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  /external/skia/infra/bots/recipes/ 31 # Trigger a compile task on and wait for it to
37 api.step('Trigger and wait for task on', cmd=cmd)
  /external/skqp/infra/bots/recipes/ 33 # Trigger a compile task on and wait for it to
39 api.step('Trigger and wait for task on', cmd=cmd)
safe_conversions.h 28 // overflow or underflow. NaN source will always trigger a CHECK.
37 // underflow. NaN assignment to an integral will trigger a CHECK condition.
  /frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/ 41 * to go through, but not to trigger the watchdog in the system server (by default
44 * WARNING: This may trigger the watchdog in debug mode. However, to support
  /frameworks/support/leanback/src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/ 27 * to certain trigger conditions, such as text that wraps over multiple lines.</p>
32 * Trigger text resize when text flows into the last line of a multi-line text view.
36 private int mTriggerConditions; // Union of trigger conditions
88 * @return the trigger conditions used to determine whether resize occurs
95 * Set the trigger conditions used to determine whether resize occurs. Pass
96 * a union of trigger condition constants, such as {@link ResizingTextView#TRIGGER_MAX_LINES}.
98 * @param conditions A union of trigger condition constants
103 // Always request a layout when trigger conditions change
  /frameworks/support/work/workmanager/src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/model/ 250 * Converts a list of {@link ContentUriTriggers.Trigger}s to byte array representation
251 * @param triggers the list of {@link ContentUriTriggers.Trigger}s to convert
265 for (ContentUriTriggers.Trigger trigger : triggers) {
266 objectOutputStream.writeUTF(trigger.getUri().toString());
267 objectOutputStream.writeBoolean(trigger.shouldTriggerForDescendants());
289 * Converts a byte array to list of {@link ContentUriTriggers.Trigger}s
291 * @return list of {@link ContentUriTriggers.Trigger}s
  /external/autotest/client/common_lib/hosts/ 687 * Repair doesn't run unless at least one trigger fails.
698 Test a repair that doesn't trigger.
700 Construct and call a repair action with a verification trigger
702 * The `verify()` method for the trigger is called.
724 Construct and call a repair action with a verification trigger
729 * The `verify()` method for the trigger is called once.
755 Test a repair that fixes its trigger.
758 using a repair trigger that fails first, then passes after
761 * The trigger's `verify()` method is called twice.
784 Test a repair that doesn't fix a failing trigger
  /cts/tests/autofillservice/src/android/autofillservice/cts/ 111 // Trigger autofill.
146 // Trigger autofill.
198 // Trigger autofill.
199 // NOTE: must be on password, as saveOnlyTest() will trigger on username
216 * views that have already been visit should not trigger a new session, unless a manual autofill
225 // Trigger autofill on username - should call service
231 // Trigger autofill on password - should call service
247 // Trigger autofill by manually requesting username - should call service
254 // Trigger autofill by manually requesting password - should call service
347 // Trigger auto-fill
    [all...] 118 // Trigger autofill.
143 // Trigger autofill.
166 // Trigger auto-fill.
189 // Trigger auto-fill.
205 // Trigger save.
247 // Trigger auto-fill.
264 // Trigger save...
280 // Trigger auto-fill.
296 // Trigger save... 175 // Trigger auto-fill.
268 // Trigger auto-fill.
309 // Trigger auto-fill.
358 // Trigger auto-fill.
386 // Trigger auto-fill.
405 // Trigger auto-fill.
422 // Trigger autofill.
445 // Trigger autofill.
476 // Trigger auto-fill.
547 // Trigger auto-fill
  /frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/timezone/ 38 * broadcast intent is used to trigger the time zone updater app.
53 * acknowledged a check then a check will be retried the next time a "reliability trigger" event
154 // Schedule a reliability trigger so we will have at least one after boot. This will allow
211 * update check is needed and then trigger if it is.
214 * changed, false if the cause is a reliability trigger
240 // 1) No check has previously triggered since restart. We want to trigger in this case.
241 // 2) A check has previously triggered and it is in progress. We want to trigger if
243 // 3) A check has previously triggered and it failed. We want to trigger, but only if
246 // We don't want to trigger, and want to stop future triggers.
250 Slog.d(TAG, "triggerUpdateIfNeeded: First reliability trigger.")
  /external/ltp/testcases/kdump/lib/ 39 echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
202 echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
211 echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
220 echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
229 echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
243 echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
256 echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
JetCreatorhlp.dat 3 play = Plays the segment with associated event attributes. To trigger the event, click the event in the timeline.
7 event type = Selects the type of trigger event.
12 trigger =
26 trigger clips =
51 track mutes = Checking a mute box will mute the associated track. You should mute a track if you intent to add a trigger event for that track.
65 trigger clips =
104 graph = The currently playing segment is displayed graphically here. You may trigger clips by clicking within their boundaries on the graph.
  /frameworks/opt/telephony/tests/telephonytests/src/com/android/internal/telephony/ 60 // events to trigger carrier identification
108 // trigger sim loading event
132 // trigger sim loading event
150 // trigger sim loading event
155 // trigger sim absent event
168 // trigger sim loading event
180 // trigger sim loading event
  /frameworks/opt/net/wifi/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/ 301 * ECM disabling messages, when in client mode (not expected) do not trigger state changes.
