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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      5  * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
      6  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
      7  *
      8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
      9  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     11  *
     12  * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
     13  * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
     14  * or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
     15  * otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
     16  * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
     17  * other software, or any other product whatsoever.
     18  *
     19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
     20  * with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
     21  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
     22  *
     23  * Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
     24  * Mountain View, CA  94043, or:
     25  *
     26  * http://www.sgi.com
     27  *
     28  * For further information regarding this notice, see:
     29  *
     30  * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan/
     31  *
     32  */
     33 /* $Id: symbol.c,v 1.4 2002/05/28 16:26:16 robbiew Exp $ */
     34 /*
     35  *			Generic Symbol Table
     36  *
     37  * This is intended to look a lot like ndbm, except that all information
     38  * is kept in memory, and a multi-key, hierarchical access mode is provided.
     39  * This is largely patterned after the Berkeley "DB" package.
     40  *
     41  *			    Requirements
     42  *
     43  *	- "key" is ASCII (a C string, in fact)
     44  *
     45  *			Symbol Table Structure
     46  *
     47  *	Two data structures:
     48  *		Symbol Table Header
     49  *		Symbol Table Node
     50  *
     51  *	A symbol table header consists of a magic number, a pointer to
     52  *	the first node in the symbol table, and a cursor that is used
     53  *	when sequentialy stepping thru the entire list.
     54  *
     55  *	Symbol table nodes contain a pointer to a key, a pointer to this
     56  *	key's data, and a pointer to the next node in the chain.
     57  *	Note that to create a hierarchical symbol table, a node is created
     58  *	whose data points to a symbol table header.
     59  */
     61 #include <stdio.h>
     62 #include <errno.h>
     63 #include <stdlib.h>
     64 #include <string.h>
     65 #include <assert.h>
     66 #include "symbol.h"
     67 #include "splitstr.h"
     69 #define SYM_MAGIC	0xbadc0de
     71 /*
     72  * Some functions can report an error message by assigning it to this
     73  * string.
     74  */
     76 static char *sym_error = NULL;
     78 /*
     79  *	Memory Allocators
     80  *
     81  * newsym() allocates a new symbol table header node
     82  * mknode(...) allocates a new symbol table entry
     83  */
     85 SYM newsym(void)
     86 {
     87 	SYM h;
     89 	if ((h = malloc(sizeof(struct symh))) == NULL) {
     90 		sym_error = "sym header malloc failed!";
     91 		return (NULL);
     92 	}
     94 	h->magic = SYM_MAGIC;
     95 	h->sym = NULL;
     96 	h->cursor = NULL;
     97 	return (h);
     98 }
    100 static struct sym *mknode(struct sym *next, char *key, void *data)
    101 {
    102 	struct sym *n;
    104 	if ((n = malloc(sizeof(struct sym))) == NULL) {
    105 		sym_error = "sym node malloc failed!";
    106 		return (NULL);
    107 	}
    109 	n->next = next;
    110 	n->key = strdup(key);
    111 	n->data = data;
    113 	if (n->key == NULL) {
    114 		sym_error = "sym node strdup(key) failed!";
    115 		free(n);
    116 		return (NULL);
    117 	}
    118 	return (n);
    119 }
    121 /*
    122  * Search for a key in a single-level symbol table hierarchy.
    123  */
    124 static struct sym *find_key1(struct sym *sym, char *key)
    125 {
    126 	while (sym != NULL)
    127 		if (strcmp(sym->key, key) == 0)
    128 			return (sym);
    129 		else
    130 			sym = sym->next;
    131 	return (NULL);
    132 }
    134 /*
    135  * Create a new key node, add it to the *end* of this list
    136  */
    137 static int add_key(SYM sym, char *key, void *data)
    138 {
    139 	register struct sym *sn;
    141 	if (sym->sym == NULL) {
    142 		sym->sym = mknode(NULL, key, data);
    143 		if (sym->sym == NULL) {
    144 			return (-1);
    145 		}
    146 	} else {
    147 		for (sn = sym->sym; sn != NULL && sn->next != NULL;
    148 		     sn = sn->next) ;
    149 		sn->next = mknode(NULL, key, data);
    150 		assert(sn->next != NULL);
    151 		if (sn->next == NULL)
    152 			return (-1);
    153 	}
    154 	return (0);
    155 }
    157 /*
    158  *  Create a new symbol table
    159  */
    160 SYM sym_open(int flags, int mode, int openinfo)
    161 {
    162 	return (newsym());
    163 }
    165 /*
    166  *	Add (key, data) to an existing symbol table
    167  *
    168  *  If the key does not exist, a new key is added to the end of the list.
    169  *  If the key exists and the PUT_REPLACE flag is not supplied, return EEXIST.
