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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include <stdbool.h>
     21 #include <stdint.h>
     22 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
     23 #include <sys/types.h>
     25 #include <hardware/hardware.h>
     27 __BEGIN_DECLS
     35 /**
     36  * The id of this module
     37  */
     38 #define POWER_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID "power"
     40 /*
     41  * Platform-level sleep state stats.
     42  * Maximum length of Platform-level sleep state name.
     43  */
     44 #define POWER_STATE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 100
     46 /*
     47  * Platform-level sleep state stats.
     48  * Maximum length of Platform-level sleep state voter name.
     49  */
     52 /*
     53  * Power hint identifiers passed to (*powerHint)
     54  */
     56 typedef enum {
     57     POWER_HINT_VSYNC = 0x00000001,
     58     POWER_HINT_INTERACTION = 0x00000002,
     59     /* DO NOT USE POWER_HINT_VIDEO_ENCODE/_DECODE!  They will be removed in
     60      * KLP.
     61      */
     62     POWER_HINT_VIDEO_ENCODE = 0x00000003,
     63     POWER_HINT_VIDEO_DECODE = 0x00000004,
     64     POWER_HINT_LOW_POWER = 0x00000005,
     65     POWER_HINT_SUSTAINED_PERFORMANCE = 0x00000006,
     66     POWER_HINT_VR_MODE = 0x00000007,
     67     POWER_HINT_LAUNCH = 0x00000008,
     68     POWER_HINT_DISABLE_TOUCH = 0x00000009
     69 } power_hint_t;
     71 typedef enum {
     72     POWER_FEATURE_DOUBLE_TAP_TO_WAKE = 0x00000001
     73 } feature_t;
     75 /*
     76  * Platform-level sleep state stats:
     77  * power_state_voter_t struct is useful for describing the individual voters when a
     78  * Platform-level sleep state is chosen by aggregation of votes from multiple
     79  * clients/system conditions.
     80  *
     81  * This helps in attirbuting what in the device is blocking the device from
     82  * entering the lowest Platform-level sleep state.
     83  */
     84 typedef struct {
     85     /*
     86      * Name of the voter.
     87      */
     88      char name[POWER_STATE_VOTER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
     90     /*
     91      * Total time in msec the voter voted for the platform sleep state since boot.
     92      */
     93      uint64_t total_time_in_msec_voted_for_since_boot;
     95     /*
     96      * Number of times the voter voted for the platform sleep state since boot.
     97      */
     98      uint64_t total_number_of_times_voted_since_boot;
     99 } power_state_voter_t;
    101 /*
    102  * Platform-level sleep state stats:
    103  * power_state_platform_sleep_state_t represents the Platform-level sleep state the
    104  * device is capable of getting into.
    105  *
    106  * SoCs usually have more than one Platform-level sleep state.
    107  *
    108  * The caller calls the get_number_of_platform_modes function to figure out the size
    109  * of power_state_platform_sleep_state_t array where each array element represents
    110  * a specific Platform-level sleep state.
    111  *
    112  * Higher the index deeper the state is i.e. lesser steady-state power is consumed
    113  * by the platform to be resident in that state.
    114  *
    115  * Caller allocates power_state_voter_t *voters for each Platform-level sleep state by
    116  * calling get_voter_list.
    117  */
    118 typedef struct {
    119     /*
    120      * Platform-level Sleep state name.
    121      */
    122     char name[POWER_STATE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
    124     /*
    125      * Time spent in msec at this platform-level sleep state since boot.
    126      */
    127     uint64_t residency_in_msec_since_boot;
    129     /*
    130      * Total number of times system entered this state.
    131      */
    132     uint64_t total_transitions;
    134     /*
    135      * This platform-level sleep state can only be reached during system suspend.
    136      */
    137     bool supported_only_in_suspend;
    139     /*
    140      * The following fields are useful if the Platform-level sleep state
    141      * is chosen by aggregation votes from multiple clients/system conditions.
    142      * All the voters have to say yes or all the system conditions need to be
    143      * met to enter a platform-level sleep state.
    144      *
    145      * Setting number_of_voters to zero implies either the info is not available
    146      * or the system does not follow a voting mechanism to choose this
    147      * Platform-level sleep state.
    148      */
    149     uint32_t number_of_voters;
    151     /*
    152      * Voter list - Has to be allocated by the caller.
    153      *
    154      * Caller allocates power_state_voter_t *voters for each Platform-level sleep state
    155      * by calling get_voter_list.
    156      */
    157     power_state_voter_t *voters;
    158 } power_state_platform_sleep_state_t;
    160 /**
    161  * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
    162  * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t
    163  * followed by module specific information.
    164  */
    165 typedef struct power_module {
    166     struct hw_module_t common;
    168     /*
    169      * (*init)() performs power management setup actions at runtime
    170      * startup, such as to set default cpufreq parameters.  This is
    171      * called only by the Power HAL instance loaded by
    172      * PowerManagerService.
    173      *
    174      * Platform-level sleep state stats:
    175      * Can Also be used to initiate device specific Platform-level
    176      * Sleep state nodes from version 0.5 onwards.
    177      */
    178     void (*init)(struct power_module *module);
    180     /*
    181      * (*setInteractive)() performs power management actions upon the
    182      * system entering interactive state (that is, the system is awake
    183      * and ready for interaction, often with UI devices such as
    184      * display and touchscreen enabled) or non-interactive state (the
    185      * system appears asleep, display usually turned off).  The
    186      * non-interactive state is usually entered after a period of
    187      * inactivity, in order to conserve battery power during
    188      * such inactive periods.
