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      1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 import collections
      6 import json
      7 import logging
      8 import os
      9 import re
     10 import tempfile
     11 import time
     13 import common
     14 from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
     15 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
     16 from autotest_lib.site_utils.lxc import constants
     17 from autotest_lib.site_utils.lxc import lxc
     18 from autotest_lib.site_utils.lxc import utils as lxc_utils
     20 try:
     21     from chromite.lib import metrics
     22 except ImportError:
     23     metrics = utils.metrics_mock
     26 # Naming convention of test container, e.g., test_300_1422862512_2424, where:
     27 # 300:        The test job ID.
     28 # 1422862512: The tick when container is created.
     29 # 2424:       The PID of autoserv that starts the container.
     30 _TEST_CONTAINER_NAME_FMT = 'test_%s_%d_%d'
     31 # Name of the container ID file.
     32 _CONTAINER_ID_FILENAME = 'container_id.json'
     35 class ContainerId(collections.namedtuple('ContainerId',
     36                                          ['job_id', 'creation_time', 'pid'])):
     37     """An identifier for containers."""
     39     # Optimization.  Avoids __dict__ creation.  Empty because this subclass has
     40     # no instance vars of its own.
     41     __slots__ = ()
     44     def __str__(self):
     45         return _TEST_CONTAINER_NAME_FMT % self
     48     def save(self, path):
     49         """Saves the ID to the given path.
     51         @param path: Path to a directory where the container ID will be
     52                      serialized.
     53         """
     54         dst = os.path.join(path, _CONTAINER_ID_FILENAME)
     55         with open(dst, 'w') as f:
     56             json.dump(self, f)
     58     @classmethod
     59     def load(cls, path):
     60         """Reads the ID from the given path.
     62         @param path: Path to check for a serialized container ID.
     64         @return: A container ID if one is found on the given path, or None
     65                  otherwise.
     67         @raise ValueError: If a JSON load error occurred.
     68         @raise TypeError: If the file was valid JSON but didn't contain a valid
     69                           ContainerId.
     70         """
     71         src = os.path.join(path, _CONTAINER_ID_FILENAME)
     73         try:
     74             with open(src, 'r') as f:
     75                 return cls(*json.load(f))
     76         except IOError:
     77             # File not found, or couldn't be opened for some other reason.
     78             # Treat all these cases as no ID.
     79             return None
     82     @classmethod
     83     def create(cls, job_id, ctime=None, pid=None):
     84         """Creates a new container ID.
     86         @param job_id: The first field in the ID.
     87         @param ctime: The second field in the ID.  Optional. If not provided,
     88                       the current epoch timestamp is used.
     89         @param pid: The third field in the ID.  Optional.  If not provided, the
     90                     PID of the current process is used.
     91         """
     92         if ctime is None:
     93             ctime = int(time.time())
     94         if pid is None:
     95             pid = os.getpid()
     96         return cls(job_id, ctime, pid)
     99 class Container(object):
    100     """A wrapper class of an LXC container.
    102     The wrapper class provides methods to interact with a container, e.g.,
    103     start, stop, destroy, run a command. It also has attributes of the
    104     container, including:
    105     name: Name of the container.
    106     state: State of the container, e.g., ABORTING, RUNNING, STARTING, STOPPED,
    107            or STOPPING.
    109     lxc-ls can also collect other attributes of a container including:
    110     ipv4: IP address for IPv4.
    111     ipv6: IP address for IPv6.
    112     autostart: If the container will autostart at system boot.
    113     pid: Process ID of the container.
    114     memory: Memory used by the container, as a string, e.g., "6.2MB"
    115     ram: Physical ram used by the container, as a string, e.g., "6.2MB"
    116     swap: swap used by the container, as a string, e.g., "1.0MB"
    118     For performance reason, such info is not collected for now.
    120     The attributes available are defined in ATTRIBUTES constant.
    121     """
    123     def __init__(self, container_path, name, attribute_values, src=None,
    124                  snapshot=False):
    125         """Initialize an object of LXC container with given attribute values.
    127         @param container_path: Directory that stores the container.
    128         @param name: Name of the container.
    129         @param attribute_values: A dictionary of attribute values for the
    130                                  container.
    131         @param src: An optional source container.  If provided, the source
    132                     continer is cloned, and the new container will point to the
    133                     clone.
    134         @param snapshot: If a source container was specified, this argument
    135                          specifies whether or not to create a snapshot clone.
    136                          The default is to attempt to create a snapshot.
    137                          If a snapshot is requested and creating the snapshot
    138                          fails, a full clone will be attempted.
