full:trigger (Results
326 -
350 of
5233) sorted by null
/cts/tests/framework/base/activitymanager/app/src/android/server/am/ | | 32 // such that we can dump the state will trigger much earlier and then the test will just
| | 36 // changed, it will trigger a performShow that could turn the screen on.
/cts/tests/tests/renderscript/src/android/renderscript/cts/ | | 28 * which should trigger an exception.
/developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/SwipeRefreshLayoutBasic/Application/src/main/res/values/ |
base-strings.xml | 25 gesture to a View, enabling the ability to trigger a refresh from swiping down on the view.
/developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/SwipeRefreshListFragment/Application/src/main/res/values/ |
base-strings.xml | 25 \'swipe-to-refresh\' gesture to a ListView, enabling the ability to trigger a refresh
/developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/SwipeRefreshMultipleViews/Application/src/main/res/values/ |
base-strings.xml | 25 gesture to a layout with multiple children, enabling the ability to trigger a
/developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/XYZTouristAttractions/Application/src/main/java/com/example/android/xyztouristattractions/service/ | | 34 // is asleep otherwise the service may not have time to trigger the
/developers/samples/android/ui/views/SwipeRefreshLayout/SwipeRefreshLayoutBasic/ |
template-params.xml | 32 gesture to a View, enabling the ability to trigger a refresh from swiping down on the view.
/developers/samples/android/ui/views/SwipeRefreshLayout/SwipeRefreshMultipleViews/ |
template-params.xml | 31 gesture to a layout with multiple children, enabling the ability to trigger a
/developers/samples/android/wearable/wear/XYZTouristAttractions/Application/src/main/java/com/example/android/xyztouristattractions/service/ | | 34 // is asleep otherwise the service may not have time to trigger the
/development/samples/browseable/SwipeRefreshLayoutBasic/res/values/ |
base-strings.xml | 25 gesture to a View, enabling the ability to trigger a refresh from swiping down on the view.
/development/samples/browseable/SwipeRefreshListFragment/res/values/ |
base-strings.xml | 25 \'swipe-to-refresh\' gesture to a ListView, enabling the ability to trigger a refresh
/development/samples/browseable/SwipeRefreshMultipleViews/res/values/ |
base-strings.xml | 25 gesture to a layout with multiple children, enabling the ability to trigger a
/development/samples/browseable/XYZTouristAttractions/Application/src/ | | 34 // is asleep otherwise the service may not have time to trigger the
/device/google/contexthub/firmware/os/platform/stm32/ |
exti.c | 37 void extiEnableIntLine(const enum ExtiLine line, enum ExtiTrigger trigger) 39 if (trigger == EXTI_TRIGGER_BOTH) { 42 } else if (trigger == EXTI_TRIGGER_RISING) { 45 } else if (trigger == EXTI_TRIGGER_FALLING) {
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/ArmPkg/Include/Library/ |
ArmHvcLib.h | 34 Trigger an HVC call
ArmSmcLib.h | 34 Trigger an SMC call
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Framework/Protocol/SmmControl/ |
SmmControl.h | 71 EFI_SMM_ACTIVATE Trigger;
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Application/CapsuleApp/ |
CapsuleApp.inf | 4 # This application can trigger capsule update process. It can also
/external/autotest/client/site_tests/platform_AnomalyCollector/ | | 15 # Restart the anomaly collector daemon, trigger a test kernel warning,
/external/autotest/client/tests/kernel_sysrq_info/ |
control | 12 Verifies select /proc/sysrq-trigger commands.
/external/autotest/contrib/ |
repair_hosts | 2 # Simple utility to trigger a Repair job on a bunch of hosts.
reverify_hosts | 2 # Simple utility to trigger a Verify job on a bunch of hosts.
/external/autotest/server/site_tests/enterprise_CFM_AtrusUpdaterStress/ | | 18 1. Trigger forced upgrade of the atrus via atrusctl with dbus.
/external/autotest/server/site_tests/firmware_DevTriggerRecovery/ |
control | 21 trigger recovery boot and checks the success of it.
Completed in 588 milliseconds