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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define LOG_TAG "PersistableBundle"
     19 #include <binder/PersistableBundle.h>
     20 #include <private/binder/ParcelValTypes.h>
     22 #include <limits>
     24 #include <binder/IBinder.h>
     25 #include <binder/Parcel.h>
     26 #include <log/log.h>
     27 #include <utils/Errors.h>
     29 using android::BAD_TYPE;
     30 using android::BAD_VALUE;
     31 using android::NO_ERROR;
     32 using android::Parcel;
     33 using android::sp;
     34 using android::status_t;
     35 using android::UNEXPECTED_NULL;
     36 using std::map;
     37 using std::set;
     38 using std::vector;
     39 using namespace ::android::binder;
     41 enum {
     42     // Keep them in sync with BUNDLE_MAGIC* in frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/BaseBundle.java.
     43     BUNDLE_MAGIC = 0x4C444E42,
     44     BUNDLE_MAGIC_NATIVE = 0x4C444E44,
     45 };
     47 namespace {
     48 template <typename T>
     49 bool getValue(const android::String16& key, T* out, const map<android::String16, T>& map) {
     50     const auto& it = map.find(key);
     51     if (it == map.end()) return false;
     52     *out = it->second;
     53     return true;
     54 }
     56 template <typename T>
     57 set<android::String16> getKeys(const map<android::String16, T>& map) {
     58     if (map.empty()) return set<android::String16>();
     59     set<android::String16> keys;
     60     for (const auto& key_value_pair : map) {
     61         keys.emplace(key_value_pair.first);
     62     }
     63     return keys;
     64 }
     65 }  // namespace
     67 namespace android {
     69 namespace os {
     71 #define RETURN_IF_FAILED(calledOnce)                                     \
     72     {                                                                    \
     73         status_t returnStatus = calledOnce;                              \
     74         if (returnStatus) {                                              \
     75             ALOGE("Failed at %s:%d (%s)", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); \
     76             return returnStatus;                                         \
     77          }                                                               \
     78     }
     80 #define RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(map, key)                                 \
     81     {                                                                    \
     82         size_t num_erased = (map).erase(key);                            \
     83         if (num_erased) {                                                \
     84             ALOGE("Failed at %s:%d (%s)", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); \
     85             return num_erased;                                           \
     86          }                                                               \
     87     }
     89 status_t PersistableBundle::writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const {
     90     /*
     91      * Keep implementation in sync with writeToParcelInner() in
     92      * frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/BaseBundle.java.
     93      */
     95     // Special case for empty bundles.
     96     if (empty()) {
     97         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(0));
     98         return NO_ERROR;
     99     }
    101     size_t length_pos = parcel->dataPosition();
    102     RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(1));  // dummy, will hold length
    103     RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(BUNDLE_MAGIC_NATIVE));
    105     size_t start_pos = parcel->dataPosition();
    106     RETURN_IF_FAILED(writeToParcelInner(parcel));
    107     size_t end_pos = parcel->dataPosition();
    109     // Backpatch length. This length value includes the length header.
    110     parcel->setDataPosition(length_pos);
    111     size_t length = end_pos - start_pos;
    112     if (length > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) {
    113         ALOGE("Parcel length (%zu) too large to store in 32-bit signed int", length);
    114         return BAD_VALUE;
    115     }
    116     RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(length)));
    117     parcel->setDataPosition(end_pos);
    118     return NO_ERROR;
    119 }
    121 status_t PersistableBundle::readFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel) {
    122     /*
    123      * Keep implementation in sync with readFromParcelInner() in
    124      * frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/BaseBundle.java.
