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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef BASE_THREADING_THREAD_H_
      6 #define BASE_THREADING_THREAD_H_
      8 #include <stddef.h>
     10 #include <memory>
     11 #include <string>
     13 #include "base/base_export.h"
     14 #include "base/callback.h"
     15 #include "base/macros.h"
     16 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     17 #include "base/message_loop/timer_slack.h"
     18 #include "base/sequence_checker.h"
     19 #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
     20 #include "base/synchronization/atomic_flag.h"
     21 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
     22 #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
     23 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
     24 #include "build/build_config.h"
     26 namespace base {
     28 class MessagePump;
     29 class RunLoop;
     31 // A simple thread abstraction that establishes a MessageLoop on a new thread.
     32 // The consumer uses the MessageLoop of the thread to cause code to execute on
     33 // the thread.  When this object is destroyed the thread is terminated.  All
     34 // pending tasks queued on the thread's message loop will run to completion
     35 // before the thread is terminated.
     36 //
     38 //
     39 // After the thread is stopped, the destruction sequence is:
     40 //
     41 //  (1) Thread::CleanUp()
     42 //  (2) MessageLoop::~MessageLoop
     43 //  (3.b)    MessageLoop::DestructionObserver::WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop
     44 //
     45 // This API is not thread-safe: unless indicated otherwise its methods are only
     46 // valid from the owning sequence (which is the one from which Start() is
     47 // invoked -- should it differ from the one on which it was constructed).
     48 //
     49 // Sometimes it's useful to kick things off on the initial sequence (e.g.
     50 // construction, Start(), task_runner()), but to then hand the Thread over to a
     51 // pool of users for the last one of them to destroy it when done. For that use
     52 // case, Thread::DetachFromSequence() allows the owning sequence to give up
     53 // ownership. The caller is then responsible to ensure a happens-after
     54 // relationship between the DetachFromSequence() call and the next use of that
     55 // Thread object (including ~Thread()).
     56 class BASE_EXPORT Thread : PlatformThread::Delegate {
     57  public:
     58   struct BASE_EXPORT Options {
     59     typedef Callback<std::unique_ptr<MessagePump>()> MessagePumpFactory;
     61     Options();
     62     Options(MessageLoop::Type type, size_t size);
     63     Options(const Options& other);
     64     ~Options();
     66     // Specifies the type of message loop that will be allocated on the thread.
     67     // This is ignored if message_pump_factory.is_null() is false.
     68     MessageLoop::Type message_loop_type = MessageLoop::TYPE_DEFAULT;
     70     // Specifies timer slack for thread message loop.
     71     TimerSlack timer_slack = TIMER_SLACK_NONE;
     73     // Used to create the MessagePump for the MessageLoop. The callback is Run()
     74     // on the thread. If message_pump_factory.is_null(), then a MessagePump
     75     // appropriate for |message_loop_type| is created. Setting this forces the
     76     // MessageLoop::Type to TYPE_CUSTOM.
     77     MessagePumpFactory message_pump_factory;
     79     // Specifies the maximum stack size that the thread is allowed to use.
     80     // This does not necessarily correspond to the thread's initial stack size.
     81     // A value of 0 indicates that the default maximum should be used.
     82     size_t stack_size = 0;
     84     // Specifies the initial thread priority.
     85     ThreadPriority priority = ThreadPriority::NORMAL;
     87     // If false, the thread will not be joined on destruction. This is intended
     88     // for threads that want TaskShutdownBehavior::CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN
     89     // semantics. Non-joinable threads can't be joined (must be leaked and
     90     // can't be destroyed or Stop()'ed).
     91     // TODO(gab): allow non-joinable instances to be deleted without causing
     92     // user-after-frees (proposal @ https://crbug.com/629139#c14)
     93     bool joinable = true;
     94   };
     96   // Constructor.
     97   // name is a display string to identify the thread.
     98   explicit Thread(const std::string& name);
    100   // Destroys the thread, stopping it if necessary.
    101   //
    103   // guarantee Stop() is explicitly called before the subclass is destroyed).
    104   // This is required to avoid a data race between the destructor modifying the
    105   // vtable, and the thread's ThreadMain calling the virtual method Run().  It
    106   // also ensures that the CleanUp() virtual method is called on the subclass
    107   // before it is destructed.
    108   ~Thread() override;
    110 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    111   // Causes the thread to initialize COM.  This must be called before calling
    112   // Start() or StartWithOptions().  If |use_mta| is false, the thread is also
    113   // started with a TYPE_UI message loop.  It is an error to call
    114   // init_com_with_mta(false) and then StartWithOptions() with any message loop
    115   // type other than TYPE_UI.
