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      1 # Graphs and Sessions
      3 TensorFlow uses a **dataflow graph** to represent your computation in terms of
      4 the dependencies between individual operations. This leads to a low-level
      5 programming model in which you first define the dataflow graph, then create a
      6 TensorFlow **session** to run parts of the graph across a set of local and
      7 remote devices.
      9 This guide will be most useful if you intend to use the low-level programming
     10 model directly. Higher-level APIs such as @{tf.estimator.Estimator} and Keras
     11 hide the details of graphs and sessions from the end user, but this guide may
     12 also be useful if you want to understand how these APIs are implemented.
     14 ## Why dataflow graphs?
     16 ![](../images/tensors_flowing.gif)
     18 [Dataflow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dataflow_programming) is a common
     19 programming model for parallel computing. In a dataflow graph, the nodes
     20 represent units of computation, and the edges represent the data consumed or
     21 produced by a computation. For example, in a TensorFlow graph, the @{tf.matmul}
     22 operation would correspond to a single node with two incoming edges (the
     23 matrices to be multiplied) and one outgoing edge (the result of the
     24 multiplication).
     26 <!-- TODO(barryr): Add a diagram to illustrate the @{tf.matmul} graph. -->
     28 Dataflow has several advantages that TensorFlow leverages when executing your
     29 programs:
     31 * **Parallelism.** By using explicit edges to represent dependencies between
     32   operations, it is easy for the system to identify operations that can execute
     33   in parallel.
     35 * **Distributed execution.** By using explicit edges to represent the values
     36   that flow between operations, it is possible for TensorFlow to partition your
     37   program across multiple devices (CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs) attached to different
     38   machines. TensorFlow inserts the necessary communication and coordination
     39   between devices.
     41 * **Compilation.** TensorFlow's @{$performance/xla$XLA compiler} can
     42   use the information in your dataflow graph to generate faster code, for
     43   example, by fusing together adjacent operations.
     45 * **Portability.** The dataflow graph is a language-independent representation
     46   of the code in your model. You can build a dataflow graph in Python, store it
     47   in a @{$saved_model$SavedModel}, and restore it in a C++ program for
     48   low-latency inference.
     51 ## What is a @{tf.Graph}?
     53 A @{tf.Graph} contains two relevant kinds of information:
     55 * **Graph structure.** The nodes and edges of the graph, indicating how
     56   individual operations are composed together, but not prescribing how they
     57   should be used. The graph structure is like assembly code: inspecting it can
     58   convey some useful information, but it does not contain all of the useful
     59   context that source code conveys.
     61 * **Graph collections.** TensorFlow provides a general mechanism for storing
     62   collections of metadata in a @{tf.Graph}. The @{tf.add_to_collection} function
     63   enables you to associate a list of objects with a key (where @{tf.GraphKeys}
     64   defines some of the standard keys), and @{tf.get_collection} enables you to
     65   look up all objects associated with a key. Many parts of the TensorFlow
     66   library use this facility: for example, when you create a @{tf.Variable}, it
     67   is added by default to collections representing "global variables" and
     68   "trainable variables". When you later come to create a @{tf.train.Saver} or
     69   @{tf.train.Optimizer}, the variables in these collections are used as the
     70   default arguments.
     73 ## Building a @{tf.Graph}
     75 Most TensorFlow programs start with a dataflow graph construction phase. In this
     76 phase, you invoke TensorFlow API functions that construct new @{tf.Operation}
     77 (node) and @{tf.Tensor} (edge) objects and add them to a @{tf.Graph}
     78 instance. TensorFlow provides a **default graph** that is an implicit argument
     79 to all API functions in the same context.  For example:
     81 * Calling `tf.constant(42.0)` creates a single @{tf.Operation} that produces the
     82   value `42.0`, adds it to the default graph, and returns a @{tf.Tensor} that
     83   represents the value of the constant.
     85 * Calling `tf.matmul(x, y)` creates a single @{tf.Operation} that multiplies
     86   the values of @{tf.Tensor} objects `x` and `y`, adds it to the default graph,
     87   and returns a @{tf.Tensor} that represents the result of the multiplication.
     89 * Executing `v = tf.Variable(0)` adds to the graph a @{tf.Operation} that will
     90   store a writeable tensor value that persists between @{tf.Session.run} calls.
