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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (c) 2017 Richard Palethorpe <rpalethorpe (at) suse.com>
      3  *
      4  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      6  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
      7  * (at your option) any later version.
      8  *
      9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
     13  *
     14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     15  * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
     16  */
     17 /*
     18  * Fuzzy Synchronisation - abreviated to fzsync
     19  *
     20  * This library is intended to help reproduce race conditions by providing two
     21  * thread synchronisation mechanisms. The first is a 'checkpoint' system where
     22  * each thread will wait indefinitely for the other to enter a checkpoint
     23  * before continuing. This is acheived by calling tst_fzsync_wait() and/or
     24  * tst_fzsync_wait_update() at the points you want to synchronise in each
     25  * thread. This is functionally very similar to using pthread_barrier_wait()
     26  * with two threads. However tst_fzsync_wait() can be inlined and is
     27  * guaranteed not to call sleep or futex.
     28  *
     29  * The second takes the form a of a delay which is calculated by measuring the
     30  * time difference between two points in each thread and comparing it to the
     31  * desired difference (default is zero). Using a delay allows you to
     32  * synchronise the threads at a point outside of your direct control
     33  * (e.g. inside the kernel) or just increase the accuracy for the first
     34  * mechanism. It is acheived using tst_fzsync_delay_{a,b}(),
     35  * tst_fzsync_time_{a,b}() and tst_fzsync[_wait_]update().
     36  *
     37  * For a usage example see testcases/cve/cve-2016-7117.c or just run
     38  * 'git grep tst_fuzzy_sync.h'
     39  */
     41 #include <sys/time.h>
     42 #include <time.h>
     43 #include <math.h>
     44 #include "tst_atomic.h"
     46 #ifndef CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW
     48 #endif
     50 /**
     51  * struct tst_fzsync_pair - the state of a two way synchronisation
     52  * @avg_diff: Internal; the average time difference over multiple iterations.
     53  * @avg_diff_trgt: The desired average time difference, defaults to 0.
     54  * @avg_alpha: The rate at which old diff samples are forgotten,
     55  *             defaults to 0.25.
     56  * @avg_dev: Internal; Absolute average deviation.
     57  * @a: Internal; The time at which call site A was last passed.
     58  * @b: Internal; The time at which call site B was last passed.
     59  * @delay: Internal; The size of the delay, positive to delay A,
     60  *         negative to delay B.
     61  * @delay_inc: The step size of a delay increment, defaults to 1.
     62  * @update_gap: The number of iterations between recalculating the delay.
     63  *              Defaults to 0xF and must be of the form $2^n - 1$
     64  * @info_gap: The number of iterations between printing some statistics.
     65  *            Defaults to 0x7FFFF and must also be one less than a power of 2.
     66  * @a_cntr: Internal; Atomic counter used by fzsync_pair_wait()
     67  * @b_cntr: Internal; Atomic counter used by fzsync_pair_wait()
     68  * @exit: Internal; Used by tst_fzsync_pair_exit() and fzsync_pair_wait()
     69  *
     70  * This contains all the necessary state for synchronising two points A and
     71  * B. Where A is the time of an event in one process and B is the time of an
     72  * event in another process.
     73  *
     74  * Internal fields should only be accessed by library functions.
     75  */
     76 struct tst_fzsync_pair {
     77 	float avg_diff;
     78 	float avg_diff_trgt;
     79 	float avg_alpha;
     80 	float avg_dev;
     81 	struct timespec a;
     82 	struct timespec b;
     83 	long delay;
     84 	long delay_inc;
     85 	int update_gap;
     86 	int info_gap;
     87 	int a_cntr;
     88 	int b_cntr;
     89 	int exit;
     90 };
     92 /**
     93  * TST_FZSYNC_PAIR_INIT - Default values for struct tst_fzysnc_pair
     94  */
     95 #define TST_FZSYNC_PAIR_INIT {	\
     96 	.avg_alpha = 0.25,	\
     97 	.delay_inc = 1,	        \
     98 	.update_gap = 0xF,	\
     99 	.info_gap = 0x7FFFF     \
    100 }
    102 /**
    103  * tst_fzsync_pair_info - Print some synchronisation statistics
    104  */
    105 static void tst_fzsync_pair_info(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    106 {
    107 	tst_res(TINFO,
    108 		"avg_diff = %.0fns, avg_dev = %.0fns, delay = %05ld loops",
    109 		pair->avg_diff, pair->avg_dev, pair->delay);
    110 }
    112 /**
    113  * tst_fzsync_delay_a - Perform spin delay for A, if needed
    114  *
    115  * Usually called just before the point you want to synchronise.
