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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define DEBUG false
     19 #include "Log.h"
     20 #include "MaxDurationTracker.h"
     21 #include "guardrail/StatsdStats.h"
     23 namespace android {
     24 namespace os {
     25 namespace statsd {
     27 MaxDurationTracker::MaxDurationTracker(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t& id,
     28                                        const MetricDimensionKey& eventKey,
     29                                        sp<ConditionWizard> wizard, int conditionIndex,
     30                                        const vector<Matcher>& dimensionInCondition, bool nesting,
     31                                        int64_t currentBucketStartNs, int64_t currentBucketNum,
     32                                        int64_t startTimeNs, int64_t bucketSizeNs,
     33                                        bool conditionSliced, bool fullLink,
     34                                        const vector<sp<DurationAnomalyTracker>>& anomalyTrackers)
     35     : DurationTracker(key, id, eventKey, wizard, conditionIndex, dimensionInCondition, nesting,
     36                       currentBucketStartNs, currentBucketNum, startTimeNs, bucketSizeNs,
     37                       conditionSliced, fullLink, anomalyTrackers) {
     38     if (mWizard != nullptr) {
     39         mSameConditionDimensionsInTracker =
     40             mWizard->equalOutputDimensions(conditionIndex, mDimensionInCondition);
     41     }
     42 }
     44 unique_ptr<DurationTracker> MaxDurationTracker::clone(const int64_t eventTime) {
     45     auto clonedTracker = make_unique<MaxDurationTracker>(*this);
     46     for (auto it = clonedTracker->mInfos.begin(); it != clonedTracker->mInfos.end();) {
     47         if (it->second.state  != kStopped) {
     48             it->second.lastStartTime = eventTime;
     49             it->second.lastDuration = 0;
     50             it++;
     51         } else {
     52             it = clonedTracker->mInfos.erase(it);
     53         }
     54     }
     55     if (clonedTracker->mInfos.empty()) {
     56         return nullptr;
     57     } else {
     58         return clonedTracker;
     59     }
     60 }
     62 bool MaxDurationTracker::hitGuardRail(const HashableDimensionKey& newKey) {
     63     // ===========GuardRail==============
     64     if (mInfos.find(newKey) != mInfos.end()) {
     65         // if the key existed, we are good!
     66         return false;
     67     }
     68     // 1. Report the tuple count if the tuple count > soft limit
     69     if (mInfos.size() > StatsdStats::kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit - 1) {
     70         size_t newTupleCount = mInfos.size() + 1;
     71         StatsdStats::getInstance().noteMetricDimensionSize(mConfigKey, mTrackerId, newTupleCount);
     72         // 2. Don't add more tuples, we are above the allowed threshold. Drop the data.
     73         if (newTupleCount > StatsdStats::kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit) {
     74             ALOGE("MaxDurTracker %lld dropping data for dimension key %s",
     75                 (long long)mTrackerId, newKey.toString().c_str());
     76             return true;
     77         }
     78     }
     79     return false;
     80 }
     82 void MaxDurationTracker::noteStart(const HashableDimensionKey& key, bool condition,
     83                                    const int64_t eventTime, const ConditionKey& conditionKey) {
     84     // this will construct a new DurationInfo if this key didn't exist.
     85     if (hitGuardRail(key)) {
     86         return;
     87     }
     89     DurationInfo& duration = mInfos[key];
     90     if (mConditionSliced) {
     91         duration.conditionKeys = conditionKey;
     92     }
     93     VLOG("MaxDuration: key %s start condition %d", key.toString().c_str(), condition);
     95     switch (duration.state) {
     96         case kStarted:
     97             duration.startCount++;
     98             break;
     99         case kPaused:
    100             duration.startCount++;
    101             break;
    102         case kStopped:
    103             if (!condition) {
    104                 // event started, but we need to wait for the condition to become true.
    105                 duration.state = DurationState::kPaused;
    106             } else {
    107                 duration.state = DurationState::kStarted;
    108                 duration.lastStartTime = eventTime;
    109                 startAnomalyAlarm(eventTime);
    110             }
    111             duration.startCount = 1;
    112             break;
    113     }
    114 }
    117 void MaxDurationTracker::noteStop(const HashableDimensionKey& key, const int64_t eventTime,
    118                                   bool forceStop) {
    119     VLOG("MaxDuration: key %s stop", key.toString().c_str());
    120     if (mInfos.find(key) == mInfos.end()) {
    121         // we didn't see a start event before. do nothing.
    122         return;
    123     }
    124     DurationInfo& duration = mInfos[key];
    126     switch (duration.state) {
    127         case DurationState::kStopped:
    128             // already stopped, do nothing.