    139         """
    140         self.container_path = os.path.realpath(container_path)
    141         # Path to the rootfs of the container. This will be initialized when
    142         # property rootfs is retrieved.
    143         self._rootfs = None
    144         self.name = name
    145         for attribute, value in attribute_values.iteritems():
    146             setattr(self, attribute, value)
    148         # Clone the container
    149         if src is not None:
    150             # Clone the source container to initialize this one.
    151             lxc_utils.clone(src.container_path, src.name, self.container_path,
    152                             self.name, snapshot)
    153             # Newly cloned containers have no ID.
    154             self._id = None
    155         else:
    156             # This may be an existing container.  Try to read the ID.
    157             try:
    158                 self._id = ContainerId.load(
    159                         os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name))
    160             except (ValueError, TypeError):
    161                 # Ignore load errors.  ContainerBucket currently queries every
    162                 # container quite frequently, and emitting exceptions here would
    163                 # cause any invalid containers on a server to block all
    164                 # ContainerBucket.get_all calls (see crbug/783865).
    165                 # TODO(kenobi): Containers with invalid ID files are probably
    166                 # the result of an aborted or failed operation.  There is a
    167                 # non-zero chance that such containers would contain leftover
    168                 # state, or themselves be corrupted or invalid.  Should we
    169                 # provide APIs for checking if a container is in this state?
    170                 logging.exception('Error loading ID for container %s:',
    171                                   self.name)
    172                 self._id = None
    175     @classmethod
    176     def create_from_existing_dir(cls, lxc_path, name, **kwargs):
    177         """Creates a new container instance for an lxc container that already
    178         exists on disk.
    180         @param lxc_path: The LXC path for the container.
    181         @param name: The container name.
    183         @raise error.ContainerError: If the container doesn't already exist.
    185         @return: The new container.
    186         """
    187         return cls(lxc_path, name, kwargs)
    190     # Containers have a name and an ID.  The name is simply the name of the LXC
    191     # container.  The ID is the actual key that is used to identify the
    192     # container to the autoserv system.  In the case of a JIT-created container,
    193     # we have the ID at the container's creation time so we use that to name the
    194     # container.  This may not be the case for other types of containers.
    195     @classmethod
    196     def clone(cls, src, new_name=None, new_path=None, snapshot=False,
    197               cleanup=False):
    198         """Creates a clone of this container.
    200         @param src: The original container.
    201         @param new_name: Name for the cloned container.  If this is not
    202                          provided, a random unique container name will be
    203                          generated.
    204         @param new_path: LXC path for the cloned container (optional; if not
    205                          specified, the new container is created in the same
    206                          directory as the source container).
    207         @param snapshot: Whether to snapshot, or create a full clone.  Note that
    208                          snapshot cloning is not supported on all platforms.  If
    209                          this code is running on a platform that does not
    210                          support snapshot clones, this flag is ignored.
    211         @param cleanup: If a container with the given name and path already
    212                         exist, clean it up first.
    213         """
    214         if new_path is None:
    215             new_path = src.container_path
    217         if new_name is None:
    218             _, new_name = os.path.split(
    219                 tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=new_path, prefix='container.'))
    220             logging.debug('Generating new name for container: %s', new_name)
    221         else:
    222             # If a container exists at this location, clean it up first
    223             container_folder = os.path.join(new_path, new_name)
    224             if lxc_utils.path_exists(container_folder):
    225                 if not cleanup:
    226                     raise error.ContainerError('Container %s already exists.' %
    227                                                new_name)
    228                 container = Container.create_from_existing_dir(new_path,
    229                                                                new_name)
    230                 try:
    231                     container.destroy()
    232                 except error.CmdError as e:
    233                     # The container could be created in a incompleted
    234                     # state. Delete the container folder instead.
    235                     logging.warn('Failed to destroy container %s, error: %s',
    236                                  new_name, e)
    237                     utils.run('sudo rm -rf "%s"' % container_folder)
    238             # Create the directory prior to creating the new container.  This
    239             # puts the ownership of the container under the current process's
    240             # user, rather than root.  This is necessary to enable the
    241             # ContainerId to serialize properly.
    242             os.mkdir(container_folder)
    244         # Create and return the new container.
    245         new_container = cls(new_path, new_name, {}, src, snapshot)
    247         return new_container
    250     def refresh_status(self):
    251         """Refresh the status information of the container.