    189      *
    190      * Typical actions are to turn on or off devices and adjust
    191      * cpufreq parameters.  This function may also call the
    192      * appropriate interfaces to allow the kernel to suspend the
    193      * system to low-power sleep state when entering non-interactive
    194      * state, and to disallow low-power suspend when the system is in
    195      * interactive state.  When low-power suspend state is allowed, the
    196      * kernel may suspend the system whenever no wakelocks are held.
    197      *
    198      * on is non-zero when the system is transitioning to an
    199      * interactive / awake state, and zero when transitioning to a
    200      * non-interactive / asleep state.
    201      *
    202      * This function is called to enter non-interactive state after
    203      * turning off the screen (if present), and called to enter
    204      * interactive state prior to turning on the screen.
    205      */
    206     void (*setInteractive)(struct power_module *module, int on);
    208     /*
    209      * (*powerHint) is called to pass hints on power requirements, which
    210      * may result in adjustment of power/performance parameters of the
    211      * cpufreq governor and other controls.  The possible hints are:
    212      *
    213      * POWER_HINT_VSYNC
    214      *
    215      *     Foreground app has started or stopped requesting a VSYNC pulse
    216      *     from SurfaceFlinger.  If the app has started requesting VSYNC
    217      *     then CPU and GPU load is expected soon, and it may be appropriate
    218      *     to raise speeds of CPU, memory bus, etc.  The data parameter is
    219      *     non-zero to indicate VSYNC pulse is now requested, or zero for
    220      *     VSYNC pulse no longer requested.
    221      *
    223      *
    224      *     User is interacting with the device, for example, touchscreen
    225      *     events are incoming.  CPU and GPU load may be expected soon,
    226      *     and it may be appropriate to raise speeds of CPU, memory bus,
    227      *     etc.  The data parameter is the estimated length of the interaction
    228      *     in milliseconds, or 0 if unknown.
    229      *
    230      * POWER_HINT_LOW_POWER
    231      *
    232      *     Low power mode is activated or deactivated. Low power mode
    233      *     is intended to save battery at the cost of performance. The data
    234      *     parameter is non-zero when low power mode is activated, and zero
    235      *     when deactivated.
    236      *
    238      *
    239      *     Sustained Performance mode is actived or deactivated. Sustained
    240      *     performance mode is intended to provide a consistent level of
    241      *     performance for a prolonged amount of time. The data parameter is
    242      *     non-zero when sustained performance mode is activated, and zero
    243      *     when deactivated.
    244      *
    245      * POWER_HINT_VR_MODE
    246      *
    247      *     VR Mode is activated or deactivated. VR mode is intended to
    248      *     provide minimum guarantee for performance for the amount of time the
    249      *     device can sustain it. The data parameter is non-zero when the mode
    250      *     is activated and zero when deactivated.
    251      *
    253      *
    254      *     When device enters some special modes, e.g. theater mode in Android
    255      *     Wear, there is no touch interaction expected between device and user.
    256      *     Touch controller could be disabled in those modes to save power.
    257      *     The data parameter is non-zero when touch could be disabled, and zero
    258      *     when touch needs to be re-enabled.
    259      *
    260      * A particular platform may choose to ignore any hint.
    261      *
    262      * availability: version 0.2
    263      *
    264      */
    265     void (*powerHint)(struct power_module *module, power_hint_t hint,
    266                       void *data);
    268     /*
    269      * (*setFeature) is called to turn on or off a particular feature
    270      * depending on the state parameter. The possible features are:
    271      *
    273      *
    274      *    Enabling/Disabling this feature will allow/disallow the system
    275      *    to wake up by tapping the screen twice.
    276      *
    277      * availability: version 0.3
    278      *
    279      */
    280     void (*setFeature)(struct power_module *module, feature_t feature, int state);
    282     /*
    283      * Platform-level sleep state stats:
    284      * Report cumulative info on the statistics on platform-level sleep states since boot.
    285      *
    286      * Caller of the function queries the get_number_of_sleep_states and allocates the
    287      * memory for the power_state_platform_sleep_state_t *list before calling this function.
    288      *
    289      * power_stats module is responsible to assign values to all the fields as
    290      * necessary.
    291      *
    292      * Higher the index deeper the state is i.e. lesser steady-state power is consumed
    293      * by the platform to be resident in that state.
    294      *
    295      * The function returns 0 on success or negative value -errno on error.
    296      * EINVAL - *list is NULL.
    297      * EIO - filesystem nodes access error.
    298      *
    299      * availability: version 0.5
    300      */
    301     int (*get_platform_low_power_stats)(struct power_module *module,
    302         power_state_platform_sleep_state_t *list);
    304     /*
    305      * Platform-level sleep state stats:
    306      * This function is called to determine the number of platform-level sleep states
    307      * for get_platform_low_power_stats.
    308      *
    309      * The value returned by this function is used to allocate memory for
    310      * power_state_platform_sleep_state_t *list for get_platform_low_power_stats.
    311      *
    312      * The number of parameters must not change for successive calls.
    313      *
    314      * Return number of parameters on success or negative value -errno on error.
    315      * EIO - filesystem nodes access error.
    316      *
    317      * availability: version 0.5
    318      */
    319     ssize_t (*get_number_of_platform_modes)(struct power_module *module);
    321     /*
    322      * Platform-level sleep state stats:
    323      * Provides the number of voters for each of the Platform-level sleep state.
    324      *
    325      * Caller uses this function to allocate memory for the power_state_voter_t list.
    326      *
    327      * Caller has to allocate the space for the *voter array which is
    328      * get_number_of_platform_modes() long.
    329      *
    330      * Return 0 on success or negative value -errno on error.
    331      * EINVAL - *voter is NULL.
    332      * EIO - filesystem nodes access error.
    333      *
    334      * availability: version 0.5
    335      */
    336     int (*get_voter_list)(struct power_module *module, size_t *voter);
    338 } power_module_t;
    341 __END_DECLS