/hardware/intel/img/psb_video/src/hwdefs/ |
msvdx_dmac_linked_list.h | 58 #define DMAC_LL_RESERVED_01_TYPE IMG_UINT32 138 #define DMAC_LL_ADDR_TYPE IMG_UINT32 154 #define DMAC_LL_RESERVED_04_TYPE IMG_UINT32 242 #define DMAC_LL_SA_TYPE IMG_UINT32 250 #define DMAC_LL_LISTPTR_TYPE IMG_UINT32
topaz_db_regs.h | 188 IMG_UINT32 uRegDefault;\ 189 IMG_UINT32 uRegMask;\
fwrk_msg_mem_io.h | 276 #define FWRK_BENMSG_ERRNUM_TYPE IMG_UINT32
topaz_vlc_regs.h | 484 IMG_UINT32 uRegDefault;\ 485 IMG_UINT32 uRegMask;\
/hardware/intel/img/psb_video/src/ |
tng_cmdbuf.c | 250 cmdbuf->cmd_idx = (IMG_UINT32 *) cmdbuf->cmd_base; 326 IMG_UINT32 *addr_in_dst_buffer,/*addr of dst_buffer for the DWORD*/ 328 IMG_UINT32 buf_offset, 329 IMG_UINT32 mask, 330 IMG_UINT32 background, 331 IMG_UINT32 align_shift, 332 IMG_UINT32 dst_buffer, 333 IMG_UINT32 *start_of_dst_buffer) /*Index of the list refered by cmdbuf->buffer_refs */ 346 IMG_UINT32 new_val = presumed_offset + buf_offset; 371 IMG_UINT32 stream_id [all...] |
tng_hostheader.c | 54 IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ByteStartBit, 55 IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused Bits) 60 IMG_UINT32 uiByteSize; 61 IMG_UINT32 uiLp, uiBt, Bcnt; 93 IMG_UINT32 TotalByteSize; 94 IMG_UINT32 RTotalByteSize; 110 RTotalByteSize += (((IMG_UINT32)((TotalByteSize + 7) / 8)) * 8); 194 IMG_UINT32 UI16Input; 223 return ;//(IMG_UINT32) ui16BitCnt; 242 return ;//(IMG_UINT32) ui16BitCnt [all...] |
tng_hostbias.c | 212 IMG_UINT32 ui32RegVal; 214 IMG_UINT32 uDirectVecBias,iInterMBBias,iIntra16Bias; 279 IMG_UINT32 ui32RegVal; 281 IMG_UINT32 uDirectVecBias,iInterMBBias,iIntra16Bias; 343 IMG_UINT32 ui32RegVal; 344 IMG_UINT32 iIntra16Bias, uisz2, uIntra8Scale, uDirectVecBias_P, iInterMBBias_P, uDirectVecBias_B, iInterMBBias_B; 362 IMG_UINT32 uiLambdaSAD, uiLambdaSATD; 508 IMG_UINT32 ui32RegVal; 509 IMG_UINT32 count = 0, cmd_word = 0; 512 IMG_UINT32 *pCount [all...] |
tng_ved_scaling.c | 111 IMG_UINT32 I, 112 IMG_UINT32 T) 118 IMG_UINT32 i, t; 158 if (((IMG_UINT32)mI < I) && ((IMG_UINT32)mT < T) && 191 val = (IMG_UINT32) ((flTable[t][i] * 64.0f) / ftotal); 218 if (((IMG_UINT32)mI < I) && ((IMG_UINT32)mT < T) && ((t < ((T / 2) + (T % 2) - 1)) || ((I - i) > ((T % 2) * (I / 2))))) 250 IMG_UINT32 reg_value;
tng_picmgmt.c | 55 IMG_UINT32 ui32CmdData = 0; 78 void tng__picmgmt_long_term_refs(context_ENC_p __maybe_unused ctx, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ui32FrameNum) 84 IMG_UINT32 ui32FrameCnt; 124 IMG_UINT32 mfflat[2][16] = { 179 IMG_UINT32 *pui32QuantReg; 181 IMG_UINT32 ui32Table, ui32Val; 183 IMG_UINT32 custom_quant_size = 0; 242 pui32QuantReg = (IMG_UINT32 *)pui8QuantMem; 256 pui32QuantReg = (IMG_UINT32 *)pui8QuantMem; 276 pui32QuantReg = (IMG_UINT32 *)pui8QuantMem [all...] |
pnw_hostjpeg.c | 493 void fPutBitsToBuffer(STREAMTYPEW *BitStream, IMG_UINT8 NoOfBytes, IMG_UINT32 ActualBits) 545 IMG_UINT32 FreeCodedDataBuffers(TOPAZSC_JPEG_ENCODER_CONTEXT *pContext) 563 const IMG_UINT32 uiComponentNumber , 564 const IMG_UINT32 uiWidthBlocks , 565 const IMG_UINT32 uiHeightBlocks, 566 const IMG_UINT32 uiLastRow, 567 const IMG_UINT32 uiLastCol) 607 IMG_UINT32 uiBlockCount = 0; [all...] |
tng_jpegES.c | 48 IMG_UINT32 ui32CmdTmp[4]; 49 IMG_UINT32 *ptmp = (IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->cmd_start); 364 IMG_UINT32 ui32UpperLimit; 489 ((IMG_UINT32)pJPEGContext->jpeg_coded_buf.pMemInfo + PTG_JPEG_HEADER_MAX_SIZE + 533 IMG_UINT32 srf_buf_offset; 629 static void fPutBitsToBuffer(STREAMTYPEW *BitStream, IMG_UINT8 NoOfBytes, IMG_UINT32 ActualBits) 643 static IMG_UINT32 EncodeMarkerSegment(TOPAZHP_JPEG_ENCODER_CONTEXT *pJPEGContext, [all...] |