    252         """
    253         containers = lxc.get_container_info(self.container_path, name=self.name)
    254         if not containers:
    255             raise error.ContainerError(
    256                     'No container found in directory %s with name of %s.' %
    257                     (self.container_path, self.name))
    258         attribute_values = containers[0]
    259         for attribute, value in attribute_values.iteritems():
    260             setattr(self, attribute, value)
    263     @property
    264     def rootfs(self):
    265         """Path to the rootfs of the container.
    267         This property returns the path to the rootfs of the container, that is,
    268         the folder where the container stores its local files. It reads the
    269         attribute lxc.rootfs from the config file of the container, e.g.,
    270             lxc.rootfs = /usr/local/autotest/containers/t4/rootfs
    271         If the container is created with snapshot, the rootfs is a chain of
    272         folders, separated by `:` and ordered by how the snapshot is created,
    273         e.g.,
    274             lxc.rootfs = overlayfs:/usr/local/autotest/containers/base/rootfs:
    275             /usr/local/autotest/containers/t4_s/delta0
    276         This function returns the last folder in the chain, in above example,
    277         that is `/usr/local/autotest/containers/t4_s/delta0`
    279         Files in the rootfs will be accessible directly within container. For
    280         example, a folder in host "[rootfs]/usr/local/file1", can be accessed
    281         inside container by path "/usr/local/file1". Note that symlink in the
    282         host can not across host/container boundary, instead, directory mount
    283         should be used, refer to function mount_dir.
    285         @return: Path to the rootfs of the container.
    286         """
    287         if not self._rootfs:
    288             lxc_rootfs = self._get_lxc_config('lxc.rootfs')[0]
    289             cloned_from_snapshot = ':' in lxc_rootfs
    290             if cloned_from_snapshot:
    291                 self._rootfs = lxc_rootfs.split(':')[-1]
    292             else:
    293                 self._rootfs = lxc_rootfs
    294         return self._rootfs
    297     def attach_run(self, command, bash=True):
    298         """Attach to a given container and run the given command.
    300         @param command: Command to run in the container.
    301         @param bash: Run the command through bash -c "command". This allows
    302                      pipes to be used in command. Default is set to True.
    304         @return: The output of the command.
    306         @raise error.CmdError: If container does not exist, or not running.
    307         """
    308         cmd = 'sudo lxc-attach -P %s -n %s' % (self.container_path, self.name)
    309         if bash and not command.startswith('bash -c'):
    310             command = 'bash -c "%s"' % utils.sh_escape(command)
    311         cmd += ' -- %s' % command
    312         # TODO(dshi): crbug.com/459344 Set sudo to default to False when test
    313         # container can be unprivileged container.
    314         return utils.run(cmd)
    317     def is_network_up(self):
    318         """Check if network is up in the container by curl base container url.
    320         @return: True if the network is up, otherwise False.
    321         """
    322         try:
    323             self.attach_run('curl --head %s' % constants.CONTAINER_BASE_URL)
    324             return True
    325         except error.CmdError as e:
    326             logging.debug(e)
    327             return False
    330     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator(
    331         '%s/container_start_duration' % constants.STATS_KEY)
    332     def start(self, wait_for_network=True):
    333         """Start the container.
    335         @param wait_for_network: True to wait for network to be up. Default is
    336                                  set to True.
    338         @raise ContainerError: If container does not exist, or fails to start.
    339         """
    340         cmd = 'sudo lxc-start -P %s -n %s -d' % (self.container_path, self.name)
    341         output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
    342         if not self.is_running():
    343             raise error.ContainerError(
    344                     'Container %s failed to start. lxc command output:\n%s' %
    345                     (os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name),
    346                      output))
    348         if wait_for_network:
    349             logging.debug('Wait for network to be up.')
    350             start_time = time.time()
    351             utils.poll_for_condition(
    352                 condition=self.is_network_up,
    353                 timeout=constants.NETWORK_INIT_TIMEOUT,
    354                 sleep_interval=constants.NETWORK_INIT_CHECK_INTERVAL)
    355             logging.debug('Network is up after %.2f seconds.',
    356                           time.time() - start_time)
    359     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator(
    360         '%s/container_stop_duration' % constants.STATS_KEY)
    361     def stop(self):
    362         """Stop the container.
    364         @raise ContainerError: If container does not exist, or fails to start.
