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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.inputmethod.latin;
     19 import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService;
     20 import android.os.Build;
     21 import android.os.Bundle;
     22 import android.os.SystemClock;
     23 import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
     24 import android.text.TextUtils;
     25 import android.text.style.CharacterStyle;
     26 import android.util.Log;
     27 import android.view.KeyEvent;
     28 import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo;
     29 import android.view.inputmethod.CorrectionInfo;
     30 import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText;
     31 import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest;
     32 import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
     33 import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
     35 import com.android.inputmethod.compat.InputConnectionCompatUtils;
     36 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants;
     37 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.UnicodeSurrogate;
     38 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.StringUtils;
     39 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.inputlogic.PrivateCommandPerformer;
     40 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.settings.SpacingAndPunctuations;
     41 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.CapsModeUtils;
     42 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.DebugLogUtils;
     43 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.NgramContextUtils;
     44 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.ScriptUtils;
     45 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.SpannableStringUtils;
     46 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.StatsUtils;
     47 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.TextRange;
     49 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
     51 import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
     52 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
     54 /**
     55  * Enrichment class for InputConnection to simplify interaction and add functionality.
     56  *
     57  * This class serves as a wrapper to be able to simply add hooks to any calls to the underlying
     58  * InputConnection. It also keeps track of a number of things to avoid having to call upon IPC
     59  * all the time to find out what text is in the buffer, when we need it to determine caps mode
     60  * for example.
     61  */
     62 public final class RichInputConnection implements PrivateCommandPerformer {
     63     private static final String TAG = "RichInputConnection";
     64     private static final boolean DBG = false;
     65     private static final boolean DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT = false;
     66     private static final boolean DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING = false;
     67     private static final int NUM_CHARS_TO_GET_BEFORE_CURSOR = 40;
     68     private static final int NUM_CHARS_TO_GET_AFTER_CURSOR = 40;
     69     private static final int INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION = -1;
     71     /**
     72      * The amount of time a {@link #reloadTextCache} call needs to take for the keyboard to enter
     73      * the {@link #hasSlowInputConnection} state.
     74      */
     75     private static final long SLOW_INPUT_CONNECTION_ON_FULL_RELOAD_MS = 1000;
     76     /**
     77      * The amount of time a {@link #getTextBeforeCursor} or {@link #getTextAfterCursor} call needs
     78      * to take for the keyboard to enter the {@link #hasSlowInputConnection} state.
     79      */
     80     private static final long SLOW_INPUT_CONNECTION_ON_PARTIAL_RELOAD_MS = 200;
     82     private static final int OPERATION_GET_TEXT_BEFORE_CURSOR = 0;
     83     private static final int OPERATION_GET_TEXT_AFTER_CURSOR = 1;
     84     private static final int OPERATION_GET_WORD_RANGE_AT_CURSOR = 2;
     85     private static final int OPERATION_RELOAD_TEXT_CACHE = 3;
     86     private static final String[] OPERATION_NAMES = new String[] {
     87             "GET_TEXT_BEFORE_CURSOR",
     88             "GET_TEXT_AFTER_CURSOR",
     89             "GET_WORD_RANGE_AT_CURSOR",
     90             "RELOAD_TEXT_CACHE"};
     92     /**
     93      * The amount of time the keyboard will persist in the {@link #hasSlowInputConnection} state
     94      * after observing a slow InputConnection event.
     95      */
     96     private static final long SLOW_INPUTCONNECTION_PERSIST_MS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(10);
     98     /**
     99      * This variable contains an expected value for the selection start position. This is where the
    100      * cursor or selection start may end up after all the keyboard-triggered updates have passed. We
    101      * keep this to compare it to the actual selection start to guess whether the move was caused by
    102      * a keyboard command or not.
    103      * It's not really the selection start position: the selection start may not be there yet, and
    104      * in some cases, it may never arrive there.
    105      */
    106     private int mExpectedSelStart = INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION; // in chars, not code points
    107     /**
    108      * The expected selection end.  Only differs from mExpectedSelStart if a non-empty selection is
    109      * expected.  The same caveats as mExpectedSelStart apply.
    110      */
    111     private int mExpectedSelEnd = INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION; // in chars, not code points
    112     /**
    113      * This contains the committed text immediately preceding the cursor and the composing
    114      * text, if any. It is refreshed when the cursor moves by calling upon the TextView.
    115      */
    116     private final StringBuilder mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText = new StringBuilder();
    117     /**
    118      * This contains the currently composing text, as LatinIME thinks the TextView is seeing it.
    119      */
    120     private final StringBuilder mComposingText = new StringBuilder();
    122     /**
    123      * This variable is a temporary object used in {@link #commitText(CharSequence,int)}
    124      * to avoid object creation.
    125      */
    126     private SpannableStringBuilder mTempObjectForCommitText = new SpannableStringBuilder();
    128     private final InputMethodService mParent;
    129     private InputConnection mIC;
    130     private int mNestLevel;
    132     /**
    133      * The timestamp of the last slow InputConnection operation
    134      */
    135     private long mLastSlowInputConnectionTime = -SLOW_INPUTCONNECTION_PERSIST_MS;
    137     public RichInputConnection(final InputMethodService parent) {
    138         mParent = parent;
    139         mIC = null;
    140         mNestLevel = 0;
    141     }
    143     public boolean isConnected() {
    144         return mIC != null;
    145     }
    147     /**
    148      * Returns whether or not the underlying InputConnection is slow. When true, we want to avoid
    149      * calling InputConnection methods that trigger an IPC round-trip (e.g., getTextAfterCursor).
