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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4  * found in the LICENSE file.
      5  */
      6 /*jshint esversion: 6 */
      8 'use strict';
     10 const $ = document.getElementById.bind(document);
     12 class TestRunner {
     13   constructor(runtimeSeconds, pausePlayIterationDelayMillis) {
     14     this.runtimeSeconds = runtimeSeconds;
     15     this.pausePlayIterationDelayMillis = pausePlayIterationDelayMillis;
     16     this.elements = [];
     17     this.peerConnections = [];
     18     this.iteration = 0;
     19     this.startTime;
     20   }
     22   addPeerConnection(elementType) {
     23     const element = document.createElement(elementType);
     24     element.autoplay = false;
     25     $('body').appendChild(element);
     26     let resolution;
     27     if (elementType === 'video') {
     28       resolution = {w: 300, h: 225};
     29     } else if (elementType === 'audio') {
     30       resolution = {w: -1, h: -1};  // -1 is interpreted as disabled
     31     } else {
     32       throw new Error('elementType must be one of "audio" or "video"');
     33     }
     34     this.elements.push(element);
     35     this.peerConnections.push(
     36         new PeerConnection(element, [resolution], cpuOveruseDetection));
     37   }
     39   runTest() {
     40     let promises = this.peerConnections.map((conn) => conn.start());
     41     Promise.all(promises)
     42         .then(() => {
     43           this.startTime = Date.now();
     44           this.pauseAndPlayLoop();
     45         })
     46         .catch((e) => {throw e});
     47   }
     49   pauseAndPlayLoop() {
     50     this.iteration++;
     51     this.elements.forEach((feed) => {
     52       if (Math.random() >= 0.5) {
     53         feed.play();
     54       } else {
     55         feed.pause();
     56       }
     57     });
     58     const status = this.getStatus();
     59     $('status').textContent = status
     60     if (status != 'ok-done') {
     61       setTimeout(
     62           () => {this.pauseAndPlayLoop()}, this.pausePlayIterationDelayMillis);
     63     } else {  // We're done. Pause all feeds.
     64       this.elements.forEach((feed) => {
     65         feed.pause();
     66       });
     67     }
     68   }
     70   getStatus() {
     71     if (this.iteration == 0) {
     72       return 'not-started';
     73     }
     74     try {
     75       this.peerConnections.forEach((conn) => conn.verifyState());
     76     } catch (e) {
     77       return `failure: ${e.message}`;
     78     }
     79     const timeSpent = Date.now() - this.startTime;
     80     if (timeSpent >= this.runtimeSeconds * 1000) {
     81       return 'ok-done';
     82     } else {
     83       return `running, iteration: ${this.iteration}`;
     84     }
     85   }
     86 }
     88 // Declare testRunner so that the Python code can access it to query status.
     89 // Also allows us to access it easily in dev tools for debugging.
     90 let testRunner;
     91 // Set from the Python test runner
     92 let cpuOveruseDetection = null;
     93 let elementType;
     95 function startTest(
     96     runtimeSeconds, numPeerConnections, pausePlayIterationDelayMillis) {
     97   testRunner = new TestRunner(
     98       runtimeSeconds, pausePlayIterationDelayMillis);
     99   for (let i = 0; i < numPeerConnections; i++) {
    100     testRunner.addPeerConnection(elementType);
    101   }
    102   testRunner.runTest();
    103 }
    105 function getStatus() {
    106   return testRunner ? testRunner.getStatus() : 'not-initialized';
    107 }