    125      */
    126     int32_t length = parcel->readInt32();
    127     if (length < 0) {
    128         ALOGE("Bad length in parcel: %d", length);
    129         return UNEXPECTED_NULL;
    130     }
    132     return readFromParcelInner(parcel, static_cast<size_t>(length));
    133 }
    135 bool PersistableBundle::empty() const {
    136     return size() == 0u;
    137 }
    139 size_t PersistableBundle::size() const {
    140     return (mBoolMap.size() +
    141             mIntMap.size() +
    142             mLongMap.size() +
    143             mDoubleMap.size() +
    144             mStringMap.size() +
    145             mBoolVectorMap.size() +
    146             mIntVectorMap.size() +
    147             mLongVectorMap.size() +
    148             mDoubleVectorMap.size() +
    149             mStringVectorMap.size() +
    150             mPersistableBundleMap.size());
    151 }
    153 size_t PersistableBundle::erase(const String16& key) {
    154     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mBoolMap, key);
    155     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mIntMap, key);
    156     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mLongMap, key);
    157     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mDoubleMap, key);
    158     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mStringMap, key);
    159     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mBoolVectorMap, key);
    160     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mIntVectorMap, key);
    161     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mLongVectorMap, key);
    162     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mDoubleVectorMap, key);
    163     RETURN_IF_ENTRY_ERASED(mStringVectorMap, key);
    164     return mPersistableBundleMap.erase(key);
    165 }
    167 void PersistableBundle::putBoolean(const String16& key, bool value) {
    168     erase(key);
    169     mBoolMap[key] = value;
    170 }
    172 void PersistableBundle::putInt(const String16& key, int32_t value) {
    173     erase(key);
    174     mIntMap[key] = value;
    175 }
    177 void PersistableBundle::putLong(const String16& key, int64_t value) {
    178     erase(key);
    179     mLongMap[key] = value;
    180 }
    182 void PersistableBundle::putDouble(const String16& key, double value) {
    183     erase(key);
    184     mDoubleMap[key] = value;
    185 }
    187 void PersistableBundle::putString(const String16& key, const String16& value) {
    188     erase(key);
    189     mStringMap[key] = value;
    190 }
    192 void PersistableBundle::putBooleanVector(const String16& key, const vector<bool>& value) {
    193     erase(key);
    194     mBoolVectorMap[key] = value;
    195 }
    197 void PersistableBundle::putIntVector(const String16& key, const vector<int32_t>& value) {
    198     erase(key);
    199     mIntVectorMap[key] = value;
    200 }
    202 void PersistableBundle::putLongVector(const String16& key, const vector<int64_t>& value) {
    203     erase(key);
    204     mLongVectorMap[key] = value;
    205 }
    207 void PersistableBundle::putDoubleVector(const String16& key, const vector<double>& value) {
    208     erase(key);
    209     mDoubleVectorMap[key] = value;
    210 }
    212 void PersistableBundle::putStringVector(const String16& key, const vector<String16>& value) {
    213     erase(key);
    214     mStringVectorMap[key] = value;
    215 }
    217 void PersistableBundle::putPersistableBundle(const String16& key, const PersistableBundle& value) {
    218     erase(key);
    219     mPersistableBundleMap[key] = value;
    220 }
    222 bool PersistableBundle::getBoolean(const String16& key, bool* out) const {
    223     return getValue(key, out, mBoolMap);
    224 }
    226 bool PersistableBundle::getInt(const String16& key, int32_t* out) const {
    227     return getValue(key, out, mIntMap);
    228 }
    230 bool PersistableBundle::getLong(const String16& key, int64_t* out) const {
    231     return getValue(key, out, mLongMap);
    232 }
    234 bool PersistableBundle::getDouble(const String16& key, double* out) const {
    235     return getValue(key, out, mDoubleMap);
    236 }
    238 bool PersistableBundle::getString(const String16& key, String16* out) const {
    239     return getValue(key, out, mStringMap);
    240 }
    242 bool PersistableBundle::getBooleanVector(const String16& key, vector<bool>* out) const {
    243     return getValue(key, out, mBoolVectorMap);
    244 }
    246 bool PersistableBundle::getIntVector(const String16& key, vector<int32_t>* out) const {
    247     return getValue(key, out, mIntVectorMap);
    248 }
    250 bool PersistableBundle::getLongVector(const String16& key, vector<int64_t>* out) const {
    251     return getValue(key, out, mLongVectorMap);
    252 }
    254 bool PersistableBundle::getDoubleVector(const String16& key, vector<double>* out) const {
    255     return getValue(key, out, mDoubleVectorMap);
    256 }
    258 bool PersistableBundle::getStringVector(const String16& key, vector<String16>* out) const {
    259     return getValue(key, out, mStringVectorMap);
    260 }
    262 bool PersistableBundle::getPersistableBundle(const String16& key, PersistableBundle* out) const {
    263     return getValue(key, out, mPersistableBundleMap);
    264 }
    266 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getBooleanKeys() const {
    267     return getKeys(mBoolMap);
    268 }
    270 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getIntKeys() const {
    271     return getKeys(mIntMap);
    272 }
    274 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getLongKeys() const {
    275     return getKeys(mLongMap);
    276 }
    278 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getDoubleKeys() const {
    279     return getKeys(mDoubleMap);
    280 }
    282 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getStringKeys() const {
    283     return getKeys(mStringMap);
    284 }
    286 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getBooleanVectorKeys() const {
    287     return getKeys(mBoolVectorMap);
    288 }
    290 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getIntVectorKeys() const {
    291     return getKeys(mIntVectorMap);
    292 }
    294 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getLongVectorKeys() const {
    295     return getKeys(mLongVectorMap);
    296 }
    298 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getDoubleVectorKeys() const {
    299     return getKeys(mDoubleVectorMap);
    300 }
    302 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getStringVectorKeys() const {
    303     return getKeys(mStringVectorMap);
    304 }
    306 set<String16> PersistableBundle::getPersistableBundleKeys() const {
    307     return getKeys(mPersistableBundleMap);
    308 }
    310 status_t PersistableBundle::writeToParcelInner(Parcel* parcel) const {
    311     /*
    312      * To keep this implementation in sync with writeArrayMapInternal() in
    313      * frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/Parcel.java, the number of key
    314      * value pairs must be written into the parcel before writing the key-value
    315      * pairs themselves.