509 * Updates about call state change also trigger entry of ECM mode.
559 // stay in ecm, do not send an additional client mode trigger
594 // stay in ecm, do not send an additional client mode trigger
630 // stay in ecm, do not send an additional client mode trigger
824 * When in sta mode, CMD_RECOVERY_DISABLE_WIFI messages should trigger wifi to disable.
836 * When wifi is disabled, CMD_RECOVERY_DISABLE_WIFI should not trigger a state change.
847 * The command to trigger a WiFi reset should not trigger any action by WifiController if we
878 * The command to trigger a WiFi reset should not trigger any action by WifiController if w
    [all...] 390 // Trigger the STA interface teardown when AP interface is created.
403 // Creation of AP interface should trigger the STA interface destroy
427 // Trigger the AP interface teardown when STA interface is created.
447 // Creation of STA interface should trigger the AP interface destroy.
466 * Verifies the setup of a client interface and trigger an interface down event.
480 * Verifies the setup of a client interface and trigger an interface up event.
494 * Verifies the setup of a client interface and trigger an interface up event, followed by a
514 * Verifies the setup of a softap interface and trigger an interface up event, followed by a
534 * Verifies the setup of a client interface and trigger an interface up event, followed by
549 // Trigger a link down, with the interface still up
  /cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/sensors/ 53 * They use walking motion to change the location and trigger Significant Motion.
69 // 45 secs if SMD does not trigger, the test will fail.
72 // time for the test to wait for a trigger
108 * Verifies that Significant Motion is not trigger by the vibrator motion.
121 * It ensures that Significant Motion will not trigger in that scenario.
155 // wait for the first event to trigger
158 // wait for a second event not to trigger
208 // Wait for the first event to trigger. Device is expected to go into suspend here.
326 * Helper Trigger listener for testing.
action_parser.cpp 55 Result<Success> ParsePropertyTrigger(const std::string& trigger, Subcontext* subcontext,
58 std::string prop_name(trigger.substr(prop_str.length()));
61 return Error() << "property trigger found without matching '='";
83 return Error() << "empty trigger is not valid";
117 return Error() << "Actions must have a trigger";
magick.js 6 if("undefined"==typeof jQuery)throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery");+function(a){"use strict";var b=a.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split(".");if(b[0]<2&&b[1]<9||1==b[0]&&9==b[1]&&b[2]<1||b[0]>2)throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3")}(jQuery),+function(a){"use strict";function b(){var a=document.createElement("bootstrap"),b={WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"oTransitionEnd otransitionend",transition:"transitionend"};for(var c in b)if(void 0![c])return{end:b[c]};return!1}a.fn.emulateTransitionEnd=function(b){var c=!1,d=this;a(this).one("bsTransitionEnd",function(){c=!0});var e=function(){c||a(d).trigger(};return setTimeout(e,b),this},a(function(){,{,,handle:function(b){return a(,arguments):void 0}})})}(jQuery),+function(a){"use strict";function b(b){return this.each(function(){var c=a(this),"bs.alert");e||"bs.alert",e=new 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  /frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/ 64 * Failure count that each available networks must meet to possibly trigger the Watchdog
85 // Is Watchdog allowed to trigger now? Set to false after triggering. Set to true after
212 // If watchdog is not allowed to trigger it means a wifi restart is already triggered
217 // Have we met conditions to trigger the Watchdog Wifi restart?
228 mSelfRecovery.trigger(SelfRecovery.REASON_LAST_RESORT_WATCHDOG);
229 // increment various watchdog trigger count stats
252 // WiFi has connected after a Watchdog trigger, without any new networks becoming
260 // If the watchdog trigger was disabled (it triggered), connecting means we did
266 * Triggers a wifi specific bugreport with a based on the current trigger probability.
346 * Check trigger condition: For all available networks, have we met a failure threshold for eac
  /developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/SwipeRefreshMultipleViews/Application/src/main/java/com/example/android/swiperefreshmultipleviews/ 28 * child views triggering a refresh gesture. You set the views which can trigger the gesture via
44 * Set the children which can trigger a refresh by swiping down when they are visible. These
64 * state to trigger the gesture. If so we return false to start the gesture.
  /developers/samples/android/ui/views/SwipeRefreshLayout/SwipeRefreshMultipleViews/Application/src/main/java/com/example/android/swiperefreshmultipleviews/ 28 * child views triggering a refresh gesture. You set the views which can trigger the gesture via
44 * Set the children which can trigger a refresh by swiping down when they are visible. These
64 * state to trigger the gesture. If so we return false to start the gesture.
  /development/samples/browseable/SwipeRefreshMultipleViews/src/ 28 * child views triggering a refresh gesture. You set the views which can trigger the gesture via
44 * Set the children which can trigger a refresh by swiping down when they are visible. These
64 * state to trigger the gesture. If so we return false to start the gesture.
  /external/autotest/client/site_tests/logging_UdevCrash/ 55 """Test that atmel trackpad failure can trigger udev crash report."""
69 # Use udevadm to trigger a fake udev event representing atmel driver
76 utils.system('udevadm trigger '
system-header-simulator-cxx-std-suppression.h 69 // Fake error trigger.
108 // Fake error trigger.
130 // Fake error trigger.

Completed in 2942 milliseconds
