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stw_wgl.h 42 wglSwapBuffers(HDC hdc);
45 wglChoosePixelFormat(HDC hdc,
49 wglDescribePixelFormat(HDC hdc,
55 wglGetPixelFormat(HDC hdc);
58 wglSetPixelFormat(HDC hdc,
66 HDC hdc; member in struct:_WGLSWAP
stw_wgl.c 67 HDC hdc )
70 return (HGLRC) DrvCreateContext(hdc);
75 HDC hdc,
79 return (HGLRC) DrvCreateLayerContext( hdc, iLayerPlane );
104 HDC hdc,
107 return DrvSetContext( hdc, (DHGLRC)(UINT_PTR)hglrc, NULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE
stw_ext_extensionsstring.c 53 HDC hdc )
55 if (!hdc) {
stw_context.h 42 HDC hdc; member in struct:stw_context
49 DHGLRC stw_create_context_attribs(HDC hdc, INT iLayerPlane,
59 HDC stw_get_current_dc( void );
61 BOOL stw_make_current( HDC hdc, DHGLRC dhglrc );
stw_ext_context.h 31 typedef HGLRC (WINAPI *wglCreateContext_t)(HDC hdc);
stw_pixelformat.h 65 stw_pixelformat_choose( HDC hdc,
69 stw_pixelformat_get(HDC hdc);
stw_st.h 50 stw_st_swap_framebuffer_locked(HDC hdc, struct st_framebuffer_iface *stfb);
stw_framebuffer.c 247 * HDC/window. If successful, we return the new stw_framebuffer object
251 stw_framebuffer_create(HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat)
258 hWnd = WindowFromDC( hdc );
367 * Given an hdc, return the corresponding stw_framebuffer.
371 stw_framebuffer_from_hdc_locked(HDC hdc)
375 hwnd = WindowFromDC(hdc);
385 * Given an HDC, return the corresponding stw_framebuffer.
389 stw_framebuffer_from_hdc(HDC hdc
stw_framebuffer.h 127 * Create a new framebuffer object which will correspond to the given HDC.
133 stw_framebuffer_create(HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat);
164 * Search a framebuffer with a matching HDC.
170 stw_framebuffer_from_hdc(HDC hdc);
173 stw_framebuffer_present_locked(HDC hdc,
gdiglue.h 29 rs_surface *rs_gdiRenderingSurfaceOpen(HDC hdc);
30 void rs_gdiRenderingSurfaceSetHDC(rs_surface *surface, HDC hdc);
GDIFontInstance.cpp 30 GDISurface::GDISurface(HDC theHDC)
41 void GDISurface::setHDC(HDC theHDC)
119 HDC hdc = surface->getHDC(); local
125 SaveDC(hdc);
127 SetGraphicsMode(hdc, GM_ADVANCED);
128 ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, NULL, MWT_IDENTITY);
129 SetViewportOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
130 SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
132 dpiX = (FLOAT) GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX)
204 HDC hdc = surface->getHDC(); local
350 HDC hdc = fSurface->getHDC(); local
376 HDC hdc = fSurface->getHDC(); local
gdiglue.cpp 40 rs_surface *rs_gdiRenderingSurfaceOpen(HDC hdc)
42 return (rs_surface *) new GDISurface(hdc);
45 void rs_gdiRenderingSurfaceSetHDC(rs_surface *surface, HDC hdc)
49 rs->setHDC(hdc);
clayout.c 126 HDC hdc; local
139 hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
141 surface = rs_gdiRenderingSurfaceOpen(hdc);
147 ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
160 ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
241 hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
242 SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
253 rs_gdiRenderingSurfaceSetHDC(surface, hdc);
302 hdc = GetDC(hwnd)
layout.cpp 125 HDC hdc; local
138 hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
139 surface = new GDISurface(hdc);
145 ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
158 ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
239 hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
240 SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
251 surface->setHDC(hdc);
298 hdc = GetDC(hwnd)
ntgdi.h 17 W32KAPI int WINAPI NtGdiSetDIBitsToDeviceInternal(HDC hdcDest,int xDst,int yDst,DWORD cx,DWORD cy,int xSrc,int ySrc,DWORD iStartScan,DWORD cNumScan,LPBYTE pInitBits,LPBITMAPINFO pbmi,DWORD iUsage,UINT cjMaxBits,UINT cjMaxInfo,WINBOOL bTransformCoordinates,HANDLE hcmXform);
19 W32KAPI DWORD WINAPI NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW(HDC hdc,LPWSTR pwc,int cwc,LPWORD pgi,DWORD iMode);
20 W32KAPI DWORD WINAPI NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesWInternal(HDC hdc,LPWSTR pwc,int cwc,LPWORD pgi,DWORD iMode,WINBOOL bSubset);
22 W32KAPI WINBOOL WINAPI NtGdiArcInternal(ARCTYPE arctype,HDC hdc,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3,int x4,int y4);
23 W32KAPI int WINAPI NtGdiStretchDIBitsInternal(HDC hdc,int xDst,int yDst,int cxDst,int cyDst,int xSrc,int ySrc,int cxSrc,int cySrc,LPBYTE pjInit,LPBITMAPINFO pbmi,DWORD dwUsage,DWORD dwRop4,UINT cjMaxInfo,UINT cjMaxBits,HANDLE hcmXform);
