h 69 const DwarfErrorData& last_error() { return last_error_; } function in class:unwindstack::DwarfOp
validation_errors.h 113 ValidationError last_error() const { return last_error_; } function in class:mojo::internal::ValidationErrorObserverForTesting
elf_error.c 338 int last_error = global_error; local
342 assert (msgidx[last_error] < sizeof (msgstr));
343 return last_error != 0 ? _(msgstr + msgidx[last_error]) : NULL;
348 assert (msgidx[error == -1 ? last_error : error] < sizeof (msgstr));
349 return _(msgstr + msgidx[error == -1 ? last_error : error]);
buffer_hub_queue_client.cpp 397 pdx::Status<void> last_error; // No error. local
407 last_error = status.error_status();
412 return last_error;
627 Status<void> last_error; local
640 last_error = ErrorStatus(EPIPE);
649 last_error = add_status;
658 return last_error.error_status();
ElfInterface.h 94 const ErrorData& last_error() { return last_error_; } function in class:unwindstack::ElfInterface
ratectrl.c 1155 int last_error = INT_MAX; local
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/platform/windows/ 71 DWORD last_error = ERROR_SUCCESS; local
78 ((last_error = GetLastError()) != ERROR_IO_PENDING)) {
79 result = (last_error == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) ? 0 : -1;
82 last_error) { // Otherwise bytes_read already has the result.
  /external/javasqlite/src/main/java/SQLite/ 169 * the last_error() method.
200 * the last_error() method.
516 public int last_error() { method in class:Database
  /external/libchrome/base/ 892 DWORD last_error = err_; local
893 base::debug::Alias(&last_error);
cups-private.h 132 ipp_status_t last_error; /* Last IPP error */ member in struct:_cups_globals_s
pcap-win32.c 1448 DWORD last_error = GetLastError(); local
  /external/google-breakpad/src/testing/gtest/src/ 325 const int last_error = errno; local
327 << GetLastErrnoDescription() << " [" << last_error << "]";
  /external/googletest/googletest/src/ 338 const int last_error = errno; local
340 << GetLastErrnoDescription() << " [" << last_error << "]";
  /external/libvpx/libvpx/third_party/googletest/src/src/ 338 const int last_error = errno; local
340 << GetLastErrnoDescription() << " [" << last_error << "]";
  /external/llvm/utils/unittest/googletest/src/ 287 const int last_error = errno; local
289 << GetLastErrnoDescription() << " [" << last_error << "]";
  /external/mesa3d/src/gtest/src/ 327 const int last_error = errno; local
329 << GetLastErrnoDescription() << " [" << last_error << "]";
  /external/protobuf/gtest/src/ 274 const int last_error = errno; local
276 << GetLastErrnoDescription() << " [" << last_error << "]";

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