    150      */
    151     public boolean hasSlowInputConnection() {
    152         return (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mLastSlowInputConnectionTime)
    153                         <= SLOW_INPUTCONNECTION_PERSIST_MS;
    154     }
    156     public void onStartInput() {
    157         mLastSlowInputConnectionTime = -SLOW_INPUTCONNECTION_PERSIST_MS;
    158     }
    160     private void checkConsistencyForDebug() {
    161         final ExtractedTextRequest r = new ExtractedTextRequest();
    162         r.hintMaxChars = 0;
    163         r.hintMaxLines = 0;
    164         r.token = 1;
    165         r.flags = 0;
    166         final ExtractedText et = mIC.getExtractedText(r, 0);
    167         final CharSequence beforeCursor = getTextBeforeCursor(Constants.EDITOR_CONTENTS_CACHE_SIZE,
    168                 0);
    169         final StringBuilder internal = new StringBuilder(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText)
    170                 .append(mComposingText);
    171         if (null == et || null == beforeCursor) return;
    172         final int actualLength = Math.min(beforeCursor.length(), internal.length());
    173         if (internal.length() > actualLength) {
    174             internal.delete(0, internal.length() - actualLength);
    175         }
    176         final String reference = (beforeCursor.length() <= actualLength) ? beforeCursor.toString()
    177                 : beforeCursor.subSequence(beforeCursor.length() - actualLength,
    178                         beforeCursor.length()).toString();
    179         if (et.selectionStart != mExpectedSelStart
    180                 || !(reference.equals(internal.toString()))) {
    181             final String context = "Expected selection start = " + mExpectedSelStart
    182                     + "\nActual selection start = " + et.selectionStart
    183                     + "\nExpected text = " + internal.length() + " " + internal
    184                     + "\nActual text = " + reference.length() + " " + reference;
    185             ((LatinIME)mParent).debugDumpStateAndCrashWithException(context);
    186         } else {
    187             Log.e(TAG, DebugLogUtils.getStackTrace(2));
    188             Log.e(TAG, "Exp <> Actual : " + mExpectedSelStart + " <> " + et.selectionStart);
    189         }
    190     }
    192     public void beginBatchEdit() {
    193         if (++mNestLevel == 1) {
    194             mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    195             if (isConnected()) {
    196                 mIC.beginBatchEdit();
    197             }
    198         } else {
    199             if (DBG) {
    200                 throw new RuntimeException("Nest level too deep");
    201             }
    202             Log.e(TAG, "Nest level too deep : " + mNestLevel);
    203         }
    204         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    205         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    206     }
    208     public void endBatchEdit() {
    209         if (mNestLevel <= 0) Log.e(TAG, "Batch edit not in progress!"); // TODO: exception instead
    210         if (--mNestLevel == 0 && isConnected()) {
    211             mIC.endBatchEdit();
    212         }
    213         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    214     }
    216     /**
    217      * Reset the cached text and retrieve it again from the editor.
    218      *
    219      * This should be called when the cursor moved. It's possible that we can't connect to
    220      * the application when doing this; notably, this happens sometimes during rotation, probably
    221      * because of a race condition in the framework. In this case, we just can't retrieve the
    222      * data, so we empty the cache and note that we don't know the new cursor position, and we
    223      * return false so that the caller knows about this and can retry later.
    224      *
    225      * @param newSelStart the new position of the selection start, as received from the system.
    226      * @param newSelEnd the new position of the selection end, as received from the system.
    227      * @param shouldFinishComposition whether we should finish the composition in progress.
    228      * @return true if we were able to connect to the editor successfully, false otherwise. When
    229      *   this method returns false, the caches could not be correctly refreshed so they were only
    230      *   reset: the caller should try again later to return to normal operation.
    231      */
    232     public boolean resetCachesUponCursorMoveAndReturnSuccess(final int newSelStart,
    233             final int newSelEnd, final boolean shouldFinishComposition) {
    234         mExpectedSelStart = newSelStart;
    235         mExpectedSelEnd = newSelEnd;
    236         mComposingText.setLength(0);
    237         final boolean didReloadTextSuccessfully = reloadTextCache();
    238         if (!didReloadTextSuccessfully) {
    239             Log.d(TAG, "Will try to retrieve text later.");
    240             return false;
    241         }
    242         if (isConnected() && shouldFinishComposition) {
    243             mIC.finishComposingText();
    244         }
    245         return true;
    246     }
    248     /**
    249      * Reload the cached text from the InputConnection.
    250      *
    251      * @return true if successful
    252      */
    253     private boolean reloadTextCache() {
    254         mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.setLength(0);
    255         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    256         // Call upon the inputconnection directly since our own method is using the cache, and
    257         // we want to refresh it.
    258         final CharSequence textBeforeCursor = getTextBeforeCursorAndDetectLaggyConnection(
    259                 OPERATION_RELOAD_TEXT_CACHE,
    261                 Constants.EDITOR_CONTENTS_CACHE_SIZE,
    262                 0 /* flags */);
    263         if (null == textBeforeCursor) {
    264             // For some reason the app thinks we are not connected to it. This looks like a
    265             // framework bug... Fall back to ground state and return false.
    266             mExpectedSelStart = INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION;
    267             mExpectedSelEnd = INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION;
    268             Log.e(TAG, "Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.");
    269             return false;
    270         }
    271         mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append(textBeforeCursor);
    272         return true;
    273     }
    275     private void checkBatchEdit() {
    276         if (mNestLevel != 1) {
    277             // TODO: exception instead
    278             Log.e(TAG, "Batch edit level incorrect : " + mNestLevel);
    279             Log.e(TAG, DebugLogUtils.getStackTrace(4));
    280         }
    281     }
    283     public void finishComposingText() {
    284         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    285         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    286         // TODO: this is not correct! The cursor is not necessarily after the composing text.
