/frameworks/compile/mclinker/include/mcld/ADT/ |
HashEntry.h | 1 //===- HashEntry.h --------------------------------------------------------===// 19 /** \class HashEntry 20 * \brief HashEntry is the item in the bucket of hash table. 22 * mcld::HashEntry illustrates the demand from mcld::HashTable. 23 * Since HashTable can change the definition of the HashEntry by changing 24 * the template argument. class mcld::HashEntry here is used to show the 26 * of the hash table which has no relation to mcld::HashEntry 28 * Since mcld::HashEntry here is a special class whose size is changing, 30 * are doing when you let a new class inherit from mcld::HashEntry. 33 class HashEntry { [all...] |
HashEntry.tcc | 1 //===- HashEntry.tcc ------------------------------------------------------===// 11 // template implementation of HashEntry 13 HashEntry<KeyType, ValueType, KeyCompare>::HashEntry(const KeyType& pKey) 18 HashEntry<KeyType, ValueType, KeyCompare>::~HashEntry() { 22 bool HashEntry<KeyType, ValueType, KeyCompare>::compare(const KeyType& pKey) {
HashBase.h | 51 * MCLinker tries to merge every things in the same HashEntry. It can
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/ |
pr2849.ll | 7 %struct.HashEntry = type { %struct.BaseBoundPtrs } 12 @hash_table_begin = external global %struct.HashEntry* 16 %tmp = load %struct.HashEntry*, %struct.HashEntry** @hash_table_begin, align 8 25 %tmp4 = getelementptr %struct.HashEntry, %struct.HashEntry* %tmp, i64 %tmp3, i32 0, i32 1 33 %tmp15 = getelementptr %struct.HashEntry, %struct.HashEntry* %tmp, i64 %tmp14, i32 0, i32 1
/external/swiftshader/third_party/LLVM/runtime/libprofile/ |
PathProfiling.c | 135 pathHashEntry_t* hashEntry = hashTable->hashBins[i]; 137 while (hashEntry) { 141 pte.pathNumber = hashEntry->pathNumber; 142 pte.pathCounter = hashEntry->pathCount; 149 temp = hashEntry; 150 hashEntry = hashEntry->next; 161 pathHashEntry_t* hashEntry; 168 hashEntry = hashTable->hashBins[index]; 170 while (hashEntry) { [all...] |
/external/swiftshader/third_party/LLVM/test/CodeGen/X86/ |
pr2849.ll | 7 %struct.HashEntry = type { %struct.BaseBoundPtrs } 12 @hash_table_begin = external global %struct.HashEntry* 16 %tmp = load %struct.HashEntry** @hash_table_begin, align 8 25 %tmp4 = getelementptr %struct.HashEntry* %tmp, i64 %tmp3, i32 0, i32 1 33 %tmp15 = getelementptr %struct.HashEntry* %tmp, i64 %tmp14, i32 0, i32 1
/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/ |
ExpandedNameTable.java | 87 * internal HashEntry array. 102 private HashEntry[] m_table; 123 m_table = new HashEntry[m_capacity]; 138 m_table[i] = new HashEntry(m_defaultExtendedTypes[i], i, i, null); 192 // Calculate the index into the HashEntry table. 199 for (HashEntry e = m_table[index]; e != null; e = e.next) 210 // Expand the internal HashEntry array if necessary. 233 HashEntry entry = new HashEntry(newET, m_nextType, hash, m_table[index]); 248 HashEntry[] oldTable = m_table [all...] |
/frameworks/compile/mclinker/include/mcld/Support/ |
PathCache.h | 12 #include "mcld/ADT/HashEntry.h" 21 typedef HashEntry<llvm::StringRef,
/frameworks/compile/mclinker/unittests/ |
HashTableTest.cpp | 11 #include "mcld/ADT/HashEntry.h" 64 typedef HashEntry<int*, int, PtrCompare> HashEntryType; 81 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType; 89 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType; 107 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType; 130 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType; 155 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType; 178 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType; 214 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType; 236 typedef HashEntry<int, int, IntCompare> HashEntryType [all...] |
/frameworks/compile/mclinker/include/mcld/LD/ |
SectionSymbolSet.h | 13 #include "mcld/ADT/HashEntry.h" 62 typedef HashEntry<const LDSection*, LDSymbol*, SectCompare> SectHashEntryType;
Archive.h | 13 #include "mcld/ADT/HashEntry.h" 68 typedef HashEntry<uint32_t, InputTree::iterator, OffsetCompare<uint32_t> > 83 typedef HashEntry<const llvm::StringRef,
BranchIsland.h | 12 #include "mcld/ADT/HashEntry.h" 157 typedef HashEntry<Key, Stub*, Key::Compare> StubEntryType;
/external/elfutils/libelf/ |
nlist.c | 43 struct hashentry struct 48 #define TYPE struct hashentry 146 struct hashentry mem; 179 struct hashentry search; 180 const struct hashentry *found;
/external/libyuv/files/tools/ubsan/ |
blacklist.txt | 45 fun:*hashEntry*
/prebuilts/misc/common/swig/include/2.0.11/gcj/ |
javaprims.i | 275 class HashMap$HashEntry; 280 class Hashtable$HashEntry;
/prebuilts/misc/common/swig/include/2.0.11/tcl/ |
tclinit.swg | 84 Tcl_HashEntry* hashentry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&(klass->hashtable), meth->name, &newEntry); 85 Tcl_SetHashValue(hashentry, (ClientData)meth->method);
tclrun.swg | 343 Tcl_HashEntry* hashentry; 368 hashentry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&(cls->hashtable), method); 369 if (hashentry) { 370 ClientData cd = Tcl_GetHashValue(hashentry);
/prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.2/ |
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar | |
/frameworks/compile/mclinker/lib/Script/ |
ScriptFile.cpp | 11 #include "mcld/ADT/HashEntry.h" 40 typedef HashEntry<std::string, void*, hash::StringCompare<std::string> >
/prebuilts/misc/common/robolectric/3.1.1/lib/ |
backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar | |
/prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/backport-util-concurrent/backport-util-concurrent/3.1/ |
backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar | |
/external/icu/icu4c/source/common/ |
usprep.cpp | 110 hashEntry(const UHashTok parm) { 211 SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE = uhash_open(hashEntry, compareEntries, NULL, &status);
uresbund.cpp | 54 static int32_t U_CALLCONV hashEntry(const UHashTok parm) { 274 cache = uhash_open(hashEntry, compareEntries, NULL, &status); 337 /*hashValue = hashEntry(hashkey);*/ [all...] |
/external/icu/icu4c/source/tools/gensprep/ |
store.c | 228 static int32_t U_CALLCONV hashEntry(const UHashTok parm) { 368 hashTable = uhash_open(hashEntry, compareEntries, NULL, status);
/frameworks/compile/mclinker/include/mcld/Target/ |
GNULDBackend.h | 508 typedef HashEntry<LDSymbol*, size_t, SymCompare> SymHashEntryType;