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      1 /*
      2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      3  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
      4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
      5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
      6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
      7  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  */
     18 package org.apache.commons.math.ode.sampling;
     20 import java.io.IOException;
     21 import java.io.ObjectInput;
     22 import java.io.ObjectOutput;
     23 import java.util.Arrays;
     25 import org.apache.commons.math.ode.DerivativeException;
     26 import org.apache.commons.math.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
     27 import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath;
     29 /**
     30  * This class implements an interpolator for integrators using Nordsieck representation.
     31  *
     32  * <p>This interpolator computes dense output around the current point.
     33  * The interpolation equation is based on Taylor series formulas.
     34  *
     35  * @see org.apache.commons.math.ode.nonstiff.AdamsBashforthIntegrator
     36  * @see org.apache.commons.math.ode.nonstiff.AdamsMoultonIntegrator
     37  * @version $Revision: 1073158 $ $Date: 2011-02-21 22:46:52 +0100 (lun. 21 fvr. 2011) $
     38  * @since 2.0
     39  */
     41 public class NordsieckStepInterpolator extends AbstractStepInterpolator {
     43     /** Serializable version identifier */
     44     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7179861704951334960L;
     46     /** State variation. */
     47     protected double[] stateVariation;
     49     /** Step size used in the first scaled derivative and Nordsieck vector. */
     50     private double scalingH;
     52     /** Reference time for all arrays.
     53      * <p>Sometimes, the reference time is the same as previousTime,
     54      * sometimes it is the same as currentTime, so we use a separate
     55      * field to avoid any confusion.
     56      * </p>
     57      */
     58     private double referenceTime;
     60     /** First scaled derivative. */
     61     private double[] scaled;
     63     /** Nordsieck vector. */
     64     private Array2DRowRealMatrix nordsieck;
     66     /** Simple constructor.
     67      * This constructor builds an instance that is not usable yet, the
     68      * {@link AbstractStepInterpolator#reinitialize} method should be called
     69      * before using the instance in order to initialize the internal arrays. This
     70      * constructor is used only in order to delay the initialization in
     71      * some cases.
     72      */
     73     public NordsieckStepInterpolator() {
     74     }
     76     /** Copy constructor.
     77      * @param interpolator interpolator to copy from. The copy is a deep
     78      * copy: its arrays are separated from the original arrays of the
     79      * instance
     80      */
     81     public NordsieckStepInterpolator(final NordsieckStepInterpolator interpolator) {
     82         super(interpolator);
     83         scalingH      = interpolator.scalingH;
     84         referenceTime = interpolator.referenceTime;
     85         if (interpolator.scaled != null) {
     86             scaled = interpolator.scaled.clone();
     87         }
     88         if (interpolator.nordsieck != null) {
     89             nordsieck = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(interpolator.nordsieck.getDataRef(), true);
     90         }
     91         if (interpolator.stateVariation != null) {
     92             stateVariation = interpolator.stateVariation.clone();
     93         }
     94     }
     96     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     97     @Override
     98     protected StepInterpolator doCopy() {
     99         return new NordsieckStepInterpolator(this);
    100     }
    102     /** Reinitialize the instance.
    103      * <p>Beware that all arrays <em>must</em> be references to integrator
    104      * arrays, in order to ensure proper update without copy.</p>
    105      * @param y reference to the integrator array holding the state at
    106      * the end of the step
    107      * @param forward integration direction indicator
    108      */
    109     @Override
    110     public void reinitialize(final double[] y, final boolean forward) {
    111         super.reinitialize(y, forward);
    112         stateVariation = new double[y.length];
    113     }
    115     /** Reinitialize the instance.
    116      * <p>Beware that all arrays <em>must</em> be references to integrator
    117      * arrays, in order to ensure proper update without copy.</p>
    118      * @param time time at which all arrays are defined
    119      * @param stepSize step size used in the scaled and nordsieck arrays
    120      * @param scaledDerivative reference to the integrator array holding the first
    121      * scaled derivative
    122      * @param nordsieckVector reference to the integrator matrix holding the
    123      * nordsieck vector
    124      */
    125     public void reinitialize(final double time, final double stepSize,
    126                              final double[] scaledDerivative,
    127                              final Array2DRowRealMatrix nordsieckVector) {
    128         this.referenceTime = time;
    129         this.scalingH      = stepSize;
    130         this.scaled        = scaledDerivative;
    131         this.nordsieck     = nordsieckVector;
    133         // make sure the state and derivatives will depend on the new arrays
    134         setInterpolatedTime(getInterpolatedTime());
    136     }
    138     /** Rescale the instance.