     91   The @{tf.Variable} object wraps this operation, and can be used [like a
     92   tensor](#tensor-like_objects), which will read the current value of the
     93   stored value. The @{tf.Variable} object also has methods such as
     94   @{tf.Variable.assign$`assign`} and @{tf.Variable.assign_add$`assign_add`} that
     95   create @{tf.Operation} objects that, when executed, update the stored value.
     96   (See @{$programmers_guide/variables} for more information about variables.)
     98 * Calling @{tf.train.Optimizer.minimize} will add operations and tensors to the
     99   default graph that calculate gradients, and return a @{tf.Operation} that,
    100   when run, will apply those gradients to a set of variables.
    102 Most programs rely solely on the default graph. However,
    103 see [Dealing with multiple graphs](#programming_with_multiple_graphs) for more
    104 advanced use cases. High-level APIs such as the @{tf.estimator.Estimator} API
    105 manage the default graph on your behalf, and--for example--may create different
    106 graphs for training and evaluation.
    108 Note: Calling most functions in the TensorFlow API merely adds operations
    109 and tensors to the default graph, but **does not** perform the actual
    110 computation. Instead, you compose these functions until you have a @{tf.Tensor}
    111 or @{tf.Operation} that represents the overall computation--such as performing
    112 one step of gradient descent--and then pass that object to a @{tf.Session} to
    113 perform the computation. See the section "Executing a graph in a @{tf.Session}"
    114 for more details.
    116 ## Naming operations
    118 A @{tf.Graph} object defines a **namespace** for the @{tf.Operation} objects it
    119 contains. TensorFlow automatically chooses a unique name for each operation in
    120 your graph, but giving operations descriptive names can make your program easier
    121 to read and debug. The TensorFlow API provides two ways to override the name of
    122 an operation:
    124 * Each API function that creates a new @{tf.Operation} or returns a new
    125   @{tf.Tensor} accepts an optional `name` argument. For example,
    126   `tf.constant(42.0, name="answer")` creates a new @{tf.Operation} named
    127   `"answer"` and returns a @{tf.Tensor} named `"answer:0"`. If the default graph
    128   already contains an operation named `"answer"`, then TensorFlow would append
    129   `"_1"`, `"_2"`, and so on to the name, in order to make it unique.
    131 * The @{tf.name_scope} function makes it possible to add a **name scope** prefix
    132   to all operations created in a particular context. The current name scope
    133   prefix is a `"/"`-delimited list of the names of all active @{tf.name_scope}
    134   context managers. If a name scope has already been used in the current
    135   context, TensorFlow appends `"_1"`, `"_2"`, and so on. For example:
    137   ```python
    138   c_0 = tf.constant(0, name="c")  # => operation named "c"
    140   # Already-used names will be "uniquified".
    141   c_1 = tf.constant(2, name="c")  # => operation named "c_1"
    143   # Name scopes add a prefix to all operations created in the same context.
    144   with tf.name_scope("outer"):
    145     c_2 = tf.constant(2, name="c")  # => operation named "outer/c"
    147     # Name scopes nest like paths in a hierarchical file system.
    148     with tf.name_scope("inner"):
    149       c_3 = tf.constant(3, name="c")  # => operation named "outer/inner/c"
    151     # Exiting a name scope context will return to the previous prefix.
    152     c_4 = tf.constant(4, name="c")  # => operation named "outer/c_1"
    154     # Already-used name scopes will be "uniquified".
    155     with tf.name_scope("inner"):
    156       c_5 = tf.constant(5, name="c")  # => operation named "outer/inner_1/c"
    157   ```
    159 The graph visualizer uses name scopes to group operations and reduce the visual
    160 complexity of a graph. See [Visualizing your graph](#visualizing-your-graph) for
    161 more information.
    163 Note that @{tf.Tensor} objects are implicitly named after the @{tf.Operation}
    164 that produces the tensor as output. A tensor name has the form `"<OP_NAME>:<i>"`
    165 where:
    167 * `"<OP_NAME>"` is the name of the operation that produces it.
    168 * `"<i>"` is an integer representing the index of that tensor among the
    169   operation's outputs.
    171 ## Placing operations on different devices
    173 If you want your TensorFlow program to use multiple different devices, the
    174 @{tf.device} function provides a convenient way to request that all operations
    175 created in a particular context are placed on the same device (or type of
    176 device).