pnw_hostcode.c | 55 IMG_UINT32 MVEARegBase[4] = {0x13000, 0x23000, 0x33000, 0x43000}; /* From TopazSC TRM */ 189 IMG_UINT32 ui32RegVal; 192 IMG_UINT32 count = 0, cmd_word = 0; 245 IMG_UINT32 ui32RegVal; 248 IMG_UINT32 count = 0, cmd_word = 0; 303 IMG_UINT32 ui32RegVal; 304 IMG_UINT32 uIPESkipVecBias, iInterMBBias, uSPESkipVecBias, iIntra16Bias; 305 IMG_UINT32 count = 0, cmd_word = 0; 762 *(IMG_UINT32 *)(pBuffer+8) = 16; [all...] |
tng_H264ES.c | 292 psRCParams->ui32BufferSize = (IMG_UINT32)(psRCParams->ui32BitsPerSecond * ctx->uiCbrBufferTenths / 10.0); 407 IMG_UINT32 ui32MbNum; 503 IMG_UINT32 ui32MBf=0; 504 IMG_UINT32 ui32MBs; 505 IMG_UINT32 ui32Level=0; 506 IMG_UINT32 ui32TempLevel=0; 507 IMG_UINT32 ui32DpbMbs; 609 IMG_UINT32 ui32MaxUnit32 = (IMG_UINT32)0x7ffa; 610 IMG_UINT32 ui32IPCount = 0 [all...] |
tng_trace.c | 336 int apSliceParamsTemplates_dump(context_ENC_p ctx, IMG_UINT32 ui32StreamIndex, IMG_UINT32 ui32SliceBufIdx) 366 static int apPicHdrTemplates_dump(context_ENC_p ctx, IMG_UINT32 ui32StreamIndex, IMG_UINT32 count) 432 static int apSeqHeader_dump(context_ENC_p ctx, IMG_UINT32 ui32StreamIndex) 526 static int pMBCtrlInParamsAddr_dump(context_ENC_p ctx, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ui32StreamIndex) 638 void tng_trace_setvideo(context_ENC_p ctx, IMG_UINT32 ui32StreamID) [all...] |
pnw_jpeg.c | 554 IMG_UINT32 rc = 0; 557 IMG_UINT32 ui32NoMCUsToEncode; 558 IMG_UINT32 ui32RemainMCUs;
tng_enc_trace.c | 300 IMG_UINT32 ui32DistanceB, ui32Position; 326 IMG_UINT32 ui32DistanceB; [all...] |
pnw_VC1.c | 71 IMG_UINT32 ui32ContextId; 72 IMG_UINT32 ui32SliceParams; 73 IMG_UINT32 ui32MacroblockNumber; [all...] |
pnw_H264.c | 213 IMG_UINT32 ui32Value[MAX_PRELOAD_CMDS]; 217 IMG_UINT32 ui32ContextId; 218 IMG_UINT32 ui32PreloadBufferSize; [all...] |
tng_MPEG4ES.c | 274 psRCParams->ui32BufferSize = (IMG_UINT32)(psRCParams->ui32BitsPerSecond * ctx->uiCbrBufferTenths / 10.0);
/hardware/intel/img/psb_video/src/mrst/ |
lnc_hostcode.c | 310 *(IMG_UINT32 *)(pBuffer+8) = 16; 522 lnc__H264_prepare_slice_header((IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->slice_header_ofs + i * HEADER_SIZE), 543 lnc__MPEG4_prepare_vop_header((IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->pic_header_ofs), 694 IMG_UINT32 MBs, MBsperSlice, MBsLastSlice; 695 IMG_UINT32 BUs; 737 IMG_UINT32 MBs, MBsperSlice, MBsLastSlice; 738 IMG_UINT32 BUs, BUsperSlice, BUsLastSlice; 798 IMG_UINT32 max_bitrate = psContext->Width * psContext->Height * 1.5 * 8 * 60; [all...] |
lnc_H263ES.c | 296 lnc__H263_prepare_picture_header((IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->pic_header_ofs), 376 (IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->slice_header_ofs + ctx->obj_context->slice_count * HEADER_SIZE),
lnc_MPEG4ES.c | 253 (IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->seq_header_ofs), 314 lnc__MPEG4_prepare_vop_header((IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->pic_header_ofs),
psb_VC1.c | 70 IMG_UINT32 ui32ContextId; 71 IMG_UINT32 ui32SliceParams; 72 IMG_UINT32 ui32MacroblockNumber; [all...] |
lnc_H264ES.c | 285 lnc__H264_prepare_sequence_header((IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->seq_header_ofs), pSequenceParams->max_num_ref_frames, 384 lnc__H264_prepare_picture_header((IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->pic_header_ofs)); 502 lnc__H264_prepare_slice_header((IMG_UINT32 *)(cmdbuf->header_mem_p + ctx->slice_header_ofs + ctx->obj_context->slice_count * HEADER_SIZE), [all...] |
psb_H264.c | 205 IMG_UINT32 ui32Value[MAX_PRELOAD_CMDS]; 209 IMG_UINT32 ui32ContextId; 210 IMG_UINT32 ui32PreloadBufferSize; [all...] |