    287         // In the practice right now this is only called when input ends so it will be reset so
    288         // it works, but it's wrong and should be fixed.
    289         mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append(mComposingText);
    290         mComposingText.setLength(0);
    291         if (isConnected()) {
    292             mIC.finishComposingText();
    293         }
    294     }
    296     /**
    297      * Calls {@link InputConnection#commitText(CharSequence, int)}.
    298      *
    299      * @param text The text to commit. This may include styles.
    300      * @param newCursorPosition The new cursor position around the text.
    301      */
    302     public void commitText(final CharSequence text, final int newCursorPosition) {
    303         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    304         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    305         mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append(text);
    306         // TODO: the following is exceedingly error-prone. Right now when the cursor is in the
    307         // middle of the composing word mComposingText only holds the part of the composing text
    308         // that is before the cursor, so this actually works, but it's terribly confusing. Fix this.
    309         mExpectedSelStart += text.length() - mComposingText.length();
    310         mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    311         mComposingText.setLength(0);
    312         if (isConnected()) {
    313             mTempObjectForCommitText.clear();
    314             mTempObjectForCommitText.append(text);
    315             final CharacterStyle[] spans = mTempObjectForCommitText.getSpans(
    316                     0, text.length(), CharacterStyle.class);
    317             for (final CharacterStyle span : spans) {
    318                 final int spanStart = mTempObjectForCommitText.getSpanStart(span);
    319                 final int spanEnd = mTempObjectForCommitText.getSpanEnd(span);
    320                 final int spanFlags = mTempObjectForCommitText.getSpanFlags(span);
    321                 // We have to adjust the end of the span to include an additional character.
    322                 // This is to avoid splitting a unicode surrogate pair.
    323                 // See com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants.UnicodeSurrogate
    324                 // See https://b.corp.google.com/issues/19255233
    325                 if (0 < spanEnd && spanEnd < mTempObjectForCommitText.length()) {
    326                     final char spanEndChar = mTempObjectForCommitText.charAt(spanEnd - 1);
    327                     final char nextChar = mTempObjectForCommitText.charAt(spanEnd);
    328                     if (UnicodeSurrogate.isLowSurrogate(spanEndChar)
    329                             && UnicodeSurrogate.isHighSurrogate(nextChar)) {
    330                         mTempObjectForCommitText.setSpan(span, spanStart, spanEnd + 1, spanFlags);
    331                     }
    332                 }
    333             }
    334             mIC.commitText(mTempObjectForCommitText, newCursorPosition);
    335         }
    336     }
    338     @Nullable
    339     public CharSequence getSelectedText(final int flags) {
    340         return isConnected() ?  mIC.getSelectedText(flags) : null;
    341     }
    343     public boolean canDeleteCharacters() {
    344         return mExpectedSelStart > 0;
    345     }
    347     /**
    348      * Gets the caps modes we should be in after this specific string.
    349      *
    350      * This returns a bit set of TextUtils#CAP_MODE_*, masked by the inputType argument.
    351      * This method also supports faking an additional space after the string passed in argument,
    352      * to support cases where a space will be added automatically, like in phantom space
    353      * state for example.
    354      * Note that for English, we are using American typography rules (which are not specific to
    355      * American English, it's just the most common set of rules for English).
    356      *
    357      * @param inputType a mask of the caps modes to test for.
    358      * @param spacingAndPunctuations the values of the settings to use for locale and separators.
    359      * @param hasSpaceBefore if we should consider there should be a space after the string.
    360      * @return the caps modes that should be on as a set of bits
    361      */
    362     public int getCursorCapsMode(final int inputType,
    363             final SpacingAndPunctuations spacingAndPunctuations, final boolean hasSpaceBefore) {
    364         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    365         if (!isConnected()) {
    366             return Constants.TextUtils.CAP_MODE_OFF;
    367         }
    368         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mComposingText)) {
    369             if (hasSpaceBefore) {
    370                 // If we have some composing text and a space before, then we should have
    371                 // MODE_CHARACTERS and MODE_WORDS on.
    372                 return (TextUtils.CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS | TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS) & inputType;
    373             }
    374             // We have some composing text - we should be in MODE_CHARACTERS only.
    375             return TextUtils.CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS & inputType;
    376         }
    377         // TODO: this will generally work, but there may be cases where the buffer contains SOME
    378         // information but not enough to determine the caps mode accurately. This may happen after
    379         // heavy pressing of delete, for example DEFAULT_TEXT_CACHE_SIZE - 5 times or so.
    380         // getCapsMode should be updated to be able to return a "not enough info" result so that
    381         // we can get more context only when needed.
    382         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText) && 0 != mExpectedSelStart) {
    383             if (!reloadTextCache()) {
    384                 Log.w(TAG, "Unable to connect to the editor. "
    385                         + "Setting caps mode without knowing text.");
    386             }
    387         }
    388         // This never calls InputConnection#getCapsMode - in fact, it's a static method that
    389         // never blocks or initiates IPC.
    390         // TODO: don't call #toString() here. Instead, all accesses to
    391         // mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText should be done on the main thread.
    392         return CapsModeUtils.getCapsMode(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.toString(), inputType,
    393                 spacingAndPunctuations, hasSpaceBefore);
    394     }
    396     public int getCodePointBeforeCursor() {
    397         final int length = mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.length();
    398         if (length < 1) return Constants.NOT_A_CODE;
    399         return Character.codePointBefore(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText, length);
    400     }
    402     public CharSequence getTextBeforeCursor(final int n, final int flags) {
    403         final int cachedLength =
    404                 mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.length() + mComposingText.length();
    405         // If we have enough characters to satisfy the request, or if we have all characters in
    406         // the text field, then we can return the cached version right away.