    178 A **device specification** has the following form:
    180 ```
    181 /job:<JOB_NAME>/task:<TASK_INDEX>/device:<DEVICE_TYPE>:<DEVICE_INDEX>
    182 ```
    184 where:
    186 * `<JOB_NAME>` is an alpha-numeric string that does not start with a number.
    187 * `<DEVICE_TYPE>` is a registered device type (such as `GPU` or `CPU`).
    188 * `<TASK_INDEX>` is a non-negative integer representing the index of the task
    189   in the job named `<JOB_NAME>`. See @{tf.train.ClusterSpec} for an explanation
    190   of jobs and tasks.
    191 * `<DEVICE_INDEX>` is a non-negative integer representing the index of the
    192   device, for example, to distinguish between different GPU devices used in the
    193   same process.
    195 You do not need to specify every part of a device specification. For example,
    196 if you are running in a single-machine configuration with a single GPU, you
    197 might use @{tf.device} to pin some operations to the CPU and GPU:
    199 ```python
    200 # Operations created outside either context will run on the "best possible"
    201 # device. For example, if you have a GPU and a CPU available, and the operation
    202 # has a GPU implementation, TensorFlow will choose the GPU.
    203 weights = tf.random_normal(...)
    205 with tf.device("/device:CPU:0"):
    206   # Operations created in this context will be pinned to the CPU.
    207   img = tf.decode_jpeg(tf.read_file("img.jpg"))
    209 with tf.device("/device:GPU:0"):
    210   # Operations created in this context will be pinned to the GPU.
    211   result = tf.matmul(weights, img)
    212 ```
    214 If you are deploying TensorFlow in a @{$deploy/distributed$typical distributed
    215 configuration}, you might specify the job name and task ID to place variables on
    216 a task in the parameter server job (`"/job:ps"`), and the other operations on
    217 task in the worker job (`"/job:worker"`):
    219 ```python
    220 with tf.device("/job:ps/task:0"):
    221   weights_1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([784, 100]))
    222   biases_1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeroes([100]))
    224 with tf.device("/job:ps/task:1"):
    225   weights_2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([100, 10]))
    226   biases_2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeroes([10]))
    228 with tf.device("/job:worker"):
    229   layer_1 = tf.matmul(train_batch, weights_1) + biases_1
    230   layer_2 = tf.matmul(train_batch, weights_2) + biases_2
    231 ```
    233 @{tf.device} gives you a lot of flexibility to choose placements for individual
    234 operations or broad regions of a TensorFlow graph. In many cases, there are
    235 simple heuristics that work well. For example, the
    236 @{tf.train.replica_device_setter} API can be used with @{tf.device} to place
    237 operations for **data-parallel distributed training**. For example, the
    238 following code fragment shows how @{tf.train.replica_device_setter} applies
    239 different placement policies to @{tf.Variable} objects and other operations:
    241 ```python
    242 with tf.device(tf.train.replica_device_setter(ps_tasks=3)):
    243   # tf.Variable objects are, by default, placed on tasks in "/job:ps" in a
    244   # round-robin fashion.
    245   w_0 = tf.Variable(...)  # placed on "/job:ps/task:0"
    246   b_0 = tf.Variable(...)  # placed on "/job:ps/task:1"
    247   w_1 = tf.Variable(...)  # placed on "/job:ps/task:2"
    248   b_1 = tf.Variable(...)  # placed on "/job:ps/task:0"
    250   input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)     # placed on "/job:worker"
    251   layer_0 = tf.matmul(input_data, w_0) + b_0  # placed on "/job:worker"
    252   layer_1 = tf.matmul(layer_0, w_1) + b_1     # placed on "/job:worker"
    253 ```
    255 ## Tensor-like objects
    257 Many TensorFlow operations take one or more @{tf.Tensor} objects as arguments.
    258 For example, @{tf.matmul} takes two @{tf.Tensor} objects, and @{tf.add_n} takes
    259 a list of `n` @{tf.Tensor} objects. For convenience, these functions will accept
    260 a **tensor-like object** in place of a @{tf.Tensor}, and implicitly convert it
    261 to a @{tf.Tensor} using the @{tf.convert_to_tensor} method. Tensor-like objects
    262 include elements of the following types:
    264 * @{tf.Tensor}
    265 * @{tf.Variable}
    266 * [`numpy.ndarray`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.html)
    267 * `list` (and lists of tensor-like objects)
    268 * Scalar Python types: `bool`, `float`, `int`, `str`
    270 You can register additional tensor-like types using
    271 @{tf.register_tensor_conversion_function}.