    116   void init_com_with_mta(bool use_mta) {
    117     DCHECK(!message_loop_);
    118     com_status_ = use_mta ? MTA : STA;
    119   }
    120 #endif
    122   // Starts the thread.  Returns true if the thread was successfully started;
    123   // otherwise, returns false.  Upon successful return, the message_loop()
    124   // getter will return non-null.
    125   //
    126   // Note: This function can't be called on Windows with the loader lock held;
    127   // i.e. during a DllMain, global object construction or destruction, atexit()
    128   // callback.
    129   bool Start();
    131   // Starts the thread. Behaves exactly like Start in addition to allow to
    132   // override the default options.
    133   //
    134   // Note: This function can't be called on Windows with the loader lock held;
    135   // i.e. during a DllMain, global object construction or destruction, atexit()
    136   // callback.
    137   bool StartWithOptions(const Options& options);
    139   // Starts the thread and wait for the thread to start and run initialization
    140   // before returning. It's same as calling Start() and then
    141   // WaitUntilThreadStarted().
    142   // Note that using this (instead of Start() or StartWithOptions() causes
    143   // jank on the calling thread, should be used only in testing code.
    144   bool StartAndWaitForTesting();
    146   // Blocks until the thread starts running. Called within StartAndWait().
    147   // Note that calling this causes jank on the calling thread, must be used
    148   // carefully for production code.
    149   bool WaitUntilThreadStarted() const;
    151   // Blocks until all tasks previously posted to this thread have been executed.
    152   void FlushForTesting();
    154   // Signals the thread to exit and returns once the thread has exited. The
    155   // Thread object is completely reset and may be used as if it were newly
    156   // constructed (i.e., Start may be called again). Can only be called if
    157   // |joinable_|.
    158   //
    159   // Stop may be called multiple times and is simply ignored if the thread is
    160   // already stopped or currently stopping.
    161   //
    162   // Start/Stop are not thread-safe and callers that desire to invoke them from
    163   // different threads must ensure mutual exclusion.
    164   //
    165   // NOTE: If you are a consumer of Thread, it is not necessary to call this
    166   // before deleting your Thread objects, as the destructor will do it.
    168   void Stop();
    170   // Signals the thread to exit in the near future.
    171   //
    172   // WARNING: This function is not meant to be commonly used. Use at your own
    173   // risk. Calling this function will cause message_loop() to become invalid in
    174   // the near future. This function was created to workaround a specific
    175   // deadlock on Windows with printer worker thread. In any other case, Stop()
    176   // should be used.
    177   //
    178   // Call Stop() to reset the thread object once it is known that the thread has
    179   // quit.
    180   void StopSoon();
    182   // Detaches the owning sequence, indicating that the next call to this API
    183   // (including ~Thread()) can happen from a different sequence (to which it
    184   // will be rebound). This call itself must happen on the current owning
    185   // sequence and the caller must ensure the next API call has a happens-after
    186   // relationship with this one.
    187   void DetachFromSequence();
    189   // Returns the message loop for this thread.  Use the MessageLoop's
    190   // PostTask methods to execute code on the thread.  This only returns
    191   // non-null after a successful call to Start.  After Stop has been called,
    192   // this will return nullptr.
    193   //
    194   // NOTE: You must not call this MessageLoop's Quit method directly.  Use
    195   // the Thread's Stop method instead.
    196   //
    197   // In addition to this Thread's owning sequence, this can also safely be
    198   // called from the underlying thread itself.
    199   MessageLoop* message_loop() const {
    200     // This class doesn't provide synchronization around |message_loop_| and as
    201     // such only the owner should access it (and the underlying thread which
    202     // never sees it before it's set). In practice, many callers are coming from
    203     // unrelated threads but provide their own implicit (e.g. memory barriers
    204     // from task posting) or explicit (e.g. locks) synchronization making the
    205     // access of |message_loop_| safe... Changing all of those callers is
    206     // unfeasible; instead verify that they can reliably see
    207     // |message_loop_ != nullptr| without synchronization as a proof that their
    208     // external synchronization catches the unsynchronized effects of Start().
    209     // TODO(gab): Despite all of the above this test has to be disabled for now
    210     // per crbug.com/629139#c6.
