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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/video_frame.h"
     13 #include <string.h>
     15 #include <algorithm>  // swap
     17 #include "webrtc/base/bind.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
     20 namespace webrtc {
     22 bool EqualPlane(const uint8_t* data1,
     23                 const uint8_t* data2,
     24                 int stride,
     25                 int width,
     26                 int height) {
     27   for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
     28     if (memcmp(data1, data2, width) != 0)
     29       return false;
     30     data1 += stride;
     31     data2 += stride;
     32   }
     33   return true;
     34 }
     36 int ExpectedSize(int plane_stride, int image_height, PlaneType type) {
     37   if (type == kYPlane)
     38     return plane_stride * image_height;
     39   return plane_stride * ((image_height + 1) / 2);
     40 }
     42 VideoFrame::VideoFrame() {
     43   // Intentionally using Reset instead of initializer list so that any missed
     44   // fields in Reset will be caught by memory checkers.
     45   Reset();
     46 }
     48 VideoFrame::VideoFrame(const rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoFrameBuffer>& buffer,
     49                        uint32_t timestamp,
     50                        int64_t render_time_ms,
     51                        VideoRotation rotation)
     52     : video_frame_buffer_(buffer),
     53       timestamp_(timestamp),
     54       ntp_time_ms_(0),
     55       render_time_ms_(render_time_ms),
     56       rotation_(rotation) {
     57 }
     59 int VideoFrame::CreateEmptyFrame(int width,
     60                                  int height,
     61                                  int stride_y,
     62                                  int stride_u,
     63                                  int stride_v) {
     64   const int half_width = (width + 1) / 2;
     65   RTC_DCHECK_GT(width, 0);
     66   RTC_DCHECK_GT(height, 0);
     67   RTC_DCHECK_GE(stride_y, width);
     68   RTC_DCHECK_GE(stride_u, half_width);
     69   RTC_DCHECK_GE(stride_v, half_width);
     71   // Creating empty frame - reset all values.
     72   timestamp_ = 0;
     73   ntp_time_ms_ = 0;
     74   render_time_ms_ = 0;
     75   rotation_ = kVideoRotation_0;
     77   // Check if it's safe to reuse allocation.
     78   if (video_frame_buffer_ && video_frame_buffer_->HasOneRef() &&
     79       !video_frame_buffer_->native_handle() &&
     80       width == video_frame_buffer_->width() &&
     81       height == video_frame_buffer_->height() && stride_y == stride(kYPlane) &&
     82       stride_u == stride(kUPlane) && stride_v == stride(kVPlane)) {
     83     return 0;
     84   }
     86   // Need to allocate new buffer.
     87   video_frame_buffer_ = new rtc::RefCountedObject<I420Buffer>(
     88       width, height, stride_y, stride_u, stride_v);
     89   return 0;
     90 }
     92 int VideoFrame::CreateFrame(const uint8_t* buffer_y,
     93                             const uint8_t* buffer_u,
     94                             const uint8_t* buffer_v,
     95                             int width,
     96                             int height,
     97                             int stride_y,
     98                             int stride_u,
     99                             int stride_v) {
    100   return CreateFrame(buffer_y, buffer_u, buffer_v, width, height, stride_y,
    101                      stride_u, stride_v, kVideoRotation_0);
    102 }
    104 int VideoFrame::CreateFrame(const uint8_t* buffer_y,
    105                             const uint8_t* buffer_u,
    106                             const uint8_t* buffer_v,
    107                             int width,
    108                             int height,
    109                             int stride_y,
    110                             int stride_u,
    111                             int stride_v,
    112                             VideoRotation rotation) {
    113   const int half_height = (height + 1) / 2;
    114   const int expected_size_y = height * stride_y;
    115   const int expected_size_u = half_height * stride_u;
    116   const int expected_size_v = half_height * stride_v;
    117   CreateEmptyFrame(width, height, stride_y, stride_u, stride_v);
    118   memcpy(buffer(kYPlane), buffer_y, expected_size_y);
    119   memcpy(buffer(kUPlane), buffer_u, expected_size_u);
    120   memcpy(buffer(kVPlane), buffer_v, expected_size_v);
    121   rotation_ = rotation;
    122   return 0;
    123 }
    125 int VideoFrame::CreateFrame(const uint8_t* buffer,
    126                             int width,
    127                             int height,