    170  *  If a symbol table entry in a multi-part key is not a symbol table (i.e.
    171  *  element two of a three or more element key), return ENOTDIR.
    172  *
    173  *  "data" is not duplicated and must not point to a static area that could
    174  *  go away before the element is deleted (such as a local string in a
    175  *  function)
    176  *
    177  *  "key" is duplicated as needed, and is not modified.
    178  *
    179  * Code:
    180  * chop up key on commas
    181  *
    182  * search until a key element isn't found in the key tree, the key list is
    183  * exhausted, or a key's data element is not a sub-tree
    184  *
    185  * if the key list is exhausted, return a "duplicate entry" error
    186  *
    187  * if the last found key's data element is not a sub-tree, return
    188  * something like "ENOTDIR".
    189  *
    190  * add new keys for sub-trees until key list is exhausted;
    191  * last node gets 'data'.
    192  *
    193  */
    194 int sym_put(SYM sym, char *key, void *data, int flags)
    195 {
    196 	const char **keys;	/* key split into a 2d string array */
    197 	char **kk;
    198 	char *nkey;		/* copy of 'key' -- before split */
    199 	SYM csym, ncsym;	/* search: current symbol table */
    200 	struct sym *nsym = NULL;	/* search: found symbol entry */
    202 	if (sym == NULL)
    203 		return (EINVAL);
    205 	nkey = strdup(key);
    206 	keys = splitstr(key, ",", NULL);
    208 	if (keys == NULL) {
    209 		free(nkey);
    210 		return (EINVAL);
    211 	}
    213 	for (kk = (char **)keys, csym = sym;
    214 	     *kk != NULL && (nsym = find_key1(csym->sym, *kk)) != NULL;
    215 	     csym = nsym->data) {
    217 		if (*++kk == NULL)
    218 			break;
    220 		if (nsym->data == NULL) {	/* fatal error */
    221 			free(nkey);
    222 			splitstr_free(keys);
    223 			return (ENOTDIR);
    224 		}
    225 		if (((SYM) (nsym->data))->magic != SYM_MAGIC) {
    226 			free(nkey);
    227 			splitstr_free(keys);
    228 			return (ENOTDIR);
    229 		}
    230 	}
    232 	if (*kk == NULL) {	/* found a complete match */
    233 		free(nkey);
    234 		splitstr_free(keys);
    236 		if (flags == PUT_REPLACE) {
    237 			nsym->data = data;
    238 			return (0);
    239 		} else {
    240 			return (EEXIST);
    241 		}
    242 	}
    244 	/* csym is a ptr to a list */
    245 	for (; *kk != NULL; kk++) {
    246 		if (*(kk + 1) != NULL) {
    247 			add_key(csym, *kk, (void *)(ncsym = newsym()));
    248 			csym = ncsym;
    249 		} else {
    250 			add_key(csym, *kk, data);	/* last key */
    251 		}
    252 	}
    254 	free(nkey);
    255 	splitstr_free(keys);
    256 	return (0);
    257 }
    259 /*
    260  *	Retrieve a Symbol's Contents
    261  *
    262  *  "key" is not modified.
    263  *  If the key cannot be found, NULL is returned
    264  */
    265 void *sym_get(SYM sym, char *key)
    266 {
    267 	char *nkey;
    268 	const char **keys;	/* key split into a 2d string array */
    269 	char **kk;
    270 	SYM csym;		/* search: current symbol table */
    271 	struct sym *nsym = NULL;	/* search: found symbol entry */
    273 	if (sym == NULL)
    274 		return (NULL);
    276 	nkey = strdup(key);
    277 	keys = splitstr(nkey, ",", NULL);
    278 	if (keys == NULL)
    279 		return (NULL);
    281 	for (kk = (char **)keys, csym = sym;
    282 	     *kk != NULL && (nsym = find_key1(csym->sym, *kk)) != NULL;
    283 	     csym = nsym->data) {
    285 		if (*++kk == NULL)
    286 			break;
    288 		if (nsym->data == NULL) {	/* fatal error */
    289 			free(nkey);
    290 			splitstr_free(keys);
    291 			return (NULL);
    292 		}
    293 		if (((SYM) (nsym->data))->magic != SYM_MAGIC) {
    294 			free(nkey);
    295 			splitstr_free(keys);
    296 			return (NULL);
    297 		}
    298 	}
    300 	if (*kk == NULL) {	/* found a complete match */
    301 		splitstr_free(keys);
    302 		free(nkey);
    303 		return (nsym->data);
    304 	} else {
    305 		splitstr_free(keys);
    306 		free(nkey);
    307 		return (NULL);
    308 	}
    309 }
    311 /*
    312  *  Step thru a symbol table list
    313  *
    314  *  The cursor must be set by R_CURSOR, R_FIRST before using R_NEXT.