    407         // However, if we don't have an expected cursor position, then we should always
    408         // go fetch the cache again (as it happens, INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION < 0, so we need to
    409         // test for this explicitly)
    410         if (INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION != mExpectedSelStart
    411                 && (cachedLength >= n || cachedLength >= mExpectedSelStart)) {
    412             final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText);
    413             // We call #toString() here to create a temporary object.
    414             // In some situations, this method is called on a worker thread, and it's possible
    415             // the main thread touches the contents of mComposingText while this worker thread
    416             // is suspended, because mComposingText is a StringBuilder. This may lead to crashes,
    417             // so we call #toString() on it. That will result in the return value being strictly
    418             // speaking wrong, but since this is used for basing bigram probability off, and
    419             // it's only going to matter for one getSuggestions call, it's fine in the practice.
    420             s.append(mComposingText.toString());
    421             if (s.length() > n) {
    422                 s.delete(0, s.length() - n);
    423             }
    424             return s;
    425         }
    426         return getTextBeforeCursorAndDetectLaggyConnection(
    427                 OPERATION_GET_TEXT_BEFORE_CURSOR,
    429                 n, flags);
    430     }
    432     private CharSequence getTextBeforeCursorAndDetectLaggyConnection(
    433             final int operation, final long timeout, final int n, final int flags) {
    434         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    435         if (!isConnected()) {
    436             return null;
    437         }
    438         final long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    439         final CharSequence result = mIC.getTextBeforeCursor(n, flags);
    440         detectLaggyConnection(operation, timeout, startTime);
    441         return result;
    442     }
    444     public CharSequence getTextAfterCursor(final int n, final int flags) {
    445         return getTextAfterCursorAndDetectLaggyConnection(
    446                 OPERATION_GET_TEXT_AFTER_CURSOR,
    448                 n, flags);
    449     }
    451     private CharSequence getTextAfterCursorAndDetectLaggyConnection(
    452             final int operation, final long timeout, final int n, final int flags) {
    453         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    454         if (!isConnected()) {
    455             return null;
    456         }
    457         final long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    458         final CharSequence result = mIC.getTextAfterCursor(n, flags);
    459         detectLaggyConnection(operation, timeout, startTime);
    460         return result;
    461     }
    463     private void detectLaggyConnection(final int operation, final long timeout, final long startTime) {
    464         final long duration = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime;
    465         if (duration >= timeout) {
    466             final String operationName = OPERATION_NAMES[operation];
    467             Log.w(TAG, "Slow InputConnection: " + operationName + " took " + duration + " ms.");
    468             StatsUtils.onInputConnectionLaggy(operation, duration);
    469             mLastSlowInputConnectionTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    470         }
    471     }
    473     public void deleteTextBeforeCursor(final int beforeLength) {
    474         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    475         // TODO: the following is incorrect if the cursor is not immediately after the composition.
    476         // Right now we never come here in this case because we reset the composing state before we
    477         // come here in this case, but we need to fix this.
    478         final int remainingChars = mComposingText.length() - beforeLength;
    479         if (remainingChars >= 0) {
    480             mComposingText.setLength(remainingChars);
    481         } else {
    482             mComposingText.setLength(0);
    483             // Never cut under 0
    484             final int len = Math.max(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.length()
    485                     + remainingChars, 0);
    486             mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.setLength(len);
    487         }
    488         if (mExpectedSelStart > beforeLength) {
    489             mExpectedSelStart -= beforeLength;
    490             mExpectedSelEnd -= beforeLength;
    491         } else {
    492             // There are fewer characters before the cursor in the buffer than we are being asked to
    493             // delete. Only delete what is there, and update the end with the amount deleted.
    494             mExpectedSelEnd -= mExpectedSelStart;
    495             mExpectedSelStart = 0;
    496         }
    497         if (isConnected()) {
    498             mIC.deleteSurroundingText(beforeLength, 0);
    499         }
    500         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    501     }
    503     public void performEditorAction(final int actionId) {
    504         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    505         if (isConnected()) {
    506             mIC.performEditorAction(actionId);
    507         }
    508     }
    510     public void sendKeyEvent(final KeyEvent keyEvent) {
    511         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    512         if (keyEvent.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
    513             if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    514             // This method is only called for enter or backspace when speaking to old applications
    515             // (target SDK <= 15 (Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1)), or for digits.
    516             // When talking to new applications we never use this method because it's inherently
    517             // racy and has unpredictable results, but for backward compatibility we continue
    518             // sending the key events for only Enter and Backspace because some applications
    519             // mistakenly catch them to do some stuff.
    520             switch (keyEvent.getKeyCode()) {
    521             case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
    522                 mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append("\n");
    523                 mExpectedSelStart += 1;
    524                 mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    525                 break;
    526             case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL:
    527                 if (0 == mComposingText.length()) {
    528                     if (mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.length() > 0) {
    529                         mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.delete(
    530                                 mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.length() - 1,
    531                                 mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.length());
    532                     }
    533                 } else {
    534                     mComposingText.delete(mComposingText.length() - 1, mComposingText.length());
    535                 }
    536                 if (mExpectedSelStart > 0 && mExpectedSelStart == mExpectedSelEnd) {
    537                     // TODO: Handle surrogate pairs.