24 W32KAPI ULONG WINAPI NtGdiGetOutlineTextMetricsInternalW(HDC hdc,ULONG cjotm,OUTLINETEXTMETRICW *potmw,TMDIFF *ptmd)
dciman.h 18 extern HDC WINAPI DCIOpenProvider(void);
19 extern void WINAPI DCICloseProvider(HDC hdc);
21 extern int WINAPI DCICreatePrimary(HDC hdc,LPDCISURFACEINFO *lplpSurface);
22 extern int WINAPI DCICreateOffscreen(HDC hdc,DWORD dwCompression,DWORD dwRedMask,DWORD dwGreenMask,DWORD dwBlueMask,DWORD dwWidth,DWORD dwHeight,DWORD dwDCICaps,DWORD dwBitCount,LPDCIOFFSCREEN *lplpSurface);
23 extern int WINAPI DCICreateOverlay(HDC hdc,LPVOID lpOffscreenSurf,LPDCIOVERLAY *lplpSurface);
24 extern int WINAPI DCIEnum(HDC hdc,LPRECT lprDst,LPRECT lprSrc,LPVOID lpFnCallback,LPVOID lpContext)
wingdi.h 4289 HDC hdc; member in struct:_WGLSWAP
usp10.h 226 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptShape (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WCHAR *pwcChars, int cChars, int cMaxGlyphs, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, WORD *pwOutGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust, SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, int *pcGlyphs);
227 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptPlace (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WORD *pwGlyphs, int cGlyphs, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, int *piAdvance, GOFFSET *pGoffset, ABC *pABC);
228 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptTextOut (const HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, int x, int y, UINT fuOptions, const RECT *lprc, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, const WCHAR *pwcReserved, int iReserved, const WORD *pwGlyphs, int cGlyphs, const int *piAdvance, const int *piJustify, const GOFFSET *pGoffset);
235 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetCMap (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WCHAR *pwcInChars, int cChars, DWORD dwFlags, WORD *pwOutGlyphs);
236 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth (HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, WORD wGlyph, ABC *pABC)
iimgctx.h 65 STDMETHOD(Draw)(THIS_ HDC hdc,struct tagRECT *prcBounds) PURE;
66 STDMETHOD(Tile)(THIS_ HDC hdc,struct tagPOINT *pptBackOrg,struct tagRECT *prcClip,struct tagSIZE *psize) PURE;
67 STDMETHOD(StretchBlt)(THIS_ HDC hdc,int dstX,int dstY,int dstXE,int dstYE,int srcX,int srcY,int srcXE,int srcYE,DWORD dwROP) PURE;
75 #define IImgCtx_Draw(This,hdc,prcBounds) (This)->lpVtbl->Draw(This,hdc,prcBounds)
76 #define IImgCtx_Tile(This,hdc,pptBackOrg,prcClip,psize) (This)->lpVtbl->Tile(This,hdc,pptBackOrg,prcClip,psize
d3dx9shape.h 39 HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCreateTextA(struct IDirect3DDevice9 *device, HDC hdc, const char *text, float deviation,
41 HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCreateTextW(struct IDirect3DDevice9 *device, HDC hdc, const WCHAR *text, float deviation,
windowsgl.c 102 HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); local
106 SetPixelFormat(hdc, gc->pxfi, NULL);
108 gc->ctx = wglCreateContext(hdc);
113 ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
163 HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); local
170 SetPixelFormat(hdc, gc->pxfi, NULL);
172 gc->ctx = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hdc, shareContext, attribList);
174 ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
317 HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); local
desktop_frame_win.h 29 HDC hdc); 34 HDC hdc) {
50 HBITMAP bitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &data,
SampleBigGradient.cpp 164 HDC hdc = (HDC)fCanvas->accessTopRasterHandle(); variable
168 FillRect(hdc, &rounded, CreateSolidBrush(cr));
178 HDC hdc = static_cast<HDC>(context); local
179 HBITMAP hbitmap = static_cast<HBITMAP>(SelectObject(hdc, nullptr));
181 DeleteDC(hdc);
209 HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr) local
238 HDC hdc = static_cast<HDC>(handle); variable
SampleBigGradient.cpp 164 HDC hdc = (HDC)fCanvas->accessTopRasterHandle(); variable
168 FillRect(hdc, &rounded, CreateSolidBrush(cr));
178 HDC hdc = static_cast<HDC>(context); local
179 HBITMAP hbitmap = static_cast<HBITMAP>(SelectObject(hdc, nullptr));
181 DeleteDC(hdc);
209 HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr) local
238 HDC hdc = static_cast<HDC>(handle); variable

Completed in 196 milliseconds

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