    273 Note: By default, TensorFlow will create a new @{tf.Tensor} each time you use
    274 the same tensor-like object. If the tensor-like object is large (e.g. a
    275 `numpy.ndarray` containing a set of training examples) and you use it multiple
    276 times, you may run out of memory. To avoid this, manually call
    277 @{tf.convert_to_tensor} on the tensor-like object once and use the returned
    278 @{tf.Tensor} instead.
    280 ## Executing a graph in a @{tf.Session}
    282 TensorFlow uses the @{tf.Session} class to represent a connection between the
    283 client program---typically a Python program, although a similar interface is
    284 available in other languages---and the C++ runtime. A @{tf.Session} object
    285 provides access to devices in the local machine, and remote devices using the
    286 distributed TensorFlow runtime. It also caches information about your
    287 @{tf.Graph} so that you can efficiently run the same computation multiple times.
    289 ### Creating a @{tf.Session}
    291 If you are using the low-level TensorFlow API, you can create a @{tf.Session}
    292 for the current default graph as follows:
    294 ```python
    295 # Create a default in-process session.
    296 with tf.Session() as sess:
    297   # ...
    299 # Create a remote session.
    300 with tf.Session("grpc://example.org:2222"):
    301   # ...
    302 ```
    304 Since a @{tf.Session} owns physical resources (such as GPUs and
    305 network connections), it is typically used as a context manager (in a `with`
    306 block) that automatically closes the session when you exit the block. It is
    307 also possible to create a session without using a `with` block, but you should
    308 explicitly call @{tf.Session.close} when you are finished with it to free the
    309 resources.
    311 Note: Higher-level APIs such as @{tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession} or
    312 @{tf.estimator.Estimator} will create and manage a @{tf.Session} for you. These
    313 APIs accept optional `target` and `config` arguments (either directly, or as
    314 part of a @{tf.estimator.RunConfig} object), with the same meaning as
    315 described below.
    317 @{tf.Session.__init__} accepts three optional arguments:
    319 * **`target`.** If this argument is left empty (the default), the session will
    320   only use devices in the local machine. However, you may also specify a
    321   `grpc://` URL to specify the address of a TensorFlow server, which gives the
    322   session access to all devices on machines that this server controls. See
    323   @{tf.train.Server} for details of how to create a TensorFlow
    324   server. For example, in the common **between-graph replication**
    325   configuration, the @{tf.Session} connects to a @{tf.train.Server} in the same
    326   process as the client. The [distributed TensorFlow](../deploy/distributed.md)
    327   deployment guide describes other common scenarios.
    329 * **`graph`.** By default, a new @{tf.Session} will be bound to---and only able
    330   to run operations in---the current default graph. If you are using multiple
    331   graphs in your program (see [Programming with multiple
    332   graphs](#programming_with_multiple_graphs) for more details), you can specify
    333   an explicit @{tf.Graph} when you construct the session.
    335 * **`config`.** This argument allows you to specify a @{tf.ConfigProto} that
    336   controls the behavior of the session. For example, some of the configuration
    337   options include:
    339   * `allow_soft_placement`. Set this to `True` to enable a "soft" device
    340     placement algorithm, which ignores @{tf.device} annotations that attempt
    341     to place CPU-only operations on a GPU device, and places them on the CPU
    342     instead.
    344   * `cluster_def`. When using distributed TensorFlow, this option allows you
    345     to specify what machines to use in the computation, and provide a mapping
    346     between job names, task indices, and network addresses. See
    347     @{tf.train.ClusterSpec.as_cluster_def} for details.
    349   * `graph_options.optimizer_options`. Provides control over the optimizations
    350     that TensorFlow performs on your graph before executing it.
    352   * `gpu_options.allow_growth`. Set this to `True` to change the GPU memory
    353     allocator so that it gradually increases the amount of memory allocated,
    354     rather than allocating most of the memory at startup.