    538                     mExpectedSelStart -= 1;
    539                 }
    540                 mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    541                 break;
    542             case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN:
    543                 if (null != keyEvent.getCharacters()) {
    544                     mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append(keyEvent.getCharacters());
    545                     mExpectedSelStart += keyEvent.getCharacters().length();
    546                     mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    547                 }
    548                 break;
    549             default:
    550                 final String text = StringUtils.newSingleCodePointString(keyEvent.getUnicodeChar());
    551                 mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append(text);
    552                 mExpectedSelStart += text.length();
    553                 mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    554                 break;
    555             }
    556         }
    557         if (isConnected()) {
    558             mIC.sendKeyEvent(keyEvent);
    559         }
    560     }
    562     public void setComposingRegion(final int start, final int end) {
    563         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    564         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    565         final CharSequence textBeforeCursor =
    566                 getTextBeforeCursor(Constants.EDITOR_CONTENTS_CACHE_SIZE + (end - start), 0);
    567         mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.setLength(0);
    568         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(textBeforeCursor)) {
    569             // The cursor is not necessarily at the end of the composing text, but we have its
    570             // position in mExpectedSelStart and mExpectedSelEnd. In this case we want the start
    571             // of the text, so we should use mExpectedSelStart. In other words, the composing
    572             // text starts (mExpectedSelStart - start) characters before the end of textBeforeCursor
    573             final int indexOfStartOfComposingText =
    574                     Math.max(textBeforeCursor.length() - (mExpectedSelStart - start), 0);
    575             mComposingText.append(textBeforeCursor.subSequence(indexOfStartOfComposingText,
    576                     textBeforeCursor.length()));
    577             mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append(
    578                     textBeforeCursor.subSequence(0, indexOfStartOfComposingText));
    579         }
    580         if (isConnected()) {
    581             mIC.setComposingRegion(start, end);
    582         }
    583     }
    585     public void setComposingText(final CharSequence text, final int newCursorPosition) {
    586         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    587         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    588         mExpectedSelStart += text.length() - mComposingText.length();
    589         mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    590         mComposingText.setLength(0);
    591         mComposingText.append(text);
    592         // TODO: support values of newCursorPosition != 1. At this time, this is never called with
    593         // newCursorPosition != 1.
    594         if (isConnected()) {
    595             mIC.setComposingText(text, newCursorPosition);
    596         }
    597         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    598     }
    600     /**
    601      * Set the selection of the text editor.
    602      *
    603      * Calls through to {@link InputConnection#setSelection(int, int)}.
    604      *
    605      * @param start the character index where the selection should start.
    606      * @param end the character index where the selection should end.
    607      * @return Returns true on success, false on failure: either the input connection is no longer
    608      * valid when setting the selection or when retrieving the text cache at that point, or
    609      * invalid arguments were passed.
    610      */
    611     public boolean setSelection(final int start, final int end) {
    612         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    613         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    614         if (start < 0 || end < 0) {
    615             return false;
    616         }
    617         mExpectedSelStart = start;
    618         mExpectedSelEnd = end;
    619         if (isConnected()) {
    620             final boolean isIcValid = mIC.setSelection(start, end);
    621             if (!isIcValid) {
    622                 return false;
    623             }
    624         }
    625         return reloadTextCache();
    626     }
    628     public void commitCorrection(final CorrectionInfo correctionInfo) {
    629         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    630         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    631         // This has no effect on the text field and does not change its content. It only makes
    632         // TextView flash the text for a second based on indices contained in the argument.
    633         if (isConnected()) {
    634             mIC.commitCorrection(correctionInfo);
    635         }
    636         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    637     }
    639     public void commitCompletion(final CompletionInfo completionInfo) {
    640         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    641         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    642         CharSequence text = completionInfo.getText();
    643         // text should never be null, but just in case, it's better to insert nothing than to crash
    644         if (null == text) text = "";
    645         mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.append(text);
    646         mExpectedSelStart += text.length() - mComposingText.length();
    647         mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    648         mComposingText.setLength(0);
    649         if (isConnected()) {
    650             mIC.commitCompletion(completionInfo);
    651         }
    652         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT) checkConsistencyForDebug();
    653     }
    655     @SuppressWarnings("unused")
    656     @Nonnull
    657     public NgramContext getNgramContextFromNthPreviousWord(
    658             final SpacingAndPunctuations spacingAndPunctuations, final int n) {
    659         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    660         if (!isConnected()) {
    661             return NgramContext.EMPTY_PREV_WORDS_INFO;
    662         }
    663         final CharSequence prev = getTextBeforeCursor(NUM_CHARS_TO_GET_BEFORE_CURSOR, 0);
    664         if (DEBUG_PREVIOUS_TEXT && null != prev) {
    665             final int checkLength = NUM_CHARS_TO_GET_BEFORE_CURSOR - 1;
    666             final String reference = prev.length() <= checkLength ? prev.toString()
    667                     : prev.subSequence(prev.length() - checkLength, prev.length()).toString();
    668             // TODO: right now the following works because mComposingText holds the part of the
    669             // composing text that is before the cursor, but this is very confusing. We should
    670             // fix it.
    671             final StringBuilder internal = new StringBuilder()
    672                     .append(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText).append(mComposingText);
    673             if (internal.length() > checkLength) {
    674                 internal.delete(0, internal.length() - checkLength);
    675                 if (!(reference.equals(internal.toString()))) {
    676                     final String context =
    677                             "Expected text = " + internal + "\nActual text = " + reference;
    678                     ((LatinIME)mParent).debugDumpStateAndCrashWithException(context);
    679                 }
    680             }
    681         }
    682         return NgramContextUtils.getNgramContextFromNthPreviousWord(
    683                 prev, spacingAndPunctuations, n);
    684     }
    686     private static boolean isPartOfCompositionForScript(final int codePoint,
    687             final SpacingAndPunctuations spacingAndPunctuations, final int scriptId) {
    688         // We always consider word connectors part of compositions.
    689         return spacingAndPunctuations.isWordConnector(codePoint)
    690                 // Otherwise, it's part of composition if it's part of script and not a separator.