    365         """
    366         cmd = 'sudo lxc-stop -P %s -n %s' % (self.container_path, self.name)
    367         output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
    368         self.refresh_status()
    369         if self.state != 'STOPPED':
    370             raise error.ContainerError(
    371                     'Container %s failed to be stopped. lxc command output:\n'
    372                     '%s' % (os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name),
    373                             output))
    376     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator(
    377         '%s/container_destroy_duration' % constants.STATS_KEY)
    378     def destroy(self, force=True):
    379         """Destroy the container.
    381         @param force: Set to True to force to destroy the container even if it's
    382                       running. This is faster than stop a container first then
    383                       try to destroy it. Default is set to True.
    385         @raise ContainerError: If container does not exist or failed to destroy
    386                                the container.
    387         """
    388         logging.debug('Destroying container %s/%s',
    389                       self.container_path,
    390                       self.name)
    391         cmd = 'sudo lxc-destroy -P %s -n %s' % (self.container_path,
    392                                                 self.name)
    393         if force:
    394             cmd += ' -f'
    395         utils.run(cmd)
    398     def mount_dir(self, source, destination, readonly=False):
    399         """Mount a directory in host to a directory in the container.
    401         @param source: Directory in host to be mounted.
    402         @param destination: Directory in container to mount the source directory
    403         @param readonly: Set to True to make a readonly mount, default is False.
    404         """
    405         # Destination path in container must be relative.
    406         destination = destination.lstrip('/')
    407         # Create directory in container for mount.  Changes to container rootfs
    408         # require sudo.
    409         utils.run('sudo mkdir -p %s' % os.path.join(self.rootfs, destination))
    410         mount = ('%s %s none bind%s 0 0' %
    411                  (source, destination, ',ro' if readonly else ''))
    412         self._set_lxc_config('lxc.mount.entry', mount)
    414     def verify_autotest_setup(self, job_folder):
    415         """Verify autotest code is set up properly in the container.
    417         @param job_folder: Name of the job result folder.
    419         @raise ContainerError: If autotest code is not set up properly.
    420         """
    421         # Test autotest code is setup by verifying a list of
    422         # (directory, minimum file count)
    423         directories_to_check = [
    424                 (constants.CONTAINER_AUTOTEST_DIR, 3),
    425                 (constants.RESULT_DIR_FMT % job_folder, 0),
    426                 (constants.CONTAINER_SITE_PACKAGES_PATH, 3)]
    427         for directory, count in directories_to_check:
    428             result = self.attach_run(command=(constants.COUNT_FILE_CMD %
    429                                               {'dir': directory})).stdout
    430             logging.debug('%s entries in %s.', int(result), directory)
    431             if int(result) < count:
    432                 raise error.ContainerError('%s is not properly set up.' %
    433                                            directory)
    434         # lxc-attach and run command does not run in shell, thus .bashrc is not
    435         # loaded. Following command creates a symlink in /usr/bin/ for gsutil
    436         # if it's installed.
    437         # TODO(dshi): Remove this code after lab container is updated with
    438         # gsutil installed in /usr/bin/
    439         self.attach_run('test -f /root/gsutil/gsutil && '
    440                         'ln -s /root/gsutil/gsutil /usr/bin/gsutil || true')
    443     def modify_import_order(self):
    444         """Swap the python import order of lib and local/lib.
    446         In Moblab, the host's python modules located in
    447         /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages is mounted to following folder inside
    448         container: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/. The modules include
    449         an old version of requests module, which is used in autotest
    450         site-packages. For test, the module is only used in
    451         dev_server/symbolicate_dump for requests.call and requests.codes.OK.
    452         When pip is installed inside the container, it installs requests module
    453         with version of 2.2.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/. The version
    454         is newer than the one used in autotest site-packages, but not the latest
    455         either.
    456         According to /usr/lib/python2.7/site.py, modules in /usr/local/lib are
    457         imported before the ones in /usr/lib. That leads to pip to use the older
    458         version of requests (0.11.2), and it will fail. On the other hand,
    459         requests module 2.2.1 can't be installed in CrOS (refer to CL:265759),
    460         and higher version of requests module can't work with pip.
    461         The only fix to resolve this is to switch the import order, so modules
    462         in /usr/lib can be imported before /usr/local/lib.
    463         """
    464         site_module = '/usr/lib/python2.7/site.py'
    465         self.attach_run("sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\"local\/lib\",\\n/"
    466                         "\"lib_placeholder\",\\n/g' %s" % site_module)
    467         self.attach_run("sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\"lib\",\\n/"
    468                         "\"local\/lib\",\\n/g' %s" % site_module)
    469         self.attach_run('sed -i "s/lib_placeholder/lib/g" %s' %
    470                         site_module)
    473     def is_running(self):
    474         """Returns whether or not this container is currently running."""
