full:world (Results
701 -
725 of
5805) sorted by null
/external/dagger2/compiler/src/it/producers-functional-tests/src/main/java/producerstest/ | | 25 return "Hello world!";
/external/dtc/tests/ |
test_tree1.dts | 10 prop-str = "hello world";
test_tree1_delete.dts | 39 prop-str = "hello world";
test_tree1_label_noderef.dts | 10 prop-str = "hello world";
test_tree1_merge.dts | 8 prop-str = "hello world";
test_tree1_merge_labelled.dts | 10 prop-str = "hello world";
test_tree1_merge_path.dts | 10 prop-str = "hello world";
testdata.h | 20 #define TEST_STRING_1 "hello world"
/external/jemalloc/ |
README | 11 repercussions for real world applications.
/external/kernel-headers/original/uapi/linux/ |
fadvise.h | 12 * for s390-64 differ from the values for the rest of the world.
/external/libchrome/base/strings/ | | 25 NullableString16 b(ASCIIToUTF16("world"), false);
/external/libmojo/mojo/android/javatests/src/org/chromium/mojo/bindings/ | | 50 String input = " \t // hello world \n\r \t// the answer is 42 "; 57 String input = "[u1]0x10// hello world !! \n\r \t [u2]65535 \n" 84 String input = "[b]00001011 [b]10000000 // hello world\r [b]00000000"; 129 "/ hello world",
/external/libmojo/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/ |
variant_test_util.h | 18 // In real-world use cases, users shouldn't need to worry about this. Because it
/external/libmojo/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/ |
sample_interfaces.mojom | 7 Foo = "hello world"]
/external/llvm/test/MC/AsmParser/ |
hello.s | 27 .asciz "hello world!\n"
/external/llvm/test/MC/MachO/AArch64/ |
reloc-crash.s | 20 .asciz "Hello World!"
/external/llvm/test/Object/Inputs/ |
macho-bad-archive1.a | 6 ???? ? ? ? ? __text __TEXT ; ? ? __cstring __TEXT ;
K __compact_unwind__LD H X ? __eh_frame __TEXT h @ x h ? , P UH??H?? H? ?E? ?}?H?u?H?U?H?? ? ? ?E??H?? ]?Hello world
trivial.ll | 1 @.str = private unnamed_addr constant [13 x i8] c"Hello World\0A\00", align 1
/external/ltp/testcases/kernel/syscalls/execve/ |
execve_child.c | 30 printf("Hello World\n");
/external/owasp/sanitizer/src/tests/org/owasp/html/ | | 80 "<p>Hello World</p>" 83 assertEquals("<p>Hello World</p>", sanitized); 88 String input = "<p onclick=\"alert(\"bad\");\">Hello World</p>"; 90 assertEquals("<p>Hello World</p>", sanitized);
/external/protobuf/ruby/tests/ |
stress.rb | 25 => "world")])
/external/python/cpython2/Lib/email/test/data/ |
msg_19.txt | 4 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
/external/python/cpython3/Lib/test/test_email/data/ |
msg_19.txt | 4 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
/external/replicaisland/res/values/ |
rokudou.xml | 19 I can see that you are hesitant. Not surprising; I am sure Kabocha did his best to convince you that he?s a kind-hearted scientist, acting for the greater good of the world. Make no mistake, Android. Kabocha is a lunatic--he must not gain access to The Source. 23 Join my team, Android. Help us find The Source and change the world. Take some time to think it over. I am a patient man. 36 Have you considered my offer, Android? It still stands. Join my team; help me find The Source and save the world from maniacs like Kabocha. 48 Keep moving, Android. The fate of the world approaches.
/external/replicaisland/src/com/replica/replicaisland/ | | 24 * TiledWorld manages a 2D map of tile indexes that define a "world" of tiles. These may be 67 // Builds a tiled world from a simple map file input source. The map file format is as follows: 69 // Second byte: width of the world in tiles. 70 // Third byte: height of the world in tiles.
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