    691                 || (!spacingAndPunctuations.isWordSeparator(codePoint)
    692                         && ScriptUtils.isLetterPartOfScript(codePoint, scriptId));
    693     }
    695     /**
    696      * Returns the text surrounding the cursor.
    697      *
    698      * @param spacingAndPunctuations the rules for spacing and punctuation
    699      * @param scriptId the script we consider to be writing words, as one of ScriptUtils.SCRIPT_*
    700      * @return a range containing the text surrounding the cursor
    701      */
    702     public TextRange getWordRangeAtCursor(final SpacingAndPunctuations spacingAndPunctuations,
    703             final int scriptId) {
    704         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    705         if (!isConnected()) {
    706             return null;
    707         }
    708         final CharSequence before = getTextBeforeCursorAndDetectLaggyConnection(
    709                 OPERATION_GET_WORD_RANGE_AT_CURSOR,
    711                 NUM_CHARS_TO_GET_BEFORE_CURSOR,
    712                 InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES);
    713         final CharSequence after = getTextAfterCursorAndDetectLaggyConnection(
    714                 OPERATION_GET_WORD_RANGE_AT_CURSOR,
    716                 NUM_CHARS_TO_GET_AFTER_CURSOR,
    717                 InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES);
    718         if (before == null || after == null) {
    719             return null;
    720         }
    722         // Going backward, find the first breaking point (separator)
    723         int startIndexInBefore = before.length();
    724         while (startIndexInBefore > 0) {
    725             final int codePoint = Character.codePointBefore(before, startIndexInBefore);
    726             if (!isPartOfCompositionForScript(codePoint, spacingAndPunctuations, scriptId)) {
    727                 break;
    728             }
    729             --startIndexInBefore;
    730             if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(codePoint)) {
    731                 --startIndexInBefore;
    732             }
    733         }
    735         // Find last word separator after the cursor
    736         int endIndexInAfter = -1;
    737         while (++endIndexInAfter < after.length()) {
    738             final int codePoint = Character.codePointAt(after, endIndexInAfter);
    739             if (!isPartOfCompositionForScript(codePoint, spacingAndPunctuations, scriptId)) {
    740                 break;
    741             }
    742             if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(codePoint)) {
    743                 ++endIndexInAfter;
    744             }
    745         }
    747         final boolean hasUrlSpans =
    748                 SpannableStringUtils.hasUrlSpans(before, startIndexInBefore, before.length())
    749                 || SpannableStringUtils.hasUrlSpans(after, 0, endIndexInAfter);
    750         // We don't use TextUtils#concat because it copies all spans without respect to their
    751         // nature. If the text includes a PARAGRAPH span and it has been split, then
    752         // TextUtils#concat will crash when it tries to concat both sides of it.
    753         return new TextRange(
    754                 SpannableStringUtils.concatWithNonParagraphSuggestionSpansOnly(before, after),
    755                         startIndexInBefore, before.length() + endIndexInAfter, before.length(),
    756                         hasUrlSpans);
    757     }
    759     public boolean isCursorTouchingWord(final SpacingAndPunctuations spacingAndPunctuations,
    760             boolean checkTextAfter) {
    761         if (checkTextAfter && isCursorFollowedByWordCharacter(spacingAndPunctuations)) {
    762             // If what's after the cursor is a word character, then we're touching a word.
    763             return true;
    764         }
    765         final String textBeforeCursor = mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText.toString();
    766         int indexOfCodePointInJavaChars = textBeforeCursor.length();
    767         int consideredCodePoint = 0 == indexOfCodePointInJavaChars ? Constants.NOT_A_CODE
    768                 : textBeforeCursor.codePointBefore(indexOfCodePointInJavaChars);
    769         // Search for the first non word-connector char
    770         if (spacingAndPunctuations.isWordConnector(consideredCodePoint)) {
    771             indexOfCodePointInJavaChars -= Character.charCount(consideredCodePoint);
    772             consideredCodePoint = 0 == indexOfCodePointInJavaChars ? Constants.NOT_A_CODE
    773                     : textBeforeCursor.codePointBefore(indexOfCodePointInJavaChars);
    774         }
    775         return !(Constants.NOT_A_CODE == consideredCodePoint
    776                 || spacingAndPunctuations.isWordSeparator(consideredCodePoint)
    777                 || spacingAndPunctuations.isWordConnector(consideredCodePoint));
    778     }
    780     public boolean isCursorFollowedByWordCharacter(
    781             final SpacingAndPunctuations spacingAndPunctuations) {
    782         final CharSequence after = getTextAfterCursor(1, 0);
    783         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(after)) {
    784             return false;
    785         }
    786         final int codePointAfterCursor = Character.codePointAt(after, 0);
    787         if (spacingAndPunctuations.isWordSeparator(codePointAfterCursor)
    788                 || spacingAndPunctuations.isWordConnector(codePointAfterCursor)) {
    789             return false;
    790         }
    791         return true;
    792     }
    794     public void removeTrailingSpace() {
    795         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    796         final int codePointBeforeCursor = getCodePointBeforeCursor();
    797         if (Constants.CODE_SPACE == codePointBeforeCursor) {
    798             deleteTextBeforeCursor(1);
    799         }
    800     }
    802     public boolean sameAsTextBeforeCursor(final CharSequence text) {
    803         final CharSequence beforeText = getTextBeforeCursor(text.length(), 0);
    804         return TextUtils.equals(text, beforeText);
    805     }
    807     public boolean revertDoubleSpacePeriod(final SpacingAndPunctuations spacingAndPunctuations) {
    808         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    809         // Here we test whether we indeed have a period and a space before us. This should not
    810         // be needed, but it's there just in case something went wrong.
