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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 891011>>

  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/kernels/ 37 xla::ComputationDataHandle input = ctx->Input(0); variable
41 output = input;
43 output = builder->Ne(input, XlaHelpers::Zero(builder, src_dtype_));
48 output = builder->ConvertElementType(builder->Real(input), dst_type_);
50 output = builder->ConvertElementType(input, dst_type_); 59 errors::InvalidArgument("Input shape axis ", axis, " must equal ", num,
65 auto input = ctx->Input(0); variable
77 auto slice = ctx->builder()->Slice(input, start_indices, limit_indices,
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/ 127 // input -> reshape -> convert
129 // input -> convert -> reshape
133 auto input = builder.ConstantR1<int32>({0x42280000}); local
134 auto reshape = builder.Reshape(input, /*dimensions=*/{0}, /*new_sizes=*/{}); 198 // input -> reshape -> convert
200 // input -> convert -> reshape
204 auto input = builder.ConstantR1<int32>({42}); local
205 auto reshape = builder.Reshape(input, /*dimensions=*/{0}, /*new_sizes=*/{});
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/kernels/ 34 const Tensor& input_tensor = context->input(0);
39 auto input = input_tensor.flat<string>(); variable
42 for (int64 i = 0; i < input.dimension(0); ++i) {
43 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, Base64Encode(input(i), pad_, &output(i)));
59 const Tensor& input_tensor = context->input(0);
64 auto input = input_tensor.flat<string>(); variable
67 for (int64 i = 0; i < input.dimension(0); ++i) {
68 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, Base64Decode(input(i), &output(i))); 39 // Get input content.
40 const Tensor& contents = context->input(0);
44 const StringPiece input = contents.scalar<string>()(); variable
45 OP_REQUIRES(context, input.size() <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
47 input.size()));
53 jpeg::GetImageInfo(, input.size(), &width, &height,
55 errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid JPEG data, size ", input.size())); 37 // The input tensor can be of any number of dimensions, even though it's
39 const Tensor& input = context->input(0); variable
46 (input.flat<T>().square() * static_cast<T>(0.5)).sum(); 30 std::vector<double> input; local
32 input.reserve(kSampleCount);
34 input.push_back(i + 1);
38 input.size(), 22050 /* sample rate */, kChannelCount /* channels */,
42 filterbank.Compute(input, &output);
63 std::vector<double> input; local
70 // First call with nonzero input value, and an empty output vector,
72 input.assign(kSampleCount, 1.0);
73 filterbank.Compute(input, &output);
78 // Second call with zero input should also generate zero output. However
    [all...] 27 std::vector<double> input; local
29 input.reserve(kSampleCount);
31 input.push_back(i + 1);
34 ASSERT_TRUE(mfcc.Initialize(input.size(), 22050 /*sample rate*/));
37 mfcc.Compute(input, &output);
52 std::vector<double> input; local
54 input.reserve(kSampleCount);
56 input.push_back(0.0);
59 ASSERT_TRUE(mfcc.Initialize(input.size(), 22050 /*sample rate*/));
62 mfcc.Compute(input, &output)
snapshot_op.h 36 const Tensor& input = context->input(0); variable
40 {0}, 0, input.shape(), &output));
41 if (!output->SharesBufferWith(input)) {
42 // We had to allocate a new buffer since the refcount on the input was
43 // greater than 1. Copy the input to the new buffer.
46 input.template flat<Scalar>().data(),
47 input.NumElements() * sizeof(Scalar)); 38 const Tensor& input = context->input(0); variable
42 input.NumElements() <= std::numeric_limits<int32>::max(),
44 "unique does not support input tensors larger than ",
48 std::vector<int64> new_sizes{1, input.NumElements(), 1};
50 OP_REQUIRES(context, TensorShapeUtils::IsVector(input.shape()),
56 const Tensor& axis_tensor = context->input(1);
62 "axis does not support input tensors larger than 1 elements"));
64 OP_REQUIRES(context, TensorShapeUtils::IsVector(input.shape()),
78 axis = axis < 0 ? axis + input.dims() : axis