    315  *  NULL is returned when no more items are available.
    316  */
    317 int sym_seq(SYM sym, DBT * key, DBT * data, int flags)
    318 {
    319 	SYM csym;
    321 	switch (flags) {
    322 		/*
    323 		 * A number of ways to do this:
    324 		 * specificly: sym_seq( .., "key,key") sets to Nth element of the 2nd
    325 		 *  level symbol table
    326 		 * sym_seq(.., "key,key,") sets to the first element of the 3rd
    327 		 *  level symbol table
    328 		 *
    329 		 * sym_seq(.., "key,key") where both must be complete keys, sets
    330 		 *  cursor to the first element of the 3rd level symbol table;
    331 		 *  if there is no 3rd level, return an error.
    332 		 */
    333 	case R_CURSOR:
    334 		csym = (SYM) sym_get(sym, (char *)key->data);
    335 		if (csym == NULL || csym->magic != SYM_MAGIC) {
    336 			return (2);
    337 		}
    338 		sym->cursor = csym->sym;
    339 		if (sym->cursor == NULL)
    340 			return (1);
    341 		key->data = sym->cursor->key;
    342 		data->data = sym->cursor->data;
    344 		return (0);
    346 	case R_FIRST:
    347 		sym->cursor = sym->sym;
    348 		if (sym->cursor == NULL)
    349 			return (1);
    350 		key->data = sym->cursor->key;
    351 		data->data = sym->cursor->data;
    353 		return (0);
    355 	case R_NEXT:
    356 		if (sym->cursor == NULL)
    357 			return (1);
    358 		sym->cursor = sym->cursor->next;
    360 		if (sym->cursor == NULL)
    361 			return (1);
    363 		key->data = sym->cursor->key;
    364 		data->data = sym->cursor->data;
    366 		return (0);
    368 	case R_LAST:
    369 	case R_PREV:
    370 	default:
    371 		return (-1);
    372 	}
    373 }
    375 /*
    376  *	Dump a symbol table's keys.
    377  *	Handles hierarchies, using a double quote to indicate depth, one
    378  *	double quote for each level.
    379  */
    380 int sym_dump(SYM sym, int depth)
    381 {
    383 	register struct sym *se;	/* symbol entry */
    384 	register int d;
    386 	if (sym == NULL || sym->magic != SYM_MAGIC)
    387 		return -1;
    389 	for (se = sym->sym; se != NULL; se = se->next) {
    390 		for (d = 0; d < depth; d++) {
    391 			putchar('"');
    392 			putchar(' ');
    393 		}
    394 		printf("%s\n", se->key);
    395 		sym_dump((SYM) se->data, depth + 1);
    396 	}
    397 	return 0;
    398 }
    400 /*
    401  * sym dump, but data is _always_ a string (print it)
    402  */
    403 int sym_dump_s(SYM sym, int depth)
    404 {
    406 	register struct sym *se;	/* symbol entry */
    407 	register int d;
    409 	if (sym == NULL)
    410 		return 0;
    412 	if (sym->magic != SYM_MAGIC) {
    413 		for (d = 0; d < depth; d++) {
    414 			putchar('"');
    415 			putchar(' ');
    416 		}
    417 		printf(" = %s\n", (char *)sym);
    418 		return 0;
    419 	}
    421 	for (se = sym->sym; se != NULL; se = se->next) {
    422 		for (d = 0; d < depth; d++) {
    423 			putchar('"');
    424 			putchar(' ');
    425 		}
    426 		printf("%s", se->key);
    427 		if (((SYM) se->data)->magic == SYM_MAGIC) {
    428 			putchar('\n');
    429 			sym_dump_s((SYM) se->data, depth + 1);
    430 		} else {
    431 			printf("(%p) = %s (%p)\n", se->key, (char *)se->data,
    432 			       se->data);
    433 		}
    434 	}
    435 	return 0;
    436 }
    438 /*
    439  *	Remove an entire symbol table (done bottom up)
    440  */
    441 int sym_rm(SYM sym, int flags)
    442 {
    443 	register struct sym *se, *nse;	/* symbol entry */
    445 	if (sym == NULL)
    446 		return 0;
    448 	if (sym->magic != SYM_MAGIC) {
    449 		if (!(flags & RM_DATA))
    450 			free(sym);
    451 		return 0;
    452 	}
    454 	for (se = sym->sym; se != NULL;) {
    455 		sym_rm((SYM) se->data, flags);
    456 		nse = se->next;
    457 		if (flags & RM_KEY)
    458 			free(se->key);
    459 		if (flags & RM_DATA)
    460 			free(se->data);
    461 		free(se);
    462 		se = nse;
    463 	}
    464 	if (!(flags & RM_DATA))
    465 		free(sym);
    466 	return 0;
    467 }