    211     // DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence() ||
    212     //        (id_event_.IsSignaled() && id_ == PlatformThread::CurrentId()) ||
    213     //        message_loop_);
    214     return message_loop_;
    215   }
    217   // Returns a TaskRunner for this thread. Use the TaskRunner's PostTask
    218   // methods to execute code on the thread. Returns nullptr if the thread is not
    219   // running (e.g. before Start or after Stop have been called). Callers can
    220   // hold on to this even after the thread is gone; in this situation, attempts
    221   // to PostTask() will fail.
    222   //
    223   // In addition to this Thread's owning sequence, this can also safely be
    224   // called from the underlying thread itself.
    225   scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner() const {
    226     // Refer to the DCHECK and comment inside |message_loop()|.
    227     DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence() ||
    228            (id_event_.IsSignaled() && id_ == PlatformThread::CurrentId()) ||
    229            message_loop_);
    230     return message_loop_ ? message_loop_->task_runner() : nullptr;
    231   }
    233   // Returns the name of this thread (for display in debugger too).
    234   const std::string& thread_name() const { return name_; }
    236   // Returns the thread ID.  Should not be called before the first Start*()
    237   // call.  Keeps on returning the same ID even after a Stop() call. The next
    238   // Start*() call renews the ID.
    239   //
    240   // WARNING: This function will block if the thread hasn't started yet.
    241   //
    242   // This method is thread-safe.
    243   PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() const;
    245   // Returns true if the thread has been started, and not yet stopped.
    246   bool IsRunning() const;
    248  protected:
    249   // Called just prior to starting the message loop
    250   virtual void Init() {}
    252   // Called to start the run loop
    253   virtual void Run(RunLoop* run_loop);
    255   // Called just after the message loop ends
    256   virtual void CleanUp() {}
    258   static void SetThreadWasQuitProperly(bool flag);
    259   static bool GetThreadWasQuitProperly();
    261   // Bind this Thread to an existing MessageLoop instead of starting a new one.
    262   void SetMessageLoop(MessageLoop* message_loop);
    264   bool using_external_message_loop() const {
    265     return using_external_message_loop_;
    266   }
    268  private:
    269 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    270   enum ComStatus {
    271     NONE,
    272     STA,
    273     MTA,
    274   };
    275 #endif
    277   // PlatformThread::Delegate methods:
    278   void ThreadMain() override;
    280   void ThreadQuitHelper();
    282 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    283   // Whether this thread needs to initialize COM, and if so, in what mode.
    284   ComStatus com_status_ = NONE;
    285 #endif
    287   // Mirrors the Options::joinable field used to start this thread. Verified
    288   // on Stop() -- non-joinable threads can't be joined (must be leaked).
    289   bool joinable_ = true;
    291   // If true, we're in the middle of stopping, and shouldn't access
    292   // |message_loop_|. It may non-nullptr and invalid.
    293   // Should be written on the thread that created this thread. Also read data
    294   // could be wrong on other threads.
    295   bool stopping_ = false;
    297   // True while inside of Run().
    298   bool running_ = false;
    299   mutable base::Lock running_lock_;  // Protects |running_|.
    301   // The thread's handle.
    302   PlatformThreadHandle thread_;
    303   mutable base::Lock thread_lock_;  // Protects |thread_|.
    305   // The thread's id once it has started.
    306   PlatformThreadId id_ = kInvalidThreadId;
    307   // Protects |id_| which must only be read while it's signaled.
    308   mutable WaitableEvent id_event_;
    310   // The thread's MessageLoop and RunLoop. Valid only while the thread is alive.
    311   // Set by the created thread.
    312   MessageLoop* message_loop_ = nullptr;
    313   RunLoop* run_loop_ = nullptr;
    315   // True only if |message_loop_| was externally provided by |SetMessageLoop()|
    316   // in which case this Thread has no underlying |thread_| and should merely
    317   // drop |message_loop_| on Stop(). In that event, this remains true after
    318   // Stop() was invoked so that subclasses can use this state to build their own
    319   // cleanup logic as required.
    320   bool using_external_message_loop_ = false;
    322   // Stores Options::timer_slack_ until the message loop has been bound to
    323   // a thread.
    324   TimerSlack message_loop_timer_slack_ = TIMER_SLACK_NONE;
    326   // The name of the thread.  Used for debugging purposes.
    327   const std::string name_;
    329   // Signaled when the created thread gets ready to use the message loop.
    330   mutable WaitableEvent start_event_;
    332   // This class is not thread-safe, use this to verify access from the owning
    333   // sequence of the Thread.
    334   SequenceChecker owning_sequence_checker_;
    337 };
    339 }  // namespace base
    341 #endif  // BASE_THREADING_THREAD_H_