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/ops/ 29 TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(c->WithRank(c->input(1), 0, &unused));
30 ShapeHandle out = c->input(0);
45 .Input("data: T")
46 .Input("pred: bool")
53 .Input("data: Ref(T)")
54 .Input("pred: bool")
63 .Input("index: int32")
64 .Input("inputs: Ref(N * T)")
70 TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(c->WithRank(c->input(0), 0, &unused));
71 ShapeHandle first_input = c->input(1)
98 ShapeHandle input = c->input(i); local
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/adding_an_op/ 26 .Input("to_zero: T")
38 .Input("to_zero: T")
49 .Input("to_zero: T")
64 // Grab the input tensor
65 const Tensor& input_tensor = context->input(0);
66 auto input = input_tensor.flat<T>(); variable
75 const int N = input.size();
80 // Preserve the first input value
81 if (N > 0) output_flat(0) = input(0); 24 .Input("to_zero: int32")
27 c->set_output(0, c->input(0));
44 // Grab the input tensor
45 const Tensor& input_tensor = context->input(0);
46 auto input = input_tensor.flat<int32>(); variable
49 OP_REQUIRES(context, preserve_index_ < input.dimension(0),
59 const int N = input.size();
64 // Preserve the requested input value
65 output(preserve_index_) = input(preserve_index_);
  /external/tensorflow/tensorflow/java/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/op/ 33 * @param inputs an iteration of input operands
38 for (Operand<?> input : inputs) {
39 outputList.add(input.asOutput());
  /external/testng/src/test/java/test/configuration/ 38 public Object[][] input(){ method in class:ConfigurationGroupBothSampleTest 33 public Object[][] input(){ method in class:ConfigurationGroupDataProviderSampleTest
  /external/turbine/javatests/com/google/turbine/parse/ 188 private final String input; field in class:VariableDeclarationTest
191 public VariableDeclarationTest(String input, String expected) {
192 this.input = input;
198 Tree.CompUnit unit = Parser.parse("class Test {" + input + "}");
  /external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/ 59 int16_t input[1000] = {0}; local
66 // Zero input length.
69 normal.Process(input, 0, kModeExpand, mute_factor_array.get(), &output));
77 // be equal to input_size_samples. Since the input is all zeros, decoded_max
82 normal.Process(input,
105 int16_t input[1000] = {0}; local
117 input, input_len, kModeExpand, mute_factor_array.get(), &output));
  /external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/ 23 int16_t input[kSamples]; local
25 input[i] = i;
28 InputAudioFile::DuplicateInterleaved(input, kSamples, kChannels, output);
42 int16_t input[kSamples * kChannels]; local
44 input[i] = i;
46 InputAudioFile::DuplicateInterleaved(input, kSamples, kChannels, input);
49 int16_t* output_ptr = input;
  /frameworks/base/core/java/android/hardware/input/ 17 package android.hardware.input;
25 * Input manager local system service interface.
34 * by the input system. The input system must copy this information to retain it.
40 * Called by the power manager to tell the input manager whether it should start
46 * Toggles Caps Lock state for input device with specific id.
48 * @param deviceId The id of input device.
53 * Set whether the input stack should deliver pulse gesture events when the device is asleep.
  /frameworks/base/media/mca/filterpacks/java/android/filterpacks/base/ 52 // Get input frame
53 Frame input = pullInput("in"); local
57 pushOutput("out" + i, input); 43 // Get input frame
44 Frame input = pullInput("frame"); local
47 context.storeFrame(mKey, input);
  /frameworks/base/media/mca/filterpacks/java/android/filterpacks/text/ 44 Frame input = pullInput("string"); local
45 String inputString = input.getObjectValue().toString();
  /frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/ 17 package;
20 import android.hardware.input.InputManagerInternal;
26 import static android.hardware.input.InputManager.INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_ASYNC;

Completed in 275 milliseconds

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