    811         final CharSequence textBeforeCursor = getTextBeforeCursor(2, 0);
    812         if (!TextUtils.equals(spacingAndPunctuations.mSentenceSeparatorAndSpace,
    813                 textBeforeCursor)) {
    814             // Theoretically we should not be coming here if there isn't ". " before the
    815             // cursor, but the application may be changing the text while we are typing, so
    816             // anything goes. We should not crash.
    817             Log.d(TAG, "Tried to revert double-space combo but we didn't find \""
    818                     + spacingAndPunctuations.mSentenceSeparatorAndSpace
    819                     + "\" just before the cursor.");
    820             return false;
    821         }
    822         // Double-space results in ". ". A backspace to cancel this should result in a single
    823         // space in the text field, so we replace ". " with a single space.
    824         deleteTextBeforeCursor(2);
    825         final String singleSpace = " ";
    826         commitText(singleSpace, 1);
    827         return true;
    828     }
    830     public boolean revertSwapPunctuation() {
    831         if (DEBUG_BATCH_NESTING) checkBatchEdit();
    832         // Here we test whether we indeed have a space and something else before us. This should not
    833         // be needed, but it's there just in case something went wrong.
    834         final CharSequence textBeforeCursor = getTextBeforeCursor(2, 0);
    835         // NOTE: This does not work with surrogate pairs. Hopefully when the keyboard is able to
    836         // enter surrogate pairs this code will have been removed.
    837         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(textBeforeCursor)
    838                 || (Constants.CODE_SPACE != textBeforeCursor.charAt(1))) {
    839             // We may only come here if the application is changing the text while we are typing.
    840             // This is quite a broken case, but not logically impossible, so we shouldn't crash,
    841             // but some debugging log may be in order.
    842             Log.d(TAG, "Tried to revert a swap of punctuation but we didn't "
    843                     + "find a space just before the cursor.");
    844             return false;
    845         }
    846         deleteTextBeforeCursor(2);
    847         final String text = " " + textBeforeCursor.subSequence(0, 1);
    848         commitText(text, 1);
    849         return true;
    850     }
    852     /**
    853      * Heuristic to determine if this is an expected update of the cursor.
    854      *
    855      * Sometimes updates to the cursor position are late because of their asynchronous nature.
    856      * This method tries to determine if this update is one, based on the values of the cursor
    857      * position in the update, and the currently expected position of the cursor according to
    858      * LatinIME's internal accounting. If this is not a belated expected update, then it should
    859      * mean that the user moved the cursor explicitly.
    860      * This is quite robust, but of course it's not perfect. In particular, it will fail in the
    861      * case we get an update A, the user types in N characters so as to move the cursor to A+N but
    862      * we don't get those, and then the user places the cursor between A and A+N, and we get only
    863      * this update and not the ones in-between. This is almost impossible to achieve even trying
    864      * very very hard.
    865      *
    866      * @param oldSelStart The value of the old selection in the update.
    867      * @param newSelStart The value of the new selection in the update.
    868      * @param oldSelEnd The value of the old selection end in the update.
    869      * @param newSelEnd The value of the new selection end in the update.
    870      * @return whether this is a belated expected update or not.
    871      */
    872     public boolean isBelatedExpectedUpdate(final int oldSelStart, final int newSelStart,
    873             final int oldSelEnd, final int newSelEnd) {
    874         // This update is "belated" if we are expecting it. That is, mExpectedSelStart and
    875         // mExpectedSelEnd match the new values that the TextView is updating TO.
    876         if (mExpectedSelStart == newSelStart && mExpectedSelEnd == newSelEnd) return true;
    877         // This update is not belated if mExpectedSelStart and mExpectedSelEnd match the old
    878         // values, and one of newSelStart or newSelEnd is updated to a different value. In this
    879         // case, it is likely that something other than the IME has moved the selection endpoint
    880         // to the new value.
    881         if (mExpectedSelStart == oldSelStart && mExpectedSelEnd == oldSelEnd
    882                 && (oldSelStart != newSelStart || oldSelEnd != newSelEnd)) return false;
    883         // If neither of the above two cases hold, then the system may be having trouble keeping up
    884         // with updates. If 1) the selection is a cursor, 2) newSelStart is between oldSelStart
    885         // and mExpectedSelStart, and 3) newSelEnd is between oldSelEnd and mExpectedSelEnd, then
    886         // assume a belated update.
    887         return (newSelStart == newSelEnd)
    888                 && (newSelStart - oldSelStart) * (mExpectedSelStart - newSelStart) >= 0
    889                 && (newSelEnd - oldSelEnd) * (mExpectedSelEnd - newSelEnd) >= 0;
    890     }
    892     /**
    893      * Looks at the text just before the cursor to find out if it looks like a URL.
    894      *
    895      * The weakest point here is, if we don't have enough text bufferized, we may fail to realize
    896      * we are in URL situation, but other places in this class have the same limitation and it
    897      * does not matter too much in the practice.
    898      */
    899     public boolean textBeforeCursorLooksLikeURL() {
    900         return StringUtils.lastPartLooksLikeURL(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText);
    901     }
    903     /**
    904      * Looks at the text just before the cursor to find out if we are inside a double quote.
    905      *
    906      * As with #textBeforeCursorLooksLikeURL, this is dependent on how much text we have cached.
    907      * However this won't be a concrete problem in most situations, as the cache is almost always
    908      * long enough for this use.
    909      */
    910     public boolean isInsideDoubleQuoteOrAfterDigit() {
    911         return StringUtils.isInsideDoubleQuoteOrAfterDigit(mCommittedTextBeforeComposingText);
    912     }
    914     /**
    915      * Try to get the text from the editor to expose lies the framework may have been
    916      * telling us. Concretely, when the device rotates and when the keyboard reopens in the same
    917      * text field after having been closed with the back key, the frameworks tells us about where
    918      * the cursor used to be initially in the editor at the time it first received the focus; this
    919      * may be completely different from the place it is upon rotation. Since we don't have any
    920      * means to get the real value, try at least to ask the text view for some characters and
    921      * detect the most damaging cases: when the cursor position is declared to be much smaller
    922      * than it really is.