    129             break;
    130         case DurationState::kStarted: {
    131             duration.startCount--;
    132             if (forceStop || !mNested || duration.startCount <= 0) {
    133                 stopAnomalyAlarm(eventTime);
    134                 duration.state = DurationState::kStopped;
    135                 int64_t durationTime = eventTime - duration.lastStartTime;
    136                 VLOG("Max, key %s, Stop %lld %lld %lld", key.toString().c_str(),
    137                      (long long)duration.lastStartTime, (long long)eventTime,
    138                      (long long)durationTime);
    139                 duration.lastDuration += durationTime;
    140                 if (anyStarted()) {
    141                     // In case any other dimensions are still started, we need to keep the alarm
    142                     // set.
    143                     startAnomalyAlarm(eventTime);
    144                 }
    145                 VLOG("  record duration: %lld ", (long long)duration.lastDuration);
    146             }
    147             break;
    148         }
    149         case DurationState::kPaused: {
    150             duration.startCount--;
    151             if (forceStop || !mNested || duration.startCount <= 0) {
    152                 duration.state = DurationState::kStopped;
    153             }
    154             break;
    155         }
    156     }
    158     if (duration.lastDuration > mDuration) {
    159         mDuration = duration.lastDuration;
    160         VLOG("Max: new max duration: %lld", (long long)mDuration);
    161     }
    162     // Once an atom duration ends, we erase it. Next time, if we see another atom event with the
    163     // same name, they are still considered as different atom durations.
    164     if (duration.state == DurationState::kStopped) {
    165         mInfos.erase(key);
    166     }
    167 }
    169 bool MaxDurationTracker::anyStarted() {
    170     for (auto& pair : mInfos) {
    171         if (pair.second.state == kStarted) {
    172             return true;
    173         }
    174     }
    175     return false;
    176 }
    178 void MaxDurationTracker::noteStopAll(const int64_t eventTime) {
    179     std::set<HashableDimensionKey> keys;
    180     for (const auto& pair : mInfos) {
    181         keys.insert(pair.first);
    182     }
    183     for (auto& key : keys) {
    184         noteStop(key, eventTime, true);
    185     }
    186 }
    188 bool MaxDurationTracker::flushCurrentBucket(
    189         const int64_t& eventTimeNs,
    190         std::unordered_map<MetricDimensionKey, std::vector<DurationBucket>>* output) {
    191     VLOG("MaxDurationTracker flushing.....");
    193     // adjust the bucket start time
    194     int numBucketsForward = 0;
    195     int64_t fullBucketEnd = getCurrentBucketEndTimeNs();
    196     int64_t currentBucketEndTimeNs;
    197     if (eventTimeNs >= fullBucketEnd) {
    198         numBucketsForward = 1 + (eventTimeNs - fullBucketEnd) / mBucketSizeNs;
    199         currentBucketEndTimeNs = fullBucketEnd;
    200     } else {
    201         // This must be a partial bucket.
    202         currentBucketEndTimeNs = eventTimeNs;
    203     }
    205     bool hasPendingEvent =
    206             false;  // has either a kStarted or kPaused event across bucket boundaries
    207     // meaning we need to carry them over to the new bucket.
    208     for (auto it = mInfos.begin(); it != mInfos.end();) {
    209         if (it->second.state == DurationState::kStopped) {
    210             // No need to keep buckets for events that were stopped before.
    211             it = mInfos.erase(it);
    212         } else {
    213             ++it;
    214             hasPendingEvent = true;
    215         }
    216     }
    218     // mDuration is updated in noteStop to the maximum duration that ended in the current bucket.
    219     if (mDuration != 0) {
    220         DurationBucket info;
    221         info.mBucketStartNs = mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs;
    222         info.mBucketEndNs = currentBucketEndTimeNs;
    223         info.mDuration = mDuration;
    224         (*output)[mEventKey].push_back(info);
    225         VLOG("  final duration for last bucket: %lld", (long long)mDuration);
    226     }
    228     if (numBucketsForward > 0) {
    229         mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs = fullBucketEnd + (numBucketsForward - 1) * mBucketSizeNs;
    230         mCurrentBucketNum += numBucketsForward;
    231     } else {  // We must be forming a partial bucket.
    232         mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs = eventTimeNs;
    233     }
    235     mDuration = 0;
    236     // If this tracker has no pending events, tell owner to remove.