    139      * <p>Since the scaled and Nordiseck arrays are shared with the caller,
    140      * this method has the side effect of rescaling this arrays in the caller too.</p>
    141      * @param stepSize new step size to use in the scaled and nordsieck arrays
    142      */
    143     public void rescale(final double stepSize) {
    145         final double ratio = stepSize / scalingH;
    146         for (int i = 0; i < scaled.length; ++i) {
    147             scaled[i] *= ratio;
    148         }
    150         final double[][] nData = nordsieck.getDataRef();
    151         double power = ratio;
    152         for (int i = 0; i < nData.length; ++i) {
    153             power *= ratio;
    154             final double[] nDataI = nData[i];
    155             for (int j = 0; j < nDataI.length; ++j) {
    156                 nDataI[j] *= power;
    157             }
    158         }
    160         scalingH = stepSize;
    162     }
    164     /**
    165      * Get the state vector variation from current to interpolated state.
    166      * <p>This method is aimed at computing y(t<sub>interpolation</sub>)
    167      * -y(t<sub>current</sub>) accurately by avoiding the cancellation errors
    168      * that would occur if the subtraction were performed explicitly.</p>
    169      * <p>The returned vector is a reference to a reused array, so
    170      * it should not be modified and it should be copied if it needs
    171      * to be preserved across several calls.</p>
    172      * @return state vector at time {@link #getInterpolatedTime}
    173      * @see #getInterpolatedDerivatives()
    174      * @throws DerivativeException if this call induces an automatic
    175      * step finalization that throws one
    176      */
    177     public double[] getInterpolatedStateVariation()
    178         throws DerivativeException {
    179         // compute and ignore interpolated state
    180         // to make sure state variation is computed as a side effect
    181         getInterpolatedState();
    182         return stateVariation;
    183     }
    185     /** {@inheritDoc} */
    186     @Override
    187     protected void computeInterpolatedStateAndDerivatives(final double theta, final double oneMinusThetaH) {
    189         final double x = interpolatedTime - referenceTime;
    190         final double normalizedAbscissa = x / scalingH;
    192         Arrays.fill(stateVariation, 0.0);
    193         Arrays.fill(interpolatedDerivatives, 0.0);
    195         // apply Taylor formula from high order to low order,
    196         // for the sake of numerical accuracy
    197         final double[][] nData = nordsieck.getDataRef();
    198         for (int i = nData.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    199             final int order = i + 2;
    200             final double[] nDataI = nData[i];
    201             final double power = FastMath.pow(normalizedAbscissa, order);
    202             for (int j = 0; j < nDataI.length; ++j) {
    203                 final double d = nDataI[j] * power;
    204                 stateVariation[j]          += d;
    205                 interpolatedDerivatives[j] += order * d;
    206             }
    207         }
    209         for (int j = 0; j < currentState.length; ++j) {
    210             stateVariation[j] += scaled[j] * normalizedAbscissa;
    211             interpolatedState[j] = currentState[j] + stateVariation[j];
    212             interpolatedDerivatives[j] =
    213                 (interpolatedDerivatives[j] + scaled[j] * normalizedAbscissa) / x;
    214         }
    216     }
    218     /** {@inheritDoc} */
    219     @Override
    220     public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out)
    221         throws IOException {
    223         // save the state of the base class
    224         writeBaseExternal(out);
    226         // save the local attributes
    227         out.writeDouble(scalingH);
    228         out.writeDouble(referenceTime);
    230         final int n = (currentState == null) ? -1 : currentState.length;
    231         if (scaled == null) {
    232             out.writeBoolean(false);
    233         } else {
    234             out.writeBoolean(true);
    235             for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
    236                 out.writeDouble(scaled[j]);
    237             }
    238         }
    240         if (nordsieck == null) {
    241             out.writeBoolean(false);
    242         } else {
    243             out.writeBoolean(true);
    244             out.writeObject(nordsieck);
    245         }
    247         // we don't save state variation, it will be recomputed
    249     }
    251     /** {@inheritDoc} */
    252     @Override
    253     public void readExternal(final ObjectInput in)
    254         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    256         // read the base class
    257         final double t = readBaseExternal(in);
    259         // read the local attributes
    260         scalingH      = in.readDouble();
    261         referenceTime = in.readDouble();
    263         final int n = (currentState == null) ? -1 : currentState.length;
    264         final boolean hasScaled = in.readBoolean();
    265         if (hasScaled) {
    266             scaled = new double[n];
    267             for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
    268                 scaled[j] = in.readDouble();
    269             }
    270         } else {
    271             scaled = null;
    272         }
    274         final boolean hasNordsieck = in.readBoolean();
    275         if (hasNordsieck) {
    276             nordsieck = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) in.readObject();
    277         } else {
    278             nordsieck = null;
    279         }
    281         if (hasScaled && hasNordsieck) {
    282             // we can now set the interpolated time and state
    283             stateVariation = new double[n];
    284             setInterpolatedTime(t);
    285         } else {
    286             stateVariation = null;
    287         }
    289     }
    291 }