    128                             VideoRotation rotation) {
    129   const int stride_y = width;
    130   const int stride_uv = (width + 1) / 2;
    132   const uint8_t* buffer_y = buffer;
    133   const uint8_t* buffer_u = buffer_y + stride_y * height;
    134   const uint8_t* buffer_v = buffer_u + stride_uv * ((height + 1) / 2);
    135   return CreateFrame(buffer_y, buffer_u, buffer_v, width, height, stride_y,
    136                      stride_uv, stride_uv, rotation);
    137 }
    139 int VideoFrame::CopyFrame(const VideoFrame& videoFrame) {
    140   if (videoFrame.IsZeroSize()) {
    141     video_frame_buffer_ = nullptr;
    142   } else if (videoFrame.native_handle()) {
    143     video_frame_buffer_ = videoFrame.video_frame_buffer();
    144   } else {
    145     CreateFrame(videoFrame.buffer(kYPlane), videoFrame.buffer(kUPlane),
    146                 videoFrame.buffer(kVPlane), videoFrame.width(),
    147                 videoFrame.height(), videoFrame.stride(kYPlane),
    148                 videoFrame.stride(kUPlane), videoFrame.stride(kVPlane));
    149   }
    151   timestamp_ = videoFrame.timestamp_;
    152   ntp_time_ms_ = videoFrame.ntp_time_ms_;
    153   render_time_ms_ = videoFrame.render_time_ms_;
    154   rotation_ = videoFrame.rotation_;
    155   return 0;
    156 }
    158 void VideoFrame::ShallowCopy(const VideoFrame& videoFrame) {
    159   video_frame_buffer_ = videoFrame.video_frame_buffer();
    160   timestamp_ = videoFrame.timestamp_;
    161   ntp_time_ms_ = videoFrame.ntp_time_ms_;
    162   render_time_ms_ = videoFrame.render_time_ms_;
    163   rotation_ = videoFrame.rotation_;
    164 }
    166 void VideoFrame::Reset() {
    167   video_frame_buffer_ = nullptr;
    168   timestamp_ = 0;
    169   ntp_time_ms_ = 0;
    170   render_time_ms_ = 0;
    171   rotation_ = kVideoRotation_0;
    172 }
    174 uint8_t* VideoFrame::buffer(PlaneType type) {
    175   return video_frame_buffer_ ? video_frame_buffer_->MutableData(type)
    176                              : nullptr;
    177 }
    179 const uint8_t* VideoFrame::buffer(PlaneType type) const {
    180   return video_frame_buffer_ ? video_frame_buffer_->data(type) : nullptr;
    181 }
    183 int VideoFrame::allocated_size(PlaneType type) const {
    184   const int plane_height = (type == kYPlane) ? height() : (height() + 1) / 2;
    185   return plane_height * stride(type);
    186 }
    188 int VideoFrame::stride(PlaneType type) const {
    189   return video_frame_buffer_ ? video_frame_buffer_->stride(type) : 0;
    190 }
    192 int VideoFrame::width() const {
    193   return video_frame_buffer_ ? video_frame_buffer_->width() : 0;
    194 }
    196 int VideoFrame::height() const {
    197   return video_frame_buffer_ ? video_frame_buffer_->height() : 0;
    198 }
    200 bool VideoFrame::IsZeroSize() const {
    201   return !video_frame_buffer_;
    202 }
    204 void* VideoFrame::native_handle() const {
    205   return video_frame_buffer_ ? video_frame_buffer_->native_handle() : nullptr;
    206 }
    208 rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoFrameBuffer> VideoFrame::video_frame_buffer() const {
    209   return video_frame_buffer_;
    210 }
    212 void VideoFrame::set_video_frame_buffer(
    213     const rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer>& buffer) {
    214   video_frame_buffer_ = buffer;
    215 }
    217 VideoFrame VideoFrame::ConvertNativeToI420Frame() const {
    218   RTC_DCHECK(native_handle());
    219   VideoFrame frame;
    220   frame.ShallowCopy(*this);
    221   frame.set_video_frame_buffer(video_frame_buffer_->NativeToI420Buffer());
    222   return frame;
    223 }
    225 bool VideoFrame::EqualsFrame(const VideoFrame& frame) const {
    226   if (width() != frame.width() || height() != frame.height() ||
    227       stride(kYPlane) != frame.stride(kYPlane) ||
    228       stride(kUPlane) != frame.stride(kUPlane) ||
    229       stride(kVPlane) != frame.stride(kVPlane) ||
    230       timestamp() != frame.timestamp() ||
    231       ntp_time_ms() != frame.ntp_time_ms() ||
    232       render_time_ms() != frame.render_time_ms()) {
    233     return false;
    234   }
    235   const int half_width = (width() + 1) / 2;
    236   const int half_height = (height() + 1) / 2;
    237   return EqualPlane(buffer(kYPlane), frame.buffer(kYPlane),
    238                     stride(kYPlane), width(), height()) &&
    239          EqualPlane(buffer(kUPlane), frame.buffer(kUPlane),
    240                     stride(kUPlane), half_width, half_height) &&
    241          EqualPlane(buffer(kVPlane), frame.buffer(kVPlane),
    242                     stride(kVPlane), half_width, half_height);
    243 }
    245 }  // namespace webrtc