    237     return !hasPendingEvent;
    238 }
    240 bool MaxDurationTracker::flushIfNeeded(
    241         int64_t eventTimeNs, unordered_map<MetricDimensionKey, vector<DurationBucket>>* output) {
    242     if (eventTimeNs < getCurrentBucketEndTimeNs()) {
    243         return false;
    244     }
    245     return flushCurrentBucket(eventTimeNs, output);
    246 }
    248 void MaxDurationTracker::onSlicedConditionMayChange(bool overallCondition,
    249                                                     const int64_t timestamp) {
    250     // Now for each of the on-going event, check if the condition has changed for them.
    251     for (auto& pair : mInfos) {
    252         if (pair.second.state == kStopped) {
    253             continue;
    254         }
    255         std::unordered_set<HashableDimensionKey> conditionDimensionKeySet;
    256         ConditionState conditionState = mWizard->query(
    257             mConditionTrackerIndex, pair.second.conditionKeys, mDimensionInCondition,
    258             !mSameConditionDimensionsInTracker,
    259             !mHasLinksToAllConditionDimensionsInTracker,
    260             &conditionDimensionKeySet);
    261         bool conditionMet =
    262                 (conditionState == ConditionState::kTrue) &&
    263                 (mDimensionInCondition.size() == 0 ||
    264                  conditionDimensionKeySet.find(mEventKey.getDimensionKeyInCondition()) !=
    265                          conditionDimensionKeySet.end());
    266         VLOG("key: %s, condition: %d", pair.first.toString().c_str(), conditionMet);
    267         noteConditionChanged(pair.first, conditionMet, timestamp);
    268     }
    269 }
    271 void MaxDurationTracker::onConditionChanged(bool condition, const int64_t timestamp) {
    272     for (auto& pair : mInfos) {
    273         noteConditionChanged(pair.first, condition, timestamp);
    274     }
    275 }
    277 void MaxDurationTracker::noteConditionChanged(const HashableDimensionKey& key, bool conditionMet,
    278                                               const int64_t timestamp) {
    279     auto it = mInfos.find(key);
    280     if (it == mInfos.end()) {
    281         return;
    282     }
    284     switch (it->second.state) {
    285         case kStarted:
    286             // If condition becomes false, kStarted -> kPaused. Record the current duration and
    287             // stop anomaly alarm.
    288             if (!conditionMet) {
    289                 stopAnomalyAlarm(timestamp);
    290                 it->second.state = DurationState::kPaused;
    291                 it->second.lastDuration += (timestamp - it->second.lastStartTime);
    292                 if (anyStarted()) {
    293                     // In case any other dimensions are still started, we need to set the alarm.
    294                     startAnomalyAlarm(timestamp);
    295                 }
    296                 VLOG("MaxDurationTracker Key: %s Started->Paused ", key.toString().c_str());
    297             }
    298             break;
    299         case kStopped:
    300             // Nothing to do if it's stopped.
    301             break;
    302         case kPaused:
    303             // If condition becomes true, kPaused -> kStarted. and the start time is the condition
    304             // change time.
    305             if (conditionMet) {
    306                 it->second.state = DurationState::kStarted;
    307                 it->second.lastStartTime = timestamp;
    308                 startAnomalyAlarm(timestamp);
    309                 VLOG("MaxDurationTracker Key: %s Paused->Started", key.toString().c_str());
    310             }
    311             break;
    312     }
    313     // Note that we don't update mDuration here since it's only updated during noteStop.
    314 }
    316 int64_t MaxDurationTracker::predictAnomalyTimestampNs(const DurationAnomalyTracker& anomalyTracker,
    317                                                       const int64_t currentTimestamp) const {
    318     // The allowed time we can continue in the current state is the
    319     // (anomaly threshold) - max(elapsed time of the started mInfos).
    320     int64_t maxElapsed = 0;
    321     for (auto it = mInfos.begin(); it != mInfos.end(); ++it) {
    322         if (it->second.state == DurationState::kStarted) {
    323             int64_t duration =
    324                     it->second.lastDuration + (currentTimestamp - it->second.lastStartTime);
    325             if (duration > maxElapsed) {
    326                 maxElapsed = duration;
    327             }
    328         }
    329     }
    330     int64_t anomalyTimeNs = currentTimestamp + anomalyTracker.getAnomalyThreshold() - maxElapsed;
    331     int64_t refractoryEndNs = anomalyTracker.getRefractoryPeriodEndsSec(mEventKey) * NS_PER_SEC;
    332     return std::max(anomalyTimeNs, refractoryEndNs);
    333 }
    335 void MaxDurationTracker::dumpStates(FILE* out, bool verbose) const {
    336     fprintf(out, "\t\t sub-durations %lu\n", (unsigned long)mInfos.size());
    337     fprintf(out, "\t\t current duration %lld\n", (long long)mDuration);
    338 }
    340 }  // namespace statsd
    341 }  // namespace os
    342 }  // namespace android