    316      */
    317     size_t num_entries = size();
    318     if (num_entries > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) {
    319         ALOGE("The size of this PersistableBundle (%zu) too large to store in 32-bit signed int",
    320               num_entries);
    321         return BAD_VALUE;
    322     }
    323     RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(num_entries)));
    325     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mBoolMap) {
    326         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    327         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_BOOLEAN));
    328         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeBool(key_val_pair.second));
    329     }
    330     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mIntMap) {
    331         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    332         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_INTEGER));
    333         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(key_val_pair.second));
    334     }
    335     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mLongMap) {
    336         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    337         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_LONG));
    338         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt64(key_val_pair.second));
    339     }
    340     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mDoubleMap) {
    341         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    342         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_DOUBLE));
    343         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeDouble(key_val_pair.second));
    344     }
    345     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mStringMap) {
    346         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    347         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_STRING));
    348         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.second));
    349     }
    350     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mBoolVectorMap) {
    351         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    352         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_BOOLEANARRAY));
    353         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeBoolVector(key_val_pair.second));
    354     }
    355     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mIntVectorMap) {
    356         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    357         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_INTARRAY));
    358         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32Vector(key_val_pair.second));
    359     }
    360     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mLongVectorMap) {
    361         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    362         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_LONGARRAY));
    363         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt64Vector(key_val_pair.second));
    364     }
    365     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mDoubleVectorMap) {
    366         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    367         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_DOUBLEARRAY));
    368         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeDoubleVector(key_val_pair.second));
    369     }
    370     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mStringVectorMap) {
    371         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    372         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_STRINGARRAY));
    373         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16Vector(key_val_pair.second));
    374     }
    375     for (const auto& key_val_pair : mPersistableBundleMap) {
    376         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeString16(key_val_pair.first));
    377         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->writeInt32(VAL_PERSISTABLEBUNDLE));
    378         RETURN_IF_FAILED(key_val_pair.second.writeToParcel(parcel));
    379     }
    380     return NO_ERROR;
    381 }
    383 status_t PersistableBundle::readFromParcelInner(const Parcel* parcel, size_t length) {
    384     /*
    385      * Note: we don't actually use length for anything other than an empty PersistableBundle
    386      * check, since we do not actually need to copy in an entire Parcel, unlike in the Java
    387      * implementation.
    388      */
    389     if (length == 0) {
    390         // Empty PersistableBundle or end of data.
    391         return NO_ERROR;
    392     }
    394     int32_t magic;
    395     RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readInt32(&magic));
    396     if (magic != BUNDLE_MAGIC && magic != BUNDLE_MAGIC_NATIVE) {
    397         ALOGE("Bad magic number for PersistableBundle: 0x%08x", magic);
    398         return BAD_VALUE;
    399     }
    401     /*
    402      * To keep this implementation in sync with unparcel() in
    403      * frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/BaseBundle.java, the number of
    404      * key-value pairs must be read from the parcel before reading the key-value
    405      * pairs themselves.
    406      */
    407     int32_t num_entries;
    408     RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readInt32(&num_entries));
    410     for (; num_entries > 0; --num_entries) {
    411         String16 key;
    412         int32_t value_type;
    413         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readString16(&key));
    414         RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readInt32(&value_type));
    416         /*
    417          * We assume that both the C++ and Java APIs ensure that all keys in a PersistableBundle
    418          * are unique.
    419          */
    420         switch (value_type) {
    421             case VAL_STRING: {
    422                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readString16(&mStringMap[key]));
    423                 break;
    424             }
    425             case VAL_INTEGER: {
    426                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readInt32(&mIntMap[key]));
    427                 break;
    428             }
    429             case VAL_LONG: {
    430                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readInt64(&mLongMap[key]));
    431                 break;
    432             }
    433             case VAL_DOUBLE: {
    434                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readDouble(&mDoubleMap[key]));
    435                 break;
    436             }
    437             case VAL_BOOLEAN: {
    438                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readBool(&mBoolMap[key]));
    439                 break;
    440             }
    441             case VAL_STRINGARRAY: {
    442                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readString16Vector(&mStringVectorMap[key]));
    443                 break;
    444             }
    445             case VAL_INTARRAY: {
    446                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readInt32Vector(&mIntVectorMap[key]));
    447                 break;
    448             }
    449             case VAL_LONGARRAY: {
    450                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readInt64Vector(&mLongVectorMap[key]));
    451                 break;
    452             }
    453             case VAL_BOOLEANARRAY: {
    454                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readBoolVector(&mBoolVectorMap[key]));
    455                 break;
    456             }
    457             case VAL_PERSISTABLEBUNDLE: {
    458                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(mPersistableBundleMap[key].readFromParcel(parcel));
    459                 break;
    460             }
    461             case VAL_DOUBLEARRAY: {
    462                 RETURN_IF_FAILED(parcel->readDoubleVector(&mDoubleVectorMap[key]));
    463                 break;
    464             }
    465             default: {
    466                 ALOGE("Unrecognized type: %d", value_type);
    467                 return BAD_TYPE;
    468                 break;
    469             }
    470         }
    471     }
    473     return NO_ERROR;
    474 }
    476 }  // namespace os
    478 }  // namespace android