    923      */
    924     public void tryFixLyingCursorPosition() {
    925         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    926         final CharSequence textBeforeCursor = getTextBeforeCursor(
    927                 Constants.EDITOR_CONTENTS_CACHE_SIZE, 0);
    928         final CharSequence selectedText = isConnected() ? mIC.getSelectedText(0 /* flags */) : null;
    929         if (null == textBeforeCursor ||
    930                 (!TextUtils.isEmpty(selectedText) && mExpectedSelEnd == mExpectedSelStart)) {
    931             // If textBeforeCursor is null, we have no idea what kind of text field we have or if
    932             // thinking about the "cursor position" actually makes any sense. In this case we
    933             // remember a meaningless cursor position. Contrast this with an empty string, which is
    934             // valid and should mean the cursor is at the start of the text.
    935             // Also, if we expect we don't have a selection but we DO have non-empty selected text,
    936             // then the framework lied to us about the cursor position. In this case, we should just
    937             // revert to the most basic behavior possible for the next action (backspace in
    938             // particular comes to mind), so we remember a meaningless cursor position which should
    939             // result in degraded behavior from the next input.
    940             // Interestingly, in either case, chances are any action the user takes next will result
    941             // in a call to onUpdateSelection, which should set things right.
    942             mExpectedSelStart = mExpectedSelEnd = Constants.NOT_A_CURSOR_POSITION;
    943         } else {
    944             final int textLength = textBeforeCursor.length();
    945             if (textLength < Constants.EDITOR_CONTENTS_CACHE_SIZE
    946                     && (textLength > mExpectedSelStart
    947                             ||  mExpectedSelStart < Constants.EDITOR_CONTENTS_CACHE_SIZE)) {
    948                 // It should not be possible to have only one of those variables be
    949                 // NOT_A_CURSOR_POSITION, so if they are equal, either the selection is zero-sized
    950                 // (simple cursor, no selection) or there is no cursor/we don't know its pos
    951                 final boolean wasEqual = mExpectedSelStart == mExpectedSelEnd;
    952                 mExpectedSelStart = textLength;
    953                 // We can't figure out the value of mLastSelectionEnd :(
    954                 // But at least if it's smaller than mLastSelectionStart something is wrong,
    955                 // and if they used to be equal we also don't want to make it look like there is a
    956                 // selection.
    957                 if (wasEqual || mExpectedSelStart > mExpectedSelEnd) {
    958                     mExpectedSelEnd = mExpectedSelStart;
    959                 }
    960             }
    961         }
    962     }
    964     @Override
    965     public boolean performPrivateCommand(final String action, final Bundle data) {
    966         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
    967         if (!isConnected()) {
    968             return false;
    969         }
    970         return mIC.performPrivateCommand(action, data);
    971     }
    973     public int getExpectedSelectionStart() {
    974         return mExpectedSelStart;
    975     }
    977     public int getExpectedSelectionEnd() {
    978         return mExpectedSelEnd;
    979     }
    981     /**
    982      * @return whether there is a selection currently active.
    983      */
    984     public boolean hasSelection() {
    985         return mExpectedSelEnd != mExpectedSelStart;
    986     }
    988     public boolean isCursorPositionKnown() {
    989         return INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION != mExpectedSelStart;
    990     }
    992     /**
    993      * Work around a bug that was present before Jelly Bean upon rotation.
    994      *
    995      * Before Jelly Bean, there is a bug where setComposingRegion and other committing
    996      * functions on the input connection get ignored until the cursor moves. This method works
    997      * around the bug by wiggling the cursor first, which reactivates the connection and has
    998      * the subsequent methods work, then restoring it to its original position.
    999      *
   1000      * On platforms on which this method is not present, this is a no-op.
   1001      */
   1002     public void maybeMoveTheCursorAroundAndRestoreToWorkaroundABug() {
   1003         if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
   1004             if (mExpectedSelStart > 0) {
   1005                 mIC.setSelection(mExpectedSelStart - 1, mExpectedSelStart - 1);
   1006             } else {
   1007                 mIC.setSelection(mExpectedSelStart + 1, mExpectedSelStart + 1);
   1008             }
   1009             mIC.setSelection(mExpectedSelStart, mExpectedSelEnd);
   1010         }
   1011     }
   1013     /**
   1014      * Requests the editor to call back {@link InputMethodManager#updateCursorAnchorInfo}.
   1015      * @param enableMonitor {@code true} to request the editor to call back the method whenever the
   1016      * cursor/anchor position is changed.
   1017      * @param requestImmediateCallback {@code true} to request the editor to call back the method
   1018      * as soon as possible to notify the current cursor/anchor position to the input method.
   1019      * @return {@code true} if the request is accepted. Returns {@code false} otherwise, which
   1020      * includes "not implemented" or "rejected" or "temporarily unavailable" or whatever which
   1021      * prevents the application from fulfilling the request. (TODO: Improve the API when it turns
   1022      * out that we actually need more detailed error codes)
   1023      */
   1024     public boolean requestCursorUpdates(final boolean enableMonitor,
   1025             final boolean requestImmediateCallback) {
   1026         mIC = mParent.getCurrentInputConnection();
   1027         if (!isConnected()) {
   1028             return false;
   1029         }
   1030         return InputConnectionCompatUtils.requestCursorUpdates(
   1031                 mIC, enableMonitor, requestImmediateCallback);
   1032     }
   1033 }