    357 ### Using @{tf.Session.run} to execute operations
    359 The @{tf.Session.run} method is the main mechanism for running a @{tf.Operation}
    360 or evaluating a @{tf.Tensor}. You can pass one or more @{tf.Operation} or
    361 @{tf.Tensor} objects to @{tf.Session.run}, and TensorFlow will execute the
    362 operations that are needed to compute the result.
    364 @{tf.Session.run} requires you to specify a list of **fetches**, which determine
    365 the return values, and may be a @{tf.Operation}, a @{tf.Tensor}, or
    366 a [tensor-like type](#tensor-like-objects) such as @{tf.Variable}. These fetches
    367 determine what **subgraph** of the overall @{tf.Graph} must be executed to
    368 produce the result: this is the subgraph that contains all operations named in
    369 the fetch list, plus all operations whose outputs are used to compute the value
    370 of the fetches. For example, the following code fragment shows how different
    371 arguments to @{tf.Session.run} cause different subgraphs to be executed:
    373 ```python
    374 x = tf.constant([[37.0, -23.0], [1.0, 4.0]])
    375 w = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2, 2]))
    376 y = tf.matmul(x, w)
    377 output = tf.nn.softmax(y)
    378 init_op = w.initializer
    380 with tf.Session() as sess:
    381   # Run the initializer on `w`.
    382   sess.run(init_op)
    384   # Evaluate `output`. `sess.run(output)` will return a NumPy array containing
    385   # the result of the computation.
    386   print(sess.run(output))
    388   # Evaluate `y` and `output`. Note that `y` will only be computed once, and its
    389   # result used both to return `y_val` and as an input to the `tf.nn.softmax()`
    390   # op. Both `y_val` and `output_val` will be NumPy arrays.
    391   y_val, output_val = sess.run([y, output])
    392 ```
    394 @{tf.Session.run} also optionally takes a dictionary of **feeds**, which is a
    395 mapping from @{tf.Tensor} objects (typically @{tf.placeholder} tensors) to
    396 values (typically Python scalars, lists, or NumPy arrays) that will be
    397 substituted for those tensors in the execution. For example:
    399 ```python
    400 # Define a placeholder that expects a vector of three floating-point values,
    401 # and a computation that depends on it.
    402 x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[3])
    403 y = tf.square(x)
    405 with tf.Session() as sess:
    406   # Feeding a value changes the result that is returned when you evaluate `y`.
    407   print(sess.run(y, {x: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]}))  # => "[1.0, 4.0, 9.0]"
    408   print(sess.run(y, {x: [0.0, 0.0, 5.0]}))  # => "[0.0, 0.0, 25.0]"
    410   # Raises `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError`, because you must feed a value for
    411   # a `tf.placeholder()` when evaluating a tensor that depends on it.
    412   sess.run(y)
    414   # Raises `ValueError`, because the shape of `37.0` does not match the shape
    415   # of placeholder `x`.
    416   sess.run(y, {x: 37.0})
    417 ```
    419 @{tf.Session.run} also accepts an optional `options` argument that enables you
    420 to specify options about the call, and an optional `run_metadata` argument that
    421 enables you to collect metadata about the execution. For example, you can use
    422 these options together to collect tracing information about the execution:
    424 ```
    425 y = tf.matmul([[37.0, -23.0], [1.0, 4.0]], tf.random_uniform([2, 2]))
    427 with tf.Session() as sess:
    428   # Define options for the `sess.run()` call.
    429   options = tf.RunOptions()
    430   options.output_partition_graphs = True
    431   options.trace_level = tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE
    433   # Define a container for the returned metadata.
    434   metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
    436   sess.run(y, options=options, run_metadata=metadata)
    438   # Print the subgraphs that executed on each device.
    439   print(metadata.partition_graphs)
    441   # Print the timings of each operation that executed.
    442   print(metadata.step_stats)
    443 ```
    446 ## Visualizing your graph
    448 TensorFlow includes tools that can help you to understand the code in a graph.
    449 The **graph visualizer** is a component of TensorBoard that renders the
    450 structure of your graph visually in a browser. The easiest way to create a
    451 visualization is to pass a @{tf.Graph} when creating the
    452 @{tf.summary.FileWriter}:
    454 ```python
    455 # Build your graph.