    475         self.refresh_status()
    476         return self.state == 'RUNNING'
    479     def set_hostname(self, hostname):
    480         """Sets the hostname within the container.
    482         This method can only be called on a running container.
    484         @param hostname The new container hostname.
    486         @raise ContainerError: If the container is not running.
    487         """
    488         if not self.is_running():
    489             raise error.ContainerError(
    490                     'set_hostname can only be called on running containers.')
    492         self.attach_run('hostname %s' % (hostname))
    493         self.attach_run(constants.APPEND_CMD_FMT % {
    494                 'content': ' %s' % (hostname),
    495                 'file': '/etc/hosts'})
    498     def install_ssp(self, ssp_url):
    499         """Downloads and installs the given server package.
    501         @param ssp_url: The URL of the ssp to download and install.
    502         """
    503         usr_local_path = os.path.join(self.rootfs, 'usr', 'local')
    504         autotest_pkg_path = os.path.join(usr_local_path,
    505                                          'autotest_server_package.tar.bz2')
    506         # Changes within the container rootfs require sudo.
    507         utils.run('sudo mkdir -p %s'% usr_local_path)
    509         lxc.download_extract(ssp_url, autotest_pkg_path, usr_local_path)
    512     def install_control_file(self, control_file):
    513         """Installs the given control file.
    515         The given file will be copied into the container.
    517         @param control_file: Path to the control file to install.
    518         """
    519         dst = os.path.join(constants.CONTROL_TEMP_PATH,
    520                            os.path.basename(control_file))
    521         self.copy(control_file, dst)
    524     def copy(self, host_path, container_path):
    525         """Copies files into the container.
    527         @param host_path: Path to the source file/dir to be copied.
    528         @param container_path: Path to the destination dir (in the container).
    529         """
    530         dst_path = os.path.join(self.rootfs,
    531                                 container_path.lstrip(os.path.sep))
    532         self._do_copy(src=host_path, dst=dst_path)
    535     @property
    536     def id(self):
    537         """Returns the container ID."""
    538         return self._id
    541     @id.setter
    542     def id(self, new_id):
    543         """Sets the container ID."""
    544         self._id = new_id;
    545         # Persist the ID so other container objects can pick it up.
    546         self._id.save(os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name))
    549     def _do_copy(self, src, dst):
    550         """Copies files and directories on the host system.
    552         @param src: The source file or directory.
    553         @param dst: The destination file or directory.  If the path to the
    554                     destination does not exist, it will be created.
    555         """
    556         # Create the dst dir. mkdir -p will not fail if dst_dir exists.
    557         dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
    558         # Make sure the source ends with `/.` if it's a directory. Otherwise
    559         # command cp will not work.
    560         if os.path.isdir(src) and os.path.split(src)[1] != '.':
    561             src = os.path.join(src, '.')
    562         utils.run("sudo sh -c 'mkdir -p \"%s\" && cp -RL \"%s\" \"%s\"'" %
    563                   (dst_dir, src, dst))
    565     def _set_lxc_config(self, key, value):
    566         """Sets an LXC config value for this container.
    568         Configuration changes made while a container is running don't take
    569         effect until the container is restarted.  Since this isn't a scenario
    570         that should ever come up in our use cases, calling this method on a
    571         running container will cause a ContainerError.
    573         @param key: The LXC config key to set.
    574         @param value: The value to use for the given key.
    576         @raise error.ContainerError: If the container is already started.
    577         """
    578         if self.is_running():
    579             raise error.ContainerError(
    580                 '_set_lxc_config(%s, %s) called on a running container.' %
    581                 (key, value))
    582         config_file = os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name, 'config')
    583         config = '%s = %s' % (key, value)
    584         utils.run(
    585             constants.APPEND_CMD_FMT % {'content': config, 'file': config_file})
    588     def _get_lxc_config(self, key):
    589         """Retrieves an LXC config value from the container.
    591         @param key The key of the config value to retrieve.
    592         """
    593         cmd = ('sudo lxc-info -P %s -n %s -c %s' %
    594                (self.container_path, self.name, key))
    595         config = utils.run(cmd).stdout.strip().splitlines()
    597         # Strip the decoration from line 1 of the output.
    598         match = re.match('%s = (.*)' % key, config[0])
    599         if not match:
    600             raise error.ContainerError(
    601                     'Config %s not found for container %s. (%s)' %
    602                     (key, self.name, ','.join(config)))
    603         config[0] = match.group(1)
    604         return config