    116  */
    117 static inline void tst_fzsync_delay_a(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    118 {
    119 	volatile long spin_delay = pair->delay;
    121 	while (spin_delay > 0)
    122 		spin_delay--;
    123 }
    125 /**
    126  * tst_fzsync_delay_b - Perform spin delay for B, if needed
    127  *
    128  * Usually called just before the point you want to synchronise.
    129  */
    130 static inline void tst_fzsync_delay_b(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    131 {
    132 	volatile long spin_delay = pair->delay;
    134 	while (spin_delay < 0)
    135 		spin_delay++;
    136 }
    138 static inline void tst_fzsync_time(struct timespec *t)
    139 {
    140 	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, t);
    141 }
    143 /**
    144  * tst_fzsync_time_a - Set A's time to now.
    145  *
    146  * Called at the point you want to synchronise.
    147  */
    148 static inline void tst_fzsync_time_a(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    149 {
    150 	tst_fzsync_time(&pair->a);
    151 }
    153 /**
    154  * tst_fzsync_time_b - Set B's call time to now.
    155  *
    156  * Called at the point you want to synchronise.
    157  */
    158 static inline void tst_fzsync_time_b(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    159 {
    160 	tst_fzsync_time(&pair->b);
    161 }
    163 /**
    164  * tst_exp_moving_avg - Exponential moving average
    165  * @alpha: The preference for recent samples over old ones.
    166  * @sample: The current sample
    167  * @prev_avg: The average of the all the previous samples
    168  *
    169  * Returns average including the current sample.
    170  */
    171 static inline float tst_exp_moving_avg(float alpha,
    172 					float sample,
    173 					float prev_avg)
    174 {
    175 	return alpha * sample + (1.0 - alpha) * prev_avg;
    176 }
    178 /**
    179  * tst_fzsync_pair_update - Recalculate the delay
    180  * @loop_index: The i in "for(i = 0;..." or zero to ignore update_gap
    181  * @pair: The state necessary for calculating the delay
    182  *
    183  * This should be called at the end of each loop to update the average
    184  * measured time difference (between A and B) and update the delay. It is
    185  * assumed that A and B are less than a second apart.
    186  *
    187  * The values of update_gap, avg_alpha and delay_inc decide the speed at which
    188  * the algorithm approaches the optimum delay value and whether it is
    189  * stable. If your test is behaving strangely, it could be because this
    190  * algorithm is behaving chaotically and flip-flopping between large positve
    191  * and negative delay values. You can call tst_fzysync_pair_info every few
    192  * loops to check whether the average difference and delay values are stable.
    193  */
    194 static void tst_fzsync_pair_update(int loop_index, struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    195 {
    196 	long diff;
    197 	long inc = pair->delay_inc;
    198 	float target = pair->avg_diff_trgt;
    199 	float avg = pair->avg_diff;
    201 	diff = pair->a.tv_nsec - pair->b.tv_nsec
    202 		+ 1000000000 * (pair->a.tv_sec - pair->b.tv_sec);
    203 	avg = tst_exp_moving_avg(pair->avg_alpha, diff, avg);
    204 	pair->avg_dev = tst_exp_moving_avg(pair->avg_alpha,
    205 					   fabs(diff - avg),
    206 					   pair->avg_dev);
    208 	if (!(loop_index & pair->update_gap)) {
    209 		if (avg > target)
    210 			pair->delay -= inc;
    211 		else if (avg < target)
    212 			pair->delay += inc;
    213 	}
    215 	if (!(loop_index & pair->info_gap))
    216 		tst_fzsync_pair_info(pair);
    218 	pair->avg_diff = avg;
    219 }
    221 /**
    222  * tst_fzsync_pair_wait - Wait for the other thread
    223  * @our_cntr: The counter for the thread we are on
    224  * @other_cntr: The counter for the thread we are synchronising with
    225  *
    226  * Use this (through tst_fzsync_pair_wait_a() and tst_fzsync_pair_wait_b()) if
    227  * you need an additional synchronisation point in a thread or you do not want
    228  * to use the delay facility (not recommended). See
    229  * tst_fzsync_pair_wait_update().
