/external/mockftpserver/MockFtpServer/src/site/apt/ |
stubftpserver-getting-started.apt | 107 inheriting from one of the existing abstract <CommandHandler> superclasses, such as
/external/python/cpython2/Doc/library/ |
socketserver.rst | 67 When inheriting from :class:`ThreadingMixIn` for threaded connection behavior,
/external/python/cpython2/Lib/ |
sets.py | 46 # to the mutable/immutable problem, and inheriting from dict.
/external/python/cpython3/Lib/ |
_collections_abc.py | 1007 MutableSequence.register(bytearray) # Multiply inheriting, see ByteString
/external/swiftshader/third_party/LLVM/include/llvm/ADT/ |
ilist.h | 122 /// By inheriting from this, you can easily use default implementations
/external/swiftshader/third_party/subzero/pnacl-llvm/include/llvm/Bitcode/NaCl/ |
NaClBitcodeParser.h | 613 // inheriting from the enclosing parser). This constructor allows
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/ops/ |
nn_batchnorm_test.py | 583 Note that this test inherits from MomentsTest, inheriting all its
/external/v8/testing/gtest/include/gtest/ |
gtest-param-test.h.pump | 156 // values. Inheriting from TestWithParam<T> satisfies that requirement because
/external/vulkan-validation-layers/tests/gtest-1.7.0/include/gtest/ |
gtest-param-test.h.pump | 156 // values. Inheriting from TestWithParam<T> satisfies that requirement because
/prebuilts/gdb/darwin-x86/lib/python2.7/ |
sets.py | 46 # to the mutable/immutable problem, and inheriting from dict.
/prebuilts/gdb/linux-x86/lib/python2.7/ |
sets.py | 46 # to the mutable/immutable problem, and inheriting from dict.
/prebuilts/ndk/r16/sources/third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/ |
gtest-param-test.h.pump | 156 // values. Inheriting from TestWithParam<T> satisfies that requirement because
/prebuilts/ndk/r16/sources/third_party/vulkan/src/tests/gtest-1.7.0/include/gtest/ |
gtest-param-test.h.pump | 156 // values. Inheriting from TestWithParam<T> satisfies that requirement because
/prebuilts/python/darwin-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/ |
sets.py | 46 # to the mutable/immutable problem, and inheriting from dict.
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/ |
sets.py | 46 # to the mutable/immutable problem, and inheriting from dict.
/prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/nl/jqno/equalsverifier/equalsverifier/2.1.5/ |
equalsverifier-2.1.5.jar | |
/external/python/cpython2/Lib/test/ |
pickletester.py | [all...] |
/external/python/cpython3/Doc/library/ |
subprocess.rst | 493 behavior of inheriting the current process' environment. 839 The new process has a new console, instead of inheriting its parent's [all...] |
/frameworks/base/libs/androidfw/include/androidfw/ |
ResourceTypes.h | 879 // type symbol table. If zero, this package is inheriting from 887 // key symbol table. If zero, this package is inheriting from [all...] |
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/gle2/ |
RenderPreviewManager.java | [all...] |
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/ |
test_complex.py | 363 """Test usage of __complex__() when inheriting from 'complex'"""
test_os.py | 784 @unittest.skip("subprocesses aren't inheriting CTRL+C property")
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/ |
Tcp6.h | 610 by inheriting the passive instance's configuration and is ready for use upon return.
[all...] |
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/NetworkPkg/TcpDxe/ |
TcpMain.h | 552 by inheriting the passive instance's configuration, and is ready for use upon return.
[all...] |
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/ |
CertPathValidatorUtilities.java | [all...] |