    456 x = tf.constant([[37.0, -23.0], [1.0, 4.0]])
    457 w = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2, 2]))
    458 y = tf.matmul(x, w)
    459 # ...
    460 loss = ...
    461 train_op = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.01).minimize(loss)
    463 with tf.Session() as sess:
    464   # `sess.graph` provides access to the graph used in a `tf.Session`.
    465   writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("/tmp/log/...", sess.graph)
    467   # Perform your computation...
    468   for i in range(1000):
    469     sess.run(train_op)
    470     # ...
    472   writer.close()
    473 ```
    475 Note: If you are using a @{tf.estimator.Estimator}, the graph (and any
    476 summaries) will be logged automatically to the `model_dir` that you specified
    477 when creating the estimator.
    479 You can then open the log in `tensorboard`, navigate to the "Graph" tab, and
    480 see a high-level visualization of your graph's structure. Note that a typical
    481 TensorFlow graph---especially training graphs with automatically computed
    482 gradients---has too many nodes to visualize at once. The graph visualizer makes
    483 use of name scopes to group related operations into "super" nodes. You can
    484 click on the orange "+" button on any of these super nodes to expand the
    485 subgraph inside.
    487 ![](../images/mnist_deep.png)
    489 For more information about visualizing your TensorFlow application with
    490 TensorBoard, see the [TensorBoard tutorial](../get_started/summaries_and_tensorboard.md).
    492 ## Programming with multiple graphs
    494 Note: When training a model, a common way of organizing your code is to use one
    495 graph for training your model, and a separate graph for evaluating or performing
    496 inference with a trained model. In many cases, the inference graph will be
    497 different from the training graph: for example, techniques like dropout and
    498 batch normalization use different operations in each case. Furthermore, by
    499 default utilities like @{tf.train.Saver} use the names of @{tf.Variable} objects
    500 (which have names based on an underlying @{tf.Operation}) to identify each
    501 variable in a saved checkpoint. When programming this way, you can either use
    502 completely separate Python processes to build and execute the graphs, or you can
    503 use multiple graphs in the same process. This section describes how to use
    504 multiple graphs in the same process.
    506 As noted above, TensorFlow provides a "default graph" that is implicitly passed
    507 to all API functions in the same context. For many applications, a single graph
    508 is sufficient. However, TensorFlow also provides methods for manipulating
    509 the default graph, which can be useful in more advanced used cases. For example:
    511 * A @{tf.Graph} defines the namespace for @{tf.Operation} objects: each
    512   operation in a single graph must have a unique name. TensorFlow will
    513   "uniquify" the names of operations by appending `"_1"`, `"_2"`, and so on to
    514   their names if the requested name is already taken. Using multiple explicitly
    515   created graphs gives you more control over what name is given to each
    516   operation.
    518 * The default graph stores information about every @{tf.Operation} and
    519   @{tf.Tensor} that was ever added to it. If your program creates a large number
    520   of unconnected subgraphs, it may be more efficient to use a different
    521   @{tf.Graph} to build each subgraph, so that unrelated state can be garbage
    522   collected.
    524 You can install a different @{tf.Graph} as the default graph, using the
    525 @{tf.Graph.as_default} context manager:
    527 ```python
    528 g_1 = tf.Graph()
    529 with g_1.as_default():
    530   # Operations created in this scope will be added to `g_1`.
    531   c = tf.constant("Node in g_1")
    533   # Sessions created in this scope will run operations from `g_1`.
    534   sess_1 = tf.Session()
    536 g_2 = tf.Graph()
    537 with g_2.as_default():
    538   # Operations created in this scope will be added to `g_2`.
    539   d = tf.constant("Node in g_2")
    541 # Alternatively, you can pass a graph when constructing a `tf.Session`:
    542 # `sess_2` will run operations from `g_2`.
    543 sess_2 = tf.Session(graph=g_2)
    545 assert c.graph is g_1
    546 assert sess_1.graph is g_1
    548 assert d.graph is g_2
    549 assert sess_2.graph is g_2
    550 ```
    552 To inspect the current default graph, call @{tf.get_default_graph}, which
    553 returns a @{tf.Graph} object:
    555 ```python
    556 # Print all of the operations in the default graph.
    557 g = tf.get_default_graph()
    558 print(g.get_operations())
    559 ```