    230  *
    231  * Returns a non-zero value if the thread should continue otherwise the
    232  * calling thread should exit.
    233  */
    234 static inline int tst_fzsync_pair_wait(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair,
    235 				       int *our_cntr, int *other_cntr)
    236 {
    237 	if (tst_atomic_inc(other_cntr) == INT_MAX) {
    238 		/*
    239 		 * We are about to break the invariant that the thread with
    240 		 * the lowest count is in front of the other. So we must wait
    241 		 * here to ensure the other thread has atleast reached the
    242 		 * line above before doing that. If we are in rear position
    243 		 * then our counter may already have been set to zero.
    244 		 */
    245 		while (tst_atomic_load(our_cntr) > 0
    246 		       && tst_atomic_load(our_cntr) < INT_MAX
    247 		       && !tst_atomic_load(&pair->exit))
    248 			;
    250 		tst_atomic_store(0, other_cntr);
    251 		/*
    252 		 * Once both counters have been set to zero the invariant
    253 		 * is restored and we can continue.
    254 		 */
    255 		while (tst_atomic_load(our_cntr) > 1
    256 		       && !tst_atomic_load(&pair->exit))
    257 			;
    258 	} else {
    259 		/*
    260 		 * If our counter is less than the other thread's we are ahead
    261 		 * of it and need to wait.
    262 		 */
    263 		while (tst_atomic_load(our_cntr) < tst_atomic_load(other_cntr)
    264 		       && !tst_atomic_load(&pair->exit))
    265 			;
    266 	}
    268 	/* Only exit if we have done the same amount of work as the other thread */
    269 	return !tst_atomic_load(&pair->exit) ||
    270 	  tst_atomic_load(other_cntr) <= tst_atomic_load(our_cntr);
    271 }
    273 static inline int tst_fzsync_wait_a(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    274 {
    275 	return tst_fzsync_pair_wait(pair, &pair->a_cntr, &pair->b_cntr);
    276 }
    278 static inline int tst_fzsync_wait_b(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    279 {
    280 	return tst_fzsync_pair_wait(pair, &pair->b_cntr, &pair->a_cntr);
    281 }
    283 /**
    284  * tst_fzsync_pair_wait_update_{a,b} - Wait and then recalculate
    285  *
    286  * This allows you to have two long running threads which wait for each other
    287  * every iteration. So each thread will exit this function at approximately
    288  * the same time. It also updates the delay values in a thread safe manner.
    289  *
    290  * You must call this function in both threads the same number of times each
    291  * iteration. So a call in one thread must match with a call in the
    292  * other. Make sure that calls to tst_fzsync_pair_wait() and
    293  * tst_fzsync_pair_wait_update() happen in the same order in each thread. That
    294  * is, make sure that a call to tst_fzsync_pair_wait_update_a() in one thread
    295  * corresponds to a call to tst_fzsync_pair_wait_update_b() in the other.
    296  *
    297  * Returns a non-zero value if the calling thread should continue to loop. If
    298  * it returns zero then tst_fzsync_exit() has been called and you must exit
    299  * the thread.
    300  */
    301 static inline int tst_fzsync_wait_update_a(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    302 {
    303 	static int loop_index;
    305 	tst_fzsync_pair_wait(pair, &pair->a_cntr, &pair->b_cntr);
    306 	loop_index++;
    307 	tst_fzsync_pair_update(loop_index, pair);
    308 	return tst_fzsync_pair_wait(pair, &pair->a_cntr, &pair->b_cntr);
    309 }
    311 static inline int tst_fzsync_wait_update_b(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    312 {
    313 	tst_fzsync_pair_wait(pair, &pair->b_cntr, &pair->a_cntr);
    314 	return tst_fzsync_pair_wait(pair, &pair->b_cntr, &pair->a_cntr);
    315 }
    317 /**
    318  * tst_fzsync_pair_exit - Signal that the other thread should exit
    319  *
    320  * Causes tst_fzsync_pair_wait() and tst_fzsync_pair_wait_update() to return
    321  * 0.
    322  */
    323 static inline void tst_fzsync_pair_exit(struct tst_fzsync_pair *pair)
    324 {
    325 	tst_atomic_store(1, &pair->exit);
    326 }